The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 112 Silencing

Chapter 112 Silencing
"Huh, I'm finally back."

Chen Tianfeng stretched his body, glanced at Wendy who was holding the Sky Harp and laughing foolishly, and reminded her: "There are many people in the band who can recognize the Sky Harp. Don't forget to disguise the Harp."

"That won't do!" Wendy refused immediately, saying, "The Sky Harp is my most proud work. Every detail of it is so perfect. Any change will destroy its beauty!"

"…So you're just going to take it out and play it like this?"

Chen Tianfeng's eyes twitched suddenly, "Then why did I work so hard to disguise myself, get beaten up by Qin and Youla, and even get kicked in the waist?!"

If Wendy didn't intend to hide the matter of the Sky Harp, then wouldn't the beating he received be in vain?
That's not right. At least except for the band members, everyone else would think that it was the Fatui who stole the Sky Harp.


Wendy blinked and promised before Chen Tianfeng's face turned black: "Don't worry, I will disguise myself on another level. No one will find out that what I have in my hand is the Sky Harp - at most they will think it is a replica."

The Sky Harp is the musical instrument of the god of wind and its appearance is deeply loved by many bards and singers in Mondstadt. Musical instrument shops sell harps made in the shape of the Sky Harp and they sell very well.

The most popular wind god peripheral product in Mond is.

"Mind interference..."

Chen Tianfeng nodded, and then said with some envy: "What a convenient ability - is it really impossible for me to learn it?"

"This is the power of God. I'm sorry. You don't have the talent for this, Xiao Tianfeng." Wendy shook her head and glanced at him, muttering softly, "And I always feel that if you learn this, you will do something that is not allowed by law and morality."

Obviously, the God of Wind has a full understanding of his friend.


Chen Tianfeng's mouth trembled, and he wanted to refute and angrily denounce Wendy's slander against him. But after thinking about it carefully, the slander didn't seem so slanderous, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry.

So he looked at Wendy deeply and stood up expressionlessly.

"Where are you going so late?"

"Go drink some dandelion wine, drink it up!"

"Eh? No!"


the other side,
Rosalin suddenly stopped and looked up at the sign hanging above the hotel. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if she had just woken up from a trance.

Goethe Hotel...I'm back...Why am I back?
She was startled and finally realized that something was wrong.

According to her revised plan, she should personally lead the Fatui team into the underground, wreak havoc, and then leave with the Sky Harp before the main force of the Knights arrive!

But why did she discuss Barbatos with the nun? She even left after providing initial cover for the Fatui team?

The members of the Fatui team didn't notice anything unusual!
"Damn it!"

Rosalin looked grim. She reached out and covered her evil eye. Waves of coldness spread from her palm to her heart, and only then did the raging dark fire in her chest subside.

Who could have done this... The plan must have failed. Zhidong is not yet ready to completely turn against Mond... Rosalin let out a light breath, turned and looked in the direction of the cathedral, her eyes flickering.

After a while,
The Knights of Favonius escorted Jerome and the other two who had just woken up. Jean and Eula walked in front, heading towards the Knights' prison.

Jerome and the other two remained silent, with confusion and residual fear in their eyes.

Obviously, they all remembered the "debt collector" who had sneaked into the team at some point and acted with them. There was one more person in the team, but they didn't notice it at all. The [lady] changed the plan, but they forgot about it and still acted according to the original plan...

But everyone thinks it's natural.

The more Jerome thought about it, the colder he felt. He even felt that the night wind in Mondstadt had become icy cold, as if he had returned to winter. The cold wind was wrapped in snowflakes, pouring into his collar, making his joints feel like they were being pricked by needles... No! The snowflakes were real!
Jerome widened his eyes and looked at the snowflakes that suddenly appeared in front of him, his expression full of fear.

This is not an illusion! There is real snow in the wind!

Cold snowflakes and freezing wind suddenly came, trying to drown this team of knights!

"No! Wait! I didn't have anything..."

Jerome opened his mouth in panic, but before he could finish, the snowflakes in front of him suddenly condensed into icicles, piercing his brain through his eye sockets and forcibly interrupting his unspoken words.

"Enemy attack!"

Qin's eyes focused, and the long sword was immediately unsheathed. Thousands of winds swept out, resisting the sudden blizzard and sensing the enemy's position.


Eula held the hilt of the sword with both hands and inserted the sword upside down into the ground. The Eye of God shone brightly as she fought with the enemy for control of the ice element in this area.

However, the enemy had no intention of continuing the attack. The moment the blizzard was blocked, the man decisively gave up the control of the ice element and left without any reluctance.


Qin pursed her lips, glanced at the black shadow that was flying away quickly, and then looked at the Knight of Favonius who was present. She stretched out her hand to stop Eula who wanted to chase after her, and shook her head and said, "Don't chase after a desperate enemy. Be careful of traps."


Eula's face was heavy. She put away her sword and suddenly uttered two words: "Madam."

"It should be her."

Qin nodded slightly, confirming Eula's guess, and then turned to the knights: "Check the situation and report the losses!"

"Captain, the three people we escorted are dead!"

A certain Knight of Favonius shouted, and quite naturally omitted the word "acting" before the title of Acting Captain.

Qin and Youla looked at each other and went over to check it out together.

"One shot killed them all. Her target was these three people."

Jean glanced at Jerome's eyes, which were bleeding and frost-stained, and blamed herself: "It's my fault. I didn't realize her purpose the first time. I was a step late, so she succeeded."

"You are the leader, so you should ensure the safety of the knights first. If anyone is at fault, it should be me. I failed to detect the abnormal fluctuations of the ice element in time."

Youla shook her head and looked at the three people lying on the ground without a sound. After a few seconds of silence, she said, "It seems that the rumors are true. She has indeed gone crazy."

Being so decisive and ruthless in attacking his own people, the eighth Fatui executive officer has nothing but revenge in his mind and will do anything to achieve his goal.


Qin repeated in a low voice, taking a breath and exhaling slowly, her eyes firm: "Let's go, we still have a lot to deal with before the disaster is over."

As long as the wind blows, she can't stop.

Since there is no evidence to attack the Fatui, we can put it aside for now and keep a close watch. The most urgent task is to complete the band's performance, quell the dragon disaster, and find the third force hidden in Mondstadt.

Enemies in the open are not scary; poisonous snakes hiding in the dark are more frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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