Chapter 314 - Clark's Evolution
With the energy replenished, Joe-El felt as if he had taken ten kilograms of aphrodisiac, and his whole body was filled with endless energy.

Corax, who had just undergone emergency surgery to use a power armor prosthesis to repair the shattered half of his upper body and suppressed the pain caused by the friction between the machinery and his flesh and blood nerves, quickly re-entered the battlefield.

But now, the situation on the battlefield has changed dramatically.

Jor-El grabbed the trident that Aquaman thrust at him, and turned around with his other hand to catch Barry's full-strength attack that was several times faster than the speed of sound. With a grim smile on his face, Jor-El didn't look tired at all as he dragged the two men. It could even be said that Arthur and Barry were like weightless in Jor-El's hands.

The iron-like hand clamped fiercely on the weapons and arms of the two men. Under the huge force, Barry only felt a frightening and severe pain spreading rapidly on his wrist. With the subtle sound of bones breaking, the two men flying up and down gave people the feeling of one-legged bronze men. But they were friendly forces, and the others on the side didn't even know how to enter the battlefield for a while.

"Who cares about you!"

The war lord Diana, who had been blown away before, quickly returned to the battlefield. The champion helmet, which had been enchanted countless times, spread out its iron-like wings. Without any additional command, golden thunder burst out from the end of the wings. It looked like it didn't care about Aquaman and Flash at all, but intended to attack everyone within the attack range.

But Jor-El didn't care. Instead, he sneered, and then the riotous stellar energy burst out from his eyes. The burning red hot sight passed through the space, and as the distance of the emission continued to expand, it swallowed up all the golden thunder and even included the War Lord Diana.

Reacting quickly, War Lord Diana blocked the divine shield in front of her. The surging heat vision was split into two under the shield's barrier, forming a huge > character in the dark deep space. Although she defended, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was just a barely effective defense. Because the moment the divine shield was hit by the heat vision, the divine runes on War Lord Diana's divine shield began to break and collapse.

The collapse of this structure directly caused the divine shield to begin to burn at an alarming speed, turning into a soft, burning red iron. Not to mention continuing to resist, even when holding it in her hand, the shield was constantly burning Diana's palm due to the high temperature, and it made a sizzling sound accompanied by the stench of burnt flesh and blood.

The sonic boom channel opened again, but before Cyborg emerged from it, Jor-El turned around and punched out. With the explosion of cosmic energy, the spatial coefficient changed dramatically, and the already unstable sonic boom channel was disturbed and collapsed instantly. As the channel opened, Cyborg's mechanical prosthetic eye consciousness emitted a large amount of electric sparks, and he couldn't help but utter a classic American curse.


"It's useless, it's useless!"

Jor-El had a grim smile on his face, and the star energy in his eyes was released crazily. With the surge of emotions, he shook his head, and the red rays cut through the entire star, splitting the temporary war base and Deimos itself in half. It continued to extend, and even the Glory Expedition in the distance was affected, and one of the huge cross-shaped hulls was cut off.

"Then all of you will die! Become the stepping stone of the new Krypton!" Jor-El no longer restrained his inner expression. Or perhaps, with the surge of energy and the deepening of the connection with the world virus, Jor-El is no longer able to remain rational as he was at the beginning, but has been successfully programmed by the world virus to have his own paranoid thinking.

"Carl will understand all this!" Jor-El flew out suddenly, leaving Bruce and his son to try to resist in their bat armor, but it was still useless. In fact, if the Flash hadn't taken the opportunity to break free and come to his senses, the two would have been turned into a pile of minced meat in the armor.

"Wait until that weak human turns to dust. I have plenty of time to make them understand the mission Krypton has given him!"


After hearing what Joe-El said, Ron also touched his chin.

Hearing Ron's voice, Joe-El quickly looked at Ron, but unexpectedly, Joe-El did not launch an attack.

Apart from the fact that Ron just watched from the sidelines from beginning to end, there is another very important point, that is, the crisis instinct of the Kryptonians and the information from the world virus symbiote are constantly reminding Jor-El not to behave irrationally.

Although it is certain that the other party is observing something on his body, or something is parasitic on his body, which may affect him.

However, because there was absolutely no reference information about Ron's existence, Joe-El chose to deal with it coldly - at least, not to actively let this guy intervene in the battlefield.

And now...

Still leaning back in the recliner with a bottle of wheat juice in his hand, Ron said sheepishly, "I accidentally forgot to turn off the speaker."

In his hand was a communication terminal with a bat logo on it, and the terminal screen showed nothing else but an S logo wrapped in a red pentagon.

Seeing this scene, Jor-El's eyes narrowed slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to ask "Did you do this on purpose or by accident?" But considering that this might anger Ron, Jor-El finally just gritted his teeth for a moment before opening his eyes again, and then rushed towards the other members who were temporarily present on the battlefield more quickly, intending to complete the annihilation of the Earth's living forces as much as possible before Clark arrived.

On the other side, Bruce was slightly stunned when he saw the communication terminal in Ron's hand. Then he quickly touched his lower back. He was speechless after confirming that his things had been stolen.

But now is not the time to worry about these issues. Because the communication frequency band designed by Bruce has been in silence for quite a long time. And this frequency band...

"Clark, are you there?"

Bruce asked in a deep voice.

"Clark, answer me, stay calm, don't be irritated by him, there's still a lot of kryptonite radiation left here!"

"Answer me, Clark!"


"Bruce, you know me."


After hearing Clark's answer, Bruce fell into a brief silence, then shook his head and said, "...Okay, I'll turn off your bracelet." "No need."

Earth, Kansas, Kent Farm.

Staring at the sky, Clark put down the communication terminal in his hand. Somewhat surprisingly, Clark did not show much uncontrollable rage now. In fact, on the contrary, the whole person gave people a feeling of being particularly calm - even indifferent.

But even under this cold appearance, Kara seemed particularly fearful. Standing not far away, she would glance at Clark from time to time, her eyes full of fear.

This fear was so strange that Kara herself didn't even know how to describe it. But it was this emotion that made Kara feel unprecedented pressure. The danger perception ability enhanced by the Warrior Union's gene engraving was constantly sending dangerous signals through the nerves, and she could feel that Clark's condition was a little wrong, but now Kara didn't even have the courage to talk to Clark.

Similarly, Kara felt that she had gotten to know Clark again - Clark was not hypocritical, and the gentleness and compassion he showed seemed to be only because the enemy did not touch the forbidden area in his heart.

After ending the communication with Bruce, Clark did not continue to wait or stay, but stretched out his hand and crushed the kryptonite bracelet directly. With the broken bracelet, the kryptonite components inside were exposed to the air and came into direct contact with Clark. But to Kara's disbelief, Clark did not seem to notice the kryptonite.

Or maybe Clark noticed it, felt it, but was completely immune to the radiation from the kryptonite.

The anger in his heart constantly catalyzed Clark's body. The surging energy, accompanied by the sun's radiation, synthesized new energy in his body at an astonishing speed for replenishment.

Then, with a bang, Clark's body turned into a shadow and disappeared into the sky. Perhaps because of his agitated heart, this time the flight was not as smooth as before. In fact, it was the opposite. Just a small action of kicking his feet to gain leverage when taking off left a hole several meters deep on the ground.

That is to say, the old Jonathan couple had already driven to the town to buy the things they needed for dinner. Otherwise, they would have come outside to ask what happened... By that time, Clark was not there, and God knew what kind of words he would have to use to convince the two old people.

Well, if it was any other time, Kara would not bother to pay attention. But Clark's state just now obviously scared Kara, and Kara has not recovered until now.

And if I read it correctly... Kryptonite has no effect on Clark?!
While Kara was still in doubt, Jor-El, who was about to kill as many people on Earth as possible before Clark arrived, paused for a moment, then slowly raised his head and looked into the deep space on one side.

Approaching at an astonishing speed, Clark said nothing, stretched out his hands in the boundless space, and pushed the arm of the Glory Expedition's spaceport that was directly cut off by Jor-El's heat vision. The heat vision surged and welded the spaceport from the outside at an astonishing speed in front of people's eyes. Then he turned around and kicked the cut-in-two-half Deimos back together.

With a cold look in his eyes, Clark landed beside Bruce in the mimic magnetic field with a bang.

Bruce, looking at Clark with a stern face, obviously wanted to say something. But in the end, he just shook his head. Then he lowered his head to look at Clark's wrist - the kryptonite bracelet was gone, but in Bruce's tactical eyepiece, he could still clearly see the residual components of kryptonite radiation and kryptonite fragments.

In the past, even this residual component would be enough to cause Clark to feel exhausted and mentally weak.

but now……

Looking at Clark, whose eyes were full of indifference but not affected at all, Bruce was silent for a moment and then shook his head with some emotion.

There was surprise, but there was also a hint of expectation: "I knew this thing would be useless to you."

After hearing Bruce's words, Clark also glanced at Bruce, feeling the emotions in his eyes, Clark also said frankly: "Kryptonite will still affect me, it's just a special case now."

"It will become the norm sooner or later." Bruce didn't seem to care too much. He just crossed his arms and said, "I noticed you when you just debuted as a superhero in Metropolis. In just three years, your abilities have increased by at least 320%. Even the rate of technological iteration I have for you can't keep up with your growth. Now you can ignore some of the effects of kryptonite radiation. It won't be long before this thing is completely useless to you."

"But you don't seem too nervous?" Clark asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid that I will lose control and the countermeasure plan will not work?"

In response, Bruce just glanced at Clark beside him, and then said calmly: "My plan for you has never been aimed at your ability."

"Haha, that's good, it means you still believe in me."

Hearing this, Clark smiled and nodded, then patted Bruce on the shoulder and said, "Leave this guy to me, you guys take a break first."

Bruce didn't say anything, and Clark had no intention of continuing to persuade him. Instead, he turned and walked towards Jor-El after he finished speaking.

From Ron's perspective, he could clearly see that Clark's expression was as cold as ice the moment he turned around. Surrounded by the coldness of the "Son of Hope" and the "Superman" who was the symbol of peace in Metropolis, how could he be so cold? In fact, it was the exact opposite. Clark's current state and the moment he turned around were like a completely different person. His drastic emotional changes were like schizophrenia. Even if someone said he was a super villain, no one would doubt it.

What was also surprising was that after seeing Clark's current condition, Jor-El's eyes revealed a hint of surprise despite his nervousness.

"Haha, hahaha! You overcame the kryptonite radiation? You overcame the kryptonite radiation in your genetic defect through your own strength?!!!"

"Yes, you are the Son of Hope of Krypton! Kal-El!"

"Shut up." Clark looked at Jor-El coldly.

"I won't let you stay in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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