Chapter 162: Everyone’s Freedom
Ron didn't have any thoughts about the arrival of Bongzi Zhuang, nor did he intend to chase him away.

After so many things, Ron now more or less realizes that the system... or the human resources department of the World Tree does not select people based on who looks good, nor does it select who is strong. Instead, it looks at the user's ability compatibility.

For example, in the Cyberpunk 2077 world, it doesn't feel out of place to have a strong arm here. At best, it means that the technological capabilities are very strong. But if you really want to calculate, although the hardware level of the Cyberpunk world is not as good as Metal Gear, the software level is more than a little bit higher.

Whether it's Black Wall or Soul Killer... this series of software applications is beyond the scope of Metal Gear's worldview. It's just a pity that, because it is too sophisticated, it has no effect on the strong arm whose fighting style is mainly "dumb and stupid".

It's the same as guns. It's easy to make a gun that can shoot long distances and accurately, but as long as you add lightweight, durability, simple structure, and mass production on this basis, it becomes difficult to design it.

But no matter what the gap is between the technological level of Metal Gear Solid and that of 2077, one thing is beyond doubt - that is, it is more convenient to let Bicep perform similar technological world tasks than to let other people in the team perform them, and the completion rate of the tasks and the final evaluation can be significantly increased.

After all, in a world dominated by technology, suddenly transforming into Godzilla, using magic, etc.... Even if the task is completed properly, the subsequent worldview correction of the world will consume a lot of resources. And the resources consumed by harmony are directly reflected in the task evaluation.

With the same destruction and completion method, if you can get an A with a strong arm, then it's similar to a wolf. When Geralt comes, the best he can get is a B, and he may not even get a B+.

Therefore, the development of the field department is actually a process of improvement.

Ron looked at the department tree in front of him and thought to himself - gradually improve and gradually determine the execution rules of all types of mission worlds. This is the meaning of establishing a field department, not simply accepting and completing tasks.


It's so annoying. I feel like I'm being treated like a slave. I might as well commit suicide. My next life will be more exciting.

Thinking indifferently, beside him, Bian Zhuang said after a brief silence: "Although I don't quite understand what you mean. But to be frank, I am carrying out a mission in this world, and you will not influence my decision, right?"

"To a certain extent." Ron said, "As long as you don't forget that your goal is to find and eliminate the world virus. Although I won't stop you from interfering in this world too much and finding traces of the world virus in your own way. But there is one thing I still want to explain."

Pointing to Night City in the distance, Ron said, "You can do whatever you want. You can destroy it, but you have to remember that this is not your world after all. Too many... well, to put it in a way you can understand, too many memes from your world will seriously affect the development and evolution of this world. If the memes you want to spread have an impact on the main body of this world, then you have to be cruel~"

Ron said it very lightly, as if he was joking, making people feel that he didn't seem to care much.

But after hearing Ron's words, Armstrong narrowed his eyes dangerously, then stiffened his neck and said, "What if I must do it?"

"Use your theory to solve it." Ron said, "I am stronger than you, whether in pure strength or in qualifications and connections. So according to your philosophy, you have to listen to me."


Hearing this, Armstrong was silent for a moment, then nodded silently: "Okay."

Looking at Armstrong's expression, Ron also shook his head.

Ron rarely uses his status, power and influence to pressure others. Whether it's Wolf, Geralt, Ciri, or even Kratos, the reckless man who has full marks for combat wisdom but minus ten points for social skills, they all try to control their tone when communicating with Ron so that they don't seem so aggressive... Why? Isn't it because Ron helped them, and he should return the favor, right?

Now, this kind of thing is the same. It should be good for everyone to talk to each other. But now, what happens? You have to say something so unpleasant.

All I can say is that Armstrong is this kind of person, who firmly believes in his own ideas. Although he may not be obsessed with Sociedad, he is definitely in the advanced stage of philosophical disease - well, the entire Metal Gear Revengeance Rising is in the advanced stage of philosophical disease.

David, watching the two men speaking with some anger, smiled awkwardly and said, "There's no need to be so nervous, right? After all, Mr. Armstrong had to help me..."

Looking at David, who was helping Armstrong to explore and trying to make the communication between him and Armstrong less tense, Ron shook his head and said, "Do you think Armstrong is a good person?"


Looking around at the ruins around him, David said, "At least it's good for me... We had no choice, as they were the ones who attacked first."

And...strong arms? What kind of name is that? Thinking in his heart, David secretly glanced at Armstrong, and nodded secretly in his heart when he saw Armstrong's arms that were thicker than his thighs - although it sounded weird, it was indeed very suitable.

After hearing David's answer, Ron's face showed no extra emotion. He just commented indifferently: "...There's nothing wrong with this explanation."

"But there are some things I'd better tell you in advance. In his own world, Bizhan has established his own company and mercenary organization."

"Hmm?" Hearing this, David's eyes lit up.

For people in Night City, giant corporations are everything. For example, his mother Gloria has been working hard to make him a corporate dog.

And now, looking at Armstrong, David felt that perhaps he could seize this opportunity?

"His company is called World Marshal, his mercenary organization is called Desperadoes, and their main business is trading wars."

Ron said calmly: "It sounds cool? Do you know where his soldiers come from?"

"..." David scratched his head, indicating that he didn't know. Ron didn't explain too much, but just looked at Armstrong on the side.

In response, Armstrong seemed very indifferent, even a little indifferent and indifferent, saying: "From the slums." "Slums?" Hearing this, David thought that this seemed not bad. After all, he was a member of the slums. Although it was much better than those homeless people at the bottom, if there was an opportunity to join a big company, he would definitely try his best to grab it.

Ron added: "Feeling good? Then you really underestimate the bottom line of the Desperado Company."

Ron lit a cigarette and said slowly, "Those kids from the slums will be dismembered as soon as they are brought to the desperadoes, leaving only their eyeballs and brains. They will practice fighting over and over again in the virtual world, and then when needed, they will be given prosthetic bodies and injected with high-energy electrolytes to become sleepless cyborg soldiers. Well, you can also understand them as cannon fodder."


After hearing Ron's words, even though David had a good impression of Armstrong because Armstrong saved his mother, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then looked at Armstrong with disbelief.

Feeling the disbelief in the boy's eyes, Armstrong did not show much shame on his face. He just crossed his arms calmly and looked at David and said:

"Without me, they would also die on the streets, meaninglessly. Instead of that, they might as well become the path to my dream. They may not be witnesses, but they can be stepping stones."

"Then...what about me?" Looking at Armstrong, David pointed at himself in confusion: "If that's the case, then why did you save me, Mr. Armstrong?"

"Because you have talent." Armstrong said bluntly:
"Being recognized by the group system means that you have some potential hidden in you. This potential may be ignored in ordinary people, or even never truly awakened until death. But the fact that you can enter the interior of the World Tree means that you have mastered the key to open other things. It's just a matter of time."

As he spoke, Armstrong came to David. If it was before, Armstrong's body would make David feel safe. But now, looking at Armstrong in front of him, David couldn't help but take a step back, with a little confusion and even fear in his eyes.

Even in Night City, dismembering a person leaving only their brain and eyeballs, and placing them in virtual reality to undergo constant combat training is something that challenges people's moral bottom line.

In this case, what exactly is a human being? And can the warriors trained in this way really be considered human beings?
David even doubted whether he would become a cyborg like that...

"No, David."

Patting David on the shoulder, Armstrong said helplessly: "I told you that you have potential, a potential that can make you climb out of the bottom and become a strong man! So you don't have to worry at all - and after all, I'm not a murderer who enjoys killing. I'm just following the laws of this world."

"You think I'm evil, but I'm not, because it's just the cultural genes (memes) that have transformed you. It's these boring things that constrain your thinking and make you survive with these moral concepts. But in fact, I'm not like that, and I'm not a devil. I just know what I want to do and I'm fighting for myself."

Armstrong half-knelt in front of David and said encouragingly: "Open your eyes, David! Listen to me! David!"

"Everything you hate is just part of human nature. It is a kind of innocence. Innocence is not innocence, nor is it kindness. It is our natural disposition as human beings, our natural sense of good and evil, even if it seems extremely cruel to ordinary people."

"But these are just part of nature, the laws of nature, and there is no need to be constrained by acquired values. Whether good or evil, these are our acquired values ​​given to us by memes, just like the law."

" want me to become like this too?" David Martinez felt unacceptable.

He may hate Night City, Arasaka Academy, and everything here. But one thing is certain, that is, David Martinez is a kind person. In other words, he still has the innocence of a child and a yearning for beauty in his heart.

"But your desire is only because you naturally hope that others are good people, not because of your own most essential desire."

Armstrong said: "Think about the children, David. They will scald ants with hot water, and light gasoline and mice with matches. Not only animals, but they will kill their own kind without hesitation, and they will not feel the slightest guilt or remorse."

"Are they evil? No... They don't have the concept of evil, they just do it because they want to. In fact, I hate this kind of people. Because they only follow their instincts and don't know how to think, they are no different from beasts."

"But I'm different!"

Patting his chest, Armstrong's chest made a dull sound. Along with the sound, Armstrong's voice also became high-pitched, giving people the feeling that he was not even a disgusting capitalist or politician, but a fighting hero.

"My power is to build a truly equal world. Survival of the fittest! This is the simplest truth in the world, the most unquestionable truth. Although cruel, it is the most fair truth."

"Do you think I'm cruel? No, because there are too many people deceiving you, deceiving you about how beautiful this society is. And I just tore off the veil of beauty and revealed the most essential ugliness."

"Just like no matter how beautiful a face is, after peeling off the skin, the scarlet muscles and wriggling organs underneath the tall figure will become disgusting. I just show the truest appearance of this world!"

"A layer of the most barbaric truth hidden beneath the so-called 'civilization'."

"Get it, David?"

Armstrong said sincerely: "My ideal is to get rid of the veil of hypocrisy, so that everyone can get true equality and everyone can fight for their own freedom!"

"Come on, you're so excited about just one My Struggle. Are you planning to awaken the magnetic field power with a group of My Struggles?"

Looking at Armstrong who was trying to seduce David with a serious look on his face, and then looking at David whose eyes were full of fear and disgust, Ron directly pulled the two apart.

"Stop preaching here. I don't want to be chased by Ancient One and asked why David changed into a new person."

(End of this chapter)

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