Chapter 298 - Boarding the Battleship
The destructive power of the Primarchs Dreadnoughts is extremely strong, because their flesh and blood have already been upgraded to demons - in fact, Corax has also completed the upgrade to demons, but because he is a loyal Primarch, he calls it "accepting his own warp nature."

However, the consequences of awakening the demons that one controls are completely different from the demons that other evil gods have forced to grow. Just like Scarlet Magnus, part of his soul became the spoils of Tzeentch.

However, due to the special characteristics of the Primarch Dreadnought, such as the remaining activity in the body, the connection with the warp and other factors, the Primarch Dreadnought will try to avoid going on the battlefield unless it is a very critical moment. And every time the Primarch Dreadnought ends the battle, the sages of the Mechanicus need to conduct a large number of tests on the Primarch Dreadnought to ensure that the Primarch Dreadnought will never lose control.

Although Corax had seen the dreadnoughts formed by these Primarch brothers, because they had been lurking and fighting deep in the warp for a long time, it was the first time for Corax to fight side by side like this.

Thinking in his heart, Corax also looked at the four dreadnought armors beside him, and then said with some emotion: "I didn't expect that the brothers who once betrayed us would eventually come back to us in this form..."

"At least they can pay for their sins, even if these sins are unforgivable." Compared to the sentimentality unique to Corax's idealists, Guilliman seemed much calmer and more rational.

"The other world is not contaminated by the Warp, so the Primarch Dreadnought can fight in a relatively normal state without being disturbed by the Warp. But the flesh and blood of these traitorous brothers have been engraved with the mark of the Warp Demon, and there is a risk of losing control in their hidden instincts. So you must be prepared to disarm their power system at the first sign of loss of control."

As he spoke, Guilliman handed the Primarch Dreadnought's power controller to Corax. In response, Corax nodded and said, "I understand... Then, let's start the final mobilization."


Guilliman nodded, then turned and walked to the front of the stage to deliver a pre-war speech as the Regent of the Empire.

The content of the speeches is still the same, such as glory, honor, sacred sacrifice and so on.

But no matter how many times, in this cruel environment of the Empire, the Astartes Space Marines still responded to Guilliman's speech with the most pious attitude.

The real highlight came after the short speech.

A large number of Mechanic Priests of the Mechanicus filed in from the side, their bodies covered with exquisite patterns, and on their chests, the seal in the shape of a sacred gear proved their identity - Glorious Mechanic Priests.

Like other members of the Glory Expedition, these mechanical priests are given the right to contact, learn, master, and develop knowledge of other worlds. Similarly, they are also logistics and equipment maintenance personnel dedicated to the Glory Expedition.

Well, due to the special nature of the Glorious Expedition, ordinary people have almost no right or ability to participate.

Then, as the large number of appendages behind him began to work, the precision engraving gun imprinted a large amount of kryptonite solution on the outer layer of the Space Marines' armor in the most scientific way. After detailed design, this is an enchantment method that can achieve the maximum efficiency with the least amount of materials. Because kryptonite resources are very limited, there are very few enchantments for protective areas, but weapons such as power swords are enchanted to the maximum extent. "The enemy this time will be stronger than you can imagine." Guilliman said in a deep voice: "Although they have the appearance of humans, they can break through supersonic speeds and ignore gravity with their flesh alone. They can withstand the concentrated fire of bolt guns without any damage. They can release thermal vision, and even their thinking reactions are far beyond ordinary life. Under the sunlight, they can convert cosmic rays into life energy to replenish themselves at any time."

After hearing Guilliman's words, the hearts of the Space Marines and the Custodians present sank. However, as the most elite troops of the Empire, they still maintained their status and did not show any discussion, fear, despair, or low morale.

"The only thing that can affect them is the kryptonite engraved on your armor. When they come into contact with kryptonite, their abilities will be greatly reduced. Since the amount of kryptonite is very limited, it is unrealistic to make them powerless. However, we can bring them to the same level as you as much as possible. At the very least, before they die, pierce their chests with the power sword to end their lives!"

Guilliman's face was filled with solemnity.

It was impossible for Guilliman to not care about this - the 5,000 men in front of him were the most elite 5,000 men in the entire empire. The resources invested in them were enough to form at least 30,000 or even close to 40,000 Primaris Space Marines on average.

But now, even with this level of armament, Guilliman was still unsure how many of them would survive and how many would return safely...

"Sacrifice is the cornerstone of the empire. The empire will record everyone's contribution to the empire."

The mechanical priests took out the copper-cast prototype aromatherapy burner, and as they chanted, a large amount of kryptonite dust fell from the aromatherapy burner and adhered to the parts of the armor that were not directly enchanted, providing a certain degree of kryptonite radiation, allowing it to gain as much advantage as possible in close combat with Kryptonians.

Many of the technologies here are from other worlds, and even look like blasphemous psychic spells. But it doesn't matter, because the authority of the Honor Legion does not come from the Imperial Regent Guilliman, but from the Emperor himself.

As he spoke, Guilliman also looked at the giant portal beside him. After seeing the Mechanical Archsage Cawl nod, Guilliman also took a deep breath and then said:
"The time has come! Warriors of the Empire! Fulfill the sacred covenant between the Emperor and King Roan!"

Hearing this, the Glorious Space Marines who were successfully selected this time let out a unified war cry, then entered the warship in groups, and drove their armor through the huge teleportation star gate, arriving in another world together.

On the other side, the battlefield was chosen on Phobos, far away from the earth. After taking a look at the Emperor's reply, Ron nodded and said, "Okay, here we come."

Hearing this, the members of the Justice League also turned their gazes toward the deep space beside them.

(End of this chapter)

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