Chapter 209: Vandiel's Execution

Saints, as early as the beginning of the establishment of the state religion, have been the most noble status symbol in the empire. This represents absolute loyalty to the Emperor, absolute purity, and is a model for all the people of the empire and the soldiers of the Astra Militarum to learn from. It is the symbol of the Emperor's will to defend the human empire after he ascended the golden throne.

But any saint is canonized by the state religion after his death. Now, it is not the state religion that canonizes him after his death, but the emperor himself recognizes him and gives him the emperor's divine light!
If before, Waldo and many other imperial guards did not understand why Roan's title was the meaningless title of "Saint King", then now, Waldo has completely understood the emperor's meaning.

The Empire is very strict about granting titles. Only some of the leaders of the Knight World with outstanding achievements can be called kings. They will be given the title of Supreme King of the world. It represents their contribution to the Empire, their dedication to humanity, and their loyalty to the Emperor. It also means that they have the ability to command the Titan Armor, which can be called a mobile fortress.

And the Saint King... does he have the ability to command the dead?
Now, the mystery is solved...

Living Saint, the carrier of the Emperor's Will in the material realm...

Thinking of this, Valdor couldn't help but tighten his grip on the Spear of the Sun God in his hand. Even though he had long guessed that Roan's arrival would represent the beginning of a new phase in the Emperor's plan, Valdor still didn't expect that the Emperor's new plan would be reformed in such a drastic way.

A living saint was recognized by the Emperor in front of tens of thousands of people on the battlefield, and was canonized in a place like the Ecclesiarchy that was already filled with fanatics... For a moment, the battle sisters of the Battle Sisters fell into a brief silence, and then in the silence, they erupted with faith and fighting spirit that was as violent as an erupting volcano even in the projection of the warp.

The Emperor is above...

Correspondingly, the morale of the Ecclesiasticus dropped to the bottom almost instantly.

Vandire used his wisdom to manipulate the entire empire through faith and ignorance, but it is precisely because of this that many people truly believe that Vandire is the true Emperor's Chosen One.

In fact, as early as when the Imperial Guards blocked the entire Terra, they had already realized that all this might not be as simple as they imagined. However, out of inertial thinking and sunk costs, they still chose to believe Vandire. Among them, how many people really believed in Vandire, and how many people had to believe in Vandire, that is unknown.

But now, with the coming of the Emperor himself, all their fantasies were shattered. Even though Fan Die'er's lackeys reprimanded and warned them that it was a heretic conspiracy. But looking at the surrounding imperial guards, looking at the scarlet wings waving in the air, accompanied by the falling blood-red roses made of psychic energy, and the living saint, Saint Mina, who tore a big hole in the defense field with just a casual sword...

"We have committed the unforgivable sin of heresy!!"

A desperate cry came from the Emperor's Bride. Facing the gazes of the crowd, the crying Emperor's Bride tore at her face with all her might, then broke free of her armor and looked at the State Church behind her with bloodshot eyes.

"We must atone our sins! We will prove our purity! Emperor, I pray for your grace, so that after my death my soul can return to your divine light!!"

After hearing the nun's roar of confession, the other confused Emperor's brides nearby also realized that the war was not over yet.

They do not fear death. Having grown up with ignorance and irrational beliefs, they fear only betraying the glory of the Emperor and not being able to return to the Golden Throne after dying in battle.

Because they deeply believed that Fandel was the reincarnation of the Emperor, they fought against the Sisters of Battle and confronted the Guards. But now, they realized their mistakes, and under the influence of the fanaticism of the converts, they showed a madness that Ron could not understand -

He broke free from the psychic armor on his body, wearing only a thin shirt, or even just a layer of rags wrapped around his body, and rushed towards his former friendly forces, now rebels, behind him with a chainsword and a bolter.

Well, Ron still couldn't understand why they took off their armor. After all, the destructive power and impact of a group of naked guys turning against their opponents and a group of fully armed guys turning against their opponents were completely different.

But fortunately, the Empire in Warhammer 40k cannot be measured by common sense - although the Emperor has repeatedly stated that he is not a god, the Battle Sisters can reduce the damage caused by Gauss weapons just by reciting a few words of the Holy Word... This is difficult to evaluate.

Similarly, after taking off their armor, these former brides of the Emperor, now Sisters of Redemption, unleashed extremely terrifying destructive power.

This destructive power is not on the material level, but on the spiritual level.

"Fight back! Fight back! This is all a conspiracy of Chaos!!!" The rebel sergeant loyal to Vandire raised his bolter, aimed at the Sister of Atonement and pulled the trigger. After a gunshot, the Sister of Atonement's lower body exploded, her lower abdomen burst, and her intestines and organs were scattered all over the ground.

The brain sent out an endangered command, and various organs stopped working one after another. The remaining energy was all used to suppress the secretion of physiological hormones that relieve the pain of death - adrenaline: Damn it! !
With the secretion of a large amount of adrenaline, the pain was relieved, and she had a revolving hallucination before her death. No one knew what the girl saw. She howled "Emperor Above" and scrambled towards the rebel officer with both hands, opened her mouth and bit him.

But this was just a last gasp before death. The terrified rebel officer barely struggled to break free from the nun's madness before death. But the next moment, Saint Mina in the air chopped the rebel officer into pieces with a flash of blood, and turned to look at the dying sister of redemption.

"I bring the pardon of Saint King Roan! Your soul will return to the Golden Throne and merge into the Emperor's endless divine light!!"

Hearing this, a happy smile appeared on the rebellious nun's face, and then all life disappeared.

Witnessing all this, the redeemed nuns who were originally confused and uneasy were suddenly stunned. Then, this group of crazy women rushed forward while shouting "Emperor is above! Divine light is eternal!" and "Saint King Ron, we respect and love you!" and other incomprehensible words.

Just by watching, Valdor understood more and more why the Emperor always told the people around him and constantly tried to prove that he was not a god...

It was too hard for them, and with the collapse of the pillars of faith, the State Church where Vandiel was located also lost the power to resist. Even Vandiel's diehards, who knew that they would die even if they surrendered, fought hard, but the general trend could not be reversed.

In the final analysis, these remaining guys didn't have much faith at all, and they were resisting simply because they were afraid of death. In this case, if Ron was willing, he only needed to relax his tone, such as surrendering to avoid death, and they would immediately take the initiative to present Vandir.

Unfortunately, Vandire's bloody rule had a profound impact on the Empire, and even if Roan agreed, the Sisters of Battle would not agree. Especially the Sisters of Penance, who charged into battle naked, and were more powerful than Krieg. They all hoped to die on the battlefield or kill Vandire to gain the Emperor's forgiveness, and then return to the Golden Throne after death...

Spare him? Then how can we prove our loyalty? So it must be impossible.

As the war progressed, finally, with the last soldier who resisted stubbornly being executed on the spot, Ron also came to the center of the battlefield.

The psychic crown on his head shone with holy golden light. Escorted by Waldo and other imperial guards as well as the living saint Mina, Ron came to Vandir's bedroom.

At the end of the Age of Apostasy, with the continuous fighting of the Empire, six living saints should have been born. But now, because of Roan's arrival, the Age of Apostasy ended early, and even with Vandir's desperate resistance, only Mina succeeded in standing out.

It stands to reason that Dominica should be the first to become a living saint, but fate is constantly changing. Especially with the advent of Roan, the course of the empire has been greatly rewritten. Although Dominica is still the bride of the Emperor and the leader of the future battle sisters, the senior sister, and a model of battle. But thanks to her own fanatical fighting philosophy, Mina successfully won the Emperor's gift in the attack and defense of the State Church and completed the ascension to demon - canonization.

Unfortunately, the remaining five did not meet the Emperor's requirements to become living saints. Especially Dominica, Ron could feel it. Dominica was only one step away from being crowned as the winner. But the war of the State Church was over... But it didn't matter, because the most important thing was to rectify the chaos and get the empire back on track.

After this, Vandir's accomplices in other worlds are also waiting to be conquered.

After pushing open the door, the tense Vandiel in the room had not become bloated and dirty like he had at the end of his career due to continuous life extension surgeries. Although he looked a little old, his body was still strong - being able to become the Pope of the state religion and the Minister of the Interior from a commoner showed that Vandiel was extraordinary.

Unfortunately, he eventually developed inappropriate ideas and became corrupted at an alarming rate... If Vandire could really make the Empire flourish, the Emperor wouldn't care whether Vandire was the actual ruler of the Empire. In fact, the Emperor would be happy - even if he had ascended the Golden Throne, humans could still survive tenaciously in the universe.

Unfortunately, Vandiel's misdeeds brought the empire infinitely close to its true destruction...

And now, his nerves were tense, and almost at the moment he heard the door being pushed, Vandir screamed and pulled the trigger.

The bolter spewed out flames, but before it could hit Ron, Saint Mina took a step forward, and the flaming chainsaw sword in her hand chopped the bullets into pieces one after another. Then she raised the sword and turned it into a red flash that streaked across the sky, cutting off the bolter in Vandir's hand along with his arm.

Facing the imminent death, Vandiel couldn't even utter a word of pleading, and could only look at the people in front of him in horror. Ron looked at Vandiel twice and shook his head, saying to Dominica beside him:

"He started all this. You will end it."

"As you wish, Saint King."

After hearing what Ron said, Dominica gritted her teeth and expressed her gratitude to Ron. Behind Ron and the others, the battle sisters knelt down one after another, chanting the words of the Holy Word, begging for forgiveness from the Emperor.

Coming in front of Vandire and looking at him, Dominica said coldly:
"Gorgo Vandire. You have committed the unforgivable crime of heresy, and have deceived us into becoming your shameful accomplices. The sisters of the Emperor's Daughters have been disgraced by our ignorance. Even if we kill you, we cannot make up for the destruction of the Emperor's great vision in the past. However, I, Alicia Dominica, swear at this moment that I will fight for atonement for my whole life. I will lead the way until I die in battle. I will not stop until the Emperor's great vision is realized!"

As soon as the words fell, Dominica chopped off Vandiel's dog head with a sword. At the moment when Vandiel's head fell to the ground, it seemed that some shackles had been broken, and a large amount of spiritual energy surged around Dominica, and the phantom image of the Emperor appeared again behind Ron.

Without much surprise, Ron simply extended his hand and said again: "Dominica, the great emperor has sensed the sincerity in your oath. In the name of the Saint King, I grant you forgiveness and the holy name. Saint Ashsia Dominica, remember your oath, your obligations are not over yet."

Dominica knelt on one knee, tears in her eyes, and said firmly: "I will obey the emperor's order!"

After completing Dominica's canonization, Ron looked behind him.

"The criminal Gogo Vandiel has been executed. In the name of the Emperor, the Emperor's Bride's designation is cancelled and corrected to 'Sisters, Battle Brothers'. Disband the religious knights and the Imperial State Religion's Crusaders. Aside from Sisters and Battle Brothers, the State Religion is prohibited from possessing any armed forces."

"In response to the remaining followers of Vandiel, the Royal Guard Corps immediately carried out a purge of Holy Terra to ensure the absolute purity of Holy Terra."

"The High Lords' Council is being reorganized. All High Lords except Forge General Gastav Hediatrix are being detained for questioning and trial. Order Preacher Sebastian Thor and Mechanicus Archmagus Belisarius Cawl to go to the Holy Land of Terra immediately."

"A temporary control is implemented within the solar system. At the same time, in the name of the Emperor and the Saint King, the Ultramarines, Dark Angels, and Blood Angels are pardoned for all crimes committed during the Horus Heresy."

(End of this chapter)

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