I inject positive energy into the world

Chapter 16: Refining Essence into Qi, Entering the Hall

Chapter 16: Refining Essence into Qi, Entering the Hall

Shan Ying leaned on Ji Yang's chest, her face flushed, her pink lips smelling like orchids. She fiddled with Ji Yang's chest with her jade feet, and her jade hands wandered on Ji Yang's chest: "Ayang, can you teach me? I want to practice too. I can't control my strength. You're too fierce."

Who among my family members understands what it’s like to live in Bengbu?

Ji Yang kissed Shan Ying: "Let me sort it out first. I'm just getting started now and I still have a long way to go."

Shan Ying: "Well, can Ah Xiu do it? He likes practicing martial arts the most and is obsessed with martial arts, so he should be able to do it."

"not necessarily."

Ji Yang smiled.

Not really.

Feng Yuxiu is indeed obsessed with martial arts, and is crazy about practicing martial arts. But this thing is just like a math problem, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. When you push open that door, you will understand everything.

In fact, the reason why Ji Yang could get to this point was not because of his extraordinary talent, but entirely due to the help of the small space.

Without the help of the small space, Ji Yang would never have succeeded in entering into a state of meditation, nor would he have mastered the method of entering into a state of meditation. He would not even be able to see anything inside his body, discover the spiritual fragments, the blood-red energy, and those extremely mysterious energies.

It was because of these discoveries that Ji Yang finally understood which way he should go. It was like you were in the wilderness, with weeds as tall as a person everywhere. Where should you go? If there were traces of people walking in the weeds, or if you could see buildings in the distance, you would easily understand where you should go.

Ji Yang controlled the spiritual fragments throughout his body, and through constant training, or the process of taming his body, he achieved control over the entire body, which enabled him to deliver such a powerful punch.

It is easy to say that we should concentrate all our strength on one point, but it is very difficult to do.

Even if a hot-blooded young man drags his goddess to get a room, no matter how excited he is, he can only mobilize the strength of his whole body for a short time.

And Ji Yang, because he succeeded in entering a state of meditation for the first time with the help of the small space and discovered the mental fragments, he thought of using the method of mastering the mental fragments to control the whole body and tame the flesh.

The mind moves as the will goes, and power comes from the mind.

Once you realize it, you realize it.

Feng Yuxiu only saw Ji Yang getting stronger, but he didn't know why Ji Yang got stronger. Not being able to see the way forward was the most despairing thing, but relying on Feng Yuxiu's madness, if he continued to practice, constantly taking in nutrients, and constantly tempering his will through exercise, sooner or later he would be able to control the whole body.

That’s right, in Ji Yang’s opinion, the practice during this period is both to tame the body and to temper the will.

As his body became stronger, his will was also tempered. Ji Yang had a feeling that if he was on the right path, his will would undergo earth-shaking changes.

At the same time, he suddenly thought of the legend that the older the period, the stronger the human body was, and there were even many heroic legends. Everyone said that this was just bragging by the ancients, but what if this was not bragging?
Facts have proved that with the development of tools and daily necessities, people need to endure less and less hardship, and the intensity of their labor and exercise is becoming weaker and weaker. This is the progress of civilization, or perhaps the regression of the human body.

Modern people emphasize that the ancients were over-exaggerated, while they also emphasize physical exercise to improve physical fitness. But modern people exercise to look good, while ancient people exercise to survive. Which exercise is more effective? Which one is more motivated?

Ji Yang suddenly felt that those powerful generals in ancient times might not be legends. Perhaps it was just because later generations could not do it that they thought it was bragging. Perhaps this was a process in which each generation was inferior to the previous one. As society progressed, the human body regressed.

The next morning.

Another serving of medicinal food and food was added. Feng Yuxiu wolfed it down with a ferocious look on his face. Shen Xue felt distressed when she saw it. "Eat slowly."

Feng Yuxiu said vaguely: "If Ayang can do it, I can do it too."

Ji Yang ignored him, ate and drank his fill, then went to the yard and started practicing boxing.

Feng Yuxiu wiped his mouth and also came not far away, and started boxing as if competing. He had a crazy energy, and every punch and kick seemed to have the power running through his whole body. His movements were fierce and unmatched, and they were completely murderous boxing and moves.

Although Ji Yang's moves were powerful, they were not murderous.

Moreover, today's moves have changed again, becoming much more complicated, and even adding some yoga moves. Ji Yang would occasionally stop, look through the Shaolin Temple's martial arts moves, and then integrate into them.

There are only so many moves in the world, and no matter how they evolve, they will not go beyond the most basic movements. Ji Yang flipped through the seventy-two unique skills, the Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing, eliminating the useless ones, looking for those that he didn't have, making up for the moves, and improving the moves. He didn't seek exquisiteness, but only to mobilize every part of the body.

On the first day, he practiced boxing, then stopped, then practiced again, and read books all the time.

Feng Yuxiu was completely focused and absorbed in it, as if he had forgotten everything, crazy and obsessed.

The next day, Ji Yang improved his moves and began to hone new moves. The moves were complicated, as if they could stretch every part of the body. A breath of air rolled and flowed in the body, and continued to grow stronger as his mind moved.

On the third day, Ji Yang twisted his spine, and the breath followed his mind, flowing slowly along the routine. At the moment it penetrated his spine, Ji Yang's back shook violently, and a crackling sound came from his body. The sound was so crisp that Shen Xue and Shan Ying, who were beside him, quickly stopped chatting and looked at Ji Yang nervously.

Feng Yuxiu, who was practicing boxing, suddenly stopped and could not help but avoid Ji Yang. Turning his head, he saw Ji Yang with his eyes closed, his eyebrows trembling, and his back seemed to be bulging with a long stick. In an instant, his hair stood up one by one, and the hair all over his body was tense like steel needles.

"What is this?" Feng Yuxiu was a little confused. This was beyond his understanding.

Ji Yang did not answer. He carefully felt himself and felt great joy in his heart. He felt the close connection between himself and the spine, and the spiritual fragments in the spine were very active.

He checked with his mental fragments to find the part that he had not trained, and finally found the spine. Ji Yang carefully mobilized the mental fragments, tempered the spine, and penetrated it with force. In an instant, it seemed that he had opened up some tricks. He felt a sore and numb feeling in his tailbone, and his whole body seemed to be electrified, and every hair on his body stood up.

This is an indescribable sour and refreshing feeling. Even when I was studying the great harmony of life with Shan Ying, it was not as comfortable as this moment.

At the same time, Ji Yang vaguely felt that Shan Ying, Feng Yuxiu and the other two were staring at him in surprise. This feeling was very strange, just like having a third eye. At the same time, Ji Yang vaguely felt that there was an invisible air in his body, which was running irregularly in his body and flowing under the surface of his body.

He seemed invisible and intangible, moving around at will.

Ji Yang opened his eyes and Feng Yuxiu felt like he was being stared at by a tiger. His hair stood on end and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Ji Yang pursed his lips and smiled: "Brother Xiu, what are you doing?"

Feng Yuxiu raised his hand: "Don't come over here."

Shan Ying also spoke up: "Ayang, you look so scary now. You seem so hot, and the air around you seems to be distorted."

Shen Xue didn't dare to get close, she just watched from a distance, patting her chest and muttering, "It's so scary, it feels like Ayang is going to kill someone."

Ji Yang suddenly realized, closed his eyes, sank into his mind, and adjusted silently. After seeing this, Ji Yang felt more. The blood flowing through his body became hot and sticky, and his heart beat more vigorously. Deep in his heart, there was a burning sensation. It was a pity that Ji Yang could only sense it vaguely and could not really see it.

The hairs on his body returned to normal, and the fierce aura around him was restrained. He opened his eyes again and smiled gently: "Refine the essence into Qi, this is the real refinement of essence into Qi."

"Brother Xiu, let's talk while we eat."

"I have a lot to tell you."

Feng Yuxiu nodded excitedly, and soon Shan Ying and Shen Xue prepared the medicinal food. This time, even Shan Ying and Shen Xue prepared a bowl. After drinking it, their faces turned red and they looked at Ji Yang expectantly.

Ji Yang ate the beef slowly and drank the beef bone soup. His lower abdomen felt warm and his internal organs moved, greedily absorbing nutrients. Ji Yang smiled and said softly, "The old Taoist priest said that the human body is like heaven and earth. Brother Xiu, let's regard the human body as heaven and earth."

"Our bodies are heaven and earth. Everything inside our bodies is living beings. Living beings have spirits, just like humans living in this world. These spirits are scattered throughout the world. It is the same with our bodies. These spirits are scattered throughout the body. They are fragments, fireflies, and little bits of light."

"Martial arts moves and physical training are the process of strengthening these light sources and tempering one's will. It is said that refining essence into qi, and refining qi into spirit. From my perspective, refining essence into qi, where does the essence come from? What we eat is very important. Eating well and having enough nutrition can make the body stronger through exercise and absorption."

"When the body becomes strong enough, and when you have mastered the body to a certain degree, you can strike with all your strength, causing the void to explode. This is the process of training the body, just like training cattle and sheep to be obedient. When we practice martial arts, we are also training ourselves, making the spirit in our bodies obedient and able to mobilize it at will."

Feng Yuxiu nodded slowly: "According to what you said, you are not mobilizing all the strength in your body, but the spirits scattered throughout your body. These spirits are like your arms and fingers, and you can move them at will, so you can naturally strike with all your strength? Taming the body is also a process of taming these spirits."

Ji Yang exclaimed in admiration: "Yes, that's the truth. After taming the body, we actually only mobilize the limbs and skin. But as the body exercises, the physical fitness is also strengthened, the functions of the five internal organs are stronger, and the food eaten is digested and absorbed better. What is refining essence into qi? People absorb nutrients from food and turn them into human essence. People then exercise and polish the human essence into vitality to nourish the body. This breath comes from this."

"When you strike with all your strength, you can probably sense this breath. Because your body has been trained to a certain level, it can digest energy better, absorb more energy, and convert more vital energy. When water is full, it overflows, and vital energy is generated naturally. But this breath is not strong, and it still needs to be polished. This breath will be consumed. What is consumed by a full-strength attack is no longer the so-called strength of the human body, but this breath."

"I have been studying the moves for the past three days, with the goal of testing what I have not yet mastered. As a result, I found that my spine is still unnatural. I don't know what people are like when they are born, but once they can run, they will have all kinds of problems and their bodies will be more or less deformed. I pierced through my spine and corrected my body, and I feel better than ever before. My energy can already penetrate the surface of my body. With a thought, the energy breaks out of my body and can even penetrate into other people's bodies."

At this point, Ji Yang opened his palm and pressed it on the wooden table. The next moment, Ji Yang lifted it up. Feng Yuxiu and the other two looked at it and were immediately puzzled. The table was intact. Several people looked at Ji Yang in confusion. Ji Yang smiled slightly and blew a breath.


A layer of sawdust was blown away, revealing a handprint clearly visible on the table.

Ji Yang took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Energy is very important. Don't use it if you can. Once you use it, you must make up for it as soon as possible, otherwise your body will have serious problems."

Feng Yuxiu asked curiously: "How strong are you now?"

Ji Yang shook his head: "I don't know, I only know that I can kill you with a slap. But I practice martial arts only to strengthen my body, I don't have any other pursuits."

Thinking of this, Ji Yang sank into his mind. Seeing that the small space was already more than 100 square meters in size, Ji Yang couldn't help but curled the corners of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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