Chapter 315 - Clark Goes Wild
Jor-El didn't care about Superman's indifference. Or rather, Jor-El had lost his rational judgment. Looking at Clark, Jor-El opened his hands with excitement and said:
"You don't know what you represent yet! Carl! The son of hope of Krypton! The choice of Krypton! The answer of the universe! Your existence has perfectly proved the perfect form that Kryptonians can achieve after perfectly understanding the Secret Codex of Creation!"

"Wake up quickly, my child, Krypton's mission awaits you!"

Clark looked at Jor-El who was unable to communicate, and there was a flash of disgust in his eyes. There was no doubt that Jor-El was exactly what Clark hated the most, the kind of waste who was controlled by power, lost his self and reason, and had only power.

"I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense."

"Then tell me what you think!" Jor-El said angrily, "It doesn't matter what the price is! Krypton! As long as Krypton can exist forever! No matter what you want, I will agree to it! At least tell me!"


Clark looked at Jor-El indifferently, and then he turned into an arc of light and rushed towards Jor-El. Compared with the battle between Clark and Jor-El, the previous battle even gave people the feeling of a little fight - not a joke, nor an exaggeration. When Clark heard that Jor-El was going to hurt old Jonathan's family, he could no longer suppress his anger.

He was very rational and sober. He knew that what he did would scare Bruce and other people on Earth. He even said that if he gave up his determination this time, he would gradually lose his bottom line.

But Clark clearly realized that if he didn't even care about his parents, and still stubbornly adhered to the so-called bottom line when the enemy threatened his parents, it just showed that he had lost the belief he once held.

"You don't deserve to hear it!!"

As he spoke, he punched out, and the sudden increase in speed caught Jor-El off guard. He was hit right in the middle of the body, and in an instant, he turned into a shadow, smashing the meteorites floating in the universe into dust. Without atmospheric friction, Jor-El flew directly from Deimos to the direction of the Green Lantern Corps almost the moment he was hit. The speed was so fast that if it weren't for the countless dust left in the vacuum by the shattered meteorites, it wouldn't even look like he was flying, but teleporting.

Afterwards, Clark's figure also appeared directly in the center of the Green Lantern Corps. Without any fancy moves, he flew over and chopped down like a machete. Although the vacuum could not transmit sound, the huge deformation caused by this blow seemed to have a substantial expression of power, and Jor-El was hit into deep space again like a pinball.

After being hit repeatedly, Jor-El quickly realized that Clark had no intention of communicating with him. In addition to being angry, Jor-El also felt a strong sense of fear. The virus symbiote continued to strengthen Jor-El's negative emotions, and Jor-El's emotions also continued to nourish the virus symbiote's desire to survive.


With a low growl, a huge biological force field erupted from Jor-El's body, and his own genetic defects were repaired through the World Virus Symbiote. The perfect Kryptonian ecological physiology also allowed Jor-El to possess a strong body that was among the best in the endless universe.

It may seem empty, but in fact the universe is filled with a large number of cosmic rays. With the expansion of the biological force field, the Kryptonians' powerful energy absorption is most directly reflected.

Not only did the flesh and blood recover in an instant, even the bones that were shattered by Clark quickly regenerated.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Jor-El gritted his teeth and said, "If you can't recall Krypton's mission... then I can only keep your flesh and blood for my own research!!"

A red light burst out from his eyes, and the stellar energy that burst out from Jor-El's hot gaze illuminated the entire universe.

But what responded to Jor-El was Clark's even more violent energy output. Without any additional power, Clark simply lost control of his inner anger and murderous intent. With his fists clenched, the biological force field surrounding his body produced a roar of shattered stars along with the surging biological energy. Bathed in the rage that burned like fire, Clark's eyes burst into dazzling thunder. Even though they were far away, everyone on Deimos and even on Earth could clearly see this dazzling astronomical phenomenon, which was like a supernova explosion at an extremely close distance on an astronomical scale!
Then, all the light converged in an instant. But even so, the light column formed by this light was still enough to swallow up all the matter.

The same heat rays collided with each other, but the beam of light released by Jor-El was like a mosquito coil colliding with a truck in front of Clark's energy. In an instant, it was pushed back in front of him, and in the end, he was completely swallowed up by the torrent of energy.

Thermal vision as a means of releasing energy seems very simple, but it also has many different forms of energy expression. In the comics, Clark once used thermal vision to repair and weld the boundary cracks of the multiverse.

Now, Clark obviously did not release the heat vision to repair Jor-El. Located in it, the boiling and exploding stellar energy made Jor-El roar in pain. Along with the roar, the flesh and blood around him were constantly regenerating in the burning of the hot energy. The cycle of destruction and rebirth continued. In his inner anger, Jor-El suddenly broke free from the bombardment of the heat vision and crashed directly into an energy planet not far away. Sinking into the crust, the erupting biological field covered the entire star, directly draining the star that had already appeared in the primitive life form, swallowing it, and turning it into pale inorganic stone.

Powerful energy absorption, energy synthesis, and energy replacement are the specialties of Kryptonians. Every Kryptonian who comes to the universe can be directly strengthened by basking in the yellow sun. However, it is not the ability of Kryptonians to quickly devour all energy and organic matter through biological force fields - it is the fusion of the virus symbiote and Jor-El.

Watching an original life planet being devoured and drained into floating cosmic garbage, the already angry Clark seemed to hear the scream coming from the planet itself at the moment of its death.

Carrying the hope of the world, yearning for all the beauty and hope that may exist. Sadness and anger intertwined, Clark has already lost control of his emotions.

But fortunately, this loss of control was not a sign of depravity, nor was it Clark giving in to his desires. Rather, it was pure, uncontrollable killing intent against Jor-El.

"You insulted my father! You insulted both of my fathers!"

With a bang, Clark fell on the dead planet like a meteorite.

He stood up again, but before Jor-El could say a word, Clark had already arrived in front of Jor-El like thunder. He raised his right arm high, and a heavy punch instantly created a circular air wave, and the ground beneath his feet cracked. But before Jor-El could fly away, the enraged Clark launched a continuous fierce attack like a storm.

He wanted to resist, but Jor-El had just raised his head when Clark's attack came head-on. But as a perfect Kryptonian who had also overcome the genetic defects of Kryptonians and fused with the symbiote, Jor-El's attack was by no means just for show. Unfortunately, under this series of astonishingly high-speed attacks and defenses at extremely close range, Clark was hardly affected at all. In addition to his slightly messy hair, his entire state became stronger and stronger. In comparison, although Jor-El was still able to launch a fierce counterattack, compared to the damage he suffered, his counterattacks were obviously not as good as Clark's attacks.

Clark took Jor-El's blow and felt a pain in his abdomen. A little blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. But he did not retreat even a step. Then, he returned Jor-El's full-strength blow to his abdomen. Under the huge impact, Jor-El flew into the air at an astonishing speed, but with the surging energy, before Jor-El could regain his center of gravity, Clark's figure appeared above him again.

He raised his hands high, clasped them together like a hammer. With his teeth clenched, muscles tensed, blood gushing out of his pores, and blood squeezing out from his teeth at the corners of his mouth, Clark's entire upper body bent backwards, like a longbow stretched to the extreme.

“Die!!!” Boom!!!
The huge shock wave spread out in all directions with the collision. Two incredibly strong bodies collided with each other. The aftermath of the explosion cleared a pure vacuum in the universe full of chaotic rubble. As the guy who was hit, Jor-El turned into a stream of light. The biological force field collapsed at the moment of being hit. With the blazing biological energy tail flame, his body with broken bones directly smashed through the star core, like an arrow of doom representing destruction piercing through the planet. Located on the orbit that was hit, the huge impact force continued to destroy everything it touched. That is, the next moment when Jor-El flew out from the other side of the planet, the entire planet began to disintegrate along the pierced "tunnel" in a seemingly slow but extremely rapid manner.

"Tsk, tsk,"

On Deimos, Ron looked at the image projected from Helheim's Gate and shook his head with a sigh. He then looked at Bruce and said, "What do you mean, little Bat, have you thought about how to prepare an emergency plan for Superman after this is over?"

After hearing Ron's words, everyone turned their eyes to Bruce, even Corax and War Lord Diana were no exception.

During the preparation period before Jor-El arrived, they personally experienced how crazy this guy called Bruce Winter was in tactical planning and arrangement. Each stage of a plan must have at least five backup plans, and each backup plan must have at least two backup backup plans. The key is that these plans are basically connected in series and can be corrected at any time according to the situation of the battle. In addition to being complex, it also has simple and efficient executable.

And now, seeing Clark's current crazy fighting posture... they are very curious about what kind of plan Bruce will make.

"..." Bruce fell silent as he watched the scene. Then he shook his head, glanced at the people around him, and said calmly, "The contingency plan against Superman has never been an insurmountable weakness."

After that, Bruce stopped talking.

When the people on the side saw the answer given by Bruce, they looked at each other, and finally shrugged in silence.

"But...if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true."

Barry on the side stroked his chin and said, "There are many super villains in Metropolis who are constantly studying Superman's weaknesses. But until now, it seems that none of them have succeeded... at least they all failed in the end."

"A weakness that cannot be exploited is called a trap." Thomas seemed very calm, as if he had known this for a long time. He didn't even care much about what Bruce said just now.

"It's just a plan to target weaknesses and flaws. Sooner or later, it will become a trap as the opponent grows... Only a fool would choose this."


Bruce nodded indifferently - in fact, the plan against Clark was very simple.

Like a kryptonite ring.

If the kryptonite ring didn't work on Clark... nothing else would work.

It's not because of anything else, it's simply because Clark is no longer Superman. In this case, no matter how many contingency plans there are, it's useless. Let's take a closer look at what exactly made it like this.

While everyone was talking and watching the battle, Ron nodded - anchored, ready. Then, we can start.

Clark's angry and heavy blow came at a huge cost. In order to ensure that he hit the target, Clark even took Jor-El's full-strength blow without any defense. But it was obvious that Clark's blow was more powerful in terms of destructive power.

Look, with one strike, even the planets in orbit were directly shattered.

The planet was like this. Although Jor-El's body was more compact and tougher than the planet, facing Clark's attack, Jor-El could clearly feel that all the bones in his body had been destroyed and shattered. His organs were mixed with blood and flesh and turned into a pool of mud. The reason why his body surface was still intact was entirely due to the virus symbiont gluing it inside through mucus-like tissue.

But, where is Carl? Where is Carl?
Flying out of control, Jor-El continued to absorb cosmic rays to speed up his body's recovery as much as possible.

Joe-El was sure that Clark was also severely exhausted. Now the competition was nothing more than who could recover faster.

And with the blessing of the viral symbiote, Jor-El has enough confidence that he can recover better!
On the other hand, even though Clark hit Jor-El with an angry blow, his anger was still undiminished. Is the energy in his body exhausted? It doesn't matter——

As Ron appeared in the boundless space with a smile on his face, the Gate of Helheim suddenly opened, and seven suns lined up neatly appeared in Clark's eyes.

"Thank you!" Clark said through gritted teeth.

Ron seemed very calm about this:

"Aim and hit me. I can be of great use."


Clark's eyes were filled with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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