Chapter 306-Krypton Taijun said it well!

To be honest, it’s not that Ron looks down on Jor-El, but because Jor-El’s strength is there.

Although both DC and Marvel are superheroes, it seems that there is nothing surprising about combining them together. But in fact, the two companies operate the universe in completely different ways.

Although many people think that compared to DC, Marvel heroes have more human characteristics and some small character flaws, and even say that these flaws sometimes become some kind of "cute points" and characteristics. But if you really want to count, the real difference lies in their description of the characters.

Although the Justice League is called the Big Three, in fact, everyone knows that the real big men are either Batman or Superman. One is kind enough to believe that everyone has the possibility of reforming. The other... not to mention evil, but his own dark memories have reached a terrifying level. Even his own clones will be driven crazy by his dark memories. And anyone who has come into contact with Batman's dark memories is terrified by Batman's will - not admiration, but fear.

And praised Batman as a curse and the worst superhero in the world.

In this case, the heroes in the DC world...or the main characters, for that matter, cannot be measured by their performance alone. It's their heart.

Take Batman as an example - if Batman can withstand the darkness, then this universe can at least be saved. If the Batman of a certain universe has already started killing innocent people, then this world can basically be said to be doomed.

The same goes for Superman. At least Superman's inner kindness remains, so the world is still trustworthy. If Batman is the iron will that resists the deepest darkness in this world, then Superman represents the hope that supports the iron will.

Of course, this is just the relationship between will and hope. The relationship between Bruce and Clark is... well, relatively speaking, more complicated.

In short, what Ron has been concerned about from the beginning to the end is the state of the world. And the two polar states of this world can basically be intuitively felt from Superman and Batman.

Jor-El was indeed a huge threat, but what was here now was just one of Jor-El's eyes - even if Jor-El himself came, Ron had enough ability to kill Jor-El with one hand.

After a long digestion process, Ron has stabilized all the foundations of the first stage of ascension and touched the threshold of the second stage. Entering the third stage, he will be able to freestyle in the multiverse. After breaking through the third stage, the next realm... Not to mention arm wrestling with an existence of the size of God, but it is not a problem to sit down and chat with him.

What's more, this is just one of Jor-El's eyes... Even if it is parasitic on the God of Symbiotes, to Ron it is just "That's it?"

The real body of the symbiote god Gnar has arrived, and Ron might even open his eyes and die in his real body. But he is just an ordinary symbiote that is unknown to the public...

"You can talk without worry. As for the things you are worried about..."

Looking at Clark in front of him, Ron showed a formal smile: "With my brother here, there will be no accidents."


It was a little hard to understand what Ron meant by these words, but Clark could more or less feel the confidence hidden in Ron's words, which was calm, easy-going and relaxed.

Thinking about it, Clark took a deep breath, then nodded vigorously, looked at Ron and said, "I want to talk to him."

This time Clark did not hide his thoughts, his eyes were full of seriousness. Ron also met Clark's wish, stretched out his hand, and threw the eyeball to Clark.

The moment the eyeball left Ron's hand, the eye, which was half dead like a dead snake, began to struggle violently and twist. The black mud attached to the eyeball continued to spread, and in Clark's solemn eyes, it continued to expand. Finally, with the receding mud, a translucent human figure appeared in front of Clark and others.

He was wearing a snow-white Kryptonian researcher uniform, with green lines carved along the curves of his body. Although he was old, his skin was ruddy, and his eyes were slightly gentle. Although his white hair was old, it still had a fluffy luster. He was wearing a forehead protector, and the symbol on it was the family crest of the El family and the seal of the chairman of the Thinker Guild overlapped.

This is not the first time Clark has seen his father. In the Fortress of Solitude built on the basis of a Kryptonian spacecraft in Antarctica, there is an intelligent AI built with the thinking and appearance of his father. Although this intelligent AI is not well-known, it is actually very important to Clark. Just like Alfred, the butler who is by Bruce's side, this Kryptonian AI based on the appearance of Clark's biological father is also Clark's butler, named Chris. Whenever Superman is missing or in a crisis, Chris will respond immediately.

However, due to his popularity, the appearance rate of this superhero butler has been decreasing. But even so, there are still tributes to him in comics and movies.

And now, looking at the projection that was similar to his own robot butler, but subtly different in temperament - more vivid, more emotionally volatile, for some reason, Clark's eyes felt a little warm.


"It's me, Jor-El, your father." Looking at Clark, the happiness between Jor-El's brows was not fake. Because in too many worlds, Jor-El had not been able to see Clark grow up in person. Therefore, for Jor-El, even if he just saw Clark grow up, he would feel relieved...

After all, he is tall, handsome, and has great power while still having a kind, tolerant and compassionate heart... How could any parent not be proud of this?

Even though he was the so-called leader of the Kryptonian survivors, when Jor-El saw Clark, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of gentleness in his eyes.

"You've grown up, Carl."


Hearing Joel's words and feeling his gentle and elegant temperament, Clark felt warm in his heart. But soon, Clark's expression became serious, and he looked at Joel seriously and said:
"No, now is not the time to talk about this. Father, let the Kryptonians who came with you finish the battle!"

After hearing what Clark said, Jor-El frowned slightly, and then said, "Do you really think so, Clark?" "Yes, father...if you really are my father." Clark looked at Jor-El in front of him seriously and said, "This war will not have a good result. I know why you came to this world, because the other world is about to be destroyed. But now, no matter what, the era of Krypton is over, and continuing with such a stubborn plan will only make everything even more unacceptable!"

"…No, you are wrong, Clark…Well, I prefer to call you Kal-El. That is your name on Krypton, and it is also your real name, my child."

Shaking his head, Jor-El obviously did not accept Clark's words and said, "You are the son of hope of Krypton, Carl. Instead of letting others instill in you the ideas, you should think for yourself. I know your wish, world peace, and hope that people can treat each other with sincerity. But to be honest, kid, you have been in this world for so long, do you feel it?"

It was obvious that Jor-El was not completely ignorant of the situation on Earth. In fact, Jor-El was very clear about some of the conditions on Earth. Just like now, after hearing Jor-El's words, Clark also fell into a brief silence.

On the side, Kara sneered without any hesitation.

Kara was very unhappy with Clark—this was not because Kara felt there was anything wrong with Clark's behavior. In fact, Kara herself liked to protect the weak and promote justice. Because this behavior of protecting the weak was also rooted in the sense of mission and honor in the DNA of the Warrior Guild's genetic engraving.

What Kara couldn't really understand was Clark's 'cowardice'.

Clark wanted to save humanity, to help humanity, and to treat humanity with sincerity. But what about humans? They always used the most despicable thoughts to associate Clark's actions. Not to mention his enemies. Even his most trusted friends were watching him all the time, and would immediately confront him if he made any unusual moves. The tone was like a chat, but in fact it was like interrogating a prisoner.

That's how Kara sees it, anyway.

If Batman's wisdom could still convince Kara a little, then those news newspapers and those ordinary people who were not grateful after being saved by Superman, but instead secretly said bad things about Clark... Kara felt ridiculous from the bottom of her heart when she thought about Clark being sued by those he saved.

However, Kara obviously felt that Jor-El was a little abnormal, so she didn't say much. She just stood aside and watched coldly, waiting for Clark to make his own choice.

Looking at Clark who fell into silence, Joel's eyes narrowed slightly, obviously noticing that his child still had some hesitation in his heart.

Thinking in his heart, Qiao Aier also took a deep breath, and then said: "Let me tell you in another way, my dear child."

"I know you want to help humanity and the weak. But have you ever noticed that sometimes, the people you help don't appreciate you? Is it because you haven't done well enough? No, I don't believe it. Because you are my child, I can feel the kindness and beauty in your soul. They are wrong, it's the despicable nature of those human souls. It's those who are eager for power who see your kindness and regard it as cowardice and weakness, and want to use this to make you do what merchants do and serve them..."

Qiao Ai'er shook his head: "The reason is simple. They are weak, so they think you should protect them."

"But this is wrong." Joel said gently:
“Justice and evil do not have absolute positions. And the people who decide whether a person, an event, or something is just or evil should not be those despicable people who are incapable of defending and only know how to make up bad words about heroes behind their backs.”

"They have risen to high positions through all kinds of dirty and shameful means, and have the right to judge justice and evil. But even the saints among them can be influenced by external things. Drugs, alcohol, relatives, friends, or just a single thought for no reason."

"So, we should let the civilization of Krypton guide them. Whether it's thoughts, civilization, culture, or technology."

Joel looked at Clark with excitement and passion in his eyes, like a success mentor who was paid to do things.

"When we come to Earth, there will be no more wars in this world, and peace will come to every corner of the world without distinction. We can make the dilapidated and depressed streets full of vibrant and surging crowds. There will be no anger, no selfishness, no greed, and no fighting. The entire city will be able to develop and operate in an orderly manner. All resources will be more reasonably distributed and used, instead of entering the pockets of a small group of people at the top."

Jor-El is describing a utopian world.

“All people and all life can be liberated from productive labor! Every soul can be truly free! Without struggling for survival, people can indulge in their own fantasies and create to their heart’s content, and enjoy education and enlightenment from literature, painting, singing, dancing, and even mathematics, physics, and biology!”

"We can even look toward the stars!"

Jor-El stretched out his arms, pointed to the sky and said: "Let the entire universe flourish under the name of viable, and bring peace, freedom, and love to every world and every planet. So... we never came for war, but for civilization."

There was sincerity in Jor-El's words.

He may have thought so, or he may have just made it up temporarily. But it is undeniable that the world described by Jor-El makes Clark, an idealist who believes in the beauty of human nature, indulge in it, and even a little unable to extricate himself.


The sudden applause from the side attracted the attention of several people.

Looking in the direction where the voice came from, what everyone saw was Ron, whose face was filled with emotion.

"That's so beautiful, what you said is so beautiful! Kryptonian Taijun! I really want to be your ball rapist! If this can really be realized, my parents will encourage me to lead the way for you!"

"But...if the Kryptonian civilization was so wonderful, why did it still get destroyed?"

(End of this chapter)

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