Chapter 240: Murder
Through his power as the Lord of Humanity, the Emperor can exert a strong attraction on humans even without any action. This attraction will not lead to the deterioration of feelings. Instead, it will make the other party feel a sense of mission and intimacy.

When the Great Crusade was first launched, the Emperor did not even need to use force when he descended on some hostile planets. He only needed to appear in front of people and they would be loyal to him. The Emperor's power to control human souls comes from the Warp... For every human who believes in and is loyal to the Emperor, the Emperor can use the Warp to bring them back to the world.

Just like Saint Celestine. She descended on the battlefield countless times after she became a living saint and died in battle. Legend has it that every time Saint Celestine died, her soul would return to the subspace and look for her broken body and limbs among the pile of corpses. After reassembling, she would descend to the world again to spread the glory of the Emperor.

But the emperor of this world is not the real body after all. Especially since he came here with shit in his mouth to discharge, his real body was slightly injured due to a slight prolapse of the anus. Now he has returned to the golden throne to rest and recuperate.

Well, the Golden Throne used to be a terrible torture device, which made the Emperor maintain the stability of the Empire in endless torture. Now that the Webway has been restored, the Golden Throne is just a symbol of the Empire's faith and has lost its function as a torture device.

But even if it is only a part of consciousness, it still contains the concept of the Lord of Mankind.

Trying to sense the souls that were still watching Frank, the Emperor initially intended to make them reappear directly. But after realizing that these souls had been marked by some existence, he fell silent and changed his method, no longer trying to summon them, but allowing their breath and voices to reappear.


Hearing the voice, the Punisher paused, then looked around in panic. Finally, he looked at the Emperor, rushed to the Emperor in two or three steps, raised the sharp knife high, and pressed it against... against the Emperor's chest.

There was no other way. Frank had intended to put his dagger against the Emperor's neck. But the Emperor was too tall, more than three meters tall even without the psychic amplification. Frank had to step on the stairs beside him to put his dagger against his chest. In front of the Emperor's tall and sturdy body, even the famous Punisher still looked a little thin. Now he was holding the dagger tightly with an angry look on his face, like a kitten that had not yet been weaned showing its fangs. Not only did it not make people feel threatening, it even made people feel a little funny...

When you are not strong enough, your anger seems like acting like a spoiled child.

"Put away your disgusting magic tricks! For the sake of these reformed people, I won't give you any more chances!"

After hearing Frank's words, the Emperor shook his head and said calmly:

"You heard those voices, right? I didn't create them. I just amplified their thoughts. They have long passed away, and these are just the echoes of their souls in this world."

Hearing the emperor's words, Frank's eyes twitched, and then he continued in a cold voice:

"So what? What next? Do you want to use some tricks to create some auditory hallucinations and then turn me into a religious stooge? Come on, tell me about it."

Faced with Frank's questioning, the emperor did not get angry, and his expression remained calm and gentle.

"Magic trick? Auditory hallucination? I should feel relieved. At least you didn't say it was magic, nor did you worship me for it. Instead, you used reason to fight against this sad thought."

There was a hint of admiration in his voice. The Emperor liked people like Frank very much. He was firm, rational, had his own thoughts, and could face everything honestly.

Even if everything you most desire but have lost reappears in front of you, you will not lose your noble self and soul.

Thinking about this, the Emperor said:
"In fact, I hate religion very much. I understand religion better than anyone else, and I hate it more. Especially in this world, the so-called gods are just creatures and lives that have mastered greater power and knowledge. Therefore, there are no ghosts, no supernatural phenomena, and no magic or witchcraft among the stars, because everything can be explained by scientific means."

"I know this may seem particularly ironic coming from me... but I deeply believe that humans can overcome everything with the light of reason. Nothing should be worshipped. Rational humans need to completely eliminate the backward concept of religion in the future. And I believe that no matter what kind of disasters and catastrophes are hidden in the starry sky, they cannot stop humans from becoming the masters of the universe. Humans are glorious, and that noble soul must become the master of the universe. This is the innate destiny of humans."

At the beginning, the Emperor's voice was still very calm. But later, even a fool could clearly feel the determination and firmness in the Emperor's words. It seemed that for the Emperor, this future was not unpredictable, but already determined.

After hearing the Emperor's words, Frank could not help but fall into silence. On the side, Bullseye, who had already completed the emergency treatment of the wound and was holding the knife in one hand, could not help but sneer and then said:
"Don't you think it's ridiculous for a cult leader like you to say such high-sounding words? Look at yourself, more than three meters tall. Which military laboratory did you run from? I guess the military must be going crazy looking for you!"

As he spoke, Bullseye was ready for a fight. He said he was fighting, but in reality, he was more calculating the direction of escape. After all, on paper, he couldn't even beat Frank - there was nothing to be ashamed of. Frank's fighting skills were obvious to everyone who had been in Hell's Kitchen. It was no exaggeration to say that even a pen could become a killing weapon in this guy's hands.

If it was in his prime, it would be fine, but I didn't have full equipment this time, and I was shot twice. Rather than continue to dawdle and force myself to fight, it is more important to find a way to leave here and avenge this arrow in the future!
Although he is a killer, before he dropped out of school, Bullseye was an Ivy League student who was a top student in both literature and sports.

"High-sounding? Human experiment? No, no, no, you are wrong. I have no intention of deceiving you."

Shaking his head, the Emperor said calmly: "I am only showing you the materialism that this world is truly suited to humankind."


"...No." After a brief silence, Bullseye said: "You are a cult leader, and you are telling me about materialism? What? Are you still a materialistic cult? Just like Scientology, the Church of Science?" "Of course you can say that, but science and religion are different." The Emperor said calmly: "Science allows and encourages questioning. Any rational questioning can be carried out within the scope of science."

"But religions are different. Religions do not allow questioning. This is also the biggest difference between the Emperor's Salvation Church and other religions."

After hearing the Emperor's words, Bullseye and Frank did not develop even the slightest interest in the Emperor's Church of Salvation. Instead, they felt that the Emperor in front of them was somewhat inexplicable, especially Bullseye, who simply shook his head and said:
"A weird cult... Never mind. I don't want to waste my time with you guys!"

As he spoke, Bullseye snorted coldly, and then quickly ran towards the warehouse door. Looking at his appearance, he didn't look like he was shot or injured at all? His movements were swift and continuous. Even if an Olympic champion came, he would have to follow Bullseye and eat his ass!
Unfortunately, in response to Bullseye's escape, the Emperor just stretched out his hand and waved it casually in the air. Then, with the energy ripples of the skill spreading in the air, Bullseye, who had already reached the window and was only one step away from escaping, felt that the air around him seemed to become extremely heavy at an alarming speed, as if it was filled with jelly that would not affect his breathing, and it was so heavy that his body was fixed in the air and could not even fall.

"You came here suddenly, and left so suddenly... Although it may sound strange to say this, this is a religious place. Your behavior can be considered an offense."

As the Emperor spoke, the Bullseye in the distance also floated in front of the Emperor. He just waved his hand twice, and with the sound of Bullseye gritting his teeth, the two bullets that had penetrated his body slowly floated out.

But the bullet's removal did not mean Bullseye was free. On the contrary, as the wound stopped bleeding, Bullseye's body became even more restricted. He was almost completely fixed in the air, and was fixed in a very funny cross shape.

Realizing that something was wrong, Bullseye gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want to do? Want to kill me? Didn't you say that humans will become the masters of the universe in the future? Am I no longer a human being? Or am I not worthy of being a human being?"

The Emperor felt the provocation in Bullseye's words, but he didn't care. This kind of clumsy trick would not fool the Emperor, even a college student... or a high school student wouldn't be fooled. Looking at Bullseye, after feeling it for a moment, the Emperor's eyes also showed a hint of indifference, and then he said calmly:

“I have great faith in the future of mankind and am willing to give everything for it. But please believe that what I love deeply is humanity as a whole, not just any individual.”

As he spoke, the Emperor gently tapped Bullseye's forehead. Just like Bullseye's nickname, there is a target on his forehead. And this target is not drawn with ink, but a scar carved with a knife - this is the testimony of his love-hate relationship with Lawyer Ma. However, compared with Lawyer Ma's popularity, Bullseye is only a third-tier villain, although he occasionally has highlights.

And now, with the Emperor's finger, a golden light surged behind Bullseye. In that golden light was Bullseye's deepest and most distant memory - the afternoon when he smashed his classmate's skull with a baseball.

"Becoming the master of the universe is the manifest destiny that humans must face. This should be as it should be, but with the first murder between humans, everything changed."

Although the Emperor's voice was not full of gritting teeth, but was just cold and indifferent, almost everyone present could feel the hatred and anger in the Emperor's words.

"This means that the noble soul of mankind has been polluted. Because of unwarranted greed and jealousy, they attack their own kind, and even their blood relatives! This is a brutal and meaningless internal struggle. The glorious history of mankind has repeatedly led to the decline and destruction of civilization because of the original sin of fratricide. This is an unforgivable original sin, and it is the worst blasphemy against the identity of the Lord of the Human World!"

It is no wonder that the Emperor hates human self-mutilation so much - in Warhammer 40k, the first murder of humans is the first turning point in the creation of the human race. The first murder and the death that followed gave birth to a tragic nightmare. Since then, all humans in the past, future, known, and unknown have a direct connection with this existence.

Human beings are not aware of this existence, but since the birth of this existence, human beings have been played in its hands!

The Emperor learned of his mission only after witnessing a murder among his closest relatives.

It is also because of this that for the emperor, many crimes can be pardoned and forgiven, but murder cannot.

"I am not against death. Everyone has the right to choose life. For this reason, sometimes we have to make cruel and cold choices. But if it is just to feel the pleasure generated in the moment when life disappears, and succumb to this despicable desire... I will not forgive it."

The emperor raised his hand calmly. He was wearing an ancient linen robe. His strong body gave people a radiant feeling at this moment, but it was also surrounded by infinite oppression.

"You are consuming humanity's future and preventing it from fulfilling its Manifest Destiny to become the master of the universe."

As he spoke, the Emperor's palm fell on Bullseye's head. Although he didn't know what the Emperor wanted to do, he instinctively felt an unprecedented fear. This fear was not simply the threat of death, but a kind of submission and fear at the soul level, just like a slave who saw the master's whip and couldn't help trembling even if the master didn't swing it.

But before he could utter a single word, the next moment, accompanied by a violent spasm, Bullseye lost consciousness and hung in the air like a vegetable. Apart from his even breathing, there was no other reaction or change.

Then the emperor turned his gaze to Frank standing aside.

"Don't be nervous or afraid. Kid, we still have a lot of time and we can talk slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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