In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 215: Slaanesh's Trend is Like a Flood and a Beast

Chapter 216: Slaanesh's Trend is Like a Flood and a Beast
Without wasting too much time, after completing the purge of Terra, the Imperial Guards immediately imposed temporary control over Terra.

To this end, a large number of the Imperial Guards temporarily and secretly returned to Terra to take over the unresolved political affairs left by Vandir, and were responsible for the corresponding tasks of redressing, correcting, and identifying other hidden rebels.

Afterwards, as the Emperor's Wrath Warp storm began to subside, the Explorer King quickly arrived at the Phalanx Spaceport and set off immediately after completing the corresponding handover work.

Of course, not everyone went to Ultramar. Saint Sebastian did not go with them. Instead, he followed the Emperor, or more precisely, the Emperor's will conveyed by Ron, to the State Church to carry out religious reform. In order to prevent accidents during the process, the first two living saints, Saint Mina and Saint Dominica, and some of the Guards guarded Sebastian to ensure that Sebastian's religious reform could proceed smoothly.

The Mars Casting General also stayed in Terra, responsible for repairing the areas where the Extinction Order was executed - normally, a world destroyed by the Extinction Order could not be repaired. This was because the purpose of the Extinction Order was to exterminate the planet, completely abandon the idea of ​​taking it back, and not leave any materials that could be used by the enemy.

But this time the extermination order was different. The one that was imposed the extermination order on was the Holy Land Terra, so there was no fatal attack. Only the people in the selected areas were annihilated, and the planet's ecology did not suffer irreversible damage... Well, at least it could be restored.

On the Explorer King, in addition to the original Skitarii and Cybernetic Corps, in order to reach Ultramar more safely, the Imperial Fists Legion Commander Razrion and a hundred elite veterans, four hundred combat company members, a total of five hundred guards, boarded the ship. The First Guard Valdo and the Commander of the Guards Esso led three thousand Guards on board, and five thousand battle sisters of the Sisters of Battle boarded the ship.

Due to the special nature of the mission and the purpose of this trip, there are no mortal troops in the team this time.

But even so, the combat power of these 8,500 people is still frightening. The number of Astartes Space Marines is the smallest, mainly because they also need to ensure the operation of the Phalanx and the safety of Terra to prevent the internal void from being attacked by Chaos. The Custodians and the Sisters of Battle are similar. Although the Custodians have been living in seclusion in the Terra Palace for many years in people's impression, they have been secretly fighting against the Chaos hidden dangers lurking in various parts of the Empire. In addition, Terra now needs a group of capable people to restore order and the rule of law, and squeezing out 3,000 people is already the limit of the Custodians.

As for the Sisters of Battle, there were simply too many people whose faith was not strong enough and who were still confused by the fall of Vandire. The 5,000 people at the moment were all selected to the greatest extent possible to confirm their loyalty.

"This configuration is enough to launch a small-scale expedition, right?!"

Looking at the list of members on the battleship, the Imperial Fists' legion commander, Razrian, was amazed and said, "Not to mention the defensive equipment on the Explorer King."

Ron didn't care about this, and the two leaders of the imperial guards just glanced at Razrian and then looked away.

Many people exaggerate the power of the Custodes, and some even think that they can easily defeat the Primarchs. But this is unrealistic, because each Primarch is a genetically engineered work that mixes the material realm and the warp structure, specially researched by the Emperor in order to quickly revive the human empire. Just the fact that they have the essence of the warp makes the Primarchs have a lower limit higher than the Custodes and an upper limit far exceeding the Custodes.

In this case, the power of the Custodes is stronger than that of the Astartes Space Marines, even several times stronger. During the Indomitus Crusade, ten Custodes and several auxiliary troops stubbornly resisted the onslaught of Chaos Space Marines in the warship, and waited for Guilliman's support with zero casualties. The so-called Custodes are better at fighting alone, and are not as good as the Astartes in group battles. Most of this is because there are few things that can alarm the Custodes to go out collectively...

There was not much conversation. After everyone boarded the ship, the Explorer King Mechanical Ark immediately started its subspace engine and began sailing towards Ultramar.

The subspace contains all the spiritual projections in the material world, without the concept of time and space. The moment people enter, they are greeted by colorful twisted light tracks. After discovering the Explorer King, a warship carrying a large number of entities in the material world, the disordered will that constantly drifts in the subspace turned into a surging wave, rushing towards the Explorer King.

Unfortunately, with the activation of Geller's Standpoint, these negative consciousnesses were forcibly isolated outside the Explorer King Battleship. But even so, the surge of malice still made everyone quickly enter a state of combat readiness - Geller's Standpoint can indeed resist the mental pollution from the subspace, but the subspace is not only about will projection, but also contains a large number of malicious entities.

In this situation, every voyage in the subspace is tantamount to a gamble with one's life, and the danger faced by everyone on the battleship is no less than that of the Indian guy clinging to the outside of the train.

There is no concept of time and space in the subspace, so subspace navigation usually has a fixed process.

That is: open a temporary wormhole in the material realm, drill in, and then the navigator uses the Astronomican to determine the location, open a hole at the location and drill out, praying that he appears at the right time and place.

But with Ron present, the navigator was out of work. Clapping his hands, the psychic crown on Ron's head emitted a faint light. After determining the direction, he informed Caul beside him. Then Caul, who was acting as the captain, handed the coordinates to the battleship's intelligent control AI, which was infinitely close to abominable intelligence, and then the voyage began.

But at the same time, the sudden subspace fluctuations within the Astronomican were noticed, and soon alarmed the evil gods who lived in the subspace and had existed since time immemorial.

Killing, corruption, ever-changing, indulgence... pairs of eyes representing different rules fell on the warship from infinite angles. This unknown change made them feel unprecedented excitement. Then, a large number of Chaos warships set sail from the fallen planets in the subspace that were forcibly pulled from the material realm, and quickly approached the path of the Explorer King.

About a day after the Explorer King traveled through the warp
"Get ready for battle!" Cawl on the side warned, "A large number of Chaos warships are approaching quickly, and their target is us!"

After hearing Cawl's warning, the Astartes Space Marines in the dim prayer room on the Explorer King did not respond.

There was no light, only a few weak candles in the dim prayer room. Expensive and sacred incense burned silently. Each Astartes monk, about two and a half meters tall and nearly three meters tall in armor, was half-kneeling in the prayer room in silence. The dim candlelight illuminated their shadows, solemn, sacred, and strange.

There was only one exception, the deputy of the legion, who was holding a spherical copper incense burner and walking beside the Astartes, spreading the tranquil atmosphere to everyone as much as possible. At the same time, he was also examining those soldiers who were still distracted during the sacred pre-war prayers. But this must be unnecessary - they came here to carry out the great mission of the Emperor, and every member was an elite veteran who had been tempered by the flames of war.

Whether it is strength, martial arts, coordination, or faith, they are impeccable and are the model template for all Astartes Space Marines.

"Emperor, bring upon me the might of your justice and your infinite wrath. Let me become the storm that will tear your enemies to pieces."

"Emperor, I will do my utmost, with all my will and soul, to believe in you, the immortal one, to carry out your vision and become the protector of mankind..." As the pre-battle prayer ended, Razrian raised his head and looked at the people who had stood up again, his eyes full of fortitude:
"We are the glorious sons of Dorne! We have nothing to fear! Death is our honor and our fate!"

"For the Emperor, in the name of Gene-Father Rogal Dorn! We are the Emperor's Angels of Death! We will strike down the Emperor's enemies! Until they are dead!"

"Primarch! For the glory of you and the Lord of Mankind!"

While Razrian was praying and mobilizing, on the other side—

In the Battle Sisters' Room, more than 5,000 naked Battle Sisters were holding long whips covered with iron spikes, constantly whipping their bodies. Every swing left a bloody mark. As their skin and flesh were whipped and they were in insane pain, they said nothing.

"There is no doubt that we have committed the unforgivable sin of heresy!"

The elder sister continued to whip her own body, letting the blood flow and the flesh tear. The intense pain did not make her relax the strength of her arms, but she whipped herself more and more fanatically, trying to cause herself as much pain as possible without hurting her muscles and bones and affecting the battle that might come at any time.

"Thank you for the Emperor's mercy! Thank you for King Saint Roan's forgiveness! But our souls have long been filthy!"

"The time of atonement has come! Fight! Fight without ceasing! Die resolutely until it is all over! Wash the filth of your soul with the blood of the Emperor's enemies!"

"Praise the Great Emperor! Praise Saint Roan! We will fight to the death! Our souls will burn like flames until all our enemies are reduced to ashes, otherwise we will not stop until we die!!"

"My battle-sisters! Let our spirits meet upon the Golden Throne, and unite with the Light of the Emperor!"

In contrast, outside...

"It's really noisy." Listening to those exaggerated pre-war prayers and crazy pre-war mobilizations, the face of the Imperial Guards Commander Esso was full of indifference. Gripping the power halberd in his hand, Esso just said calmly:

"We will prove what the Emperor's Right Arm is!"

The other Terran Guards responded to the commander of the Imperial Guards, Essos, with silence and silence. They advocate rationality, and they will not roar like the Astartes Space Marines or the Sisters of Battle. Because they know very well that they are the Emperor's closest companions and the most trusted warriors. They are the Emperor's advisers, the Emperor's staff, the Emperor's craftsmen, and the most perfect human template created by the Emperor.

Therefore, they don't need to prove anything. All they need to do is to let these 'later guys' know their position...

"Let them know who is the Emperor's most trusted cornerstone!"

At the same time, in the alleys of the subspace, nearly three warships appeared almost simultaneously.

The main body of the battleship is made of unknown steel, but the color of the steel can no longer be seen because the outside of the battleship is almost covered with disgusting flesh-pink flesh and tentacles clinging to it.

A large number of human bodies are embedded in each other to form a huge living demon engine. With the operation of energy, their fragile organs are constantly subjected to high temperature burning. The rotating gears crush the flesh and blood into meat paste inch by inch, and the motorized pistons crush their bones. Heart-wrenching cries mixed with extreme carnival emanate from the mouths that are directly exposed to the subspace, forming a melody that makes one's scalp tingle.

On the deck of the battle armor, the Slaanesh warriors in tattered armor constantly stimulated their senses through various means. Simply taking drugs and promiscuity could not describe their madness. As Space Marines who believed in Slaanesh, they played the living human harp. The strings composed of muscle and nerve fiber bundles played a shrill music in the subspace. The wanton sound waves were enough to make mortals' heads explode the moment they heard it. And they were intoxicated by it. With meaningless groans and screams, they began to try to make that sarcastic war cry -

They even maintained their loyalty to the Emperor, just to feel as much betrayal as possible when they shouted their battle cry. This almost schizophrenic battle cry made them excited from the inside out, and their flesh under the ceramic steel armor was covered with a layer of fine goose bumps, and those modified special glands sprayed a lot of mucus at the moment of shouting the battle cry.

"For, Si~! For... Sihasha~ For the Emperor!!! Hey~ I'm going!!!!"

Completely out of formation, these Space Marines could not help but lie prone on the deck with their battle cries, their bodies twitching with a flushed complexion. Not only were their bodies covered in goose bumps under their ceramic steel armor, but they were also soaked with various body fluids, emitting a disgusting and lewd stench.

"I'm afraid, kill them all!"

Looking at the reactions of the Slaanesh Space Marines, Ron couldn't help but pinch his nose: "That's disgusting. Killing them all will dirty my knife!"

The Imperial Fists warriors were so angry that they were speechless - although they were not from the same legion, they were all Space Marines, and these Space Marines under Slaanesh were apparently so ugly that they were all infuriated!
Such an ugly form is simply a scourge, and the harm it causes to the youth of the empire is immeasurable! !

(End of this chapter)

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