In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 210: The Extermination Order is Used to Slam the Table

Chapter 211: The Extermination Order is Used to Slam the Table

In the material realm, summoned by Saint King Ron, Sebastian Thor's warship sailed through the subspace and successfully arrived in the solar system in about a week.

The technology of Warhammer 40k is not as unattainable and unimaginable as people imagine. As for the current Empire, not taking into account the creations of the Dark Age of Technology that only exist in the background story, there is no technology related to faster-than-light travel in the technology mastered by the Empire - even the Dark Age of Technology did not master it.

In the 40k world view, human exploration of the starry sea is slow. It often takes several generations of people to spend their entire lives on a spaceship to reach one planet. Until scholars discovered the subspace, a space where there is no material law or even no concept of time. Through familiarity with the subspace, humans can quickly reach those extremely distant planets through a method similar to wormholes.

Similarly, because there is no concept of time and space, navigation through subspace technology can theoretically allow one to arrive before departure.

But if you are unlucky, you will be lost in the warp for a long time. And if you encounter a warp storm, you will die.

And now, the entire warp is raging in a super-large warp storm called "Emperor's Wrath". While Vandire's followers were almost completely lost in the warp, Sebastian was able to reach the Holy Land of Terra from the distant Dimar Star Region within a week... I don't know how others understand it, anyway, in the industrial center of the human empire, the forging general Gastav in charge of Mars does not believe that all this is just a coincidence.

"But it's really just a coincidence, I'm not a new living saint."

Facing the Forging General who was covered in mechanical parts, Sebastian shook his head and explained seriously:

"I believe that the Emperor is protecting us. I have heard the Emperor's revelation. What I am doing now is just a trivial matter compared to the Emperor's vision. Compared with what I have done, His Excellency the Saint King is more worthy of praise. I heard what the Emperor told me in person. In a dream, the Emperor told me that King Saint Roan will dissipate a crisis that will overthrow the entire human empire into nothingness..."

"Yes, yes, I believe it all. Then can you explain how you passed through the warp storm?"

Folding his arms, Forging General Gastav said helplessly:

"As far as I know, the Imperial Astropathic Association has issued a solemn statement prohibiting any fleet from contacting the warp. Even the Saint King of Holy Terra has ordered that no one is allowed to enter the warp. And you, my friend, a trainee priest who has never even boarded a warship before, actually successfully guided an Imperial Navy warship to smoothly pass through the warp storm and arrive at Holy Terra? If you tell me this was just a coincidence, then I can only say that every one of the navigation masters in the Astropathic Association should be dismissed."

Astropaths are a group of psychics who have been trained by the Empire since childhood and have a clear organization. They are mainly responsible for controlling the direction of the fleet in the subspace, as well as communicating and conveying orders to other planets in distant star fields through the subspace. Although they sound like guides, astropaths themselves have extremely powerful powers.

Those who lack the ability or cannot control their psychic powers have long been forced by the Empire to burn the Star Torches.

And Sebastian, a young man with an ordinary resume, commanded a warship through the warp storm covering the entire galaxy without any experience...

Is this guy an ordinary person? Forging General Gastav doesn't believe it at all.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Gastav said, "Although I have never heard of the legend of the Saint King before, and I have only seen the living saint recently... But Vandiel is indeed not a good guy. This nepotist has messed up the entire empire and wants to get involved in the dominance of the Mechanicus on Mars."

Having said that, Gastav sneered and said, "How ridiculous! Does he really think he is the Emperor? He wants to do something that even the Emperor has not done... Stupid guy. Don't talk to him. Even I don't have absolute power in the Mechanicus."

The Mechanicus is very deep, and this water has existed before the prosperity of human civilization.

"Anyway, let's go to the Holy Land of Terra first. Don't let the Saint King wait too long." Gastav warned: "Terra is not peaceful at this time. During the purge, few people can guarantee that they are absolutely clean..."

Holy Land, Terra.

Because of the Great Purge, the High Lords' Council was temporarily disbanded - and it might not be restarted in the future. At least, it would not be restarted in the short term.

"There are too many of Vandire's followers. According to what is written here, at least half of the population on Terra must be wiped out to completely clean it up."

Ron leaned back in his chair, looking very casual: "And this doesn't include those guys hiding underground."

"In fact, during this period of time, the population of Holy Land Terra has unnaturally decreased by about 2 billion."

Looking at Ron, Waldo standing beside him also had a large number of documents piled up in front of him - officials of all ranks from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior were undergoing investigation by the Imperial Guards. Although some imperial civil servants with clean family backgrounds had resumed their work, many government departments of the empire were known for being bloated, slow, and clumsy.

As for the Ministry of Justice, it was usually good if one out of ten cases in the archives of the Ministry of Justice could be formally closed. And it was not certain that one out of a hundred could bring a prisoner to trial intact. This level was considered very efficient in the entire empire.

In the process of conquering Vandire, the Imperial Guards blocked the entire Terra's communication channel with the outside world. Then, with the disappearance of the prosecutors, in just one or two days, more than 2 billion bodies appeared in the Holy Land of Terra... There were vendettas, and there were also attacks on the Imperial Guards by Vandire's diehard followers.

More than two billion people died. This may sound horrible, but looking at Terra today, it is just like that...

Because Holy Terra, as the ancestral planet of mankind, is different from other planets in the empire, Holy Terra cannot accurately locate the number of people on the planet. It can only roughly determine that the population is 125000 to the fifteenth power - that is, times that of the Earth in the base universe.

In this case, it's just about two billion unnatural deaths... This is not even worth putting on the desk of a mid-level official in the Ministry of the Interior.

Because although this sounds extremely scary, it is not that serious if you think about it carefully. After all, in the origin universe, that is, the Marvel Universe, 71% of the earth's surface is ocean, and the land area accounts for only 29%. At most, 40% of the land area can support billion people, and the ocean of the k earth itself has long been evaporated in the warlord melee before the unification war. Now it is all land, and the increase in population is also reasonable...

In fact, not only the surface is crowded with people, but even the underground of Terra is crowded like a hive city. As the total population of the empire, the population of Holy Terra is growing and decreasing every moment. Especially after the birth of the state religion, the number of people who come to Terra for pilgrimage every day is an astronomical number. In addition, with the deterioration of the environment, it is inevitable that even the air has to be replenished through trade...

Well, with a large population, naturally, as the center of the empire, every square meter of land in Terra is more expensive than palaces in ordinary worlds. Some very wealthy planetary governors, after arriving in Terra, found that their life savings could not even afford a toilet in Terra, and they would be amazed at how big the world is. In fact, even if you have money, you can't buy it. Because the number of major organizations on Terra is as numerous as stars, various government departments, religious groups, and legion bases are spread all over Terra, and there is no so-called idle land at all.

"Perhaps we should find a way to improve efficiency." Valdor said helplessly: "Although there are a large number of masters who can distinguish lies in the Imperial Guard, the population of Terra is too large. I guess we don't need to do anything else if we check them one by one. We will die here just by completing the inspection. Not to mention that those real heretics can continue to cause damage during this process."

"It may sound strange to say this, but we need some more efficient means."

"Like what?" Ron asked.

"For example, we can thoroughly clean up the diocese where Fandel lived before." Waldo said, "According to the intelligence network that the Imperial Guards have already mastered, traces of heretics have been found in many underground nests of Terra. These heretics are hiding very deeply, and because of the special nature of the Holy Land of Terra itself, even the Imperial Guards cannot completely clean them up in a short period of time."

"What's the solution?" Ron knew that Waldo was not saying this just to raise questions. In other words, the Imperial Guards, as the right arm of the Emperor, were not created to raise questions when they were first created, but to discover and solve problems.

"That's the suggestion that the centurion made in the Emperor's Golden Palace." Waldo said, "Send extinction virus missiles to those stubborn areas on Terra that are severely infiltrated by heretics and where Vandire did a lot of brainwashing and preaching during his lifetime. Some accidental injuries are inevitable, but we can complete the cleansing of the Holy Land of Terra at the fastest speed! And completely kill all possible traitors and Chaos spies on this planet."

After hearing Waldo's words, Ron sat at the desk and rubbed his temples, then said, "If I continue to deny, there will be guards who will privately use similar means and commit suicide, right?"


Hearing this, there was a brief silence, and then a hint of helplessness appeared in Waldo's eyes.

"I want to deny it, but... you are right, Your Excellency the Saint King. You should know the loyalty of the Guards to the Emperor. If all the preparations can be completed as soon as possible, and the Emperor can rise from the Golden Throne, even if it is only for a short time to return to the material realm. Not to mention asking them to commit suicide, even if it means sacrificing an entire planet, they will not hesitate."

"This is something the Emperor does not wish to see, but unless the Emperor himself descends, no one can stop these fanatics from sacrificing themselves."

"Then what can I say? Of course I agree."

As he spoke, Ron also said: "Notify the group of people on the Phalanx to launch orbital bombardment according to the marked areas."

"They don't dare."

Glancing at Roan, Valdor shrugged and said, "The last time Terra was launched into orbit was during the Horus Heresy. Now the Primarch of the Imperial Fists is missing. And even if he were here, even if he gave the order himself, the legion leader of the Imperial Fists would never carry it out."

During the Horus Heresy, the first people Horus targeted were the diehard loyalists within his own Legion.

"Then go over and film an extermination order yourself."

"It's useless for me, because the Astartes don't trust the Custodes either." Valdor said, "Just like we don't trust them either."

"Don't tell me that I have to show up in person to do this."

"You can't either." Waldo said, "In fact, even now, there are still many Space Marine Chapters that doubt your identity."

Hearing this, Ron was a little unhappy and clicked his tongue, then stood up, turned around and disappeared into the office. While Waldo was still confused, Ron arrived directly at the Emperor's Golden Palace through Helheim's teleportation. After a while, he returned to the conference room and looked at Waldo and said:
"now what?"

Looking at what Ron was holding, Waldo raised his finger and made a "yeah" gesture: "Long live the Saint King."

"Issuing a regional small-scale extermination order against Terra?!"

The message was transmitted to the Shanzhen. The commander of the Imperial Fists blinked, then looked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." The herald's face was numb. Even if he was executed as a Chaos spy the next moment, he would not be surprised at all.

"What a Chaos spy you are!" The Imperial Fists' commander drew his bolter without hesitation. "How dare you deceive me with such stupid intelligence!"

"Mountain Phalanx."

Before the commander of the Imperial Fists had finished speaking, Roan was teleported directly from the Holy Land of Terra to the command room of the Phalanx as the door of space opened. In his left hand, he held a flaming greatsword burning with holy fire, a psychic halo glowed above his head, a golden projection of the Emperor appeared behind him, and living saints with wings of light guarded him on both sides with swords - then he slapped the signed extermination order on the desk of the commander of the Imperial Fists with his right hand.

"Deploy three rounds of earth-penetrating missiles into the designated area, followed by an extinction virus bomb of record yield."

Hearing this, he was silent for a moment, and looked at Ron in front of him, the Emperor's Sword in Ron's hand, the Living Saints guarding on both sides, the Psychic Crown on his head, the Emperor's virtual image above the crown, and even the legendary First Guard Waldo who was watching from afar in the back...

The commander of the Imperial Fist Corps nodded quickly:
"Make sure to complete the mission."

(End of this chapter)

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