Chapter 72: Crisis in the Metropolis
The shock wave generated by the explosion of the armed helicopter also caused slight vibrations on the left and right of the armed transport plane.

Looking out the window, on the boundless sea, a group of Atlanteans in scale armor were operating a giant cannon above a deep-sea monster. The cannon used seawater as energy, which was converted into turbid shock waves and fired into the sky.

"It's Atlantis."

Seeing the fleet below, Thomas didn't show much concern on his face. It was obvious that this was something Thomas was already accustomed to.

Glancing at Ron, Thomas said, "The curse first began to spread from the sea, and the Atlanteans were the first country to be infected by the curse. There is no living person in the entire Atlantis now, and even the seawater cannot be used without filtering."

"It's just that after being infected by the curse, the thinking ability of these Atlanteans has been greatly reduced. Apart from the large force led by Aquaman, the rest are fighting on their own."

As he spoke, Thomas pressed the counterattack button. Then, the armed transport plane began to unscrupulously release ammunition downwards. Under the heavy firepower bombardment, the flashing light left a fleeting track in the air, and the cursed sea beast let out a mournful cry, and as it surged, it threw all the Atlanteans on it into the sea.

They still retain a certain degree of instinct.

Seeing the sea beasts and some Atlantis soldiers who were screaming in pain, Ron nodded and had a clearer understanding of the existence of the world virus.

Looking at the Atlanteans who were still struggling on the sea and even trying to control the sea beasts to launch a counterattack, Thomas did not care at all.

"Don't stay here. If you continue to fight, it will attract Atlanteans from other areas to come for support. Continue to the metropolis and speed up!"

The distance from Gotham to Metropolis is not far, and the three armed transport planes arrived in less than half a day at full speed.

Like Gotham, Metropolis is now surrounded by high walls, isolating most of the curse that has become part of the air.

"But it was a last-ditch effort. The speed at which people raised and reinforced the walls could not keep up with the speed at which the poisonous gas spread."

Thomas said: "In the beginning, the curse in the air was only a little over one person high. Now, it is more than a hundred meters high, and it is still increasing. Even if it can survive now, one day, this curse will spread beyond the atmosphere."

After staring down for a while, Ron soon narrowed his eyes and said, "There's a firefight down there."

"Well, do you need help down there?"

"of course."

Looking at the Flash speeding through the crowd, leaving countless golden and red afterimages in the huge metropolis, Ron knew that this was an opportunity to learn about another universe.

Down below, Barry Allen ran at full speed, relying on the enhancement of the speed force, and he did not feel the slightest bit of fatigue. A large number of infected people emerged from underground, which made Barry Allen have some bad guesses.

At the same time, Barry noticed the armed transport plane coming from a distance, and his eyes lit up:
"Cyborg! Is this support? Has the communication been restored?!"

"Communications haven't been restored yet, but it's indeed support!" Cyborg's voice came from Barry's headset, with a hint of excitement:
"It's Gotham! People from Gotham are here! That's great! I don't know where they got the news from, but they have been contacted. Don't worry, they are not infected and are friendly forces!"

As the curse began to appear in Metropolis from within, Barry was busy running around inside the city for a whole week. Because the monster that was deeply hidden by the government had not yet been identified, even now, Barry did not dare to try to leave Metropolis and send the information to Gotham or even Paradise Island.

And now, although he doesn't know why the people from Gotham appear here, Barry has already seen the figure of Batman - although Batman is not very popular in the Justice League, it is undeniable that whenever faced with desperate situations, this annoying guy can always give people the strongest confidence!
While Barry was still thinking, a figure also jumped down from the sky. Holding a meat saw, Ron swung it violently when it was close to the ground. Along with the evil wind, a burst of dirty black blood exploded from the ground. After clearing a piece of open space, Ron waved to Barry from a distance.

Seeing this, Barry also blinked in surprise. You know, he was still running fast, and ordinary people could only see a fleeting afterimage. But the other party not only saw him, but also looked at him.

Thinking in his mind and feeling a little curious, Barry quickly crossed several streets from the other end of the city and came directly to Ron.

"Hey! Bro, do you know me?"

"The Flash, Barry Allen, who wouldn't know him~"

Ron greeted him with a smile. He was very familiar with Barry Allen. If Superman was the soul of the Justice League and Batman was the brain of the Justice League, then Barry Allen would be considered the conscience of the Justice League.

In fact, the conscience of the Justice League is the self-proclaimed character of another Flash, Wally West, but in most cases, the Flash people are more familiar with is the upright and gentle Barry Allen.

Compared to other Justice League giants, Barry Allen is the youngest one. But at the same time, he is also the kindest and gentlest one. However, this gentleness does not mean that Barry Allen is easy to bully.

On the contrary, speedsters with the Speed ​​Force can easily travel across universes and timelines after mastering their powers. Unless it is a fate that is inevitable in the universe of their origin, such as the destruction of Krypton and the shooting in Crime Alley, which are crises in the official history of the world. Otherwise, any crisis from outside the universe's timeline may cause the speedsters to go out en masse.

The cross-universe collaboration between these speedsters is much more awesome than the shameless Green Lantern Corps.

"There will be plenty of opportunities to chat later. What happened in the metropolis? From the looks of you, it seems that you are in a state of panic?"

"It seems to be a secret research base of the military."

Hearing Ron's question, Barry Allen quickly said:

"I don't know the details. When I was doing warm-up activities in my world, I received a distress signal from the Flash of this world. But after I came to this world, I found that the Flash of this world had not been born. I was deceived."

"So you went to Batman first?"

"Well, because he's the smartest person in the Justice League... Come to think of it, the Justice League in this world has never been born? That's weird."

"Things are more complicated than you think. Who is the person in charge of Metropolis now?" "Cyborg," Barry said. "Although it's a bit surprising, considering that the Aquaman in this world is married to Wonder Woman, I'm not surprised that Cyborg works for the government... Speaking of which, who are you? I don't seem to have seen you before in my memory?"

"I come from another universe." Looking at Barry, Ron said, "But it's not your type of universe. The organization is quite special, but generally speaking, it should stand with you most of the time."

"Cool! I've heard other Flashes talk about this!" Hearing this, Barry raised two thumbs and said, "It is said that outside of our multiverse, in a more distant world there are other worlds that are not restricted by the seven powers. I've always wanted to go and see them. If you have a chance, would you like to come and visit?"

"It's better not to."

After hearing Barry's words, Ron shook his head, then turned sideways, and a space-time crack naturally opened up in the space around him. When he saw the space-time crack forming, Barry's eyes also showed a hint of surprise.

His power comes from the Speed ​​Force, one of the seven powers of DC, a cosmic force that drives the world forward. It is also relying on the Speed ​​Force that Barry can travel between different worlds, timelines, and dimensions. And now, at the Gate of the World, feeling the power fluctuations of the Ancient Blood, Barry felt a similar breath.

Walking out of it, Ciri had already drawn the rune sword. As the runes glowed under the activation of the secret energy, they continued to beat around Ciri's body, and Ciri's physical fitness was also greatly enhanced.

Before Ciri could say anything, Ron introduced her humbly, "This lady has traveled through many different universes, causing a series of worlds to almost collapse like dominoes."

Hearing this, Xili's face darkened, and then he explained helplessly: "It was just... an accident."

"Ah? So it really happened?"

Blinking, Barry comforted him somewhat awkwardly: "That's true... well, we need to pay attention to it."

After twitching his lips for a few times, Xili could only sigh and then said, "What should I do next?"

"Let's clean up these zombies on the surface first."

As he spoke, Ron clapped his hands, and then the Infinite City opened behind him. One after another, cryogenic zombies walked out slowly from it, and under the program set by Victor, they began to attack the cursed people around them.

As Ron got closer to these cursed guys, he could see their condition more clearly.

How should I put it? It felt a bit like zombies, but compared to zombies, these poor infected people were still able to maintain some of their remaining thoughts.

It's just a pity that the remaining thoughts are not enough to support their rational thinking. At most, they can stimulate their tear glands to shed a few tears while rushing towards the living. As for the rest, they can't even cry a few times.

"They collapsed mentally." Barry noticed Ron observing the zombies and said, "I don't quite understand the specific principle, but it's just that many things in the subconscious were messed up, and the spirit collapsed from the inside due to the conflict."

"By the way, what are these corpses like? Why do I sense a similar aura on them? By the way, buddy, even if you are here to help, your way of helping is too much like a super villain, right? You are worthy of coming from Gotham."

"This is the work of Mr. Freeze from this world." Ron said, "Although it's not a good thing, it should be much better than the guy in your world who takes human lives lightly."

"real or fake?"

"Because the Bruce in this world is dead, the Batman you see is Bruce's biological father, Thomas Wayne."


Barry's eyes were filled with surprise. While the two were still talking, the armed transport plane in the sky also lowered to a suitable altitude. With the hatch opened, the scum villains from Gotham either jumped directly or landed by parachute.

The order of Metropolis itself was not destroyed, and the organized army formed a solid defense line. Now, with the firepower support from Gotham, the originally critical situation was quickly effectively contained.

Blue flames gushed out from the soles of his feet, and a steel skeleton covered with modified machinery flew up from behind. In order to cope with the brutal war, the steel skeletons in this world had obviously undergone enhanced firepower.

With the fire locked, its broad steel back raised the magazine, and with a piercing scream, energy missiles rained down on the target area for a saturation attack.

His right hand transformed into a large sonic cannon, bombarding downwards. The ground cracked wherever the buzzing white noise wave passed. The infected zombies covered their ears one after another, their internal organs were shattered, and they fell to the ground and died with blood gushing from all their orifices.

After a quick forced landing, Cyborg Victor Stone's face was filled with solemnity: "No! Flash, the underground research institute in the distance is still full of curses. These infected zombies are pouring into the city from below. We must find a way to solve the problem from the source!"

Hearing about the research institute, Ron frowned slightly and asked, "What does that research institute do?"

"It's a secret experiment about the superhuman project. I'm worried that the finished product of the experiment will be cursed and infected and become a zombie." After saying this, Victor paused, took a deep breath and said, "In fact, we have noticed signs of superhuman zombie activities before, but we can't be sure for the time being."

Oh no! It’s over.

After hearing what Cyborg said, Ron gave an awkward but polite smile.

"You better hope we can end this here."

"……What's wrong?"

Cyborg seemed a little puzzled. In response, Ron looked at Barry and said, "Have you noticed that, apart from the Flash, there are some people missing from the Justice League?"

(End of this chapter)

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