Chapter 266 Maginot Line of Defense

In the palace located in the gap between the world trees, the tribal leaders that Freya had won over in the past few years gathered together to distribute the battle plan in detail.

This process was not long. Because of the interference of the World Tree, the course of the God of War's history had been severely rewritten. The Winter of Fenrir, which had originally lasted for three consecutive years, was shortened to just a few months when Balder was sealed. Although the time was shortened, the damage caused was even more tragic.

Nearly 70% of the atrium was completely torn apart by the magical blizzard of Fenrir's Winter. Although some people are still alive, rebuilding their homes is a long process.

In fact, the Winter of Fenrir today gives people the feeling of being more of a makeshift team - the wolf that devoured the sun and the moon has not been rescued yet, and the old wolf Fenrir has not even died, not to mention that his soul has merged into the dagger of Atreus and entered the body of the hellhound Garm who can tear apart the structure of space.

Even Kratos hasn't gotten the spear made from the infinitely multiplying ring yet...

But it doesn’t matter. The history and destiny of this world have changed forever the moment the World Tree was connected.

“But there’s a problem.”

Facing everyone's gaze, Freya frowned and said, "Even though most of the fate has changed, some fate nodes representing the progress of the world still exist. And if you want to truly initiate Ragnarok, Heimdall's horn is an indispensable part."

"Odin must know this too." Tyr nodded and said, "Given Odin's suspicious nature, he realized that we wanted to start Ragnarok. Now Heimdall and the Horn must have been carefully imprisoned by him."

Not hiding, but imprisoning. For Odin, he can't trust anyone. He doesn't care about Heimdall's thoughts. In order to ensure that everything is foolproof, even if Odin kills Heimdall and destroys the horn, it won't be surprising.

A normal Odin might not be like this, because different people see different destinies, and when in the game, Odin often cannot see clearly what the node he is facing is.

But the problem is that Odin is in a bad state now. Freya and the others don't know why Odin has suddenly become worse, but Kratos and Ron know very well that this is the world virus.

But Ron obviously didn't care.

Ron raised his neck to make sure that Thor was in a daze outside, and waved to Ciri beside him. Seeing this, Ciri nodded in understanding.

It is normal for Thor to have a complicated mentality now. After all, in Thor's mind, his father is brave and wise, strong and kind. Although he sometimes gives people the feeling of being too gentle, Thor still regards his father as his role model.

Although the Odin in this world is not his biological father, he also inherited Odin's name. Thor instinctively believes that no matter which world his father is from, he must be a great hero of Asgard.

But now it seems that this is obviously not the case... I thought that my father in this world and myself in this world could go back to Asgard with me, save my mother, defeat the woman named Hela, and find out what happened in the ancient times of Asgard, why Hela could pick up Thor's hammer and even crush it with her bare hands...

The results of it?
Discovered it was just a dream.

After realizing that this was fake, and that the Odin of this world had been deceiving him from the beginning to the end, the details that Thor had originally ignored began to come to his mind. He had not paid any attention to it before, but now that he thought about it carefully, that guy called Odin had been lying to him almost all the time...

He even said that if the dimensional consultant Ron had not come to this world, he would have been sealed in the World Tree and become a bridge for the other party to sneak across, causing his origin universe to fall into a completely irreparable place...

Regret, despair, pain, anger...different emotions intertwined in Thor's heart. This former space golden husky had been sitting alone in the same place for more than three days after waking up.

After three days of wind and sun, plus the storm brought by Fenrir's Winter, he had previously laughed at Thor's unkempt appearance, but now his entire appearance had become extremely sloppy, with even stubble on his chin.

Thor was doubting and thinking about life, so he didn't notice Ron's actions.

After receiving Ron's signal, Ciri immediately opened the door to the world. Ron walked in and out with a horn in his hand.

"This is... This is Heimdall's horn?! How did you get it? Did Heimdall betray Odin as well?"

Seeing the horn in Ron's hand, Tyr on the side seemed a little surprised: "But how did the horn become like this? I remember it was not like this before. If it weren't for the divine aura on it, I wouldn't even recognize it."

"Oh, this is the Heimdall Horn from another world." After hearing Tyr's words, Ron shrugged: "Although the world is different, the rules are also different. But it doesn't matter. Just report it to the higher-ups and make sure it matches Ragnarok."


After hearing Ron's words, Tyr seemed a little unbelievable: "This kind of prop related to the progress of the world is so easy to borrow?"

"Easy? What do you mean easy? I paid a lot, okay?" Hearing this, Ron said with disgust, "Ten servings of fried chicken and grape soda, and another ten servings of watermelon I'll give him later. I've also spent a lot of money for your world!"


Hearing this, Tyr was slightly stunned, and then after hesitating for a moment, he said: "Well, let me ask... Heimdall in your world..."

Tyr felt that his question was somewhat offensive, so he did not explain it directly.

As a Nordic guy, Tyr is different from the hated Kratos - Kratos was driven away as soon as he arrived in the Egyptian realm. What about Tyr? Tyr has not only been to many realms, but also been called a hero in many realms. Not only has he left many legends among the people in those realms, but he has also made many friends with the gods in those realms. It is precisely because of this wide range of knowledge that when Tyr heard the classic combination of fried chicken, watermelon, and grape soda, he was keenly aware of something and made some not-so-good associations.

Although Tyr did not explain due to personal qualities, Ron was not polite, so he nodded and said calmly:

"Yeah, it's Hi Man."


After hearing Ron's words, Tyr pursed his lips, and then reluctantly said: "Your answer is so open-minded. It seems that the world you live in does not have the problems I encounter..."

"What's the problem?" Freya and others asked curiously. Just hearing Tyr's words, Ciri, who had been trained by Ron, couldn't help but sigh.

Although Asgard in the Marvel Universe is a black man, to be honest, he is a very nice person and is the most trusted guard of Asgard. He only obeys Odin, and after Odin falls asleep, he obeys Queen Frigga and Roen. His duties are very important. When Roen and Frigga have a disagreement, he has the right to vote. The other two votes are in the hands of Thor and Loki respectively.

This shows how much Marvel Heimdall is trusted by Odin and others.

but now……

As Ciri expected, Ron said immediately: "Oh! You mean the Heinu? There are also Heinu in our world, much older."

Hearing this, Tyr was stunned, and then hesitantly said: "Then the food you gave him..."

"Just eat it? He's not from Earth anyway." Ron said nonchalantly, "Besides, the slave trade wasn't done by me, why should I care so much?"

"...That's true." Tyr shrugged and had no intention of confronting Ron. Although Tyr was a peacemaker and thought that some of Ron's actions might not be appropriate, considering that the worlds were different, Tyr had no intention of forcibly correcting him. After all, the problems in their world had not been solved, let alone the problems of other worlds.

Throwing the horn to Tyr, Ron said, "Then let's stop talking nonsense. Let's get started according to the plan."


Hearing this, Tyr nodded and then put away the horn. Because he had met Queen Frigga in advance, Tyr knew that Thor was facing a trial, so he did not intend to blow the horn in front of Thor, even though he could say that this was the horn of their world, it just looked a bit like it.

Everything that needed to be prepared was almost done, and Ron and the others did not waste any more time. It had been three or four days since Balder was freed, and Odin had already noticed it when Balder was freed. Although it was unknown what methods Odin had prepared, given the character of this old man, he would definitely not sit back and wait for death. So after the final repairs were completed, Ciri opened the door to the world, and everyone was ready to enter directly. During the process, even Tyr could not help but sigh:
"Such a capability would be devastating on the battlefield."

Although teleportation is possible through the World Tree, this kind of teleportation is bound to attract Odin's attention.

Especially since Odin had already discovered that Balder had been rescued, he was in a state of tension, and the rune ritual covering the entire Asgard was fully activated. On the divine stone walls surrounding Asgard, runes lit up one after another, and the war machines embedded in the walls made a frightening hum. The rock furnace constantly swallowed and spit out the energy pulses of the world tree. The energy that should have been transported by the world tree to other worlds was forcibly drawn to Asgard, making the entire Asgard emit a dazzling light.

"This guy is simply crazy!" Mimir, who was hung on Kratos' waist, couldn't help but curse in a low voice: "Odin has gone crazy! He must be crazy! In this case, even if Asgard wins in the end, the other eight worlds will completely collapse due to the cutoff of energy, and Asgard is not strong enough to completely withstand this power - this is basically destroying the world tree itself!"

"The World Tree is wailing! I heard it!" Atreus, who was standing aside, also showed deep fear and anxiety on his face.

After being specially trained by Queen Frigga, Atreus' ability to listen to the voices of all things has been further developed. And now, Atreus can clearly hear the cries and curses from the entire world beneath his feet.

All living beings in the nine worlds, including the world itself, are constantly cursing Odin with anger.

"Perhaps this is his original intention." Ron seemed very calm, and said to Ciri beside him: "Go a little further. Odin has fought hard to survive. Try to skip these spells if possible."

"Then the center should be the center, right? I understand." Ciri nodded, and then changed the anchor coordinates of the World Gate.

Well, although Ron and others were able to use the special features of the gaps in the world tree to simultaneously open portals to the other eight worlds to directly reach Asgard and attack Odin, Odin was obviously aware of this, so all kinds of magic spells and defense lines were spread outside the high walls of Asgard.

Just like a thorny turtle shell, if such a front line is to be breached from the front, even if it can be successfully breached, it will require huge casualties. For example, in the original plot, even the fire giant Surtur was almost killed by the concentrated fire of the war machine.

As the base camp of the Aesir, this place can be regarded as the safest place in the entire World Tree - with the power of only one world, it resisted the siege of eight worlds. That is, Kratos completed the beheading in the plot. Otherwise, if the first wave of attacks failed to take it down, the momentum would be weakened and exhausted. Once it fell into a tug-of-war, with Odin's ability, it would not take long for the eight worlds to be overturned.

Unfortunately, in front of the World Gate controlled by Hill, this powerful defense eventually turned into the Maginot Line.

The world gate that can be opened at any time and without any fluctuation of secret energy is undoubtedly a superior alternative. It is not restricted by any time and space magic, and completes space jumps through the world vacuum. As Tyr blew the horn, the sound of thunder-like humming accompanied by the rhythm of energy instantly spread throughout the nine realms. Realizing that the enemy had found the horn, Odin, who was shocked and angry, had no time to care why the horn that had been swallowed appeared in Tyr's hands. He could only roar. The clear sky rolled up the storm at an astonishing speed, thunder leaped, and Thor, who was fully fired, flew into the air and looked outside the high wall to search for the enemy.

Then, the gate of the world opened behind Thor. Ron kicked Thor in the butt with a diamond kick, and the slightly fat body was kicked directly outside the high wall of Asgard. Because Asgard can only be left but not entered, Thor could not return to Asgard to fight for a while.

Without paying any attention to this frustrated middle-aged man, Freya suddenly spread out a pair of wings as powerful as a falcon, but much larger, and rushed straight towards Odin's palace in Asgard!
(End of this chapter)

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