Chapter 297 - The Primarch Fearless is Ready to Go

The Glorious Crusade was something that only a very small number of people within the Empire, such as the High Lords, Primarchs, Legion Commanders, and veterans of the Astartes who had served for more than a hundred years, were qualified to know about.

Well, although the natural lifespan of an Astartes is theoretically around 30 to 3000 years, Dantioch, a famous iron-willed loyalist in the k era, was hit by an entropic ray while fighting a space rat, which made Dantioch suddenly age by nearly years and caused him to suffer from arthritis, which an Astartes basically shouldn't have. He was unable to take off his armor, and even walking and breathing were very difficult for him.

But even so, the Astartes who have served for more than a hundred years, or even more than ten years, are still veterans among veterans, and are undoubtedly the elite of each Holy Codex Chapter. Because in this chaotic and dark era, war is the main theme of this universe. And on the cruel battlefield, it has been proven that the average combat life of Space Marines is not much longer than that of ordinary Astra Militarum.

Under these circumstances, the Glorious Crusade will not grant new recruits to the Astartes. After all, this is about the Emperor buying more technology to strengthen the overall strength of the Empire.

In the eyes of the Astartes, the Glorious Crusade is also an extremely sacred thing.

Saint King Roan arrived in the 36th millennium, awakened the long-sleeping Primarch, repaired the Golden Throne that forced the Emperor to fall into eternal sleep, ended Vandiel's chaotic reign, and thwarted the blasphemous conspiracy of the Chaos God...

Now, they are fulfilling the sacred agreement between the Saint King and the Emperor, following the Emperor's will, and launching a fierce counterattack against other worlds infected by malice. In the process, any spoils obtained can become the cornerstone of the Empire's resurgence.

Even if the otherworldly technology seen in this process is questionable, the fact that these psychic-like technologies will not be connected to the warp if used properly makes them a bargaining chip in the battle between the Emperor and the evil gods.

Olger Dekker, a veteran who had served in the Codex for more than a hundred years. Of course, this was all in the past. With the awakening of Guilliman, the Blue Father, and the appearance of the Emperor, the Codex Astartes was quickly abolished - at first the High Lords tried to struggle, because they were afraid that the Astartes would regain the terrible power they had during the Great Crusade, so they tried to refuse to execute it on the grounds of "preventing another Horus Heresy", but it was a pity that it was useless, the Emperor appeared on the spot, and in this space age where faith and worship have reached a level of near ignorance, the High Lords Council is more often just a stamping machine mascot.

Because the emperor also knew that the empire no longer needed checks and balances.

Under these circumstances, the Astartes Space Marines quickly began to move towards the organization and scale of the Great Crusade. However, in order to prevent accidents, Guilliman paid the price of half of his head being bald to redesign a new system. While ensuring combat effectiveness and teamwork, the powers of the various commanders were intertwined and their thinking was independent, in order to prevent large-scale rebellion.

But this is more for prevention. Because the Empire has stopped its expansion and turned to defense - to be more precise, it is waiting for the Glory Expedition to accumulate enough system coins, and then purchase useful technologies and items, so as to have a technological explosion and then take away the Chaos villains in one wave.

To put it another way - wait for the top lane Nasus to reach level 80, wait for the mid lane Kassadin and jungle Mercy to reach level , wait for the bottom lane Charmander to reach level , and wait for the support Senna to reach level .

Highlight a promising future!
But even though the Legion's structure is moving closer to that of the Great Crusade, in order to ensure that the negative impact of this structural change is smaller, the Legion is still divided into many chapters based on the Codex, but the fighting method is no longer limited to a number of one thousand people, but instead different sizes of troops are deployed according to the needs of the battlefield and coordinated according to the chapter style.

Having fought for more than a hundred years, Orgel was an elite veteran who was the backbone of the regiment. In the 3K era of the Korean army, whoever they wanted to be loyal had to be loyal. Under the excellent system of predecessors and successors, they could bully the new recruits as they wanted, and no one dared to say anything when a mortar was stuffed into the derrick.

Well, this excellent system of seniors and juniors can also be called the system of many daughters-in-law becoming mothers-in-law.

But no matter how glorious their qualifications outside are, they are still outside. In the special chapters of the Glory Crusade, there are many who have served for more than a hundred years, and every member who can enter the Glory Crusade is either a sealed Primaris Space Marine or a Space Marine who has completed the Primaris transformation. Even in this case, the best of the best are selected. It is a special chapter formed by selecting the strongest group of warriors in the entire Empire, directly appointed by the Emperor, and led by the Primarch himself.

Appointed by the Emperor, led by the Primarch... This was something that only existed in the mythical era thousands of years ago known as the "Great Crusade". This kind of honor filled every member of the Legion with pride and made them ready to sacrifice at any time.

Although he had carried out several glorious expeditions to unknown worlds to fulfill the sacred covenant between the Emperor and the Saint King, and had gained nearly a hundred battlefield points for the Empire, this time, Orgel still found that this glorious expedition was different from any previous one.

Corax, the 19th Primarch who disappeared into the Warp at the end of the Horus Heresy and continued to hunt down the Chaos traitors for thousands of years, stood in the front and talked with the 13th Primarch, the Regent of the Empire and his genetic father Guilliman. Next to the 19th Primarch was the Emperor's right arm, Constantine, the First Guard who was said to have followed the Emperor during the Unification Wars, and Cawl, the Archmagus of the Adeptus Mechanicus, who was as burly as a mechanical behemoth and personally designed the transformation of the Primaris Space Marines.

as well as……

That is... the Primarch Dreadnought? !

Seeing the four huge dreadnought armors, not only Orgel, but even the other veterans could not help but shrink their eyes. Dreadnought mechs are one of the oldest combat vehicles in the Empire. The oldest drivers are even the original members of the founding chapter of their chapter. They are not only legendary warriors, but also the symbol of the ancient history of each Space Marine chapter.

Although the appearance of the Dreadnought Mech can be easily mistaken for a robot or a large armored combat suit, in fact, the Dreadnought Mech is neither of the two, but has the characteristics of both. It is often driven by a Space Marine who is unable to continue fighting due to physical defects. The driver and the Dreadnought Mech are closely connected through neural connections, so that the driver can control the Dreadnought Mech as if he were controlling his body to return to the battlefield, and he cannot leave it until he dies.

Although it sounds like a wonderful thing to enter a dreadnought and prolong your life to continue fighting, the actual experience is not like that.

Because the interior of the Dreadnought is not comfortable, it is essentially a war machine that uses dying Space Marines as biological events. When the wearer is inside it, he will feel that his body and soul are in an ice river, and even his mind will suffer the pain of freezing at any time.

Once in operation, the powerful firepower and impact force will also burn the wearer's nerves, making the dreadnought mech sometimes like a cold sarcophagus and sometimes like a hot oven.

But this pain can be overcome. Every elder who enters the Dreadnought is the guardian of the chapter's traditions and the custodian of the chapter's knowledge. Their existence is a symbol of the chapter's glory. Therefore, even the chapter leader will pay attention to the advice of these ancient heroes. In fact, in many chapters, there is a saying that "You can listen to the words of the chapter leader, but you have to listen to the words of the Dreadnought."

During Guilliman's sleep, Cawl was studying the Primaris Space Marines and the equipment that matched them, including the Primaris Dreadnought.

However, the four Dreadnought armors in front of us are obviously not simple Primaris Dreadnoughts, but Primal Dreadnoughts.

Unlike ordinary dreadnought mechas, these dreadnought mechas are larger in size and can even be considered small Titans. On the basis of the original ones, these dreadnought mechas also have more powerful and more special holy weapon.

The source of materials, or core technology, of these Primarch Dreadnoughts came entirely from the four rebellious Primarchs killed by Roon in the Second Webway War.

The soul is certainly the most important part of these Primarchs, but it is undeniable that as the Primarchs designed by the Emperor to complete the ascension of all mankind, the bodies of these Primarchs are also perfect creations of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Even if the soul is extracted, the warp essence in their bodies still gives these flesh and blood technology and abilities that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

They don't even need intelligence. They only need to bury their flesh and blood in various parts of their armor, activate the remaining memories in their muscles through energy pulses, and combine psychic techniques with "small technologies" from other worlds to turn them into killing machines on the battlefield. They don't need intelligence, because their souls have already entered a new petri dish. And their blasphemous flesh and blood only need to atone for their sins on the battlefield under the will of the Emperor.

The first mech was dark red, covered with skulls and remains of Chaos demons and rebellious space marines, giving the impression of a pile of moving corpses. Although it was a dreadnought mech, it did not have any machine guns on its body. Cast on the right arm of the mech was a huge chain saw tomahawk that was entangled with countless chains and constantly buzzed with hunger under the power of psychic energy. A large number of cables extended outward from the head of the mech, and the biological hormones that were constantly rolling in it strengthened the flesh and blood of God buried in various parts of the collective - the Primarch Dreadnought-War Hound.

Olger had seen the madness of the Primarch Dreadnought - War Hound in battle. It was an extremely cruel war, the first attempt of the evil gods after they knew that Roan and other extraterrestrial beings had left this world. Chaos warships that covered the sky and the sun poured out from the Eye of Terror, and the entire Cartier was facing an extremely severe challenge. It was at this time that the Primarch Dreadnought War Hound appeared...

Just like the war in the Webway, the War Hound showed unimaginable agility and strength. He fired through the ship's cannon, smashing the Chaos starships that were hit like a meteorite. Then he used those Chaos starships as springboards, and each jump caused a warship to collapse and tear apart from the inside, and finally turned into a silent brilliant fire in the vacuum of the universe in the self-destruction.

The second mech is purple, embellished with a lot of golden lines and reliefs representing the glory of the Empire. Compared to the War Hound, which is like a moving pile of corpses, this Primarch Dreadnought is simply a collection of works of art. Just looking at it, you can clearly feel its exquisiteness and flawlessness. The weapon is a golden blade that is always wrapped in the flames of the furnace and a large number of thermal and kinetic machine guns. From this color scheme, it can be seen that the flesh and blood of the Imperial Phoenix Fulgrim is buried in this Primarch Dreadnought.

The third one was mainly gray and dark green, with a cotton and linen hood covering the head of the mecha. Compared with the first two, this Primarch Dreadnought was much heavier, giving people the feeling that it was like a wall standing in place and making people feel unshakable. A sharp and heavy giant sickle stood on its side, and a large number of pipes extended outward from its body. As the flesh and blood of the body operated, a large amount of black smoke and dust continued to rise, like a moving source of infection - from the constantly generated pungent poisonous gas, it can be seen that buried inside is the blasphemous flesh and blood of Mortarion, the Primarch of the Death Guard.

As for the last one, it is the smallest one. The paint is the original color of cast iron, and the weapon is a power scepter like a war hammer. There are a lot of pure marks all over the body, and dark red ink sticks the poems of the Holy Word to various parts of the body. There are two heavy crosses on both sides of the shoulders. There is no doubt that this must be the Primarch Dreadnought, who buried the gene blood of Lorgar, the Primarch of the Traitor Legion Word Bearers.

However, unlike other Primarch Dreadnoughts, Lorgar's Primarch Dreadnought is decorated with living creatures. Of the two crosses, one is empty, waiting for a new one. The other already has an eternal passenger - Lorgar's adoptive father, Kor Phaeron.

It was this dying zombie whose lower body had disappeared and was constantly wailing that cooperated with Arebus to make Lorgar completely surrender to Chaos and lead to the Horus Heresy. Now, pulled out from the depths of the Warp, Kor Phaeron also enjoyed the Empire's most advanced life support technology to prolong his life. According to the tests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, every time he screamed, the performance of the Primarch Lorgar the Dreadnought would be greatly improved. Therefore, in order to prevent him from dying in the war, he was even equipped with a small void shield generator to ensure that he could wake up all the betrayers in eternal pain.

As for who is waiting for the other vacant cross, it doesn’t seem necessary to elaborate on it.

(End of this chapter)

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