Chapter 316: God's Return

Looking at the seven suns in front of him, Clark did not hesitate and turned into a stream of light and rushed straight forward.

The sun is a powerful energy source for Kryptonians - but this energy source is not without risk. In most cases, the only way for Kryptonians to choose is to bask in the sun. Slightly stronger Kryptonians can experience stronger stellar radiation in orbits closer to the sun.

But the limit is only this. Because the high temperature generated by the sun all the time is a big threat even to Kryptonians. But now, Clark completely ignores the high temperature brought by the sun. In other words, Clark's body has lost the evolutionary restrictions along with the liberation of his spirit. He began to continuously complete energy synthesis through stellar radiation at an astonishing speed and rapidly evolve himself.

Especially since these suns were created by Helheim, they would be directly controlled by Ron. In this case, since a lot of negative effects had been offset by continuous evolution, absorbing the stellar radiation of this sun was almost risk-free for Clark.

As Clark's body passed through the first sun, when he reappeared, his condition had already returned to its peak. Then, the second, the third - almost every time Clark passed through a sun, the aura around him would surge. This increase in strength was short-lived and could not be normalized.

However, Clark did not care about this, because he did not have a strong desire and pursuit for power. What he really wanted in his heart was to accompany him through the sixth sun and when his power reached the critical point that could be forcibly contained, he suddenly looked at Jor-El.

Feeling Clark's gaze, Jor-El felt cold all over. Although he was in the boundless void of the universe, Jor-El felt that the space around him was instantly filled with invisible matter, like a bug sealed in amber, trying to struggle but unable to move.

Then, Superman started to sprint. His eyes were full of determination. At the moment of his movement, the shock wave shook the star ring. Then, under Ron's arrangement, the seventh sun appeared on the road between the two of them. After a short silence, the entire sun began to fluctuate violently, collapsing from the inside out, as if all the energy in the star core was swallowed up by some unspeakable monster.

And then, accompanied by a burst of fire, Clark's figure was bathed in endless lava and plasma and passed through the sea of ​​fire. He raised his fist with all his strength, and at this moment, his speed and strength both reached the peak that the world could bear. Even the speed force that represented the source of all speed was right in front of Clark's eyes.

Cracks in space burst out from Clark's body, and along with fine cracks, many scenes on the timeline were displayed simultaneously with Clark at the moment as the anchor. It was like countless film strips suddenly unfolding. But the difference was that Clark at these time nodes was aware of what was happening at this moment.


Unable to avoid it, Jor-El wanted to try to resist, but the moment he had the thought, Clark's fist had already landed viciously on his forehead.

In an instant, a huge amount of energy, along with the information flow of the space-time rift, continuously impacted Jor-El's body and soul. Under the strong impact, Jor-El's self was constantly stripped away by this huge amount of information at an astonishing speed. As his self collapsed, a large amount of colorful colors gushed out from the other side of his head that was hit.

Seeing this scene, Ron's eyes suddenly narrowed. Like a ghost, the gate of Helheim opened instantly and swallowed up all the light.

As this beam of light was injected into the Gate of Helheim, the originally extremely stable space of Helheim began to tremble violently, as if something wanted to tear Helheim apart from the inside through this light.

Seeing this, Ron, who was sleeping in the center of Helheim, opened his eyes, and a hymn suddenly sounded like a symphony. Ron intended to seal this light completely.

But something was troubling for Ron. Even though they were so far away, the owner of the light still released a powerful force. The twisted rhythm constantly washed over everything in Helheim, and the darkness was filled with the roar of depravity. Even Ron was helpless against it for a while.

Knull, the God of Symbiotes?
Ron denied the inner thought.

Although Gnar is powerful, he is not strong enough to shake the dimensional demon fighting at home by himself.

At least, in the normal world view, the symbiote god Knull would never be able to do this... an upside-down tree?

Thinking about it, Ron was not discouraged, but clapped his hands and said, "This is your territory, why don't you come out and manage it yourself?"

As Ron spoke, the time and space around him stagnated again. However, this time, it was not just the current time and space that stagnated, but the entire DC multiverse was also stagnant.

And along with all the exquisiteness, a strong old man with white hair and beard, dressed in a white robe, appeared again.

It was none other than the DC God himself, who had met Ron once before in the Flashpoint world.
“I’m just waiting for something else that might come along.”

God shook his head. There was no human fluctuation in his eyes filled with white light. Instead, he remained calm and said calmly:
"But now it seems that this is all... The upside-down tree didn't leave much leverage on this guy. But even so, it's enough."

As he spoke, God reached out his hand and grasped the fixed light, then pulled it hard, as if tearing it away from the time before him.

As the light was pulled off, God also began to extend the fine black tentacles from where the light originally existed. It was obvious that God wanted to forcibly pull the culprit who caused this ball of light to appear in this world directly from the other side of the tree.

Although there was no emotion on his face, God obviously did not intend to let it go so easily - after all, the world virus could lead to the crisis of destruction for any world. As the creator of the DC world, in God's eyes, this thing is as hateful as a cockroach and difficult to eradicate. Now, he finally has a chance, and he will not waste it.

After a moment of stalemate, God's eyes revealed a hint of solemnity. But as a person within the system, God is not going to fight alone. With a cold snort, the boundaries of the DC multiverse instantly expanded, gaining the right of passage, and one after another huge and noble figures appeared beside God. The surging secret energy formed chains, connecting the tentacles while also making the relationship between the tentacles and the other side of the inverted tree closer and inseparable - even if the fallen symbiote god tried to actively cut off the connection with these symbiotes.

Like a tug-of-war, with an infinite galaxy exploding from the cracks, a figure covered in filth was pulled out.

It was possible to clearly feel that the other party's eyes were filled with disbelief, but the gods of the World Tree obviously had no interest in talking to him. Instead, they pulled the source of his spirit and secret power out of his body.

After confirming the seal was stable, God nodded, and then the other beings around him who were of the same status as God also turned into light and dissipated. Only God was left and said to Ron:

"Things here have been resolved." "It seems to be simpler than expected." Ron said.

"The upside-down tree is not powerful, but it is as disgusting and troublesome as a maggot on the tarsal bone." With his arms folded, God seemed to be disgusted with the existence of the upside-down tree.

"As long as we can find their true form, even if it's just a clue, we can follow the clues to pull out these culprits. But in many cases, they will cunningly exert their plans on a certain power and concept to distort the memes of the world itself... But this time the harvest is good, we may be able to use this opportunity to find a passage to the dark multiverse where the upside-down tree is located."

As he spoke, God's figure slowly dissipated:

"Your plan was successful. I don't know the specific reward, because this is the first time that the World Tree has touched upon the information about the Inverted Tree. However, in my domain, you will have power second only to mine - but you cannot act recklessly because of this."

"What's the point of not being able to do whatever you want?" Ron looked very disgusted - you are so stingy with this reward, I should have let Clark's punch harder, maybe it would have directly given birth to more multiverses and the fun that was born with these universes as prototypes.

"...At least don't go too far." Looking at Ron's disgusted expression, God shook his head helplessly.

"My domain is different from OAA's. My world is made up of fate nodes, just like your musical notes. Any disorder of a note will cause the entire hymn to be out of tune and incomplete. This universe is fine. When you first arrived, I made it independent of all the fate genealogies, like a brand new poem. If it were a major node in the fate genealogy, even if it was only slightly different, it would cause the structure of the entire multiverse to collapse."

"That's it, I know."

Ron nodded.

God didn't say much about this, just nodded, and then disappeared into the endless universe.

As for Ron, he also re-strengthened the borders of Helheim and knew where his next path would be.

Helheim was Ron's domain, and no one could enter without Ron's permission - even if it was God himself, as long as Ron insisted on not opening the gate of Helheim, then God could only watch helplessly.

This time, it was actually Ron's impromptu idea to blur the border between Helheim and the DC Universe, thereby luring the World Virus Symbiote into the trap and taking this opportunity to have God and other higher beings completely uproot a certain individual of the Upside-Down Tree.

At the beginning, Ron only regarded this incident as a simple world virus invasion, and took the opportunity to take a look at the status and level of the Imperial Legion, and consider whether to increase the reward and the corresponding task difficulty in the future.

But after Ron discovered the differences between the world virus symbiont and other world virus carriers, Ron also came up with new ideas.

And now it seems that this idea is undoubtedly successful.

The biggest headache for the World Tree regarding the World Virus is that it can only make timely corrections and removals after the outbreak, but cannot solve all the problems once and for all.

And now, we have the possibility of finding its true body. As long as the channel can be opened, many problems can be solved.

But that is something Ron is not qualified to access at this stage.

In other words, compared to this, Ron cared more about what God had just said to him.

The DC world is different from the Marvel world. To put it bluntly, the past and future of the Marvel world can be changed almost at will. Even if some important destiny nodes are changed, it will only give birth to a new branch in the changed area. Therefore, as long as the deepest sacred timeline of Marvel is not affected, more changes will only make the Marvel universe more and more prosperous, but it will feel a little disordered.

But DC is different. Every world in the DC multiverse is built on countless interconnected destiny nodes. Each world has its own destiny node. People can create when the destiny node appears, making the world have infinite possibilities. But after these destiny nodes are born and stabilized, they cannot be modified through time travel - the Flashpoint world is unbalanced, collapsed, and finally reincarnated because of this.

When applied to Ron, these destiny nodes and sacred timelines all became "hymns" or "melodies".

"I see... Then the next thing to do is to find the main theme."

Thinking of this, Ron fell into a deep sleep again.

On the other side, they witnessed everything that happened, and even got a glimpse of the coming of God through the Helheim Gate. With God's departure, the DC infinite multiverse started to operate again, and Bruce and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"That... is it really God?" Aquaman stroked his beard in disbelief and said, "I should be seeing things, right?"

They did not hear the conversation between Ron and God and others. But as the creator of this world, the moment God appeared before them, everything about God was imprinted in their minds like a thought.

"Indeed, but it feels much milder than last time~" Barry seemed calmer - after all, it was not the first time he had seen it.

(End of this chapter)

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