Chapter 307 - Jor-El and Jonathan
After hearing Ron's words, Clark's eyes, which had been slightly hesitant because of Joe-El, quickly regained clarity.

Just like Ron said, if Krypton was really as good as Jor-El said, then why was it destroyed?

"The destruction of Krypton was not due to problems with Kryptonian civilization, but due to an irresistible natural disaster!"

Noticing the change in Clark's expression, Jor-El snorted coldly, and then said, "Working backwards from the result will only make all of your actions look particularly ridiculous. Krypton's destruction was due to a tragic fate. This is the tragic future that surrounds every Kryptonian. That's why I want to change this future. At the same time, we can do better."

"Our civilization, our ideas, and our technology are the best proof of all this!"

"This is the first time I've seen someone describe the powerful and flying civilization so beautifully."

Hearing this, Ron was also happy: "I don't deny the technological level of Krypton, but in essence it is developed using intelligence that surpasses that of humans. Although it is a cosmic civilization that has completed interstellar colonization. But you should know the social structure of Krypton better than I do. In terms of system, I don't think Krypton is much better than the current Earth."

"Or do you think that the caste system that eliminates all free thought and liberal ideas at the genetic level is beautiful?"

After hearing Ron's words, Jor-El fell into a brief silence.

Although it was brief, Ron's words hit the point directly.

To others, the genetic carving and division of the guilds on Krypton were just ordinary occupational assignments. But in fact, this was not the case - members of the Labor Guild had not been able to get a seat on the Krypton Civilization Committee until the destruction of Krypton. The genetic restrictions of the entire race made it almost impossible for Kryptonians to rebel.

"The Earth is indeed backward. Humans are still unable to free themselves from manual labor, and most resources are concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. However, people's thoughts are free. With the popularization of education and the change of thoughts, there will always be rebels. Similarly, the cost and risk of ruling will also be increased accordingly. For this reason, the ruling class of the Earth must appease the civilians and maintain stability based on better welfare and jobs. Based on this point, you Kryptonians should not come to challenge the system."

Ron's words were very brief, giving people the feeling of being casual and detached. He was not debating which civilization was better, Earth or Krypton, in terms of system. It was not even a debate. He was just summarizing the objective laws he had seen.

Ron said it casually, but Jor-El couldn't be casual because Clark was watching, and if he just agreed, then everything would be over.

Thinking about it, Jor-El shook his head and said, "You may be right. There are indeed some problems with Krypton's system. But it is undeniable that Krypton's civilization is more powerful. This means that the arrival of Krypton can at least improve the overall level of the Earth at a very fast speed in a short period of time... A similar situation exists on Earth."

Jor-El said seriously, "Class or caste system. They exist on Earth as well, but they are more hidden."

"Stop," Ron waved his hand with a bored look on his face before Joe-El could finish his words.

"You suddenly said so much, I thought there must be something profound. But this is it?"

Not to mention Ron, even Clark beside him couldn't help but pursed his lips, then looked at Jor-El with a slightly complicated look and said: "The so-called more covert...essentially means that these systems are being disintegrated, so they have to exist in a different way."

"And Krypton doesn't even bother to hide its hidden caste system." Ron covered his ears and said nonchalantly, "Without considering the level of hygiene and the number of rape cases, your civilization is not much better than that of the third brother in terms of the caste system. In fact, your monopoly on knowledge is more thorough."

Pointing at Jor-El, Ron said, "As a member of the 'family', you should know this very well, right? It's the same genetic engraving, but the genetic engraving of the 'family' is more powerful than that of the Kryptonian civilians. Although your family emblem represents hope on Krypton, in fact, the El family is the vested interest of the Kryptonian caste system, isn't it?"

Ron looked at the gloomy Joe-El with a somewhat helpless expression.

"I believe more in where your ass is sitting than in your ideals and positions you say. Don't you agree? Mr. You are from one of the five major families on Krypton, the head of the El family, the chairman of the Kryptonian Council and the Thinkers' Guild?"

Taking a deep breath, Joe-El felt his heart filled with anger, and he wished he could smash Ron's head with a punch right now.

On the side, Clark's expression became extremely complicated.

Clark, who has super intelligence, can also be influenced by his emotions. But like now, Clark quickly realized the logic of it - he didn't even need a detailed explanation, just a brief introduction to the history of Krypton, and Clark was able to realize the logical relationship through his super intelligence.

"Especially as a civilization that once ventured into the stars, your Kryptonian Committee was able to pass legislation to ban research on aerospace technology... This really makes it difficult for me to understand."

Ron's face was full of complexity.

Although the comics give a detailed explanation as to why Krypton prohibits cloning research and the development of aerospace technology, it is still difficult to understand.

"But if you want to find a's not impossible to find one."

Ron said with a bored look on his face: "Although it is annoying, capitalists essentially want to see the working class have some money in their hands, because workers can consume when they have money, and consumption can drive economic growth and promote the continued progress of productivity, thereby creating more wealth and making more money for themselves."

"But the 'landlords' are different." Ron looked at Jor-El and said, "The landlords prefer their tenants, or serfs, to be as poor as possible. Only in this way can they become personally dependent on them. Therefore, they reject technological upgrades and hate the innovation of production tools. Because the risk-free way of making money by exploiting serfs is too addictive, they naturally hope to sit back and relax forever, and become a rentier class without having to work hard. As this rentier class becomes more and more numerous, Krypton has gradually become a stagnant pool of water with zero R&D capabilities..."

As he spoke, Ron also touched his chin.

This topic seems a bit heavy? It would take a long time to explain it in detail. A little more detail could be a thesis. Ron was quite familiar with his abilities, so in order to avoid embarrassing himself, he simply concluded: "So, man."

Ron gave Jor-El an awkward but polite smile:

"We really can't do something capitalist. Feudalism is too low. Especially since you still have a feudal and caste system. Your technology may be advanced, but it does look like primitive people fighting with lightsabers."

Hearing this, Jor-El remained silent. Jor-El himself did not know some of the terms that Ron mentioned during this process, but he could guess what Ron wanted to express through his words. However, Jor-El might still be able to refute it. However, Clark's understanding of Earth civilization was obviously much better than Jor-El's. Therefore, after hearing Ron's words, Clark's eyes also showed a little more thinking, and then he nodded thoughtfully, and his eyes became clearer.

Taking a deep breath, Clark looked at Jor-El beside him, and then asked with some complicated questions in his tone: "My father from another world... Can't the Kryptonians really coexist peacefully with the Earth?"


Facing Clark's question, Jor-El was silent at first, but soon, he calmed down quickly. He raised his head, his eyes full of seriousness. He stared at Clark intently, and said with a little indifference in his voice: "Carl, don't be so naive anymore. You are the son of hope of Krypton, remember the responsibilities and obligations in your blood! Revitalize Krypton! This is what you should do!"

Hearing Jor-El's suddenly cold and ruthless voice, Clark's eyes also showed a hint of disbelief. As if sensing this change in mood, Jor-El, in anger, forcibly suppressed his inner fluctuations, then took a deep breath, and after a moment of silence, he smiled gently again, but there was a little more fatigue between his brows.

"Karl, my child. I'm sorry for losing control just now... but there's nothing I can do. We don't have any more chances."

"Perhaps you want to say, let me return to the original world and reincarnate into the next era with the progress of the world. But what can I do? Just like the Ship of Theseus, the whole world has ushered in plenty, and the new world has nothing to do with us. Krypton will still be destroyed, and we can only repeat the same mistakes in a long cycle. This is the fate of every Krypton in our world."

"We've long since run out of options, and that's why I decided to accept the world virus." Jor-El gritted his teeth.

The World Virus allowed Jor-El to see beyond the boundaries of the world - ordinary World Virus infection could not do this. But the problem was that the Flashpoint world where Jor-El was was originally an incomplete and out-of-control world. The World Virus was like a pair of big feet. He couldn't kick open a solid steel cage, but he could easily kick a hole in a broken wooden box and see the real world outside.

"In those countless futures, Krypton's doom is almost irreversible. I have imagined saving Krypton in other ways - just like I did in other worlds." Jor-El's eyes even revealed a hint of fear: "But no matter what choice I made, even if I sent all the children away and put them in space capsules like you, in the end... So, there is no way."

Perhaps the truth about the fate of the world was too cruel, so Jor-El did not finish speaking. But even so, what Jor-El wanted to express was already expressed.

"When the world demands our death, we can only save ourselves in our own way."

Jor-El stared into Clark's eyes and said firmly, "Is wanting to live a kind of evil? No, I will never admit it. Just like this guy said, maybe the philosophy of Kryptonians is different from that of Earthlings, and the social system of Krypton may be more backward than that of Earth... But I still believe that we can coexist peacefully, even if this method is wishful thinking of the Kryptonians, even if it makes Earthlings feel unacceptable."

"That sounds much more comfortable."

Ron leaned back on the recliner again, raised his thumb and said, "Compared to your high-sounding words just now, such as leading the earthlings to civilization, prosperity, harmony and friendship, and establishing the Greater Krypton Earth Co-Prosperity Sphere, your honesty now is more convincing."

Ron sighed as he said this.

“Although we are enemies in terms of stance, it is really touching that people love patriots and heroes in the same way…even though we are enemies.”

People always admire "strong people". Strength here refers to the fortitude of mind - for example, when someone is shot during a speech, he does not run away after he reacts, but raises his fist and shouts to fight.

Even if this guy is an enemy in terms of position, his strong heart is still worthy of respect - although he will not show mercy if a fight really breaks out.

However, Ron was not worried about Jor-El's straightforward expression.

Because Clark is a bit indecisive. For example, when Clark suddenly becomes extremely cold and indifferent, some sacrifices are usually made. For example, reporter Louise, the Kent couple, etc.

When relatives offer sacrifices to the gods, their powers are boundless. When a loved one dies before him, Clark always becomes extremely cold and resolute at an astonishing speed.

Then go to the other extreme.

But this kind of indecision has a prerequisite, that is, to be able to fool Clark. For example, just now, it awakened Clark's inner kindness, and then caused confusion and hesitation.

And like now, Jor-El actually explained his thoughts directly, letting Clark know that Jor-El really had evil intentions - even if Jor-El had to do so, but Clark had already realized that Jor-El wanted to deceive him with "lies", and after calming down, he quickly regained consciousness.

Just at this moment, a slightly old voice came from the side.

"Clark, you left my car keys at...oh?! Are there new guests?"

Walking out of a house not far away was Jonathan Kent.

(End of this chapter)

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