In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 163 David's Prosthetic Transformation Plan

Chapter 163: David's Prosthetic Transformation Plan

Although he said that he didn't want Armstrong to teach David a bad lesson, just by listening to Ron's voice, Armstrong could more or less hear a hint of eagerness to try.

Although it cannot seriously affect the operation of this world, some subtle changes are not a big deal. The degree of this must be controlled by oneself, but according to Ron's impression, as long as the behavior is not too outrageous, the world itself can use its own correction power to get it back on track.

The reason is that no matter how much it changes, the worldview of Metal Gear Solid is very similar to that of Cyberpunk 2077. No matter how much it changes, it is just going to another extreme within the rules.

But if it were Kratos, Ron would have made a sharp explosion and tried to use some steel scraps to give Kratos a human body paint that was barely logically self-consistent, so that people in the cyberpunk world would think that Kratos was a combat robot, not some mythical thunder giant or angry god...

Based on the experience of other field teams during this period, although this seems to be of no use and is just covered with a layer of easy-to-understand coat, it can effectively improve the evaluation after the mission is completed and increase the income of system coins.

With this in mind, Ron glanced at Diana and began to wonder if it was a waste of talent to let these female wolves from Paradise Island deal with these insignificant small drones... But it was okay, they were just destroying the small drones, and even if they were discovered to be abnormal, they would only be treated as special cyborg warriors.

Thinking in his heart, Ron also said to Bian Zhuang: "Just do what you want to do, don't worry about me, I will only correct it when necessary to prevent unnecessary trouble."

"That's good." Hearing this, Bian Zhuang also nodded with a smile. Due to his own philosophy, Bian Zhuang didn't care much about being commanded by Ron.

Why was Lei Dian so angry after hearing Armstrong's ideas? The reason is that Armstrong is a traditional elite white man. Although he does not understand the suffering of the lower class, Armstrong's good background has enabled him to receive a good elite education and collective education, whether as a football player in college or joining the US Navy after graduation.

Coupled with his own philosophy, Armstrong had no problem obeying his superiors.

Especially when Ron, as a superior, only provides necessary explanations of the rules.

Armstrong thought to himself, "That's great. I have something to do. It's related to the Sixth Street Gang. Do you want to come with me?"

Hearing this, Ron shook his head: "Deal with it yourself, just don't go too far."

"Of course not!" Armstrong laughed. "The Sixth Street Gang is still very much to my liking. Besides, when I become the master of Night City, I will also need a group of men to stabilize the order for me, right?"

As he spoke, Armstrong turned and left. David stayed where he was, his eyes full of confusion. For a moment, he didn't even know whether he should follow Armstrong's footsteps or stand here... In the end, David chose to stand where he was. It wasn't because of any other complicated reasons, just because his mother was still here.

She has woken up from a coma, and her prosthesis, which has been strengthened by secret energy, has broken through the original hardware limitations. Before Ron performed the secret energy enchantment, the artificial life support device in her body only injected various nutrients and hormones needed by the human body, such as vitamins and adrenaline, into Gloria's body, thereby preventing malnutrition and weakness after waking up due to lack of nutrition in the coma.

Minor daily illnesses and injuries may not attract people's attention, but each recovery consumes vitality. As people age, this consumption of vitality will become more and more obvious. This is why the elderly are afraid of falling. Some elderly people still look healthy at an old age, eating and walking normally, but if they fall, their life span may be greatly reduced, and they often reach the end of their lives within a month.

Now, after being strengthened, these life-support devices are like the original pouch of a cat, except that they no longer store nutrients and fat alone, but a large amount of secret energy. When the body becomes weak, these secret energies will quickly and directly integrate into the body, repairing the body from the root.

The difference between the nutrients provided by the life support device and the nutrients provided by the life support device is that one restores life value and the other restores the upper limit of life value. There will be no complications caused by a "fall" after recovering from a serious illness, but you can live stably to the expected physiological lifespan.

Although she had only been lying there for a while, Gloria could clearly feel that she was in a much better state. This much better state did not mean that she had recovered to the level before the injury, but that she felt relaxed and comfortable from the inside out, as if she had never been tortured by heavy physical labor or mechanical work.

Climbing up from the flight stretcher. Seeing his mother's actions, David was overjoyed and walked over, and asked with a worried look on his face: "Mom, are you okay? How do you feel?"

"Good, very good, it has never been better!"

Hearing the worry and concern in David's words, Gloria's eyes showed a hint of smile.

Although she may be considered not to be an independent woman, living... or struggling at the bottom of Night City, David has almost become Gloria's pillar of survival. She is eager for David to complete what she has not been able to complete and climb to the highest peak of Arasaka Tower.

Now, hearing her child's concern for her, Gloria felt that her love was not in vain. But even so, as a single mother, Gloria still couldn't help but point out:

"Instead of caring about me here, you should study hard and let me suffer less..."

"Stop." Ron only heard half of it and waved his hand with disgust: "I have tasted enough similar plots here. If you say anything more to me, I will get angry."

"Uh... well."

Hearing this, Gloria lowered her head somewhat unwillingly.

Although it is not clear why, but because of the enchantment of the prosthetic body, Gloria has a natural fear of Ron... Well, this should be because of the blood of the Ming girl.

Using Mingnu's blood as the medium for the enchantment ritual, it is inevitable that it will be contaminated with some of Mingnu's soul.

But there is one thing... Why is it fear instead of respect? Mingnu is indeed useless. It means that the system does not provide recycling service, otherwise it will have to find a way to sell it at a high price!
Seeing Gloria stop outputting, David also looked at Ron gratefully. But before David could say anything, Gloria couldn't help asking:
"By the way, what's going on here? If I'm not mistaken, this should be our apartment, right? Why is there... a war now?" Gloria said with a look of confusion on her face: "I remember that this place was fine when I left before, why is it like this when I came back?"

In response to this, David scratched his head and for a moment didn't even know how to explain it.

As far as Gloria could remember, she left home yesterday to go to work at the Night City Rehabilitation Center, cleaning up the bodies from all corners of Night City. She also stole some prosthetic bodies from the bodies and sold them to supplement the family income - the salary alone was not enough for David to attend Arasaka Academy, where many rich kids gathered.

In other words, for most people at the bottom of society, every corpse is a treasure chest. However, compared to scavengers who can even set up corporate hospitals, they can only pick up some unwanted artificial bodies left by others and sell them.

In Gloria's remaining memory, her home was located in a shabby slum, but it was much better than the current one with broken walls and ruins everywhere. She had just woken up and hadn't even heard the results of Armstrong's theories when she saw this shocking scene...

"Getting ready to move."

Ron moved his neck twice indifferently: "I don't plan to live in such a crappy place. Also, David, you have to be prepared."

"Ah? Me? What should I prepare for?"

David seemed a little confused when he heard Ron's question. Ron said, "Armstrong and I won't stay in this world for too long. It will only be about a month. When the month is over, the rest of the mess in this world will be handed over to you."

"Leave it to me? Me?" David said in disbelief, "I'll manage the world?"

"What else? Me? I'm not a member of your department." Ron said as a matter of course:
"Although Ancient One didn't say it explicitly, the reason why you group members got the system is to prevent your world from collapsing due to the chain reaction caused by the world virus. So it is also your mission to ensure the survival of your own world. Of course, you don't have to accept it. Anyway, this is not my origin world."

"No, that's not what I meant!" David Martinez couldn't help but say, "The problem is that I'm just a student! I'm only sixteen years old, how can can I manage a world? Not to mention my strength. Even my prosthetic body can't beat those people in the class."

In order to save some money, even when the school's teaching system was upgraded, David would find a way to use a pirated one. In this case, it is no exaggeration to say that the advanced prosthetics on those "tall, rich and handsome" in the class... No, let alone prosthetics, even a random intelligent combat chip is enough for him and his mother to have enough food and clothing for a year.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine David's status in school - he was unable to learn and fight. His background and identity were directly used to crush him into the ground, and he had no power to fight back.

The story of the ugly duckling is indeed touching, but in essence, it is still just a white swan that fell into a pile of ducks. And what about David? To put it bluntly, he is an ugly duck that fell into a pile of swans.

Maybe they are a little smart, but faced with the huge innate gap in status, family background and assets, just one look at them will make people lose the idea of ​​confrontation.

"It's okay. Didn't your mother secretly steal the Sanwestin that she lost before? Install it first and get used to the capabilities of the advanced prosthesis. I'll ask Armstrong to arrange a new one for you later. Of course, it's not free, but you have to negotiate the cost with Armstrong."

Hearing this, David was stunned at first, then he looked at his mother beside him with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

David knew about his mother's guest appearance as a scavenger - he just found out recently. Yesterday, he and Armstrong sent his mother to the hospital disguised as a scavenger for treatment. Through the scavengers' communication software records, David already knew that his mother was a guest scavenger to increase her income so that he could go to school.

But David didn't know that the advanced military prosthesis, Swanstein, which had been causing a stir in Night City due to theft during this period, was actually taken away by his own mother.

After hearing Ron's words and seeing David's gaze, Gloria forced a smile on her face, but did not explain too much. Instead, she looked at Ron with some doubt and asked, "How did you know? I haven't told anyone about Sian Westin. Moreover, military-grade prostheses will have a strong load on the body and mind, and David is still too young..."

"Don't worry about anything else, just give this thing to David."

Ron said: "David has mechanical resistance several times greater than that of ordinary people. Once he masters it, he will have no problem using the Sian Westin continuously for a short period of time. And this is just a transition. It is impossible to take over the world after Armstrong and I leave with just a Sian Westin. In the end, we still have to switch to the prosthesis of Armstrong's world."

"…Uh, interrupt me."

Gloria stretched out her hand and said weakly, "What on earth are these technologies from other worlds that you are talking about?"

In other words, Ron and others now saved David's family's lives. Otherwise, just by hearing these things coming from other worlds, Gloria would probably think Ron was a cyberpsychopath.

Unfortunately, Ron didn't care. He just said, "You can ask your son later. The most important thing now is to be prepared."

"What preparations have you made?" David was full of fighting spirit.

"Be prepared to be left with only your brain." Ron explained: "Although they are both a type of prosthetic technology, the technology tree in the world of Strong Arm is completely different from your world. If you want to maximize the power of the prosthetic, I guess it is inevitable to remove some parts of your body."

"Well, I have to find some time to ask and see what kind of prosthesis Bian Zhuang can provide. You can forget about top-level prosthesis like Raiden and Monsoon, but the others should have some chance."

(End of this chapter)

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