Chapter 210: The Broken House Called Empire
As the Custodians cut off communications between Holy Terra and other fleets in the solar system, what happened on Holy Terra spread throughout the Empire at an alarming speed.

Whether it was Vandel's death, the reform of the state religion, or even the purge of the entire Holy Land of Terra from top to bottom, or even the collective replacement of the high lords... any one of these things would be enough to have a serious impact on the entire empire. And now, this large amount of information appeared at the same time, just because of the rebellion caused by Vandel's remaining followers in many worlds after his death, it would take the empire a long time to deal with it.

Well, not too long.

As soon as Terra completed communication with the outside world, Ron began a large-scale purge of the holy land of Terra.

During this process, even though Vandire was dead, the counterattack of the "Vandil" did not stop. On the contrary, even though there were a large number of Imperial Navy, former State Religion Crusaders, and religious knights ready to try to quickly reach Terra through the warp, trying to end the Great Purge on Terra's ancestral planet... at least, let them be local emperors.

Their ideas were bold, even crazy, because they no longer cared much about the Emperor.

This is indeed the case. Before the Age of Apostasy, the entire Imperial high-level had already started a long political game. Located in the Warp, even if the Emperor wanted to protect the Empire, he was limited by the veil between the Warp and the material realm. Before the Age of Apostasy, the State Religion was not as capable of confronting the Ministry of the Interior as it is now. Therefore, even if many people believed in the Emperor, due to the existence of thousands of folk religions and even cults, the scattered power of faith was not enough for the Emperor to create a large enough miracle to truly influence the entire Empire.

Given this, the Imperium was able to end the Age of Apostasy thanks to the birth of the Ecclesiarchy... The faith of the Imperium of Mankind was centralized, and through the existence of the Sisters of Battle, the Emperor was able to directly influence the material realm as a living saint. This allowed the Emperor to forcibly give the Imperium a second chance.

And now, with the support from the World Tree, those Vandirs who wanted to travel directly to the Holy Land of Terra via the Warp to stop the Purge were shocked to find that their fleet could not enter the Warp.

To be precise, a huge warp storm swept across the entire galaxy - just like the Light Crusade in the original work.

In the orthodox plot of 40k, the person who truly ended Fandel's bloody rule was none other than the missionary Sebastian Thor, whom Roon ordered to be summoned.

In the original story, Sebastian grew up in the Faithful Academy and was a pious and introverted man. In the 70th year of Vandire's reign, he claimed to have received a revelation from the Emperor that the Empire was threatened by a disaster.

So he used a crazy way to make this matter known - he pushed the old priest of the state church off the pulpit during the sermon, and then publicly criticized the state church for its various actions. Perhaps because of his amazing charm, oratory ability, or some other psychic power that was not convenient to explain, he won the support of the people present, and this was his first sermon. In the end, even the governor of the star region was persuaded by Sebastian and swore allegiance to him, becoming a unit under Sebastian's command.

Of course, Vandire was also a fool. During this process, Vandire sent a large fleet to conquer. Then a super-large warp storm called "Emperor's Wrath" occurred. Subsequently, Sebastian also formed an army of 5 million people and launched the Light Crusade.

Here comes the ridiculous scene.

The warp storm called the Emperor's Wrath swept across the entire galaxy. All the troops ordered by Vandel to stop Sebastian, whether it was the Imperial Navy, the Templar Brotherhood, or even the Codex Astartes, were lost in the warp storm without exception and were unable to complete the interception. However, Sebastian's Light Expeditionary Fleet was unimpeded in the warp storm and arrived at the Holy Land of Terra with almost no impact... Including the subsequent restoration of the rule of law in the Holy Land of Terra, the religious reform of the Imperial State Church, and the preaching of the religion in the remote star regions of the Empire, all were handled by Sebastian himself...

Simply put, Sebastian, who was called a saint by the later 40k Empire, was a nearly omnipotent internal affairs staff, and had almost no attachment to power - after ending Vandir's bloody rule, trying and executing a large number of sinners and accomplices, the high lords believed that Sebastian should succeed the Pope of the State Religion. But he refused on the grounds that he wanted to spread the words of the Emperor rather than sit on the throne of Terra.

In the end, it was the commander of the guards who secretly pulled Thor aside and whispered to him, and only then did Sebastian agree to succeed him - but the specific reason is not known to outsiders.

As a prerequisite for agreeing to succeed, Sebastian demanded that he be able to travel freely through the galaxy and not be restricted by the Empire in any form. So, under the guarantee of the high lords and the cheers of a large number of supporters, Sebastian became the 292nd Pope of the State Church. After that, Sebastian spent almost all of his remaining life on the reform of the Empire, including the disbanding of the State Church's Skitarii and the establishment of the Sisters of Battle, all of which were handled by Sebastian. He has the highest power and prestige.

However, Sebastian did not return to Terra until he was 112 years old, where he died six months later.

The Age of Apostasy is indeed the time when the Empire is closest to being completely destroyed. But just like the saying goes, the Empire in Warhammer 40k is a broken house. It looks shabby and will collapse directly if you kick it casually. But when you are really ready to kick it, a bunch of strong men will suddenly appear and beat you up, and then squeeze into the broken house to entertain themselves...

There is no doubt that the Empire during the Age of Apostasy was the most dilapidated time for this house. It was also the time when the most strong men and women emerged after a kick.

And now, when Vandire's remaining followers tried to go to the Holy Land of Terra to stop the Purge, the first thing they faced was not just the warp storm that swept across the entire galaxy.

Because the Emperor was quite conscious, and combined with the intelligence of the Guards, the Astronomican either blocked them or gave them completely wrong coordinates.

Look, in the subspace, Man Liang, the chief commander of the rebel fleet, is looking blankly at the forest composed of countless glass towers, crystal mountains, light curtains and many other shining things outside, as well as the golden river flowing in it... With the refraction of light, this place seems to be changing every minute and every second.

Is Terra like this? Why is she different from what I remember?
And in the Impossible Fortress, looking at the rebel fleet that appeared in his crystal maze, Tzeentch scratched his head in confusion.

What did Laowu send over?
Damn, this is too brain-burning.

(End of this chapter)

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