Chapter 224 I Became a Faith? ?

Guilliman was not an expert at religious reform, but he was definitely not unfamiliar with it. During the Great Crusade, Guilliman had launched attacks on religions on certain worlds more than once. Especially under the Emperor's orders, he even destroyed the Star of Faith that the Brotherhood had created.

Although the method of destroying the Star of Faith and the attitude towards its disposal are still open to discussion, it is undeniable that after this, due to this series of chain reactions, Guilliman has reviewed more than once the better way to deal with religious beliefs...

After Roan left, Guilliman once again came to the Emperor's Golden Palace. Looking at his father sitting on the throne, Guilliman asked: "Father, if the beliefs of the state religion are corrected and more points of faith are added, will it affect your plan?"

"No, but all beliefs must have a solid anchor of faith." The Emperor looked at Guilliman calmly. Although it was just a withered corpse, Guilliman could feel the Emperor's gaze on it.

This gave Guilliman more courage and he said, "What if the anchor of faith is the Saint King?"

"...I won't allow it."

After hearing his father's answer, Guilliman was silent at first, then he nodded in understanding and said, "I understand."

My father didn't allow it, but he didn't refuse it either...

Located in the Warp, in a Warp vacuum beneath the Astronomican created by the Emperor, Ron opened up Helheim, blended the essence of the Warp with Helheim, and felt the many changes that had occurred in himself after the ascension ceremony.

The Warp is an infinite dimension constructed by pure psychic energy, which is pure mystical energy in the World Tree system. It is also known as the Supreme Heaven, the Spirit Realm, the Chaos Demon Realm, and the Eight Winds of Magic.

The symbol of the Chaos God is an eight-pointed star, which represents eight different rules in the rules of the board game. It was originally referenced from the Chaos Octagon of the Chaos Gods in the Eternal Warrior. Although the official explanation is that it symbolizes that Chaos is everywhere and at all times, it is more often considered by players to be the eight Chaos Gods. There are four known vendors, Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Nurgle. The Yellow Skin is the fifth, but it is stuck with a bug and cannot be upgraded. In theory, there are three more behind. According to the players' speculation, the Half-Sage of Va, the Eldar Death God, and the Greater Good are all strong competitors... but it's just speculation.

But considering GW's nature, if it works well, they will use it without hesitation.

In short, the Warp is the basic background setting for the entire Warhammer series. It represents the source of magic in Warhammer Medieval, and it is Lovecraft's pessimistic imagination of the extra-dimensional space in Warhammer 40K.

As a spiritual realm parallel to the material realm, there are no physical laws here, and everything is made up of the emotions and thinking energy of intelligent creatures in the real world. In the setting of 40k, this place was once extremely peaceful and tranquil, and everyone could speak freely and talk here. Just like a spiritual yoga room, and also like the original Internet, people can communicate with each other here. Exchange what you know and think.

But with some tragic conflicts, this place has changed. The Internet spirit has disappeared, replaced by the dark web that lacks review and management. It is full of violent, inciteful, distorted, and tempting prohibited content. And they have their own consciousness, and are always ready to follow the Internet cable to the real world.

By the same token, the octagonal star here can also be understood as classic, filial piety, urgency, collapse, joy, win, hemp, and send.

Because of the special nature of the subspace, Ron can sense many flying thoughts and the energy forms formed after everything in the material world is projected into the subspace.

There are three stages of ascension: opening ascension, full sainthood, and full poetry. The first stage is to consolidate the ascension ceremony to prevent accidental closure of the ceremony and cause the rank to fall. Full sainthood is to perceive the truest form beneath the appearance of all things.

But just as Ron was still slowly feeling it, suddenly, a large amount of secret energy began to approach Ron urgently. He did not absorb it - knowing his own path, absorbing this unknown power into the body would only become an unstable time bomb. At least, for Ron now, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

They have already started the ascension ceremony through their own methods, so going back to engage in the practice of faith and ascension would be putting the cart before the horse.

After sensing it for a moment, Ron raised his eyebrows suspiciously - "Is this, faith?"

Pinching the secret energy that was rolled into a mud ball, Ron could clearly feel that in the warp, especially around the Emperor's Astronomican, a large amount of faith power began to change. They still believed in the Emperor, but in the process, they also changed part of their faith to themselves...?
What the hell?

While thinking, Ron escaped into the subspace and approached along the strongest beliefs. Soon, he saw the fanatical sermons somewhere in the holy land of Terra through the curtain between the subspace and the material world.

“Lord Guilliman is right! The Emperor is one, but He has many different sides!” A priest of the State Church, dressed in coarse linen and shackled, shouted at the top of his lungs: “Saint King Roan is the best proof! No, not only Saint Roan, but also the living saints of the Sisters of Battle! Each of them is the most perfect embodiment of the Emperor’s will!”

"Everything of mankind belongs to the great Emperor! The Emperor's love is the sacred love of mankind, and the Emperor's anger is the sacred wrath of mankind! Emperor Saint King Roan has brought a new change to the Empire, and the resurrected Primarch Guilliman, the Son of God, is the best proof of this!"

"This loyalty will become our most powerful weapon in the fight against Chaos! My fellow human beings of the Empire, my brothers! Believe in anger! Believe in the divine revenge brought by Saint King Roan! This is the counterattack of all mankind against the Chaos God! It is unquestionable justice! It is the most authentic expression of the Emperor's anger!"

"His warships galloped on the endless blood of demons, and descended on Macragge with the pouring blood river, bringing anger and rebirth to the Primarch!"

"This is the Great Wrath! This is the Sublime Wrath! This is the time of wrath, the divine wrath that connects each and every one of us!!!"

"He has gone mad and there is no hope for him."

Seeing the priest's reaction, the judge above shook his head speechlessly and said, "Death penalty, execute immediately. Do not let this heretic's beliefs be leaked in the slightest."

There is nothing wrong with you believing in Roan. After all, the Empire has always encouraged people to learn from outstanding warriors as role models. But you cannot arbitrarily put role models on a par with the Emperor. This is a serious heresy.

Although this kind of trial may cause harm to some innocent people, for the Tribunal... what does accidental injury matter? If it doesn't implicate innocent people, is it still called a Tribunal?

Unfortunately, just as the executioners were about to take action, a ball of sacred golden light burst out from the priest's body.

Seeing this scene happening and witnessing a large amount of power of faith flowing towards him, Ron's mouth twitched.

Good you yellow skin.

(End of this chapter)

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