Chapter 227, Explosive Killing
As the secret energy strengthened, the power of the Annihilation Knight increased further. An aura that was difficult for ordinary people to accept spread around him, and even if you just looked at him from a distance, you would feel dizzy and vomit.

But in this aura, the space around the Oblivion Knight was forcibly anchored, and physical reality descended within a radius of several meters around it. In it, a large number of Nurgle Space Marines fell to the ground with terrified wails and turned into a pool of wriggling rotten meat.

These were all elite veterans of the Death Guard - every one of them. After becoming followers of Nurgle, their bodies underwent unimaginable changes, making them more bloated and more powerful, like mobile biochemical petri dishes, but more dangerous, with tenacious resilience and an unimaginable lifespan.

Having lived in the Warp, the combat experience and skills of these Chaos Soldiers are beyond imagination. A veteran with more than 5,000 years of experience in battle, he would be a combat captain in the Empire's legions.

But now, with the Holy Communion Seal in the eyes of the Oblivion Knights, the rules of the material universe were forcibly anchored. These tough bodies were forcibly cut off from the subspace, and then they found that their bloated flesh filled with pus and germs could not provide them with more power, and the mouths and eyeballs located on the flesh belly were not enough to support their physiological operations. They were just corrupted people, and their nerve endings were not enough to support them to control those proliferating flesh tentacles...

Noticing the collapsed Nurgle Space Marines on the battlefield, the Emperor showed a hint of surprise and looked at Ron and asked, "Do you still have this ability?"

"An attempt." Ron shrugged. "In fact, I just found out about it."

"That's good, it gives us more options in our planning."

"It's you, not us." Ron seriously corrected the mistakes in the Emperor's words. He didn't know about others, but Ron didn't believe that the Emperor would say such unintentional words.

While Ron was communicating with the Emperor, on the battlefield of the Webway, the Annihilation Knight felt the unprecedented power surging in his body, and his eyes revealed a deep shock.

As untouchables, all they can trust is the armor and equipment they wear, their own strength, and this quality that they are not sure whether to call a blessing or a curse.

Unable to make any contact with psychic energy, they would never be strengthened by psychic energy due to the power of faith. But now, she could feel a surge of energy rising in her body.

Following his instinctive perception, the Annihilation Knight looked towards the Astronomican behind him. In the blazing glory of the Astronomican, an inaudible dark light spot was floating quietly.

Where does this power come from? It comes from... the Saint King!

"It's not like there's no one who can respond to us."

Muttering to herself, she heard the passionate sermons of the Wrathful Monks again. The war continued with the wave of anger. But at the same time, the intensity of the war had risen to the point where even the God-forged Annihilation Knights could not control even a small area.

Deeper in the subspace, everyone can clearly feel that the pressure of the soul is constantly colliding and consuming each other. There is no concept of time in the subspace. Everything is eternal, increasing but not decreasing, with a beginning but no end. And what completes this process are countless pre-planned nodes and coincidences.


"They are coming. I need to leave here." The Emperor's voice suddenly became cold, a little cold, a little inhuman, like a machine. Ron knew that this meant that the Emperor was lifting his spell, so that his sensibility and rationality could be reunited.

"One against four of them?"

"No, just blocking it."

The Emperor replied: "Chaos has its own rules. The war here is not a fight in the material realm. The eight positions have always existed. Once one of them is stuck at the origin, it will be suspended forever."


"I want it to be tighter."

After he finished speaking, the emperor disappeared, and Ron stopped talking and just looked down.

It is foreseeable that the Four Gods do not want the Emperor to break the rules of the game like this. Unfortunately, as the evil gods deeply rooted in the chaos, it is not easy for them to descend. The passage is very narrow, and only one person can pass through at a time. In this case, only one person needs to get stuck there in advance, which is enough to block all other guys who want to try to enter.

The owner blocked the door to prevent these ill-intentioned outsiders from entering, but this did not mean that the scum who carried the owner's will could not take advantage of the situation and sneak in.

Scarlet blood wings tore through the sky, and the huge body was as red as blood. The bulging muscles were surging with undisguised brutality, and the beast-like reddish-brown alien head was connected to dense cables. With the sound of the drill digging into the flesh, one hand was a roaring chain saw axe, and the other hand was a Khorne greatsword filled with violent red light. Angron, the former Primarch of the World Eaters Legion and now the Daemon Prince of Khorne, roared the name of the Blood God and covered the sky with blood.

"Skull for the Skull Throne! Blood for the Blood God!"

Angron's appearance attracted the attention of many people, and people recognized this legendary son of God. However, unlike the respect they showed to Guilliman, the moment they saw Angron, everyone felt unprecedented fear and anger.

A large number of heavy machinery turned their firepower, and the roaring barrage left a rain of light of the god of death in the warp. In the air, Angron did not even dodge, the runes of Khorne shone in his eyes, and the breathtaking red light formed a terrifying blood curtain on his body. Under the protection of the blood curtain, the bombardment of heavy firepower was smashed by Angron. With the full blessing of the blood god, he could feel that his power and anger were surging together. The thick tail left a piercing scream above the Webway battlefield, accompanied by the roaring atmosphere, like an invisible long whip breaking through the air, everything that blocked along the way, whether flesh and blood or armor, was turned into blood rain, and a huge gap was torn in the line of the Space Marines.

Noticing Angron's arrival, the Annihilation Knights and the Imperial Guards quickly moved out. In the past, they would have been able to engage in a fierce battle with Angron. But this time, it was only a brief confrontation, and the Imperial Guards' bodies were chopped into pieces by Angron's sword!
The battlefield was not static. Just as the Chaos Gods were constantly trying to squeeze in some of their treasures from the blocked passages, the psychic suction from the Webway around the Holy Land of Terra in the material realm was also constantly being strengthened. Not long after, dozens of Imperial Navy warships rushed into the battlefield in the chaotic space-time storm. Although they were not civilized fortresses like the Phalanx that remained from the Dark Age of Technology, the heavy firepower support brought by some small and medium-sized warships greatly relieved the pressure on the Webway Front.

Unable to think any more, Angron seemed to have received some strong orders. While tearing the dreadlocks on his head, blood flew everywhere, and Angron roared as he flew towards the battleship like a cannonball.

Heavy artillery and light spears continued to smash Angron's flesh and blood, but in the next moment, Angron's body would be reorganized tenaciously under the blessing of the blood god. He forcefully broke into the warship, accompanied by a deafening roar, and the magnificent warship was transformed into fragments with flames. And with the impact of the explosion, Angron rushed directly to the next warship, like an invisible predator, engulfing, destroying, and ravaging everything in front of him!
"Don't forget our deal."

The Emperor's slightly tired voice came to my ears.

Obviously, even if he didn't fight the other four Chaos Gods head-on, but blocked the passageway they were coming from indirectly, it would be extremely tiring for the Emperor. After all... no matter how much you block the passageway, there must be one side facing the other side. There are so many important organs on the front of the body, and using the back, such as the back, to block the passageway...

It would be fine if the person who blocked the way was a promising young man like Khorne who was full of blood and violence. But the problem was that the four evil leaders of the Warp were all amazing, especially Slaanesh and Nurgle, who were the best among them...

I can’t even imagine it.

As he thought about it, Ron shook his head and began to prepare for his exit. Although he liked to slack off, Ron had a strong sense of contract, especially the amazing fighting power displayed by these minions of the Emperor. If he were absorbed into the field organization, he would be able to help solve many problems!
Even though there is a limit on the number of people in each mission, the mid-to-high-level world is relatively difficult to deal with. But with such a group of cyborg big guys here, there is no need to worry about the low-level worlds below the mid-to-low level.

"It just so happens that the ascension ritual has been stabilized, and I haven't had a chance to try it out yet..."

Ron was talking to himself, and just as he was about to descend, he suddenly felt something. Ron's expression paused for a moment, and then he said speechlessly: "That's why I hate religious worship so much..."

On the ground battlefield, looking at Angron who was constantly plundering the naval warships like a doomsday star, the angry bishop's eyes revealed a trace of gnashing hatred and anger.

"Saint Ron! We must not allow such gods to destroy the Emperor's empire! Monks! Keep your anger! Look at me!" The angry bishop took out the chainsaw sword and began to cut into his own heart. It was not a quick cut, but a slow friction. It was not suicide, but a completely torture-style execution.

The painful stimulation made the angry bishop's face flushed, and veins popped out on his forehead. Fortunately, he was a bald man with not much hair, otherwise the hair would have started to fall out due to the tense muscles or the surge of biological hormones.

It does cause hair loss. Not to mention biological hormones, the nerve stimulation from the devil's flesh in the nerve receptors at the back of the neck alone will cause the hair follicles on the surface of the body to gradually die and cause some hormone glands to begin to proliferate, making the person more flammable, explosive and irritable.

Adrenal glands: CTMD is on fire!
With the surge of adrenaline, the pain felt by the Wrath Archbishop decreased rapidly, which made him more and more excited. The chainsaw sword cut his internal organs, and the painful stimulation made his eyes flash with illusions like a revolving lantern. This kind of last moment of life at the moment of death was an undoubted miracle in the eyes of the Wrath Archbishop. Roaring, the Wrath Archbishop excitedly roared:
"In the name of the Emperor! In the name of Saint Ron! Great Saint King! Your servant begs for your mercy. Use your divine wrath to destroy these abominable gods!!"

"That's about it."

Appearing in front of the Wrathful Archbishop, Ron's expression was full of helplessness. However, after entering the webway, the connection with the subspace caused the psychic aura to automatically open. Therefore, in the sight of everyone, only the golden light fell, and then the body of the Wrathful Archbishop was restored to its original state at an astonishing speed.

"Life is the Emperor's currency. Use it wisely. Die on the battlefield. Do not waste it."

After saying that, Ron turned and looked at the sky.

Angron, who was high in the sky and noticed the golden light produced by Ron's arrival, whose sanity was torn apart by pain, also let out an extremely angry roar. First, a roaring chainsaw axe broke through the air, but before it could get close to Ron, it was smashed to pieces by an invisible impact in Ron's sight.

Without fear, Angron roared and clenched the Khorne Greatsword in his hands. A ball of blood flashed on the bright red sword. With the blessing of the Blood God, Angron's body, which was already like a monster, expanded again. The dark red muscles expanded to the limit, and the surging blood overflowed from the body. The whole person turned into a flash of black and red, and jumped down from the sky like a thunderbolt.


Before Angron could come to his senses, Ron appeared in front of him. His not-so-large hand grabbed Angron's dreadlock-like butcher's nails, tearing his spine and brain to pieces. His right hand extended, and the vampire wall ruthlessly pressed into Angron's skull, and the black barrel crushed his soft brain. With three consecutive gunshots, Angron's exhausted body, which maintained its original fierce posture, was slapped to the ground with a slap.

Having activated the ascension to godhood, Ron's power has been enhanced in all aspects. The mercury bullets are mixed with Ron's blood, and the impact on the soul is not as simple as physical damage. At least, for now, Angron's soul cannot escape from the incomprehensible sea of ​​knowledge without ten days or half a month...

Lifting Angron's body and throwing it aside, Ron's face showed no joy or sadness, and he did not seem to feel the slightest bit of excitement for defeating a demon prince.

Are you kidding? In terms of hard power, Ron could beat Angron before he ascended to the godhood. It has already entered the godhood ceremony. If Ron still fights a guy of Angron's level with equal strength, it would be weird...

(End of this chapter)

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