Chapter 226: Inside the Webway
With the opening of the Webway gate, the boundary between the material universe and the subspace within the solar system, with the holy land of Terra as the center, began to blur at an alarming speed.

The Webway was supposed to be an independent channel for faster-than-light travel outside the Warp, but because of the explosion caused by Magnus's psychic phone, the entrance to Terra's Webway has now exploded and is directly connected to the Warp. It was fine when the Emperor sat on it to seal the Webway gate, but now, just after it was opened, the veil of the material realm of the solar system has begun to decay.

As the dark starry sky was filled with colorful light tracks, everyone felt a growing mental burden. Just when some mortal auxiliary troops began to find it difficult to bear the pressure -

"Keep the rage going! Keep the fire of vengeance burning!"

With the sound of flipping pages, the new organization under the Ecclesiasticus, the Sisters of Wrath, which was on par with the Sisters of Battle, began to preach passionately among the soldiers, holding scriptures in one hand and battle axes or hammers with the seal of the Holy Communion, engineering shovels, and chainswords in the other.

The so-called Seal of the Holy Communion is the totem of the Wrath Monks’ faith. Although the state religion has only one god, the Emperor, each church has its own saint. Through the belief in the saint, getting the saint’s protection and the Emperor’s attention in the desperate battle is a very important part of the state religion’s faith.

The Holy Communion Seal was chosen by Ron himself. Its prototype was the Holy Communion Rune in the treasure chest of the Yharnam Church Town in the Bloodborne world. The general shape was three dots and a wine glass with a tearful eye painted in the center of the wine glass.

The effect in the game is to increase the upper limit of the blood collection bottle, and the setting symbolizes the healing church and medical personnel, as well as people's exploration of blood therapy. Well, the heavenly messenger and the daughter of the universe stayed there, so Ron simply used the communion seal of the healing church as a commemoration.

And now, holding the Seal of the Holy Communion, the impassioned voices of the Brothers of Wrath were transmitted through large microphones to the Holy Land of Terra and even to every corner of the solar system.

Passionate and filled with undisguised irrational anger.

"The Emperor commanded all things to nourish man! The heretics blame the Emperor for being unkind!"

Brandishing the sword in his hand, the furious bishop had a large number of blood-red scriptures tattooed on his exposed skin. His face was flushed, veins were bulging, and saliva was flying. He did not have the gentleness and uprightness that a scholar should have. He gave people a feeling of fear, paranoia, and crazy anxiety.

Like other orders, the Order of Wrath also has clear levels. Among them, the highest level is the Archbishop of Wrath, which is equivalent to the Grand Sister of the Sisters of Battle. As the first group of people inspired by the Order of Wrath, these Archbishops of Wrath are extremely passionate and paranoid. In any previous era, they would be a cult among cults. But fortunately, 40k is a worse worldview.

"Chaos heresy subspace! Distort all living things and turn them into demon slaves!"

"Suddenly, a Saint King raised his sword in anger! The great demon in the warp space died!"

"Purify disloyalty and violence! Burn your body with anger and feed the evil god!"

As he roared, the servo system at the back of his neck detected the breath of a large number of subspace demons, and the nerve receptors began to heat up gradually. The originally completely sealed external receptors began to connect with the nerves, and the demonic flesh implanted inside began to constantly stimulate every aspect of the angry bishop from both the mental and physical levels. He became more and more angry and fanatical, and this crazy sermon soon received a response -

In the warp, in the container left by Ron, a surge of mysterious energy penetrated the veil that had been weakened by the Holy Land Terra Webway Gate and directly descended into the material realm and was injected into the body of the Wrathful Archbishop.

The replenishment of these angry spiritual energies further intensified the Bishop's spirit. His eyes were swollen, and dense bloodshot seemed to flow out of his eye sockets in the next moment.

"Khorne says he can be killed! Tzeentch says he can be killed! Slaanesh says he can be killed! Nurgle says he can be killed!"

"Pagans can be killed! Aliens can be killed! Chaos demons can be killed! Anyone who does not believe in the Emperor can be killed!"

Shouting and roaring, the voice of the angry bishop spread throughout the empire. Because of excessive anger, the scriptures tattooed on his body began to bleed continuously. With a bloodshot body and violent eyes, the antisocial kobold sitting on the brass stool in the warp called him an expert.

Finally, along with the Living Saint Experience Scroll brought by the spiritual power enhancement, the Wrathful Archbishop issued the core guiding ideology of the Wrathful Monks -

"This is divine vengeance! This is a day of violence! This is a time of wrath!"

"Only by slaughtering all the aliens in the universe can we repay the emperor's protection!"

“Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!”

Thirteen words of "Kill", each of which was tearful and blood-curdling, proved that the Emperor was the Saint of the Thirteen, and also directly expressed the reason why he was born as a human being - TMD kill them all! !

In the solar system, with the veil breaking, the Chaos Space Marines and the Fallen World Eaters under Khorne escaped from the Warp in blood-red steel battleships.

"Blood and death! Skulls for the Skull Throne! Blood sacrifice to the Blood God!!"

They roared furiously, and then saw the Imperial Fleet in the distance roaring wildly: "TMD Kill Kill Kill!!!" "Aren't they a bit too extreme?"

Pointing at the Imperial warship in the distance, a thousand-year-old veteran of the World Eaters stretched out his hand to ask his comrade in confusion.

“Perhaps it’s because the faith of the Blood God has been truly realized? But isn’t this too exaggerated?” The comrade asked, “Could it be that the Golden Throne and the Bronze Throne are actually made of the same material?”

"Who knows... Anyway, blood sacrifice to the Blood God! Skull to the Skull Throne! Death to the false emperor!!"

Shouting excitedly, the World Eaters immediately launched a swift attack on the army in front of them to cooperate with the Demon Princes on the main battlefield of the Webway to better disrupt the false emperor's shitty plan!
Fierce battles crisscrossed the sky, and the Empire's Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines started a head-on conflict in the material realm. On the other side, after confirming that there were no signs of the Great Demon in the material realm, Ron turned around and led the Imperial Guards, Sisters of Silence, Grey Knights and other elite forces to quickly enter the Webway Gate.

The battlefield of the material realm has never been the mainstream area chosen by the demons of the warp. Because even if the veil is weakened, their power to complete the advent will still be severely weakened. However, in the warp, their power will not only be greatly enhanced by the blessing of the gods, but more importantly, as long as they are not harmed by some special things such as the power of the Emperor or the power of the untouchables, they can be reborn directly the next moment of death!
At the moment the war broke out, even with the wrathful bishop's preaching, a large number of mortal auxiliary troops collapsed on the spot due to the surge in mental pressure. However, this did not affect the other warriors in the webway.

Almost everyone here has one of the once extremely precious power weapons, and they are definitely not inferior power weapons that need to be restarted every time an attack is completed. They are literally the best power weapons that have been passed down from the Dark Age of Technology to the present. Almost at the moment of activation, the buzzing sound of the Decomposition Field filled the entire webway entrance.

With psychic energy bursting out all over their bodies, the Grey Knights wearing Terminator armor were the first to enter. Wielding the power weapons in their hands, the demons that seemed nearly invincible in the eyes of mortals were easily harvested like wheat.

But this efficient harvest did not last long, because as more and more pairs of eyes turned to the damaged webway entrance, the war had just begun and its intensity had reached its peak in an instant.

Guns roared, and corrupted Chaos demons sang praises from the gods. The followers of Slaanesh accompanied the noisy music and shouts, and the drumsticks in their hands hit the living war drums densely covered with nerves, making waves of psychic impact. The followers of Tzeentch waved their staffs, and the geometric symbols formed a lot of blasphemous illusions under the seduction of the demons. Nurgle is the most disgusting, without any fancy tricks, just manipulating the bloated and dirty, doomsday flies that cover the sky and pull out their large intestines, and then shoot out feces like cannonballs.

In comparison, Khorne, whether it is a believer or a demon, is much more colorful. Apart from the unnatural bulging of muscles all over the body and the more bloodthirsty and violent appearance, there is no more unacceptable feature.

Look, looking at those Khorne demons and Khorne believers who were born purely for fighting and had no evil intentions, Ron sighed with some regret: "All they think about is fighting and killing. They are simply a breath of fresh air among the gods."

It's not that Ron said this on purpose, but because he had seen too many gods. In Ron's cognition, most gods didn't care about human affairs... Although this sounds a bit strange, in many literary works, except for some ancient myths, in modern novels, games, and animations, gods usually represent villains.

Compared to those evil gods who simply appreciate human ugliness and dramatic conflicts, Khorne, a god who is purely devoted to violence and massacre, is a breath of fresh air.

The reason is similar to Balder - although Balder is the final boss of God of War 4, and gives people strong neurotic and antisocial personality disorders during the game. But in general, everything happens for a reason, and the reason is understandable. Now the problem has been solved, and he is just a good young man who plays with cups. But compared with those Greek and Nordic guys who fuck women, men, sheep, eagles, and orcs, and are keen on husband-to-husband and cuckold plots, he is so normal that it cannot be more normal.

Khorne is similar, just simply addicted to killing and violence. Compared to Slaanesh, who is keen on transcending the limits of the senses and the bottom line of morality and indulges in unrestrained lust, Nurgle, who breeds germs and maggots and turns the body into a living microbial virus culture dish and rapes the observer's vision, taste and smell at the same time, and the most annoying riddle man Tzeentch...

They just like to fight and kill, and Khorne's purity is amazing. Slaanesh desires unimaginable excitement, Nurgle hopes for infinite growth, infinite corruption and infinite cycle of life and death, and Tzeentch desires countless knowledge and changes...

Compared to the various and headache-inducing sacrifice requirements, it’s just a matter of killing a few more people. No wonder Khorne is so popular in the Warp.

Thinking indifferently, Ron just watched from the sidelines above the webway.

In the past two and a half years, the Emperor has also made considerable modifications to the Webway, which allows people in the material realm to be immune to the endless whispers from the warp to a certain extent when entering the Webway battlefield.

The battlefield was fierce and ruthless. Even the Astartes Space Marines, who were once called angels, could only become nameless and even silent consumables in this vast war. The battle of the Space Marines was already so difficult, not to mention the mortal auxiliary forces - even the most elite Solar Auxiliary Forces of the Empire, this legendary mortal auxiliary force that relied on fortifications to fight the rebellious Astartes at a ratio of 1:5 or even 1:3 in the attack and defense of Terra could only be supported by the heavy vitality in the rear control center. In this war, apart from the legion champions, company commanders, and legion commanders of the major Space Marine legions, there were only a limited number of special forces such as the Sisters of Silence, the Imperial Guard, and the Grey Knights who could really attack and counterattack.

Look, the great Nurgle demon named the Black Death wielded his disease-filled chain hammers and tore through the defenses formed by the Astartes Space Marines. A large number of Nurgle flies formed a poisonous cloud that covered the sky and the sun. Wherever they passed, the plague spread. Even armor and weapons began to rust in a short period of time, as if they had spent hundreds of years in extremely harsh conditions.

The poisonous fog spread, and even the most tenacious Astartes still let out an uncontrollable roar under the erosion of this pervasive pathogen. Noticing the change in the battle situation, one of the Oblivion Knights of the Sisters of Silence jumped out with a broadsword in hand. The moment he stepped into the battlefield, the space around him was quickly anchored. This psychic insulator can greatly suppress the power of psychics and weaken the connection of the subspace. But more importantly, they cannot interact with psychics in the 40k worldview. But beyond the 40k worldview...

After taking a look at the battlefield below, Ron stretched out a finger and took out a force from his container in the warp. In just a breath of time, this force changed from 40k psychic energy to a purer mystical energy.

Different from psionic energy, which is the power and even concept formed by soul and consciousness in the subspace, the form of arcane energy is more pure, and it may not be as specialized as psionic energy in some abilities, but the original form of arcane energy is not subject to many restrictions of psionic energy.

As soon as a stream of light appeared, a seal of holy communion formed by secret energy appeared in the eyes of the Annihilation Knight. Then, the originally strong body was further strengthened. In the surprised eyes of the Annihilation Knight, the energy field of the soul bearer was further stimulated. The moment it forcibly anchored the surrounding reality, a large number of demons were silently annihilated!

(End of this chapter)

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