Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 177: A warm and cozy shop, turn off the lights and eat noodles

Chapter 177: A warm and cozy shop, turn off the lights and eat noodles

The first day of business ended successfully.

A total of 289 bowls of noodles were sold.

The times when guests gather most are lunch and dinner.

Four or five hours in total.

At this time, Li Rui would be busy with the pot that cooks noodles and his hands that stretch the noodles.

The store’s turnover was 5860 yuan.

Since there is no rent, the biggest part of the operating cost,

The small shop has very considerable profits.

Compared with the rent, Li Rui complained at first that the property management fee of the shop was too expensive, but now it seems like it’s really nothing.

And it has the natural advantage of owning real estate.

Li Rui now has more room to play.

While maintaining normal operations, the pricing is more affordable.

Consider not limiting yourself to just one type of cuisine.

You can also take a proper break in an industry that operates year-round.

If you are not too short of money, everything is easy to deal with.

It's also very good to treat your passion as a job.

Late at night, the system settles:
A new achievement was achieved——[Come on, indulge yourself]

The reward is a pair of pink men's fitness shorts.
It seems to have nothing to do with cooking, but the system still gave a reasonable explanation——

Worn under a chef's uniform, it's very sweat-wicking.

But the style was so elegant and flirtatious that Li Rui didn't want to wear it.

The new delicacy is noodles with soybean paste.

Early the next morning.

Li Rui added cat food to the cat bowl as usual and prepared to go to the shop to work.

But Fat Orange also came up.

"You can't go now." Li Rui touched the cat's head.

In the past, there were no shops.
Li Rui can privately control Fat Orange from entering the kitchen.

However, the presence of a cat in a restaurant still violates food hygiene regulations.

"Just stay at home and take good care of the baby."


Fat Orange's voice sounded somewhat reluctant.

But it’s not its fault.

This family of cats gives people a very discordant feeling.

The calico cat mother Xiaohua integrates all the colors of the three Chinese rural cats: orange, white, and black.
The kitten "Milk Candy" is black and white, which is not the fat orange color.

"You chose it yourself. The little flower is so pretty. Be content."

Fat Orange was pushed back into the room.

Xiaohua seemed to understand what Li Rui said and stretched gently.

After arriving at the Fonda Plaza shop.

Li Rui also started working.

Both Zhajiangmian and Beef Banmian use noodles, but the shapes of the two noodles are different.

The board is long and wide.

The noodles for fried bean paste are thin and round.

The dough is still the same though.

All of them use medium-gluten flour.

The gluten content of flour is mainly related to its protein content.

The more gluten protein there is, the higher the gluten content.

The gluten content is high, and the pasta made from it is more resilient, making it suitable for making bread and pastries that require toughness and ductility.

The lower the tendon strength, the softer it is.

All-purpose flour is relatively more versatile and can be used to make steamed buns, dumpling wrappers, and noodles at home.

The ratio of one pound of medium-gluten flour, 3g of salt, and half a pound of water is . Add water in several times and stir.

By using the stickiness of the wet dough, you can stick most of the basins and the dough on your hands together.

Li Rui had kneaded dough many times when he was making fried dough sticks and hand-rolled noodles in the university cafeteria.

The eligibility criteria are:

Face light, hand light, basin light.

In addition to the practicality and aesthetic requirements of dough kneading, the more important point is,
The three lights save food.

After the dough is kneaded, it feels hard and needs to be rested for a while.

Let the gluten protein expand after coming into contact with water.

After kneading the dough, roll it into dough pieces and continue to let it rise.

When open, just pull it into noodles.

Now it’s time to prepare the sauce for the noodles.

The sauces used for fried bean paste are dry yellow bean paste, soybean paste and sweet bean paste, and the three kinds of sauces are diluted with rice wine.

Divide the pork into fat and lean parts, cut into small cubes, and the fat part can be slightly larger.

Then heat the oil in a pan and throw in two star anise.
Put the diced fat into the oil pan and fry it first.

The purpose of this step is to remove the fishy smell from the fat by frying.

It can also release excess fat from fat, making it fragrant and not greasy when eaten.

Wait until the oil in the pan gradually becomes clear.

Put the lean meat into the pot, then add the chopped green onion, ginger and three kinds of sauces.

Simmer over low heat.

Because there is sweet noodle sauce in the pot, it is easy to stick to the pot, so you need to stir it from time to time.

The sauce was simmering in the pot and the shop assistant came to work.

As soon as he entered the door, Ma Jinge smelled a strong fragrance.

"Boss, it smells so good."

Li Rui complained: "Can you change your lines tomorrow?"

"Hehe." Ma Jinge hung his coat in the corner outside the kitchen and changed into work clothes.

"I'm telling the truth, boss."

Li Rui handed the frying pan to Xiao Ma, "But you're just in time, don't let it get mushy, one hour."

Ma Jinge took the spatula and gently stirred the bottom of the pot. He saw the bubbling oil and the distinct pieces of meat soaked in the rich sauce.

The mouth under the mask was swallowing saliva silently.

My eyes are about to fall into the pot.

Time passed slowly and there was still half an hour before opening.

There are already customers outside the store.

It's cloudy today and it's cold outside.

Li Rui walked out of the kitchen, welcomed the guests in, and then flipped over the "Closed" sign.

He is a regular customer.

A driver I met on Jianghai Avenue.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the cold weather or because Lao Luo has experienced something bad again, but his face looks a little haggard.

"What would you like to eat? We have beef noodles now, and we'll have noodles with soybean paste later, both are hot." Li Rui asked.

Lao Luo looked a little depressed as he sat at the dining table.

"I'll have a bowl of noodles with soybean paste."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Li Rui returned to the kitchen, scooped out a bowl from the soup pot, added some salt, sprinkled some chopped green onions, and handed it to Lao Luo.

"Drink some soup first to warm yourself up."

"Thank you, boss." Lao Luo said.

Then he called Li Rui who was returning to the kitchen:

“Brother, do you trade stocks?”

Li Rui smiled and said, "I'll make the sauce."

But it seemed that Lao Luo had a story to tell, so Li Rui continued the conversation:
“How’s the stock market doing lately?”

Lao Luo briefly talked about what happened in recent days.

After getting his lost money back, the truck driver also felt that money should not be spent on online romance.

The Internet is so developed that you have to invest in yourself.

It's not a good idea to always drive a big car.

So, he fell into the trap of paying for learning.

First, I bought a course to learn how to make short videos, but I wasn’t very good at using my phone, so I only tried it briefly.

Later, I spent money to learn how to write online articles, but I could only type and write by hand, so I had to give up.

Recently, I have become infatuated with a mentor who is known as a guiding light in the stock market, and have started to trade stocks with him.

It is quite easy to buy and sell stocks.

But it’s also easy to lose money.

"The stock has hit the limit down, Boss Li, I can’t escape." Lao Luo murmured.

While Lao Luo was telling the story, the noodles with soybean paste were ready.

Li Rui personally brought the noodles to Lao Luo's table.

Because it is not officially open yet.

I even turned off the lights for him for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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