Chapter 241: God's remaining four corners
After taking a look at the bullseye that seemed to have lost consciousness, and then looking at the emperor who was so close, Frank did not say anything. Instead, he took a half step back without leaving a trace and took a vigilant posture.

The Emperor didn't seem to care about this, but pointed behind Frank and said:

"Can you feel it? That hazy warmth."


"That's the person who misses you." The Emperor said, "My destiny has given me the authority to perceive all humans. But this is not my world after all. I can make their thoughts more clearly present in the real world, but if you really want to see them, you must come by yourself."


He was clearly on high alert against the Emperor, and even prepared to fight to the death. But feeling the faint warmth coming from behind him, Frank realized that he didn't have enough courage to confront the Emperor.

After a long while, Frank could only say with difficulty: "What should we do?"

After hearing Frank's words, the Emperor did not hide anything and said, "Get in touch with the God of this world."


Hearing this, Frank's mouth twitched, and then he said sarcastically: "Get in touch with God? Haha, what a joke! I was so confused that I actually believed what you, the leader of a cult, said. Didn't you just say that there are no gods in this world? Why are you so eager to contradict yourself now?"

"No, I mean to look at everything in this world in a rational way."

Hearing Frank's words, the Emperor shook his head. He was wearing a simple linen robe, and his sturdy body looked majestic and sacred under the warm light. Just like a work of art carved by a skilled craftsman with all his strength, every muscle was well-proportioned and powerful, strong yet exquisite.

Full of convincing power, the Emperor said:
"Space is filled with unknown civilizations and races. These scums that hinder humanity from inheriting its destiny will launch vicious attacks using all the means they can imagine. Facing this unknown future, the only thing humanity can rely on is cold reason."

"Believe it, Frank, believe in materialism. We must recognize our enemies before we can fight them."

Raising a finger, the Emperor said: "The so-called gods are just beings that possess greater power and deeper wisdom. That's all. We only need to know that they exist. Any unnecessary belief and worship is a blasphemy to humanity as a whole. So, acknowledge them, and then you can face them."

"Death in this world has its own will. I can forcibly take away those souls who miss you from her hands, but as a price, how much pressure of death can their souls bear? Therefore, you can only rely on yourself. Use your will to prove to this concept that represents death, your thoughts, your soul, your everything."

As he spoke, the Emperor extended his hand: "I will send you to see her. The final choice is up to you. I will not interfere."

Hearing this, Frank was silent for a moment, and he finally couldn't resist the temptation from his wife and children. Finally, he took a step forward and let the emperor's finger fall on his forehead.

With the fluctuation of psychic energy, the Emperor's power, under his authority as the Lord of Mankind, began to connect with Frank's soul. At this moment, Frank instantly achieved partial assimilation with the Emperor's will. Although it was only a fleeting glimpse, the cold sun hanging in the boundless space made Frank unable to come back to his senses.

Similarly, feeling Frank's will, the Emperor added with some emotion:
"Maybe I'm a bit too talkative... but I can feel how noble your soul is as a human being. Unlike this scum among humans, your soul shines with the brilliance of reason. The will representing death may say something to you, and the decision is up to you, but I hope you can remember that you are a human being, and a pathetic carrier of a certain concept."

During the conversation, the Emperor also contacted Ron directly through the system. Hearing that the Emperor was going to recruit someone to join the group, Ron was also a little curious about which monster in the American comics world could be favored by the Emperor.

He stretched out his hand and used Helheim to cut a hole in the space, and Ron's face was revealed. Ordinary dimensional demons certainly could not connect their own dimensions with the material realm as freely as breathing. Apart from other things, if the Ancient One sensed it, he would immediately activate the Global Spell to seal and anchor the space-time around the earth, and then close the door and beat the dog, throwing the body into the wilderness of the universe.

But Ron is different. He is willful because he has a system. Can the demons from other dimensions do this? ! They can't!

And when he saw Frank's iconic skull bulletproof vest, he nodded in understanding.

The Punisher? That's fine.

As we all know, the most important point to measure the popularity of American comics is to see what bad things they have done in their personal publications - especially for superheroes. The bigger the bad things you have done in your personal publications, the more popular you are. For similar first-line superheroes, if you have not slaughtered other superhero universes in your personal publications, you are embarrassed to raise your head and speak.

As for the Punisher, that's not to mention. Although some of them are absurd and abstract, such as using grenades to blow up a bunch of mutants, high voltage electricity to kill the passers-by, and nuclear bombs to detonate the moon to kill all mutants...but the process is not important. If you insist on digging the root of the problem, they are all possessed by OAA. Anyway, the result is a massacre, and in the end, even himself was not spared.

The Emperor, Old Biden, likes humans with strong wills the most, and humans who firmly believe that they are humans no matter what temptations they face. Based on this, it is normal for the Emperor to be interested in Frank.

After confirming the candidate, Ron called Gu Yi.

"Hey, Lao Deng."

"What are you doing, Xiao Deng?"

"Can you help contact Death?"

"It's fine to contact the goddess of death, but the question is why you want to contact her." Gu Yi said indifferently: "After all, I am one of my bosses. I don't want to go to the office for tea for no reason."

"The Emperor is looking for a suitable chosen one to speed up the differentiation of Chaos consciousness."

"Who is it?"


"Frank? Oh, the Punisher. No wonder, he has a good eye..."

Nodding thoughtfully, Gu Yi replied: "Then I will contact him right away, you ask him to be prepared."

As Ancient One hung up the phone, not long after, the Emperor soon realized that this world connected every human being... No, not just every human being, but the ultimate existence that connected every life and consciousness, death. At the moment the Emperor felt it, in the other side of the boundless divine space, in a realm where no life existed, the goddess of death, who had a graceful figure but a pale and withered head, also nodded.

Then, Frank felt his consciousness fall into nothingness. When Frank came back to his senses, everything he saw made even a tough man like him fall into silence.

The emperor standing aside did not rush to urge him, but just waited quietly for Frank to complete this journey of death.

About half an hour later, Frank's body showed a slight reaction. He then opened his eyes, and the tears that gushed out proved what a hard farewell this man had experienced.

When the emperor saw Frank, who was slightly emotionally broken, reappear in front of him, he was also a little surprised and said:
"I thought I'd need to wait a little longer... You've endured this for so long, why not stay a little longer?"

"Because what I longed for has been accomplished..."

After a moment's silence, the tears in Frank's eyes gradually dried up, and then he returned to his original coldness.

"I long to return to the warm days of the past... but I know that this is no longer possible. I have killed many people, and I will not regret it. But now my life has become a hell, how can I bear to let them suffer with me?"

In response to this, Ron, who was blocking the space rift and watching TV, clapped his hands seriously and admired Frank's choice.

This choice is really no problem! From Ron's perspective as a person who has experienced it, let alone movies and comics, any killer in ACGN works who wants to return to ordinary life will more or less face a more cruel future. In this process, your wife and children are almost certain to die, forcing you to pick up the gun again. It's not that no killer is aware of this, but it's the same without a wife and children, and even if you have cats and dogs, you can kill them all.

Keanu Reeves shouted out the expert.

Compared to Ron's thumb, Frank simply spoke from his true inner thoughts.

Frank is a rational person who knows what he is doing better than anyone else. He knows very well that after killing so many people, there is no turning back. His wife and children have also ushered in a new life, and he should not interfere...

"Didn't the goddess of death say anything to you?"

Looking at Frank, the Emperor asked curiously, "She should be able to sense the specialness in you. Facing her suggestion, don't you feel moved at all? If you agree to her, she can definitely give you the past you desire."

Hearing the Emperor's question, Frank paused, as if he was lost in a brief memory, but soon Frank shook his head and said quietly:

"I have to admit that I was a little tempted...but Maria didn't want me to do that."

"Maybe it's because I'm dead? Maria can feel that my life has not been good during this period. But even so, she still encouraged me to choose my own life instead of wasting the rest of my future for them... I bet she definitely doesn't know what I'm doing now."

Frank's face showed a rare sense of relief when he spoke of the latter part, but then it was covered by the original indifference again. Looking at the emperor, Frank said:
"So, what is your purpose? The goddess of death has told me something, so please tell me directly. You helped me, and I am willing to repay you."

Hearing this, the Emperor smiled and said, "In fact, all I need is for you to continue to stick to your ideals."

"……What's the meaning?"

In response to Frank's question, the Emperor casually placed his hand on Frank's shoulder. Because of his height, the Emperor's movements were very natural, and he didn't even need to raise his arm, he just casually placed his hand on Frank's shoulder.

"Perhaps you have noticed that I am not from this world. You can understand that I am from another world, or you can understand that I am from another planet. In short, it is a very far place."

"Because of an accident, I came here. And with me came those evil thoughts hidden in people's spiritual world."

"They are Khorne, who drives the world into violence and death; Nurgle, who makes all souls rot and stink; Tzeentch, who makes the future chaotic and disorderly; and Slaanesh, who makes all consciousness indulge in lust without limit."

"They are terrible enemies. I have been fighting them all my life. And now, with my arrival in this world, they have also come to this planet through unknown means."

Ron in Helheim couldn't help but raise his middle finger - it's a little-known trick. It's obvious that you were smuggled in with your butt clamped. Next time I take you out, I will make sure you prepare a CT scan and do a color ultrasound anytime and anywhere, so as to avoid you getting a butt full of dirty things from some corner of the public toilet in the subspace.

"However, the Warp is a projection of all soul consciousness. The Four Gods are evil, but that doesn't mean that what they represent is hateful... They were not like this from the beginning."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, he looked at Frank and waved his hand. As the psychic energy spread, the consciousness of the four gods who had reached a consensus with the Emperor - or the form of the four gods at the beginning of the warp - emerged.

"For a warrior, is it a fall to yearn for courage and glory? For life, is it wrong to fear death and strive to live? For a scholar, is it wrong to learn knowledge and progress? For all people with consciousness, is it wrong to desire love and happiness?"

"No, they are not. None of them are. The so-called evil gods are just one end of the imbalance on the emotional scale."

As they spoke, the consciousness of the four gods formed four clear images of entities.

"Come, Frank, come and see the collection and savior of all positive emotions in the warp that corresponds to and counters Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh."

The emperor's eyes flickered slightly, and then he added:
"Corresponding to the four existing corners of the Chaos Octagonal Star... the remaining four corners——"

Before the emperor could finish speaking, bang!
The space was broken, and half of Ron's body emerged from the void. He stretched out his hand to grab the emperor's collar, and asked numbly:

"What do you mean by the remaining four corners?"

(End of this chapter)

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