In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 317 How can others know that my earthly ties have been severed and the golden pond has dried

Chapter 317: How can others know that my earthly ties have been severed and the golden pool has dried up
The main body fell into a deep sleep again, and Ron's consciousness slowly opened the Helheim Gate and returned to Deimos.

Looking at the people in front of him, Ron clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations! After everyone's concerted efforts, we finally got through this difficult time!"

“…It’s not over yet.”

After hearing Ron's words, Bruce shook his head after a brief silence, then pointed to the Kryptonian spaceship and said, "What should they do? Are they just going to stay here?"

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to the Kryptonian spaceship that was stagnant in the distance, neither moving up nor down, not knowing whether they should continue to stay there or try to escape.

Some of the stubborn ones wanted to try to escape - because in the process of getting along with Jor-El, they were more or less infected with the world virus, and simply agreed more with Jor-El's ideas, such as the sense of responsibility that Krypton could not perish here.

However, the Green Lantern Corps has sealed off the area around it. Also, the only person who has truly completed genetic modification through the World Virus Symbiote is Jor-El. With the restarted Green Lantern Kryptonite, under the radiation of these artificial kryptonite, most Kryptonians are in a state of weakness that even standing up is a pipe dream.

Well, these old guys are really useful only when cleaning up the battlefield.

Ron touched his chin after taking a look at the Kryptonian spaceship behind him. To be honest, he was a little jealous. After all, the abilities of Kryptonians were among the best in the multiverse.

The reason why the DC universe limits the power of Kryptonians is that their genes have no resistance to red solar radiation and kryptonite radiation, which directly affects the energy synthesis of Kryptonians and even damages their cells. However, in other universes, there is no such thing... Even if there is, it is not an almost absolute natural enemy like in the DC world.

It is a bit like the devil fruit in the world of One Piece. Once you eat the devil fruit, you will get a supernatural power, but as a price, you will not be able to go into the sea. But in fact, the devil fruit ability users cannot go into the water because of the special substance PYROBROIN in the sea water. In other worlds, there is no such substance in the sea water, so naturally there is no need to care about it.

In this case, the sun exists in every world. Although the worlds are different, the composition of the sun is also slightly different. For example, some suns are simple celestial bodies, while others are created by gods and even have their own consciousness. But in the final analysis, the sun brings light and heat in many world settings. This alone is enough for Kryptonians to draw nutrients and energy from it.

A group of Kryptonian warriors who have no natural enemies, have extraordinary combat power, and do not need to eat, drink, defecate or urinate. They only need to bask in the sun every day to maintain sufficient combat power, and even continuously strengthen...

How could any unscrupulous boss not be tempted by such a chosen worker?
Maybe someone will ask, Ron, you are a hunter born in the blood curse, but now you have become a dimensional demon, with great power. The Valkyrie Corps of Paradise Island under your command are good at fighting, Batman is full of wisdom, and you have achieved success in training and extraordinary power. Why are you attracted to a group of Kryptonians?

If I didn't have any Kryptonians under my command, how would others know that I have achieved success in my training and have extraordinary powers?

Thinking of this, Ron crossed his arms and looked at the Kryptonian survivors not far away with a smiling look.

Facing Ron's lecherous gaze, the remaining Kryptonians swallowed their saliva involuntarily. Bruce and Clark also exchanged glances at each other.

"Your thoughts?"

"I don't have any idea." Hearing Bruce's question, Clark took a deep breath and said calmly: "Although I feel a little complicated, just like these Valkyries from Paradise Island from another world, if these Krypton survivors can continue to exist in this way, it is also a good way. At least, it can make up for the sins they committed when they came to this world."

Bruce said nothing about this.

In Bruce's view, crime is crime, and merit is merit. There is no such thing as the two offsetting each other. Although this black-and-white thinking has a profound impact on Bruce, Bruce is not a person who does not know how to adapt. It's just that when thinking about similar things, he will make more considerations and corresponding plans.

As old friends, Clark could guess Bruce's thoughts to some extent. He didn't care too much, but shrugged helplessly at Bruce, then came to Ron. He didn't ask directly, but said with great emotional intelligence:

"Mr. Ron, these Krypton survivors from another world are simply beyond our ability to handle in this world. If possible, could you help us properly dispose of them?"

After hearing Clark's high emotional intelligence speech, Ron also looked at Clark with a surprised look, and then patted Clark's shoulder with an expression of "this young man is very sensible". Then he coughed lightly, and said helplessly with a voice of "Since you have asked me to do this, even if I am a little reluctant, I can only satisfy your idea like this":

"Oh my, you little comrade, you only know how to leave such a difficult problem to me... However, since you said so, the organization also understands your difficulties. Although these Kryptonians are deeply sinful, there are indeed some Kryptonians who are unwilling to succumb to the tyranny of the world virus parasite and are willing to join the great process of world reincarnation for the sake of the world tree."

"For your sake, I'll take them all!" Ron patted Clark on the shoulder, turned around at Clark's gentle smile, rubbed his hands together as he opened the Helheim Gate, and moved the Kryptonian spaceship and the Kryptonian Jor-El followers that were stagnant in the encirclement of the Green Lantern Corps directly in front of him.

"The new Kryptonian army will be led by General Zod and fight for the World Tree in Helheim. But this is limited to the Kryptonian warriors who follow General Zod. As for those who follow Jor-El and want to invade another universe... throw them to Roan Park first, and wait until they have changed their ways and become new people, then they can join the Kryptonian army."

"As for those who have been infected by the world virus..."

The Krypton survivors were quickly divided into three factions. The first two were fine, but the last ones...

"You'd better join the reincarnation process obediently." Ron himself didn't hate those Kryptonians who were bewitched by Jor-El, or who agreed with Jor-El's idea that "Krypton must continue."

Because to be honest, they may not have done it on purpose. It was the genetic engraving that restricted them to think in a similar way. Most of the Kryptonians in the Thinkers' Guild were like this. They often thought about the future of Krypton. Especially in the early days of Krypton's development, their existence played a crucial role, and it can even be said that they completed Krypton's most glorious interstellar colonization era.

Unfortunately, with the clone uprising, the rentier class at the top of Krypton eventually revealed their true colors as the landlord class. Under their rule, although the members of the Thinkers' Guild still played a vital role in the development of Krypton, they were basically working on maintaining stability.

It would be great if such a group of talents could be brought to Helheim. After all, the current Helheim was a paradise for social Darwinists because of Ron's carelessness. As long as you could complete the task, not affect the overall balance of Helheim, and not engage in infighting, Ron would not bother to care about these things.

In this case, if the members of Krypton's Thinkers Guild entered, it would not take long for a Kryptonian civilization to develop in Helheim.

It's just a pity that most of the Kryptonian thinkers have been contaminated by contact with Jor-El, and the remaining thinkers can only rely on their personal luck.

With a wave of his hand, as the Helheim Gate was shrouded, those polluted individuals were forcibly sent back to the original universe to join the reincarnation process.

Then, with the surge of secret energy, the hatch of the Kryptonian spaceship opened, and several Kryptonian warriors who looked seriously injured walked out naked.

It is normal for them to be naked. Because the Kryptonian's battle suits are not as simple as they appear. Especially for the Kryptonians like the Fighters Guild who often have to fight in various extreme environments, the battle suits they wear are the product of Krypton's top genetic technology.

In the comics, when Superman's clone Superboy was attacked, causing his own genes to collapse and various abnormalities to appear, the helpless Superman tentatively put his own battle suit on Superboy.

Then, under the effect of the Superman suit, Superboy's genetic structure, which had been collapsing due to the attack, began to recover continuously, and even his strength increased considerably. The effect was amazing.

Even Superman was very surprised and said, "Why didn't I feel it when I was wearing it?"

It can only be said that for ordinary Kryptonians, Clark, the natural Kryptonian who was born with all hopes, is still too buggy.

Because for most Kryptonians, Clark's suit is a rare treasure. Wearing it can obviously improve all aspects of strength, and at the same time can inhibit various recessive gene defects and DNA structural imbalances caused by gene engraving. It is like carrying a top-level ICU with you, which can ensure that the body is in the most perfect peak state at any time and has a strong combat ability.

It’s a pity that for Superman, its role can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

Because Clark himself can overcome the genetic defects in Kryptonians through growth and evolution. As for the energy synthesis when Clark is basking in the sun, the repair effect of the battle suit cannot be said to be non-existent, but it does not play a decisive role.

Looking at Ron, the remaining Kryptonian warriors looked at each other, and although there was some hesitation in their eyes, after thinking about it, General Zod's wife, Ursa, who was in ragged clothes and underwear, came out and said:

"We are willing to submit to you, but if possible, please heal our leader, Dru-Zod."

"Of course." Ron was not surprised at all when he heard Ursa's request.

In the comics, General Zod is a villain most of the time. But his core purpose is to continue the civilization of Krypton - which is consistent with Jor-El. It's just a pity that although General Zod advocates military expansion because of the genetic engraving of the Warrior Guild, he doesn't agree with leaving the original world and going to other worlds to reproduce.

The main reason is that Zod, as a warrior guild, has simpler and more straightforward ideas at the genetic level. If Zod had approved this behavior from the beginning, then Zod would undoubtedly become Jor-El's assistant. But unfortunately, Zod did not agree with this behavior. In other words, compared to Jor-El's sweet talk, Zod cared more about the call he felt from the origin world. And he stubbornly persisted.

The result was that every bone in his body was broken by Jor-El and his life was in danger. He was even allowed to wear a Kryptonian battle suit to sustain his life. After Krypton occupied the earth, he began to prepare to extract General Zod's genes to create a new batch of Kryptonian warriors.

Of course, Ron would not let go of this simple-minded warrior talent. After all, anyone who has played real-time strategy games knows that the combat power and tactical value of a hero-level unit are much greater than that of an ordinary unit.

He stretched out his hand, and with the surge of secret energy, General Zod, whose bones were broken and whose life was barely hanging on by his Kryptonian suit, rose into the air. With the black energy and a slight melody injected into General Zod's body, General Zod, who was originally pale and looked like he might die at any time, quickly stabilized.

After a moment, he opened his eyes with great difficulty. When he saw Ron, he had a hint of doubt in his eyes. He didn't know why he was here. Ron and others didn't know what happened during the battle between Jor-El and Zod. But judging from Zod's current state, it was obvious that Jor-El had shown no mercy, causing Zod's memory to be damaged.

But Ron didn't care. He just waved his hand and said to Usa beside him: "Come on, take Zod to Helheim first. There will be people there to teach you how to survive in Helheim. However, I still have to say something ugly in advance. Helheim doesn't support idle people~"

(End of this chapter)

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