Chapter 229 That's quite valuable~!

Looking at Ron, Mortarion's eyes were full of indifference.

He had no loyalty to Nurgle. The main reason why he surrendered to Nurgle was because his subordinates were sentenced, causing his legion flagship to be captured by Nurgle and infected with the plague by Nurgle. As a Primarch known for his tenacity, Mortarion's endurance and recovery ability far exceeded that of ordinary people. Even Nurgle's plague virus could be resisted and regenerated tenaciously. But his descendants could not resist... In the end, Mortarion surrendered.

This kind of depravity made Mortarion very cold towards Nurgle, and he basically just cared about his own business like a worker. But now, the situation was obviously different... The collective blessing from the four gods put Mortarion on the verge of mental collapse. Even if it was just to relieve the mental pressure brought by the death order of the gods, he had to force himself to exert his killing intent on Roan as much as possible.

"Making an enemy of you is not our primary goal." Mortarion looked at Ron as calmly as possible, but even so, the murderous intent in his eyes still burned like a raging fire.

"Our mission is to destroy the Webway Project... but it's clear that even if you don't die, the demons won't be able to break through your clan. So, die!"

He spoke calmly, but at the last moment, Mortarion's voice suddenly became extremely cold. No matter how he defended himself, Mortarion was no longer a human being. With a low roar, the copper ball around him also released a large amount of organic microorganisms.

The demon prince, who was attached to Mortarion's body and exuding a poisonous miasma, rushed towards Roan. As he approached, Magnus in the distance also chanted a series of words. He was not one-eyed, and he sacrificed part of his soul and one eye in the deal with Tzeentch. But it was obvious that the Emperor's act of overturning the table made Chaos angry, and Magnus's eye returned to his hand - indeed, in his hand.

Because of the long period of time spent in the warp, the eye that Magnus had donated had been irreversibly crystallized due to the infusion of a large amount of knowledge. Now, it has returned to Magnus' hands, and this eyeball that once belonged to the Scarlet King has become the best magic weapon of the Scarlet Demon.

Complex geometric figures continued to take shape, and they interlocked with each other in the breath accompanied by the rhythm of the eyeball magic weapon. The surrounding space was forcibly distorted, and Mortarion's dark sickle with flashing arcs of light slashed out from the blind spot of Ron's vision - Ron did not have a blind spot, but this was the gap between the subspace and the material realm, which was second only to the Eye of Terror in terms of weakness. Through the impact of distorted mental energy, the laws of space were forcibly tampered with by thoughts, and an unobservable perception blind spot was created.

"How dare you try your best to master a small skill?"

With a raised eyebrow, Ron's hand sank, and the meat saw covered with blood rust fell into his hand. He did not even release his full strength to activate the remaining power in the old hunter's bones. This prop that was once only used for short-distance dodge now showed a limit far beyond its own ability when activated by Ron.

Mortarion stared at Ron and saw only several distorted afterimages left in the space. Then he heard Magnus' warning from afar.


Before he could finish his words, or even hear clearly what Magnus had said, the pitch-black meat saw slashed out from behind him. The blood-rusted teeth easily cut through the power backpack behind him that had long been corrupted. The fungal blanket and flesh wrapped around it seemed to be attacked by some natural enemy the moment they came into contact with the teeth, twisting and conveying crazy fear to Mortarion's nerves and soul. Then the teeth got stuck in Mortarion's spine, and with a sudden pull, the damaged spine and a large piece of internal organs exploded in the air!

"It's sad, but you're cheap."

Mortarion's soul was pulled out abruptly, and just like with Angron, the original soul and the evil god's knowledge were dealt with separately, the former was stuffed into a blood collection bottle, and the latter was turned into a madman... Well, this is the divine wisdom of the superior, but it is of a lower quality. After all, this is only part of the knowledge bestowed on Mortarion by Nurgle, not Mortarion himself.

The soul turned blood red the moment it entered the blood bottle. Apart from the fact that blood is the currency of the soul in the concept of mysticism, Ron was also more accustomed to the soul being expressed in the form of blood.

As for the words that Roan left for Mortarion... it was not a deliberate denigration. It was because Mortarion's value to the Emperor was indeed very limited. Angron could feel the pain between the Primarchs, Space Marines, and mortals, and appease the conflicts between them. But in comparison, Mortarion was almost a tough warrior born for the Great Crusade. But it was obvious that the Empire would not rashly launch the Great Crusade in the next period of time.

Instead, the empire consolidated its control over the various planets through the webway. After all, before this, the planets were all self-governed by the planetary governors, and the empire was only responsible for collecting taxes. With the webway, it was time to prepare to get rid of these local gentry and local tyrants and launch the "imperial power going to the countryside" rectification movement.

“But you’re valuable.”

Ron looked at Magnus and said with a smile:
"I don't know if the emperor can stand up, but he must want to have a spare power bank next to the toilet so that she can use her phone and send messages more comfortably."

Hearing Roan's words, Magnus felt a chill on his back. As a powerful psychic, not counting the warp essence, Magnus's psychic ability in the material realm can be said to be second only to the Emperor. Even the former magic pattern Malcador cannot be compared with him.

Although Ron's words were very twisted, how could Magnus not hear it? He was planning to sell himself to the Emperor, so that the Emperor would have more time to deal with the Empire's affairs in the material realm, and in the process of dealing with them, he would temporarily hold up the toilet's feces spray pipe.

Run! Don't stop! Magnus quickly realized the seriousness of the problem. At the same moment, through Magnus's eyes, he saw and heard Ron's words. Tzeentch in the pipe also let out a scream, and then a surge of psychic energy burst out from his eyes. This was originally a gift that Tzeentch was going to give to Ron when Ron approached Magnus. But now, what Ron wanted to do has seriously affected the interests of Chaos itself. Compared to a weak possibility, the first thing to do now is obviously to stop the loss in time!
"You offended the master and you still want to run?!" With a ferocious expression that made Malik applaud, Ron's body flashed through the space again. Before the space created by the eyeball explosion swallowed Magnus, Ron's figure appeared directly in front of Magnus. The meat saw chopped down from the air, and the red and black blood rust spread at an alarming speed the moment it entangled the space. As the pupils grew inward, a slightly shrill bird cry came from the space, and then nine weird feathers fell from the sky, and the eyes fell into the dust on the ground together.

After a successful strike, Magnus looked behind him and stabbed him with a knife. The sound of the mechanism reached Magnus' ears, and the deformed meat saw came through the air, cutting his burly body in the middle. The blood spread in the air. But Magnus, who mastered psychic power, was obviously stronger than Angron and Mortarion in survival ability. The moment his body was cut off, his soul turned into a stream of light and tried to leave. Unfortunately, just half of his head was exposed, and Ron roughly stuffed it into the blood collection bottle, and then split it into three parts.

One of them is Tzeentch's divine wisdom, and the other two are different souls of Magnus - Magnus traded with Tzeentch and offered part of his soul. Over a long period of time, this part of the soul has completely become a loyal servant of Tzeentch. But Ron doesn't care at all, at most he can sell it back for a higher price. After all, spending money to draw fragments and then accumulating an SSR character has always been the forte of domestic games.

Thinking of this, Ron shook his head with some regret.

Three people, let's take Angron as an example, not considering that his body may have other uses after being transformed by the Empire, such as being made into a mindless combat cyborg like a whipping servitor. Angron's equipment alone is a real ancient holy artifact in the eyes of the Empire. Add to that Angron's soul and the knowledge that Khorne possesses... if that can be considered knowledge.

The explosion rate is super high, isn't it much better than Tanwan Blue Moon?
Thinking of this, Ron also looked at Fulgrim, the former imperial phoenix, with an unfriendly gaze. A pair of malicious eyes swept over Fulgrim. If it were in the past, Fulgrim would definitely feel unprecedented excitement because of this gaze. He enjoyed everything that made him feel excited - just like when his descendants suspected that his spirit had been possessed, he still happily cooperated with his descendants to prove himself and spread his new ideas.

Although Ron was an enemy, he didn't mind if he could enjoy the unimaginable excitement during the battle. He even looked forward to how he would exercise his rights as a winner if he won.

But now... looking at Ron's unfriendly eyes, Fulgrim was sure that Ron must be thinking about how to sell himself for a good price. He must be! Because the look in that guy's eyes was exactly the same as that of a butcher selling meat!
"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person. I just want you to be reunited with your biological father." Ron said with a smile: "Everyone has the responsibility to combat human trafficking, but I believe your father will give me a considerable thank you gift."

"Hmm... you are proficient in diplomacy, politics, art, and combat. You are much more valuable than Mortarion, so I'm sure this thank you gift will be quite a bit!"

Fulgrim was a perfectionist, and the most common thing he did was to look at his handsome face in the mirror and marvel at it. This included the world he was born into, where resources were extremely scarce, and useless people would be immediately used as nutrients for the planet's circulation. A baby, without any background, power, and consuming nutrients to grow. He should have been thrown into the grinder. But the natural aura of a succubus made everyone change their minds and raise him together.

Since then, Fulgrim has always been able to quickly learn any skill and quickly reach the pinnacle of perfection. This includes war and combat, diplomacy and art. Before his complete depravity, almost no one disliked Fulgrim.

And now, this has become something that Ron is excited about.

"You will definitely be able to sell it for a good price!"


With the previous experience of Angron and others, facing Roan's gaze, Fulgrim could no longer suppress his fear. He screamed and turned around, flapping his wings, as if he wanted to escape directly from here - if he was the Phoenix of the Empire, he would definitely not do this. But after joining Slaanesh, those Chaos Space Marines who were descendants of Fulgrim had all degenerated into useless people who could not fight without taking drugs and feeling enough stimulation...

Fulgrim's point of collapse far exceeds the limit of the Slaanesh Space Marines, but it is not impossible. For example, now, Roan has nakedly demonstrated his ability to erase the subspace essence of these demon princes and even let them click soul recovery and initialization.

"Huh! Want to run?!"

Seeing Fulgrim's panicked figure, Ron said coldly, and then his body turned into a storm-like afterimage and approached Fulgrim at an alarming speed. By the time Fulgrim came to his senses, the pitch-black meat saw had already torn the keratin on the surface of his skin and pierced into the soft and fragile flesh, bursting with blood - Lightning Whirlwind Strike! !
Do you know what the World Tree's Blade is? !
After collecting Fulgrim's soul into the Yharnam Elf Ball (blood collection bottle), Ron wiped the blood off the knife with the wings of Fulgrim's corpse expressionlessly, and then looked at the battlefield below.

Well, with the help of the thugs in the park, the Imperial front has now stabilized again and even advanced a lot - the main reason is that the arrival of Diana and others has greatly inspired the Imperial soldiers present. Just like the morale explosion caused by the resurrection of Guilliman and the arrival of the Living Saint, the priests of the Wrathful Monks and the Wrathful Archbishops were so excited after seeing the figures of Diana and others that they could hardly control themselves.

"Commanders! Anger is really useful! It's really useful when it comes to chopping down demons!"

As she ran back and forth on the battlefield, Diana's silver champion helmet had turned completely blood red. Even around her waist, there were five or six heads of great demons hanging.

Nodding with satisfaction, Ron looked at Lorgar, who had only half of his body reached the battlefield, with his lower body still stuck in the subspace, and was now constantly trying to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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