Chapter 225: Prelude to the Cyber ​​War

Roan hates faith, just like the Emperor's attitude towards faith. All religious beliefs are the product of ignorance, barbarism and irrationality. It is true that in the 40k worldview, acknowledging the existence of the warp and the Chaos Gods is true materialism, but it is also because of the failure of the Imperial Truth that the Imperial Truth is proved to be correct.

It is true that among the mystical paths, there are many paths that communicate with the world itself through sensibility and thus achieve spiritual ascension. But this does not affect Ron's view on the path of religious belief.

Now that I think about it, it’s mainly because of the special nature of Yharnam. Anyone with irrational fanaticism almost turns into a beast, and the remaining hunters naturally regard rationality as the first element of survival - in Yharnam, rationality is more important than food.

It was precisely because of this that when Ron first felt the power of faith, he had no intention of taking it in, and even did not plan to send it to Helheim - wouldn't it be better to just be a slave owner? Why bother with religion?
Thinking of this, Ron came directly to the Emperor's Golden Palace.

"Tell me about it."

"I apologize to you." The emperor admitted his mistake straightforwardly. But Ron did not choose to give up.

"This is not something that can be resolved with your apology. I am willing to help you, but that does not mean I will become the anchor of faith. In fact, you are also very clear that although the ascension brought by the power of faith is rapid, it will also be affected by the collective subconscious of the believers."

"Yes, I know it very well, that's why I had to choose you."

The Emperor nodded, and then said:
"The faith of the state religion has become an indispensable part of the empire. If it is destroyed rashly, the collapsed faith will be served to the Chaos Gods in an instant, forming an unstoppable wave of apostasy and overturning the entire empire. However, with the advent of the Living Saint and the return of the Primarch, the power of faith in the empire is also growing day by day. I use the knowledge of the World Tree to separate reason and emotion, and use pure reason to face these irrational religious fanaticism. There was no problem doing this before, but it is different now."

The Emperor sighed and said, "My faith is becoming more and more crazy. Even my emotional consciousness has begun to be affected accordingly. The Webway War is imminent. I must find a way to stabilize my current form."

"So you found me?"

Ron crossed his arms and looked at the Emperor with an expression that said, "You talk, I'm listening." However, his expression did not show any intention of stopping there.

"...Okay, I know this will make you unhappy. In return, I will not take any of the blessed fragments of the Four Chaos Gods, as well as the knowledge and insights contained therein, after the end of the Webway War. And I guarantee that the anchor of faith will not have any impact on you. Well, I will also give you half of the future system currency income."

"Okay, deal."

After getting the emperor's assurance, Ron did not continue to pester him.

According to the deal between Roan and the Emperor, Roan helped the Emperor end the Age of Apostasy ahead of schedule, and allowed Guilliman, who was good at internal affairs, to complete his recovery, ensuring the orderly development of the Empire.

Although the Emperor's decision to set Ron as a faith anchor would not have much impact on Ron, as long as Ron refused to absorb it, this behavior was undoubtedly a test... Regardless of whether the Emperor himself had the idea of ​​testing him, Ron could not pretend that nothing had happened.

Now, after completing a new round of negotiations, Ron no longer interfered with the Emperor's behavior, but only temporarily created a carrier to bear the faith generated within the empire. Through the operation of the faith carrier, with the help of Ron, the Emperor was able to transform the power of these faiths into psychic energy to affect the material world.

Simply put, it is to create a living saint, an emperor's champion, or temporarily grant a battle blessing.

Depending on the form of faith, the spiritual energy converted through these faith powers is also different. After confirming that the anchor point of the faith power will not affect him, Ron returned to the subspace to start Helheim and continue his own business.

Similarly, religious reform is also a very serious matter. Because religion itself represents fanaticism and irrationality, the essence of any religious reform is to change from one kind of madness to another. In addition, with the previous experience of Vandiel, even Saint Sebastian, who has strong eloquence, persuasion ability, and personal charm, will still encounter resistance from within the state religion when carrying out religious reform.

That is, Sebastian got the permission from Ron, so the battle sisters fully protected Sebastian, and two living saints accompanied him on his trip. Otherwise, with Sebastian's many amendments to the state religion, even those who were once enemies of Vandir would want to kill Sebastian - they are all vested interests.

Fortunately, the best way to deal with irrational people is to persuade them based on the source of their irrationality.

After the Emperor once again struggled to squeeze out the few extremely low remaining Zhao Si powers from his own sensory consciousness and performed several apparitions, the Ecclesiarchy of the Holy Land of Terra soon completed the reform.

There were still some who resisted, but some of them were true believers. After seeing the Emperor's apparition, they thought it was their fault. So, under the influence of the converts' fanaticism, they doubled the promotion of religious reform and established a new god for the empire - Saint Roan. The first of all saints, the Lord of Divine Vengeance, Divine Wrath, the Day of Wrath, the Lord of Shadows of the Human Soul... and so on.

No one still resisted the Emperor's appearance. After all, even now, many Terran nobles and human emperors have long died. They are just a symbol. Even Vandiel can appoint the Emperor's brides and even let them sleep with him. As for such ambitious people among humans, if it were in the past, the Emperor might not care. Because rather than becoming the eternal master of mankind, he hopes that mankind can move towards a prosperous golden age through their own desires.

Among these, ambition is an indispensable part.

But unfortunately, the current situation was rather special, and the Emperor had no time to talk nonsense with them. So in the middle of the night, the Imperial Guards entered their backyard through a secret path underground on Terra that only the Imperial Guards had the authority to know, and knocked on their doors one by one to greet them with power halberds.

When he woke up the next day, all the opposition had disappeared. The battlefield became the place where miracles occurred most frequently.

A large number of miracles frequently appeared on the battlefield. In the past, this would have allowed the power of the state religion to directly overwhelm the Ministry of the Interior. But now it was different, and everyone blamed the cause on Guilliman.

Compared to the Saint King Roan who suddenly appeared, the people of those remote planets, who lacked the connection with the Holy Land of Terra, were more familiar with the myths about the Emperor and his descendants. It was also because of this that Guilliman gained a lot of reputation. With the blessing of reputation, Guilliman's reform policies also began to become increasingly radical.

With the Emperor, the Church of the Empire backed up Guilliman's policies and provided the necessary religious support. Any policy or reform could not see obvious results in a short period of time, but fortunately Guilliman was clear about his mission, so he changed the management of the Empire from the original loose state to the war state during the Great Crusade. With a large amount of materials being continuously transported to the Forge Worlds around the Holy Land of Terra, the Mechanicus also began to work day and night under Cawl's call.

Guilliman's home world of the Five Hundred Worlds was fully utilized, and tens of thousands of Ultramarines were produced in a short period of time. The restrictions on the Codex were abolished, and the Space Marines restored the organization of the Legion, but due to the absence of the Primarch, they were currently commanded by the Legion Masters of their respective parent Legions.

The Sisters of Silence were also found, which was great news for the Empire.

The Sisters of Silence were one of the most trusted units of the Emperor during the Great Crusade, and were known as the Emperor's Claws along with the Custodes. The reason why they were valued by the Emperor was that they were not affected by the Warp. While a lighter has a projection in the Warp, the Sisters of Silence not only have no projection in the Warp, but they will even form a black hole, swallowing the surrounding Warp structure and forcibly anchoring reality.

They are called soulless and untouchable. Because the Warp is connected to all things, all things will subconsciously feel disgusted and nauseous when they first encounter them, which destroy the perception of the Warp. In fact, they are not just soulless, but soulless. If the elite demons of the Chaos God can slaughter the Astartes Space Marines, then the Custodians can encircle and suppress the demons. With the help of the Sisters of Silence, only a few Custodians are needed to easily defeat these demons whose perception of the Warp has been weakened.

It can be predicted that the war on the web will inevitably cause a large number of chaos demons to attack. In this case, the presence of the Sister of Silence will greatly weaken the overall ability of these demons.

Facing Guilliman's call, the Sisters of Silence did not refuse, but actively responded to the Emperor's Children's request. So far, the Sisters of Silence, which had disappeared from the Empire for thousands of years, have restored their original organization.

Surprisingly, there are even two Silent Sister warriors at the level of Annihilation Knights.

These Oblivion Knights are masters of various techniques. When Guilliman was waging the Plague War, he imprisoned the Saint possessed by the Emperor because he did not understand the power of faith. In order to rescue the Saint and let her arrive on the battlefield to reverse the desperate situation, a team of battle sisters led by the Grand Sister went to rescue her. In the process, they even killed a Primaris Space Marine guard. But even so, when facing the Oblivion Knights, they were suppressed from beginning to end. In the end, it was the Emperor himself who took action, and this allowed the Saint to arrive on the battlefield in an orthodox way.

As for the Primaris Space Marines... they are the stronger and larger Space Marines produced by Cawl.

Time does not count in practice, a thousand years have passed in the cave. By the time Ron was sure that his ascension ritual had been completely stabilized and he had escaped from Helheim, two and a half years had passed in the material realm of Warhammer 40k.

Under the power of the Emperor, Chaos could not easily interfere. This meant that in the past two and a half years, Guilliman had almost no need to rush to deal with the threats from the Warp. Although the Greenskins still did not stop making trouble, with the blessing of the Living Saint, their influence was limited to certain planets in certain star regions.

After two and a half years of continuous mobilization in peace and stability, under the command of Guilliman, the huge machine of the Empire began to truly unleash its full war potential.

Arriving in the material realm, what caught Ron's eyes was not only Guilliman wearing the Armor of Destiny, but also the endless Imperial Legion.

Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Grey Knights, Living Saints, Astartes Space Marines, Primaris Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, Solar Auxilia, Ultramar Auxilia, Death Korps of Krieg, Harakoni Falcons, Cadian Legion, and the densely packed Imperial Navy in low-Earth orbit and within the range of the Sun...

"This is a plan to achieve our goal in one fell swoop," said Ron.

"Well, almost all the elite troops of the human empire have arrived here." After hearing what Roan said, Guilliman nodded and said, "This current force has almost overdrawn all the war potential of the empire in the next few hundred years. If it fails, the consequences will be disastrous. At least one-third or even half of the empire will be swallowed by Chaos and become the enemy's cursed planet."

"But as long as we win, it's worth it." Guilliman said with a fiery look in his eyes. "Through the Webway, we can rush into the Imperium's system more quickly and tie all the remote planets outside the Holy Land of Terra tightly to the Empire's warships, making them a true part of the Empire."

The Empire has millions of planets, but these planets are too far away from Terra. Basically, each planet is ruled by its own nobles. All Terra has to do is collect taxes to ensure the orderly operation of the Empire.

In this case, the planetary governors could be regarded as local emperors of their respective planets. Even the Holy Land of Terra could not get involved deeply. Including many policies implemented by Guilliman, they were always able to delay by various means. And lacking the ability to travel at superluminal speeds, many times the Empire could only turn a blind eye - as long as they could collect taxes.

But with the Webway, all of this would be no problem. Not to mention getting rid of the reliance on the Warp, the Webway's own superluminal travel alone would allow the government's orders to be sent to the countryside, allowing the Empire to fully grasp the information and resources of each planet and make use of them.

After taking a look at Guilliman, Ron didn't say much, but just swayed left and right twice. With the pitch-black meat saw falling into his hand, Ron turned around and looked at the Emperor behind him.

Then, the webway gate opened and stepped onto the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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