Chapter 267 Admission
As Ragnarok officially began, Tyr took the lead in charging. His three-meter-tall body looked a little skinny, but with the armor on, he became extremely fierce.

Instead of using the Spartan spear and shield shown to Kratos earlier, he replaced it with an obsidian saw sword from Aztec mythology.

The correct name of this weapon is "Makwawit", which looks like a short-handled oar, but with very sharp obsidian flakes inlaid on both sides. The destructive power of this weapon is amazing, but it is also a huge test of physical strength. On the battlefield, the strongest puma warrior among the Aztecs would need to retreat and rest after wielding a saw sword for more than ten minutes to ensure sufficient combat capability.

This seemingly crude weapon showed a completely different style in Tyr's hands.

Each attack was powerful and heavy, and the swift saw sword slashed through space, leaving behind gusts of wind. Often, just one swing would directly blow away several besieging Heroic Warriors.

Asgard is not big, and similarly, there are not many people in Asgard.

Although these Asgardians are no different from ordinary humans in appearance, only those who have inherited Odin's blood are qualified to be called Asgardians. In this case, humans have become very important patients in Asgard.

Although these Nordic Berserkers resurrected by the Valkyries were only mortals in their lifetime, after entering the Hall of Valor, their souls were cleansed, and then, strengthened by the energy of the Rainbow Bridge, they possessed powers far beyond that of ordinary people.
But even so, their strength is only compared to that of ordinary people. For serious gods like Tyr, Kratos, and Freya, they have almost no power to resist.

Being at the top, Ron did not participate in the battle at the first time. As the department head of the team, Ron still cares a lot about the personal qualities of his team members.

And now, the result undoubtedly satisfied Ron.

Needless to say, Kratos was a model employee before this. He was either on a mission or on his way to a mission every day. Although he was doing so many missions for the sake of his child, he couldn't even take care of his child when he was busy, and threw Atreus directly to the Asgard Custody Center. If this had been put in the past, he would definitely be a model worker.

The one who surprised Ron the most was Atreus.

After entering the combat state, Atreus did not hide behind and shoot arrows suddenly as he did before, but after a simple shooting, he followed Kratos to charge forward.

Obviously, Atreus has now realized that long-range attack is only icing on the cake, and if he wants to stand out, he still needs strong melee combat skills - the Emperor of Warhammer 40,000 years gave a thumbs up.

And Atreus's close combat method is definitely not just swinging the bow and arrow as a stick to hit people, but he can transform into an earth war bear on the spot.

Well, it’s not an ordinary war bear, but a giant magical bear blessed by the World Tree.

This also made Ron touch his chin with interest. After all, Atreus was still relatively young, and the divine power in his body had only awakened about 11 or 12 percent. In this case, the combat power exerted by Atreus far exceeded his own strength. Obviously, in addition to being able to listen to the voices of all things, Atreus now also mastered the fusion of the power of the world itself.

With this power derived from the World Tree, although Atreus's hard power is still not as good as monsters like Tyr and Kratos, he is definitely among the top in the legion of Ragnarok.

If he wasn't the future protagonist of the God of War series, he would have shown such talent and ability at such a young age.

As for Ciri… standing beside Ron, she noticed Ron’s scrutinizing gaze, and she said without hesitation, “Don’t look at me. I’m just responsible for opening the door and will never participate in the battle.”

Hearing this, Ron couldn't help but curl his lips: "You little comrade, your ideological awareness is really not good enough!"

In response, Ciri just rolled her eyes secretly and said nothing, or maybe she was too lazy to argue with Ron - others might not know Ron, but didn't she?
I just mastered the ability to open the door to the world, and this guy always asks me for help. If I can show a very impressive fighting ability, Ciri has no doubt that Ron will develop me more carefully. At that time, after completing the mission outside and returning home, I will have to go out with Ron. It's tiring to think about it - although Ron has always been fair and never defaults on temporary field expenses.

Although thinking so, Ciri still said: "Odin must have done something. Not only Asgard, but the spatial coordinates of this world are very unstable. I need to anchor it, otherwise I may not be able to open the door to the world in time."

Ciri didn't take it too seriously, because the turbulence of the space-time beacon might be very rare for ordinary people, but for Ciri who often opened the door to the world, it was not a magical thing.

On the contrary, Ron, who was standing by, narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing Ciri's words, and looked at Atreus below and fell into a brief thought - the world was wailing, and the space-time beacon became unstable...

Ok? !

Considering that Odin had established a connection with the world virus, a hint of coldness appeared in Ron's eyes.

It is not that similar situations have never happened before. Also in Asgard, Loki's biological father, the King of the Frost Giants, Laufey, caused a similar thing to happen.

It’s just that what Laufey shook at that time was not the space-time structure of the base universe, but the space-time structure of Asgard.

And now Odin has caused a similar move...

Although it was just a guess, Ron was not going to just sit there and wait.

"Keep an eye on the gate, and contact me immediately if there is any problem."

After saying that, Ron also drew out his meat saw and jumped down from the air.

The moment he left the World Gate, a large amount of dark mist surged around Ron - no, mist cannot describe how thick it was. It felt like a large amount of thick ink was suddenly dripped on a piece of white paper. Even in the storm and lightning, this dark spot still seemed extremely thick, like a stain that could not be dissolved, almost completely swallowing up all the light.

Then, this drop of stain fell to the ground at an astonishing speed. As the thick ink spread, the rune that was originally running steadily lost control the moment it was touched. Then, after locking Odin's position, Ron swung his sharp blade, breaking through the space in front of him and escaping directly into the underground palace of Asgard to face Odin.

(End of this chapter)

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