In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 161: Advancement and civilization are both achieved through comparison

Chapter 161: Advancement and civilization are both achieved through comparison
Looking up at the sky not far away, Ron and Bian Zhuang didn't care too much.

It was not a weapon, but a drone live broadcast matrix similar to the one released by the host Stan. In addition to some props for live broadcasts and interviews, there were also some private drones, which were obviously intended to deepen the understanding of Armstrong.

"Do you need my help with this?" Ron asked.

"Of course, I'd love to." Armstrong nodded with a smile.

Although for Armstrong, these small flying things in the sky are not a threat at all, no matter how fast or flexible they are, they are just sitting ducks in his eyes. But it is a pity that Armstrong has no other equipment except the nano heart. Although the destructive power is still amazing, facing such small aircraft, it seems that he can only deal with it by throwing stones.

It’s just right, I can also take a look at the methods from other worlds.

Although I don't understand it very well, from Ron's explanation, this method called "secret power" is not fundamentally different from prosthetic technology in its root. It is like different ships carrying different concepts heading to the same destination.

Unfortunately, Ron had no intention of showing off his strength. Instead, he clapped his hands, and then slowly walked out of the dimensional gate behind him and walked away from the group of female wolves on Paradise Island.

"What again? I'm busy over there!" Diana had a bloodthirsty smile on her face, and combined with the scar that almost ran across her entire face, it gave people a particularly terrifying feeling.

Diana had a hard time during this period, because along with the hell dimension Helheim, Hela was also sent to Ron. Although he was not sure what Odin's purpose was, Ron didn't care. He came to my territory, even if he was coiled by a dragon or held by a tiger, he still had to show the least respect.

And what about Hela? She was so crazy that Ron didn't even help light the cigarette even though he had it in his mouth. Diana and Hela were both extremely bloodthirsty and warlike - especially since Hela had been imprisoned for thousands of years and her inner desire and hatred had accumulated to the limit.

When you meet a good opponent like Diana, the result is obvious.
In order to prevent problems from affecting the repair work of Infinite City and Helheim itself, Ron even specially marked out an area for the two to slowly fight. According to what Ron knew, now this group of crazy women from Paradise Island have set up a casino to bet on who will win. And the stakes are... system coins.


As Roen's direct troops, they also have the right to accept missions. However, a considerable portion of their income will be confiscated by Roen. Although it is said to be confiscated, Roen basically never used the income privately. Instead, he used the income to maintain their activities in the world and avoid accelerating into the reincarnation of the next universe like their original world.

Now, after taking a look at Diana, Ron raised his chin and said, "This area of ​​the city is my temporary base. Do you see those 'eyes'? I'll kill one if I find one. They're so annoying. I don't want someone to help me broadcast my shit live."

"Ha, no problem!"

As she spoke, Diana also moved her neck twice, then jogged forward to help. At the moment she leaped up, the divine shield made of the divine metal of Paradise Island that came with the Sword of the God of Fire turned into a beam of white light and broke through the air. The moment it hit a drone, it ejected towards another drone. In just a few seconds, the drone matrix was completely shattered, and not a single one was intact.

"Well done. I'll leave the guarding job here to you."

Ron clapped his hands, arranged Diana's work, and ignored Diana's angry rebuke after she reacted. He turned around and looked at Bian Zhuang:
"Okay, let's continue talking about our problems." "...No, I think we should talk about your problems."

He took a deep look at Diana. Although Diana did not show much hostility and murderous intent, in Armstrong's perception, Diana's body was almost always full of violent energy. Located on one side, almost instinctively, the nano heart in her body began to pump continuously. Although the appearance was still the color of flesh and blood, the flesh and blood under the skin was already full of nano robots. It only took a moment to turn from the inside out into black.

It sounds just like Armament Haki.

I looked at Ron, who was holding his strong arms, with his muscular body slightly pressed down. If it was matched with a gloomy face, it would make people feel full of pressure. But unfortunately, Ron's face was quite kind, giving people the impression of a cheerful muscular guy.

Without further ado, Bian Zhuang said directly: "I feel like there is nothing much to talk about me. Or rather, I don't seem to have any secrets in front of you? So, instead of talking about me here, why not talk about you? For example, what do you think of me?"

With a bright smile on his face, Bian Zhuang did not have the idea of ​​turning hostile. After all, whether in terms of ability or connections, Ron in front of him was stronger and more mysterious than himself. In this case, Bian Zhuang would have to be crazy to consider turning hostile.

"What do I think of you? Honestly, not much."

Ron shook his head and said, "From my personal point of view, you are extremely pursuing power and longing to be strong. Although it feels strange, to be honest, at least the concept is relatively advanced."

"...Uh, advanced?"

Now it was Armstrong's turn to feel confused: "My ideas have been evaluated by many people, and most of the results are only two: recognition and disgust. Advanced? This is really... puzzling."

"It's okay. Don't underestimate yourself. You are the top student with the highest academic qualifications in the field department at this stage."

Ron sighed: "Like this wolf, no, this one."

Pointing to the team's tree relationship diagram, Ron also said: "This guy is still thinking about how to make this girl with the ID Bian Ruozi give birth to his master, and then serve his master with all his heart and soul until his death, and be driven to work like a cow or a horse for others."

"Compared to this feudal cancer, your social Darwinism is so superior!"

"Of course, this also needs to take into account the world process and the form of worldview."

Ron said, "And Night City... or this world, is undoubtedly an excellent canvas, which is completely enough for you to transform it into what you want to see. Of course, don't forget that the main task is to find the world virus. So be careful not to get the primary and secondary relationships wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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