The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 305: Snake God Shrine

Chapter 305: Snake God Shrine
Inazuma, Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Ying walked through the torii mountain road, occasionally nodding to the shrine maidens who were running around hurriedly with documents in their arms, as a way of saying hello.

Since Yae Miko took over the job of Inazuma Shogun, the shrine maidens of Narukami Taisha have also become busy. In the words of Miss Fox, although there are many capable people in the Three Bugyo, the original team of Narukami Taisha is more convenient to use.

Of course, everyone knows that this is just an excuse, at least half of it is an excuse. The real reason is that in dealing with Haiqi Island, Coral Palace Xinhai was "recognized" by the gods and allowed to take the position of the governor. On the surface, it is to praise her efforts and give her due rewards, but in fact it is to alienate her from the people of Haiqi Island.

But Coral Palace Xinhai is a smart person. Even if she came from Coral Palace on Haigi Island to Kanjo Bugyo, a place where she has no roots, there is a high possibility that something might happen. Yae Shenzi naturally has to be careful and "help" her more.

The other half of the reason is that Inazuma has been locking the country for too long and has offended almost all the merchants from other countries. Now that Inazuma is about to be unsealed, he naturally has to find a way to restore the trust that was shattered by Inazuma himself.

Ying thought of the look of despair on the face of Yae God whenever he thought of these heavy and difficult tasks, and could not help but smile. Miss Fox had complained to her god countless times, and every time she found different ways to ask for rewards... Tsk, to use Tian Feng's words to describe it, "Yae God's intentions are known to everyone."

However, the gods and their families had no objection and were all enjoying it, so naturally no one else could say anything.

"Ying, what are you thinking about?"

Paimon noticed Ying's expression and flew around her, extremely curious.

"Think about the relationship between gods and their followers. If we examine it in detail, what kind of relationship should it be classified into?"

Ying thought about it and said something a little confusing.

I’ve heard from Tian Feng before that there is some special connection between gods and their followers, which allows the two to sense each other’s position even though they are thousands of miles apart, and can also communicate instantly - at least that’s how it is in the Holy Spirit World.

Tian Feng and his people are even more special, almost every one of them is his followers. It's a pity that Tian Feng and his people are now separated in two worlds, or even three, four, or even dozens of worlds, and even if the connection between gods and their followers still exists, it has been weakened by the vast sea of ​​stars and has lost its function.

"Hmm... what kind of relationship?" Paimon scratched his hair and said confidently, "Paimon doesn't understand, but it should be a very good relationship! Even better than good friends!"

"That makes sense. Paimon is actually so smart. I can't tell at all."

"Hey, huh... No! Are you saying that I'm usually stupid?"

"How could that be? Paimon is overthinking. You are so smart, you will not misunderstand me, right?"


The two chatted and laughed as they came under the sacred cherry tree. They looked up at the petals and trunk that seemed to be half faded, and both sighed.

"Ying, do you feel something is wrong?"

The little mascot looked at the sacred cherry tree and seemed a little hesitant: "The sacred cherry tree we saw last time didn't look like this, right?"

"Tian Feng's ability is too overbearing. It's normal for the petals to fade."

Ying reached out and caught a falling cherry blossom. "And you see, Tianfeng has been working very hard to adjust it. Now the petals are no longer abrupt with a large gray area, but have become gray and white veins."

"Indeed, there are some adjustments..." Paimon nodded, then pointed at Shenying: "But this adjustment is too big, isn't it? The fox shape of the Shenying tree has turned into a giant snake!"

Ying looked in the direction of Paimon's finger, and saw that the fox shape on the trunk of the Divine Sakura Tree, which was originally designed by a palace official, had disappeared, and was replaced by a majestic snake head with gray eyes.

Ying was silent for a few seconds: "...Tian Feng's ability is too overbearing, it is reasonable for such a change to occur."

"Is this reasonable?"

Paimon spread his hands and sighed: "I hope the Goddess won't be angry when she finds out." "The Goddess won't be angry, and this is Narukami Taisha. She will definitely know about the changes in the sacred cherry tree earlier than we do."

"Eh? You're not angry? Why?"

"The reasons are complicated and would probably take hours to explain. It would also be very boring. Do you want to listen, Paimon?"

"Well, forget it."

The little mascot thought about it and gave up decisively. For her, a simple life is the happiest, and she can leave the brainwork to Ying.

"By the way, didn't Ying say Tianfeng was at the shrine? Why didn't I see him?"

Paimeng turned around and looked around, but did not see Chen Tianfeng.

"I'm here."

The voice came from above. The two looked up and saw Chen Tianfeng jumping down from the thick branches of the sacred cherry tree. He clapped his hands, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "How is it, my gardening skills are not bad, right?"


Ying gave a thumbs up without hesitation and praised sincerely.

Putting aside other things, the majestic snake head on the sacred cherry tree is so lifelike that it is simply a rare work of art.

But if you ignore everything else... this snake head is really scary.

The shrine maidens who came and went in the shrine all lowered their heads when passing by the sacred cherry tree and unconsciously quickened their pace. They did not relax until they left the area.

It is hard to imagine how they felt when they came out in the middle of the night and looked up to see the sacred cherry tree occupied by a giant snake.

In short, there is a kind of beauty that the Narukami Taisha Shrine was occupied by the evil god and became the Snake God Taisha Shrine.

Chen Tianfeng glanced at her, and read her thoughts from her lively little expression and sparkling golden eyes. He grinned, pretending that he didn't understand: "The affairs of Inazuma have come to an end. It's time for us to pack our bags and go to Liyue for the festival. We can catch the Moon Chaser Festival in time."

"Yes, now that it's over, we should continue our journey."

Ying nodded, then raised her head slightly, looked into Chen Tianfeng's eyes, and smiled: "But the place we are going to is not Liyue, but Xumi."

"I heard from Ying that you gained something very important when you planted the sacred cherry tree. I can't guess what it is, but I think it must be related to Xumi, the world tree, and your resurrection, right?"

Chen Tianfeng was stunned for a rare moment, looking at the smiling blonde girl in front of him: "Ying, you..."

"You can celebrate the festival anytime. If you miss this one, there will be another one. I don't want to delay your plans because of these things."

Ying looked at him and said seriously, "Because to me, you are much more important than the festival. So, Tianfeng, let's go to Xumi, okay?"

Chen Tianfeng suddenly had a wonderful feeling of "what more could a husband ask for with a wife like this", even though he and Ying had not yet married and his eldest brother-in-law had always been against it.

He suddenly laughed, pulled the blonde girl into his arms, hugged her tightly, and then let go: "Okay! Let's go to Xumi! But before we go, we need to make some preparations, say goodbye to Ying and the others, and give them some surprises."

(End of this chapter)

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