The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 113 Wind Demon Dragon

Chapter 113 Wind Demon Dragon

The next day,

When the first ray of sunlight pierced the darkness, the Wind God Statue Square welcomed a group of busy knights. Some of them held tools, some carried materials, and under the command of a cavalry captain wearing a blindfold and holding a blueprint, they were enthusiastically building a grand stage.

The stage is positioned at a perfect distance from the huge statue, making the performance seem like a dedication to the god of wind, while also seeming like an invitation for the residents of Mond to watch. It can be seen that a lot of thought was put into it.

Kaia rolled up the drawing, tapped his palm, and nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is unclear why Captain Jean and Diluk ignored the Dragon Scourge and instead set up a band, these two people must have their reasons. It's just that these reasons are difficult to tell people outside the band - or in other words, they cannot be told to others before they succeed.

It's not necessarily [impossible], maybe the truth is too absurd, so it needs real results as a basis... Kaia stroked his chin, glanced at the filming equipment set up around the stage, and remembered that Jean and Eula went to the publicity department of the Knights Templar two days ago.

Things are becoming more and more interesting, but why do I seem to have become an "outsider"?
Kaeya sighed. It wasn't that he didn't want to join the orchestra. Quite the contrary. He knew about the orchestra - especially after knowing that Diluk was joining the orchestra, he immediately took out his violin and submitted an application to join the orchestra.

It’s a pity that Master Diluk rejected him.

A crowd gathered at the Wind God Statue Square, and the residents of Mond looked at the grand and beautiful stage with surprise and amazement in their eyes.

"What is this for? Does anyone know?"

"What else can a stage be used for? Of course there are performances!"

"Nonsense! I was asking about the performance. The notice posted by the Knights only said that there would be an important performance at the Aeolus Statue Square."

"It must be Miss Barbara's concert!"

"Is it the Wind Poetry Band? I remember that the Wind Poetry Band often performed at the Wind God Statue Square these days."

"That's right! It's Miss Barbara's Wind Poetry Band! Barbara, go ahead!"


"…This man is beyond saving. Let's drag him away."


"Wait! What are you going to do! I want to see Miss Barbara's concert! I'm not leaving! Barbara, go ahead!"

"Go to the side! No one will stop you!"

Albert, who only made noise, was carried by three or five people to a farther place, and the scene finally became quiet.

"By the way, what band is Wind Poetry? When did they appear?"

A man dressed as a businessman glanced at the stage with curiosity.

"You do not know?"

Someone looked at them in surprise and emphasized, "Although the Wind Poetry Band was established not long ago, it is very well-known in Mondstadt!"

"I came to Liyue to do business, with the Bran Chamber of Commerce." The businessman explained.

"Bran Chamber of Commerce?" Someone nearby remembered something and looked at the merchant with more surprise: "Is it the unlucky chamber of commerce that had half of its goods destroyed by the Wind Demon Dragon?"

"...Yes." The businessman sighed, "Let's continue talking about the Wind Poetry Band."

After traveling all the way from Liyue to Mondstadt with great difficulty, half of the goods were lost due to a dragon disaster before they had time to make money. It is hard to say whether the Chamber of Commerce can make back its investment after this trip.

Everyone looked at him sympathetically, stopped poking at his sore spots, and continued to talk about the band: "Although the Wind Poetry Band was established not long ago, most of the band members are incredible big shots!"

"Oh? How big is it?"

"Captain Qin of the Knights, Miss Barbara, Master Diluc of the Dawn Winery, and the Wave Knight who was born in the Lawrence family but joined the Knights!"

"Look! They are coming!" The businessman turned his head and looked towards the stage. After seeing clearly who the band members on the stage were, there was a look of astonishment and surprise in his eyes, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

"Are you all ready?"

Qin looked around at everyone in the orchestra, and after seeing that everyone gave a positive answer, she took a deep breath and said, "Then, let's check the sheet music and the condition of the instruments one last time to make sure there are no accidents!"

"Yes! Captain!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Wendy also responded, then reacted, scratched her hair, and gently bumped into Chen Tianfeng next to her: "Xiao Tianfeng, if I remember correctly, I am the leader of Feng Zhishi, right?"

When did Qin "take over"? She took his position as the leader so naturally...

"Why do you care about this? Don't you want to slack off?"

Chen Tianfeng replied casually, frowning slightly, his eyes scanning the audience below the stage. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that someone was looking at him who cared about him.

That gaze was very hidden. Whenever it was about to meet his eyes, it would always quietly avoid it, making it impossible for him to accurately find the owner of the gaze.

"That makes sense." Wendy agreed, and then glanced at him curiously, and also cast her eyes on the audience: "What's wrong with you? What are you looking for?"

"It's okay, it might be an illusion."

Chen Tianfeng suppressed his doubts and raised his chin slightly: "It's about to start. You should go to your seat, Wendy."

After a short preparation,
The band members returned to their seats, and the audience gradually stopped discussing, turning their gazes toward the stage with either curiosity or expectation.

After a brief silence, the chaotic instruments together formed a harmonious music, which was melodious at first and then became high-pitched. With the help of special loudspeakers, every melody was perfectly transmitted to the ears of every audience member.

The next moment, the sweet singing of the girl and the clear chanting of the boy sounded together, and with the accompaniment of harmonious music, they told the residents of Mond a story from the long past.

The story begins in ancient times, when gods still walked the earth.

The sky dragon descended from the sky, full of curiosity about everything in the world. The dragon sought his own answers, but could not understand the desolation of the world.

The singer of the winds plays the strings, and the harps of the sky answer them one by one.

The dragon is just a curious child, flying without worries until now. It listens to poetry and wants to learn to sing, so that all things can understand its heart.

The singer and the dragon became legends, and a dark age descended.



The inhabitants of Mond listened in amazement.

I heard that the giant dragon appeared because it felt the people's pain and wishes; I heard that the giant dragon fought a desperate battle with the evil dragon in the storm, causing its scales to break and its feathers to fall off; I heard that the sky dragon tore open the evil dragon's throat, but swallowed poisonous blood and fell into a deep sleep; I heard that the east wind dragon revived after hundreds of years, but no one recognized it anymore...

"Why do people today reject me?"

The East Wind Dragon's mournful roar resounded through the sky, but the people of Mond, who were saved by it, could no longer understand the dragon's words.

They were afraid of the dragon, they had forgotten the dragon's name, and they called the East Wind Dragon that guarded them the Demon Dragon.

——The Wind Dragon, a dragon that controls the power of wind but is the enemy of wind.

The Mond people stood there in a daze, feeling an inexplicable sadness in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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