In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 230: The Waaagh Expedition of the Greenskins of Helheim!

Chapter 230: The Waaagh Expedition of the Helheim Greenskins!

In the warp, he has accepted his own warp nature, the Imperial Duck... The Raven King Corvos Corax never concealed his hatred for Lorgar.

Like the other Primarchs, Corax was swept away by a warp storm when he was a baby, and then landed on a remote planet, among which Corax landed on a mining planet. Similar to Fulgrim, Corax also grew up eating at many people's homes. However, his name means "savior" in the planet. He is also irresponsible, and his strong learning ability constantly makes him the real savior in people's hearts.

Its ability is stealth, which is psychic stealth. That is, even if this three-meter-tall giant stands in front of you, you will subconsciously ignore him. Even if his figure has been captured by the camera, it is still difficult for people to discover the existence of Corax.

After the Horus Heresy ended and the Empire initially regained stability, he entered the Eye of Terror alone. Now, having accepted his own nature in the Warp, Corax wants to do nothing but find a way to kill Lorgar, the culprit who forced the end of the Empire's Golden Age!
Lorgar was somewhat speechless about this. As a religious person, Lorgar himself was not good at fighting. He was a civilian among the Primarchs and was no match for Corax. During the Horus Heresy, he had confronted Corax and was beaten to a pulp by Corax.

And now, having ascended to become a Chaos Prince of Chaos, Lorgar's power has also been continuously increased - but he was still pinned to the ground and beaten by Corax who accepted his own warp essence. He was so beaten that he lost his mind - then am I not a white ascended demon? !
He transformed into Captain Jia of Chaos, but unfortunately no one stood up for Lorgar, so he could only stay in the depths of Chaos and hide from Corax.

This time, he had obtained the will of Chaos itself, and wanted to come to the Webway to destroy the Emperor's plan to overturn the table. But who would have thought that Corax, who had been paying attention to Lorgar, would immediately chase him. He was halfway through the transmission, when Lorgar's defense was at its most vulnerable, when Corax suddenly jumped out: Hey, hey, hey! Here I come!

Looking at Lorgar stuck on the wall of the curtain, looking at Lorgar's butt, Corax would not hold back. The Word Bearers Chaos Space Marines guarding Lorgar waiting to descend together were slaughtered at an astonishing speed by the Raven King who accepted his own warp essence.

But just as Corax was still thinking about how to stop more Chaos from going to the Webway battlefield and destroying his father's comeback plan, for some reason, Lorgar, who was struggling to squeeze in, began to shrink back with a strange cry and twisted his butt.

Looking at the butt that kept approaching, Corax even wondered if Lorgar was enjoying beating him - it was said that the followers of Slaanesh once lined up to be chopped by the Imperial Commissars because the pain of being chopped to death by a chainsaw sword was too intense, just to enjoy the moment of being cut by a chainsaw sword accompanied by the blazing faith of the Emperor. Although Lorgar was not a follower of Slaanesh, as a follower of Chaos itself, it was understandable that he had some Slaanesh habits.

In a way, this is quite a headache - Corax thought.

He did not have the ability to kill a demon prince's warp essence, which was a power that only a few powerful people could master, such as the Emperor. Therefore, he could continue to abuse Lorgar. But if Lorgar turned to Slaanesh, then this abuse would become a reward...

Oh no, I have to come up with a more brutal method... But what if this guy thinks this is a more satisfying reward?!

Although it was passive, Lorgar vividly showed Corax what it means to be a powerful M that cannot be defeated by an S.

But just when Corax was still confused, Luojia, who was still arguing, suddenly trembled violently, then stopped all movements, and gave up struggling in the puzzled eyes of Corax, and his two bloody thighs just slapped straight on the ground.

Then, his whole body slid down, leaving a bright red bloodstain on the curtain.

Realizing that something was wrong, Corax's eyes showed a hint of doubt. But then, he saw a hand reaching out from the other side of the hole in the curtain to open the curtain that was about to close.

He bent down to look over and saw a guy whom Corax had never seen before. In his hand, he was holding half of Lorgar's body.

"Hey, Crow King."

Seeing Corax, Ron greeted him in a familiar manner and said, "Your father and I are busy here. Although you can't help much, you are still filial. Come back home when you have time. Your father is a little short of manpower."

Hearing this, Corax frowned secretly.

What do you mean I didn't help? I slaughtered hundreds of Chaos Space Marines and stopped the shameful traitor Lorgar...

Just as he was thinking about it, Corax saw the bodies of Angron, Mortarion, Fulgrim and others piled together by Ron.

There was silence. Before Corax could react, he saw Ron continue to reach out his hand, just like the fish killer in RT-Mart. His knife was cold and his heart was even colder. He chopped off Lorgar's upper body with a single blow, then pulled the soul out of his brain, shook it clean, and stuffed the restored soul into a blood collection bottle. He refined the knowledge into the wisdom of a god, and then threw the body aside.

"Don't waste your half."

Ron reached out with one hand to stabilize the curtain hole to prevent it from healing, and with the other hand he picked up the lower half of Luo Jia's body and threw it onto the pile of bones beside him.

"The corpses of these demon princes are rare and valuable materials. After some processing, they can be turned into combat servants. I think your father will be able to offer a good price for them."


In response, Corax just gave an awkward but polite smile.

"Okay, come over now that you have no problems over there."

Ron said, "Let's pack up and go back to the Holy Land of Terra. Guilliman is a bit busy at this time, so you can help him."


Corax nodded hesitantly, then said, "There are still some traitors here. I'll kill them all and then leave." "There are still traitors? Who are they? It doesn't matter. Anyway, there will be plenty of time to settle accounts later."

"Erebus." Corax uttered the traitor's name through gritted teeth.

In response, Ron nodded seriously: "Okay, as soon as possible."

Erebus, the most hated person in Warhammer 40k. If Lorgar's corruption is the beginning of the Horus Heresy, then Erebus is the source of Lorgar's corruption. From the beginning, this guy was a believer of Chaos, lurking in the Word Bearers Legion disguised as a fanatic. When Lorgar was confused, he swung his hoe hard and tricked Lorgar into the Eye of Terror, causing Lorgar to completely corrupt. Well, Mortarion's corruption was also a key assist provided by Erebus.

As for Corax... To be honest, Ron quite likes this Raven King.

Mainly, it's because of the remnants of the previous origin world. Looking at the many Primarchs in Warhammer 40k, it can be said that everyone is very hardworking. Some want to create a space Rome, some want to be the Pope of the Space Vatican, some are ready to create social Darwinism in the galaxy, some want to kill everyone, some are content to be dogs, and some are extremely supportive of the Warp and want everyone to be in the Warp... And what about the Corvus King? This guy wants to create a space communist alliance.

For example, before the Emperor came and took him away, he had already led the workers to complete the uprising and ushered in peace and independence for the planet. The requirement for joining the Empire was also to bring peace to the people.

Of course, in the shitty world view of Warhammer 40k, the fate of idealists is usually not that good. The same is true for the Raven King - from the suspicion and accusations of his brothers, the massacres that had to be carried out, the long battles behind enemy lines, killing his imperfect mutant offspring with his own hands, and these offspring comforted the Raven King before they died, and witnessed the decline of the empire with their own eyes. The golden age of liberation for all mankind is destined to never come...

This is a huge blow to any idealist. No wonder Corax, who had every reason to refute the confrontation, only smiled helplessly, tired, numb, and desperately when the Lion King accused him of not doing enough in the late Horus Heresy. The Lion King himself was shocked. Why did his brother show such a desperate expression? Shouldn't they be spitting at each other passionately?

Thinking of this, Ron closed the subspace curtain, then turned to look at the battlefield below, and rushed down with his knife sharpened - MD, every time a big demon died, it meant that Ron had to pay a part of the reward. He had to grab a few heads before they were all killed, so that he could pay less salary and save money!
Noticing Ron's vicious look, Diana and the others gritted their teeth.

The shameless dog capital was afraid that they would pay too much and give less money to the people who were ready to rob them. For a moment, the members of the Helheim Legion, who were originally competing with each other, looked at each other, and then began to cooperate tacitly, scrambling to seize the territory of the big demon peeing, saying that we came here first and no one can grab it, forcing Ron to focus on some relatively cheap small and medium-sized big demon cadres.

In a short while, the battlefield was cleared. Seeing that the web battlefield was basically fine, Ron glanced at Diana who was eager to move beside him, then rolled his eyes and said, "I'll take a break." Then he disappeared.

Seeing Ron disappear, Diana was a little confused at first. But soon, Hela beside her sneered and reminded her: "Idiot, there are still people outside."

Diana didn't care when she heard the dirty words from Hela's mouth. She was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized where Ron had gone. She uttered a few swear words about Paradise Island, and then called Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, the two men with double red sticks behind her, to come to the material realm.

As expected, although the battle inside the webway was almost over, fierce fighting was still going on within the solar system. There was no need to be afraid, the champion helmet allowed Diana to move freely in the universe, and the beauty of Paradise Island behind her also put on the space suit produced by the system and rushed into the deep space with a group of green skins to continue burning, killing and looting.

This fighting style and fighting frenzy that can be described as the most typical greenskin fighting style on earth was strongly supported by the Angry Monks. They screamed and groaned like the farts around the big greenskins, except that they screamed all kinds of beautiful swear words filled with blood and violence, which could cure Khorne's insomnia on the spot.

Not long after, these angry fart spirits boarded a warship docked at the spaceport and joined this unprecedented waaagh expedition.

By the time all the enemies in the solar system were almost cleared, it was already the third day.

The main reason is that the Emperor is a rather cautious person - especially the closer he is to victory, the more he cherishes this hard-won opportunity.

Afterwards, the webway was restored. It was not completely complete, the webway was only restored to the state before it was blown up by a psychic phone call from Magnus. Although it sounds like everything has just returned to the starting point, just the fact that Terra will not become the next Eye of Terror is enough for the Emperor to be more relaxed in dealing with the affairs of the Empire.

"My body will not be able to stand up for a short time." The Emperor was still sitting at the top of the Great Golden Palace of the Terra Palace on the top of the ancient Himalayas in the Holy Land of Terra. He looked at the two Primarchs, Guilliman and Corax, a group of living saints, a group of guards, a small group of silent sisters, the Martian Forge General, Saint Sebastian, and Ron and others in front of him and said:

"I've been sitting there for too long, and my body's vitality is almost gone. It will take at least a year to recover. Of course, even so, it's already much better."

There was a hint of emotion in his voice. It was obvious that the Emperor was very satisfied with his current status. After all, if his prediction was correct, he should still be sitting there.

As the only person sitting in the throne room besides the Emperor, Ron seemed quite casual. In response to the Emperor's words, Ron asked directly:
"Then why don't you just commit suicide?"


A question mark rose in the minds of the people present - but no one said anything. After all, the fighting power and means shown by Roan were beyond their ability to deal with. Apart from anything else, the Emperor himself respected Roan's opinion. Roan had helped the Empire usher in a new golden age from the apostasy era, so it could be said that no one else had much right to interfere with what he said.

What's more, there must be a reason for saying this in this situation.

Look, looking at the Emperor, Ron said:

"You are immortal, and unlike Malcador's immortality, you can be resurrected after a period of time even if you die. You couldn't be resurrected before because you needed to suppress the entrance to the Webway. The cooldown time for resurrection was enough for Terra to become the new Eye of Terror, and then all humans would be wiped out, just like the Eldar, leaving only a few survivors, and the rest would all become dust in the galaxy."

"Now that the entrance to the webway is gone and there are no worries, wouldn't it be much faster to just commit suicide instead of recovering slowly?"

(End of this chapter)

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