Chapter 71: Departure to the Metropolis
After hearing about Bruce's son and their grandson, even Thomas, who always kept a cool face and maintained his aloof personality, couldn't hold it in at this moment.

On the side, Martha directly pushed Thomas's arms away, stared at Ron with a pair of sparkling eyes, clenched her fists and said:
"Bruce's son? Who else? Come on, tell me everything! And the Bat Family too... Damn it! The Bat Family? This nickname is so infuriating! I must find a way to change the name! We should be a loving family, not damp bats hiding in a dark corner!"

Martha couldn't help biting her nails as she rambled on. "I guess they must be wearing those ugly and uncomfortable tights. What's the point of bats? I'm going to find a way to change their outfits... Well, I'll start with their outfits, and then turn Gotham into a paradise bit by bit!"

With the idea of ​​not making any trouble, Ron smiled, fearing that Martha would change her mind.

Having fun is important, but doing business is also important. After briefly asking about the information of the candidate members, Thomas shook his head after thinking for a moment, indicating that he had no relevant information.

Ron was a little disappointed, but he was mentally prepared enough, so he didn't care too much. After returning to the casino fortress, Thomas and Martha came forward to summon the last criminals and heroes of Gotham, the doomsday city.

Well, there aren't many heroes, and even fewer criminals. Under Thomas's iron-fisted law enforcement, both criminals and heroes have suffered different levels of painful blows. This has led to the fact that although the Gotham of this world is still a cesspool, a king of the cesspool has been born in both the black and white worlds.

In terms of public security, although the Gotham in this world is also shit, it is only at the level of Hell's Kitchen. It is far inferior to the Gotham in the main universe, which is full of talents. However, this does not mean that Thomas is incompetent...

On the contrary, under Thomas' bloody rule, the entire Gotham was turned into an iron barrel by Thomas. The cruel majesty brought by this fear even overwhelmed the fear brought by the end of the world in the hearts of the people of Gotham.

This can be seen from the fact that Gotham, which is surrounded by high walls, still maintains a relative order...

When Victor the Frozen Man heard that the two shit mountains in Gotham's cesspool had actually joined forces and arrived at the first opportunity, his face was filled with surprise and doubt.

Looking at Thomas and Martha standing beside the transport plane quietly waiting for the arrival of other personnel, Victor came to Ron's side, rubbed his red glasses embedded in his flesh, hesitated for a moment and said:
"You actually convinced them?"

"As expected of my new boss... Come to think of it, how did you convince them? They fought to the death, and I thought the couple had already parted ways."

Victor was funded by Thomas to create these cryogenic zombie soldiers. He was one of the few people in the world who knew both Thomas and Martha's identities. In this case, Victor didn't know what caused the couple to part ways, but this did not prevent Victor from feeling the "evil" in these two guys.

Yes, whether it was to defend order or simply to avenge his son. No matter how reasonable the reason was, when these two guys started to fight, all Victor could feel was the obsession that turned into evil due to paranoia.

Thinking in his heart, Victor secretly glanced at the two former bosses who were flirting with each other, and whispered: "To be honest, before this, I always thought that the whole of Gotham was just a part of their PLAY."

"Don't doubt it, it's the truth."

Ron curled his lips and said, "The Bat Family has always had some problems with their brains, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, this world is almost gone. I want to see how they will deal with the cesspool over there after things here are over and they get to another world."

Hearing this, Mr. Freeze blinked, then nodded seriously, raised his thumb and said, "You are worthy of being my new boss... I want to see it too, is there a chance?"

"Should be. Also, do you say this to every new boss?"


Victor laughed awkwardly for a few times, then said as if it was a matter of course: "Understand, this world is not like other parallel worlds. Thomas really kills people. And so does the clown lady. As an ordinary scientist, I can only try to support myself by playing both sides~"

"It's shameless, but I like it."

Patting Victor on the shoulder, Ron nodded approvingly and said, "Ron, there is a position for you in the park. If you work hard, you may even become a supervisor in the future!"

"If you had a science department I might consider it~"

During the conversation, many people who were left in Gotham City came here. There were some familiar faces among them. In other parallel time and space, these people were either super criminals or super heroes. But in this world, with the two mountains of Thomas and Martha pressing down on them, they were just ordinary people wandering in the gray area.

Because no matter what they do, compared to Batman and the Joker, they are not crazy enough or evil enough.

Almost everyone had arrived, and after getting confirmation, Thomas clapped his hands lightly, and three specially made armed transport planes rose from under the casino fortress.

Thomas, who was standing aside and wearing Batman's or Batman's suit, didn't say much. Instead, Martha, who was wearing a white women's suit, opened her arms expectantly.

"You scum, have you gone crazy? In this oppressive doomsday, you are ruled by an even more oppressive fear and have to maintain a superficial order."

People made some small comments, but Martha didn't care. With a weird smile, an invisible and twisted madness turned into a special aura, and began to spread around with Martha as the center.

Ordinary people may not be able to feel this invisible and intangible thing, but it does exist. But Ron can feel it... and very clearly. All of this comes from Gotham itself. Twisted and dark paranoia destroyed the happiness of a family's life one night.

Afterwards, this darkness merged into the bodies of the survivors, and they began to consciously seek revenge and destruction, plunging the entire city into a morbid carnival.

"The final carnival has arrived!"

Martha laughed weirdly, "Winner takes all! The winner's reward is a ticket to the next world! Of course, you can choose to refuse - because winning is just moving from one cesspool to another!"

Looking at Martha, the villains who came after hearing the news were silent at first, and then burst into wild cheers.

Being in the middle of it, even Ron could clearly feel that this wave of chaos and disorder was infecting everyone in the city.

No, it's not just a simple infection. This city has been suppressed by Thomas for too long, like a volcano with its only exit blocked. And now, with Martha and Thomas reaching a consensus on Bruce's family education, the chaos that has been accumulated for a long time has finally erupted most strongly.

In the DC universe, most powers are idealistic and have their origins. Now, without a doubt, in the moment of liberating their nature, these villains who were once suppressed by Thomas have all ushered in a new life. Of course, rather than saying that their own power has exploded, it is better to say that... the world is longing for a new life?

Looking at the cursed world beneath his feet, Ron could hear a subtle melody... The melody was not continuous, or even beautiful, but was filled with harsh noises and desperate sadness.

The world is longing for life, just like a cicada buried deep underground, having survived the cold winter, wanting to grasp this last ray of life, shed this shackled body, and enter the next stage of life...

but now……

"Sorry, can't do that."

Ron is very clear about his abilities - even if he is blessed with external energy, Ron's essence is by no means redemption. In other words, the name of Bloodborne has already revealed that all of Ron's achievements so far are a curse.

If Ron had obtained extremely powerful power that could influence the world, then with Ron's complex composition, he would only turn the world into a bigger cancer cell...

Well, DC isn't sure. But if it's the Marvel Universe, cancer is mostly related to contamination from extra-dimensional gods - even Thor has cancer.


"I'll still help you if I can, Tieju." Stamping his feet, Ron took out a cigarette with a bit of bleakness - he didn't smoke, he just thought it would be appropriate to have a cigarette in his mouth at this time:

"But I can't guarantee it. After all, my own evolution is not complete yet."

I don't know if he understood what Ron said, but after he said this, the wailing from this world in Ron's perception was indeed much lessened.


No way, man, are you serious?
In silence, Ron felt an invisible force blessing him, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

This power was not strong, and was even extremely weak. Its only effect might be to allow Ron to more easily control some of the energy and matter in this world. But it was undeniable that this was the only help that this world itself could provide.

And Ron can be sure that this power is not only usable in this apoptotic world, but is a universal power in the DC worldview...

It's a duty to repay someone who has done something for you. No matter what, please help me think of a solution.

Thinking in his mind, Ron also boarded the armed transport plane with the frozen man Victor.

Well, Victor's trip was quite a big deal. In addition to hundreds of transformed cryogenic zombies, he also took away the corpses soaked in organic solution in the laboratory and the most important cryogenic generator that integrated the secret energy technology.

Of course, only a portion of it was placed on the plane. Most of the core items were directly transferred to the Infinite City - for this reason, Victor had already owed a sum of rent before he even received his salary.

What? Why do you charge rent?
Who made Victor's own original world about to explode? He really had nowhere to go. Although he was an employee, public was public and private was private. Ron had spent thirty system coins to import this Infinite City from another world.

Moreover, Victor has not yet obtained the qualifications as a survivor to travel to other worlds. Before he officially joins the company, Ron will not lack anything he deserves.

"A boss like you should really be hung on a street lamp... No, considering the park, maybe you should be put on a shooting range. You are too evil."

"Don't be ridiculous. The rent will be returned to you naturally when you officially start working. By the way, how is the research on White Frost going? Are there any results?"

On the plane, in the front compartment with Thomas and Martha, Ron asked with a relaxed look on his face: "If you can use this thing, freezing a world will be a matter of a snap of a finger."

"It's not that easy. I just started my research and they moved me and my lab onto the plane."

After taking a look at his former boss who was resting with his eyes closed, Victor rolled his eyes at Ron. Although he didn't seem to have much respect for him, Victor was not a fool. Although he complained that he had experienced so many things in less than a day, he still quickly presented his results.

"I can only confirm that this thing called White Frost is partially active... Well, the information that the Stinky Bat gave me contains special materials similar to it. Although it cannot be used, it can accelerate the release of its own properties to a certain extent, thereby causing the temperature within the range of magic radiation to drop sharply in a short period of time."

"But that's all. This cooling speed is not as good as my freezing gun... Come on, boss, I'm working for you, can you give me more powder?"

Victor couldn't help but beg, "Including the money you gave me as a reward, I only have a little over a gram of white frost. I'm working for you. Please be more generous!"

"You're dreaming. Someone has already reserved this item."

Ron rolled his eyes and said, "You know Norse mythology, right? Queen Frigga placed the order with me personally. How about you go and say hello to her? Or you can come up with something more valuable!"

"Uh... forget it, let's wait until the production volume is increased."

As a future employee, Victor also had a brief chat with Mingnu, the chief eunuch, while moving things.

According to Mingnu, the lower limit of the park is decreasing and the output is increasing. When the output is high in the future, there will naturally be more white frost that I can use for experiments.

Just when Victor was about to ask what the current production was, accompanied by a roar, an armed helicopter guarding the transport plane in the rear was shot down by the muddy sea water cannon.

(End of this chapter)

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