Chapter 217: Arrival at Ultramar
As the Chaos warships approached, the heavy shells began to emit a deafening roar under the effect of the demon engines. Although they had entered the interstellar age, the Space Marines' fighting methods were still simple and unpretentious. With continuous bombardment, under the unknown abilities of the Four Gods, they forced their way into the Geller's position, tore the hull of the warship apart, and entered in large numbers through the gap.

Unlike other closed Imperial Navy warships, the Explorer King was intelligent enough that even though all observation windows were closed the moment it entered the Warp, Cawl was still able to observe through the external cameras. When he noticed a large number of Chaos Space Marines and Daemon Engines boarding the Explorer King, Cawl's eyes revealed a hint of cold anger.

It wasn't anger towards these Chaos traitors, but anger towards himself - the Explorer King was landed so easily? Damn it, he didn't even have a chance to launch an effective counterattack.

"It's not your fault." Ron looked around. Although the surroundings were closed, Ron's sight was obviously not blocked by these physical entities, and he directly observed a more real world:

"It was the strong wave of faith of the Battle Sisters that was captured by Slaanesh... He would definitely be happy to make these sisters his believers. But this is impossible. Be prepared for battle."

While Ron was talking, the grotesque Chaos wizards had completed an unknown dirty ritual on the deck of the Chaos interstellar battleship. Thousands of people were killed in an extremely cruel way. Even if their bodies were annihilated, their nerves were still intact and they were constantly tortured by the turbulence of the subspace. This shocking pain given to Slaanesh was responded to. The rolling energy surged out from the boundless sky and enveloped the outside of the Explorer King. While the speed slowed down, countless large and small space cracks were formed.

After completing the sacrifice, they rushed into the Explorer King, wanting to offer a sufficiently intense sacrifice to Slaanesh and construct a grand carnival with pure pleasure.

"The scale of time has been stretched!" Cawl said, "Increase the energy! Break free from the warp cage!"

Faced with the invasion of Chaos Space Marines, the Mechanicus Skitarii, who were the first to bear the brunt of the invasion, did not show any fear. They were like walking machines. Not only them, but even the power room of the Explorer King showed no signs of stopping.

"Keep going! Don't stop!" The Mechanical Priest said with cold swiftness and prayer:
"Immortal God of All Things, hear our prayers!"

"We are your children, the scholars on the path to mechanics."

"We wish to be granted knowledge far above us, for this is Your eternal, transcendent gift over mankind..."

"Ring the bell once! Push the lever and activate the piston and pump!"

With deafening prayers, the huge engine gushed out astonishing heat energy. Amid the angry roars of the overseers and the chanting of the mechanical priests, thousands of mechanical slaves pulled the steel chains that were as big as two people holding together.

"Ring the bell twice! Press the button to start the engine, ignite the turbine, and breathe life into it!"

As the Mechanical Priest spoke, a huge amount of energy was injected into the Explorer King's subspace engine through a giant pipeline. The Explorer King, who was almost stagnant in the turbulence of the subspace due to chaos magic, began to move again. The flames that shot out reflected the colorful emotional projections in the subspace. As the slaves roared and the supervisors whipped, the Mechanical Priest roared in almost crazy words:
"Ring the great bell three times! Sing in unison, and praise the God of All Things!"

With roars, the well-equipped Skitarii began to charge at the Chaos Space Marines. Compared to ordinary mortal troops, these Skitarii were strong enough to gain a clear tactical advantage in both melee and long-range firepower. But unfortunately, they were not destined to be the protagonists in this battle. Even if the Sage Ruler immediately activated their component overload, allowing them to burst out all their strength in a short period of time. But this is the Warp after all——

Being able to intuitively feel the blessing from the Chaos Gods, the cultists of Slaanesh could feel the surge of adrenaline, and all their glands began to violently secrete pleasure substances. Dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin... As the muscles all over their bodies were filled with blood, they had lost the ability to think, and instead used all their senses to perceive happiness.

“Praise the Desire Realm God!!!”

The melta guns formed a crisscross firepower network on the deck of the Explorer King, in which the cultists of Slaanesh and the Skitarii fought hand-to-hand. Although they relied on the overloaded transformation bodies to forcibly stabilize the front, it didn't take long before the Slaanesh Space Marines who officially entered the field, accompanied by the roar of the chainsaw swords, forcibly smashed the Skitarii's front like meteorites.

They brandished the chainswords in their hands, or even simply waved the crab claws and tentacles blessed by Slaanesh, and stretched out their lower limbs like horseshoes that had broken through their power harnesses to quickly tear apart the Crusader Army's lines.

After discovering these thorny enemies, the fully armed data craftsmen of the Cybernetic Corps led four fortress-class battle robots as tall as two Chaos Space Marines to quickly join the battle. These ancient technological legacies possessed powerful destructive power. The heavy armor was composed of ultra-high-density ceramics and armored steel, layer upon layer. If the Chaos Space Marines could ignore the guns and cannons of the Skitarii and rush directly to the front through the power armor, they would then smash all the lives in front of them with one hammer.

Then these battle robots will be able to withstand the bolter and even armor-piercing weapons from the Chaos Mechanical Warriors, and the melta cannons will tear them apart with their own power arms. "Activate the reflective grid!"

As a mechanical priest specialized in combat, the data craftsman issued precise instructions. With the buzzing engine starting up, a layer of energy shield formed on the outside of the combat robot, forcibly intercepting the barrage of bullets. But before they could launch an effective counterattack, accompanied by a fanatical roar, a demon engine with a horseshoe structure with reverse joints in the lower limbs and a scorpion-like upper body made of steel mixed with pink flesh and mucus began to roar fanatically.

These half-machine, half-demon abominations were even larger than heavy combat robots. The moment the huge iron pincers fell and clamped the combat robots, the machine guns attached to the end of the upper body like a scorpion's tail released dense blood and flesh bullets. The bullets made of flesh and blood were filled with physiological hormones and sensory pheromones. The moment they exploded, they corroded the reflective grids, and the pheromones exposed to the air also strengthened the perception and thoughts of the Skitarii. On the battlefield, they were uncontrollably imagining things. Even if the ruling sage directly controlled their mechanical nerve bundles through the line possession, they still could not completely eliminate the intense scenes that appeared in front of them and stimulated all the senses of the human soul.

But the war did not last long - in fact, everyone knew that it was just a trivial appetizer.

"End this as soon as possible." Roen said calmly: "The evil gods of Chaos have noticed these changes, and the traitorous primarchs are approaching here quickly. Our goal is to reach Ultramar, not to fight them."

As they spoke, the Sisters of Battle and the Imperial Fists Veterans quickly moved out, accompanied by the arc of disintegration of the decomposition field generated by the activation of the power sword, and the hum of the engine drowned out the noise of the entire battlefield. Discovering the arrival of the main force, the Slaanesh warriors shouted excitedly - this is the Warp, they will not die, but will gain eternal life in another way.

They roared and rushed towards the Battle Sisters and the Imperial Fists veterans, trying to overwhelm them with human wave tactics. However, as veterans of the Empire, they were able to become the angels of death on the battlefield because of their excellent learning ability, coordination ability, and regiment discipline.

With the roar of Legion Commander Razrion, the veteran company quickly formed a solid defensive line. Facing the tide of Slaanesh cultists, the veterans' line was like an indestructible iron wall, standing firm in the face of endless hail of bullets, attracting the most firepower from the entire splint channel and also creating the most efficient counterattack.

It was at this time that the Chaos Wizards who had completed boarding the ship began to try to hatch the battleship's machine soul - they did not need to completely corrupt it, just need to make it lose all its abilities and become paralyzed for a short period of time. They would be able to use the Chaos Beacon to make the great Demon Prince descend here and bring about the immortal carnival of the God of Desire!

But at this moment, they suddenly felt that they had lost contact with the Warp - no, not lost contact with the Warp, but some invisible energy greatly attenuated their connection with the Warp!

In the captain's room, Caul's body extended with a large number of wires to connect with the machines behind him. Then, Caul's eyes turned bright red. With the help of the servo skull beside him, Caul's voice quickly spread throughout the warship. The solemn voice chanted the sacred binary code. These codes were called chants, but in fact they felt like extremely fast electric current vibrato. The powerful mechanical priest could even exchange a month's worth of communication information with just a glance.

Now, under Cawl's chanting, the Explorer King's various shipboard facilities began to quickly resume their original operation, no longer affected by the Chaos stance. At the same time, with Cawl's blessing, the Skitarii could clearly feel that the heat dissipation efficiency of the total energy thermal weapons was faster, the shooting of kinetic weapons was more accurate, and even the various numerical levels of the combat robots were effectively improved.

The strongest foot of the defensive line, holding the power sword, looking at the further intensified disintegration position, Razrion shouted "Son of Dorn" and rushed into the enemy group. In front of the disintegration position, all defenses were useless, and only the same power weapons could effectively fight. While the strength of the own side was fully enhanced, the opponent's various abilities were weakened due to the isolation from the warp, which made the Astartes Space Marines and Battle Sisters, who already had the advantage of home combat, quickly launch a counterattack.

The cultists of Slaanesh were divided and surrounded, and drowned by the crowd with roars. But even so, the warriors of Slaanesh were still not afraid, but enjoyed the pain with great excitement.

As the battleships' defense facilities broke free from the constraints of the subspace and regained their original mobility, intensive bombardment quickly annihilated them.

After the cleaning was completed, the mechanical slaves increased their strength under the whip, and the engines and pistons made a harsh roar, driving the battleship to quickly break free from the subspace position, and reactivated the Geller position to repair all subspace cracks, rapidly approaching the designated wormhole node at several times the speed.

"It was easier than expected. We didn't even need to ask for support."

Waldo stood indifferently in the captain's room. As the Emperor's guard, Waldo didn't care much about Cawl and others. The reason he was here was to execute the Emperor's orders and reduce unnecessary troubles for Ron. Similarly, even if the Explorer King crashed, Waldo would not care, as long as Ron was okay.

"It's just an appetizer." Shaking his head, the psychic crown on Ron's head continued to emit light, like breathing, sometimes dim and sometimes bright.

"Speed ​​up the sailing. This road won't be smooth, but at least we have to reach Ultramar before the tide comes."

As he spoke, Kaul nodded and then increased the energy output of the Explorer King.

As a giant space industry and scientific research center, the Mechanical Ark has a ship body of more than 20 kilometers and has an industrial production capacity comparable to that of a nest city. As Cawl's vehicle, the Explorer King consumed the resources of countless worlds when it was built. Although it was partially affected by chaos magic, as the factory area of ​​the Mechanical Ark began to operate at full capacity, the entire warship was repaired and sailed at a very high efficiency.

There was no pause along the way. After the first round of encounters, the Explorer King was attacked and plundered by other Chaos Space Marines. However, because the Explorer King had no desire to fight and refused to engage in long-range bombardment, they could only try to board the ship quickly after approaching it, but unfortunately, they all failed without exception.

But even so, by the end of the sixth Terran Sun, along with the detection of warp fluctuations on the Ultramarines' ancestral planet Ultramar, when the Explorer King appeared in the Ultramarines' sight, it was already covered with battle damage.

(End of this chapter)

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