Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 195: Opening early, still the familiar formula, familiar taste

Chapter 195: Opening early, still the familiar formula, familiar taste
Early the next morning,
Fonda Plaza, Boss Li’s shop.

It was still dark at this time, and the shop was one of the few shops with lights on on the Fangda Plaza Food Pedestrian Street.

The store owner and two employees are already in place.

At the boss's refreshing call,
Everyone started their busy morning work.

Maybe it was because it was the first day of business, the three of them felt a little uncomfortable at first.

While working, some of them still shed tears.

There is no need to talk about Li Rui.

After buying the ingredients yesterday, I spent the whole night and finally managed to replicate the jar meat.

Xiao Ma had just eaten in the afternoon, and Xiao Han was a former employee of Taihelou. Of course, they couldn't be absent when they were evaluating the dishes.

"Boss, it's all your fault. You asked me to come over again in the evening," said Xiao Ma.

Li Rui: "Hey, you can't say that. It was you who told me that I would call you when it was done."

"If you don't post pictures, I won't come here anymore."

Xiao Han was chopping the stuffing while watching the two of them.

He didn't speak.

However, I am increasingly impressed by the new boss's cooking skills and his passion for delving into gourmet food.

He felt that he could learn a lot in this small shop.

"Xiao Ma, turn on the fan! Shake the noodles. Then go and heat up the tea eggs that we cooked yesterday."

"it is good!"

"Xiao Han, do you know how to make wontons? I've already prepared the fillings."

"Not bad. I worked in a wonton shop for a few days before."

"Well, make a wonton for me. Be careful not to pinch it too tightly when making the wonton. If you seal it too tightly, there will be a lump of dough when you cook the wonton. Never mind, I'll show you."

Because I always emphasize doing things myself.
Li Rui has very limited experience in managing employees.

When he ordered the two to work, he often did it at his own pace, doing whatever he thought of.

However, Li Rui still has a lot of experience in cooking. He once sold a thousand pancakes in one day, and even fried dough sticks himself.

So following his own pace surprisingly worked.

Although several people were busy, the preparation of various ingredients was still in order.

At about five in the morning,

Because there were already customers outside the store, the store opened early.

"Xiao Ma, you will be in charge of taking orders in a while. Ask customers to take the orders with the slips to the front of the kitchen. When customers finish eating, go upstairs and clean up the table. In short, you have the final say on matters outside the kitchen."

"Xiao Han, help in the kitchen, cook the wontons, serve the soy milk, and pack it up. I'll leave it to you."

The residents of Jianghai city love life very much. They can have a delicious breakfast and go to bed early at night.

Because the next day, if you can get up early, you can avoid queuing.

But diners who come to Fonda Plaza suddenly discover that everyone has the same passion for life and food.

There are still a lot of people queuing.

Moreover, if you have eaten with Boss Li a few times, you will find that the people in this team, although you cannot remember their names, all look familiar.

People started chatting one after another:
"Wow, it's not even six o'clock yet and there are so many people here."

"It's a simple truth. The food in this restaurant is really delicious. You came here alone."

"Hey, I have no choice but to buy it back. My wife insisted on eating the first fried fruit in the store, and I have to send the kids to school soon."

"The owner of this store has a video account. Are you following it?"

"No, my colleague insisted on asking me to vote, and I thought it was really good. He said that if I came today, I would get a free tea egg, but the quantity is limited, so I came to take a look."

The taste of the breakfast in the shop has not been compromised by the rich variety.

Instead of using soy milk powder to make soy milk, stick to using a soy milk maker to make soy milk, which has a mellow taste.

The pancakes made by Li Rui himself provide customers with the same experience as always.

The wontons with large fillings are freshly wrapped and cooked, and served with a bowl of soup. They are fragrant and warm. "It is still the most comfortable place to have breakfast at Boss Li's."

“A good day starts with breakfast.”

Xiao Han had worked in several different types of restaurants before.

But they all work in the kitchen.

This was Li Rui's first time facing customers directly.

Seeing more intuitively the happy expressions of the customers after receiving their breakfast gave him a different understanding of the industry he was working in.

Customers eat comfortably.

I will really feel happy and satisfied.

Many customers knew that Li Rui had started selling breakfast.

But there are also people who simply pass by and see a long queue here, and think there is still time, so they rush over to join in the fun.

Because there are two shop assistants helping out, even though the shop now sells many kinds of breakfast, the food is still served very quickly.

This customer who came to join in the fun soon came to the front of the line.

Gu Tong took a quick look at the store's menu.

Soy milk, fried dough sticks, and pancakes are very common breakfasts in Jianghai City, and naturally the small shop has them.

But there was also a dish of hot dry noodles on the menu, which really surprised her.

Hot dry noodles, she had just tasted it from a colleague a few days ago.
Just one bite,
It reminded her of the taste of her hometown.

But the colleague said that the store had closed down, and he had eaten a big bite, which made the stingy colleague feel very distressed, so Gu Tong didn't feel comfortable asking further.

However, that attempt also rekindled her hope for Jianghai's hot dry noodles.

After seeing it this morning, I immediately ordered one.

"Boss, pack me a portion of hot dry noodles."

"OK, wait."

After the shop owner finished making the pancakes for the previous customer, he went to the big pot at the side and started cooking noodles.

Gu Tong was watching outside the kitchen, very excited.

The familiar, slightly yellowish alkaline noodles look elastic, smooth and shiny after being sprinkled with oil and blown with air.

After the noodles were boiled in water, the sesame sauce poured on top made Gu Tong drool.

After eating hot dry noodles,

Gu Tong let out a cry of surprise.

This tasted the same as the hot dry noodles she had at her colleague's place.

“It’s so delicious, this is the taste.”

However, does the taste of this store really taste the same as that of my hometown?

Gu Tong actually doesn’t remember it very clearly.

But that feeling was deeply engraved in her mind.

One winter morning, I was walking to school with my classmates, eating hot dry noodles as we walked. The heat from the noodles caused a layer of white fog to form on our glasses.

The world in front of me is blurry.

My mouth was also sticky from eating hot dry noodles.

It feels exactly the same as it does now.

For those who are wandering outside,

Every meal is like home.

If something in life suddenly disappears, don't be sad or anxious.

Maybe when the sun rises,
It will meet you in another way.

(End of this chapter)

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