Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 22 If you want to eat, go queue up and buy it yourself

Chapter 22 If you want to eat, go queue up and buy it yourself
At five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Rui arrived at Taoyuan Night Market on time.

The diners spontaneously lined up in a long queue that stretched all the way to the entrance of the "shopping and eating area" of the night market.

"Yesterday I saw Jiang Hai's WeChat public account, and there was a food recommendation written by Mr. Wang. I have to come and try it today."

"You're right to come. I come here every day. The grilled kidneys here are especially delicious."

"I arrive on time at 5 o'clock and close the stall after selling out. The boss has personality."

"If you don't queue up, you won't be able to eat."

Under the eager gazes of the diners, Li Rui also heated the charcoal to a sizzling hot temperature.

The new skewers he added today are grilled chicken skin. The cost of chicken skin is very low, so even if it is fully skewered, it only costs 3 yuan.

Li Rui has his own principles. The skewers he sells are fresh and made with real ingredients. The prices are in line with the market and do not disrupt the market.

Seeing that the stall owner was fully prepared, the first diner in line couldn't wait any longer. He lived in Taoyuan Community, and after lunch he walked his dog under the shade of a nearby tree.

The little flower dog had never fought such a rich battle before. He was walked till there was not a drop left. At this moment, he lay quietly on the ground without moving.

The old man said:
"Young man, I want twenty skewers of lamb, twenty skewers of beef, four skewers of kidney, four vegetable rolls, and four roasted chicken feet."

Before he finished speaking, the diners behind him became unhappy.

"Uncle, why don't you move the barbecue stall to your home?"

"Yes, we are all waiting in line. It's a pity that you ordered so much."

The old man was in a difficult position; he didn't expect to incur public anger.

What the latter diners said does make sense.

If every customer in the front line buys a lot, the people behind them may not be able to eat any.

This happens every night.

"Boss, why don't you make a limited edition?"

"This way at least those of us queuing here can get it."

The further back the diners sit, the more they agree with this truth.

Li Rui scratched his head and thought, why not let you guys be the boss.

He helped to roast charcoal and gave advice. He was so enthusiastic.

But Li Rui felt that what they said made sense.

He said to the old man in front of him: "Uncle, how about my limit of ten skewers per person?"

The old man was a little disappointed, but he was too embarrassed to refuse the proposal.

"Okay, ten skewers is ten skewers. Then I'll have four lamb skewers, two chicken skins, two chicken feet, and two beef skewers."

The old man sighed and said that tonight he could only flirt with an old lady to dance.

Recently, grilled skewers have become hard currency in the square.

When it comes to grilling skewers, grilling one skewer is the same as grilling ten skewers.

Li Rui continued to count the people behind him, preparing to bake the same items together.

The small barbecue grill is neatly filled with fruit charcoal, which emits a faint aroma while generating intense heat.

The passionate evening of Taoyuan Night Market is also ignited here.

Under high temperature roasting, the protein gradually denatures and the fat decreases and burns.

The grilled skewers were sizzling and bubbling.

Charcoal fire, meat, and the aroma of charcoal created by the dripping fat awaken the oldest food memory of mankind.

The diners waited patiently, the stall owner concentrated on grilling the skewers, and his colleague Lao Yang was waiting for Li Rui to close the stall.

The moods of colleagues at the night market are actually different.

Old Yang, who sells fried skewers, has no one around him to complain to.

His colleagues also lined up in the queue.

Is this what is meant by "those who are closest to water get the moon first"?
He looked at a little girl walking by, holding a skewer from Li Rui's stall, still tirelessly soliciting business:

"Beauty, would you like to buy some fried skewers?"

The little girl squinted her eyes and was tasting the skewers in her hand.

She was immersed in her own world and did not hear what Lao Yang said.

“This roasted chicken skin smells so good.”

The grilled chicken skin looks shiny and oily, but it doesn't taste greasy at all.

The skin is crispy and has a "crunchy" sound when you bite it, but the inside is soft and bouncy, still retaining the unique taste of chicken skin. The chicken skin is well processed, marinated and flavorful, and there is no extra fishy smell.

After the spicy aroma of cumin and chili powder, there is a light sweetness.

She seemed to have turned into a little hen, standing in a sea of ​​ten thousand roosters, which were shaking their chests proudly.

Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

The chicken skin was soft and tender, and she sucked it into her mouth in one gulp.

The oil on the surface greased her lips, while the rich taste moistened her heart.

After eating three skewers of chicken skin, the little girl still felt unsatisfied.

Only then did she realize that someone was talking to her.

She asked Lao Yang, who was selling fried skewers:

"What did you say?"

Lao Yang couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he saw her eating the skewers. Without thinking, he spoke his mind directly:
"I want to eat, too."

Then he immediately slapped his own mouth, "Pah, pah, pah, can you have some ambition?"

Seeing the vendor's strange words and actions, the little girl instinctively clenched the skewers in her hand and looked at him in confusion:
"If you want to eat, go queue up."

The little girl turned and walked away from his stall.

The grilled cold noodles from the stall next door also came on skewers.

"Are you still angry, Lao Yang?"

He was eating grilled cold noodles until his mouth was full of oil, and he was lucky enough to order the last skewer of grilled lamb kidneys.

Lao Yang was secretly disgusted and wondered if someone could stop smacking their lips while eating.

He continued to hope that Li Rui would close his stall early.

How come it’s only seven o’clock?

You can come back later tomorrow.

Li Rui wore nearly eight hundred strings today.

But even with the limited supply today, he felt that it was not enough.

A constant stream of diners lined up in front of the stall.

Regular customers have formed path dependence on this barbecue stall.

New customers also come here due to recommendations from friends, colleagues and the Internet.

Those who have made a travel plan in advance are at the front of the line, while those who come here just because of its reputation can only wait at the back of the line.

At this time, several staff members carrying cameras walked through the crowd and came straight to the stall.

"Hello, Mr. Li, we are the staff of Jianghai Publishing. We would like to shoot a video for you. Is it convenient for you?"

Li Rui is neatly dressed, and although the stall is full of the atmosphere of fireworks, it is also clean and hygienic. These two points alone are worth promoting, not to mention the endless stream of diners and the authentic taste recognized by the well-known food lover Wang Yongli.

"Okay, go ahead and take the photo."

By setting up a stall in front of people, his grilling skills could be clearly displayed to everyone, so Li Rui had no reason to refuse them.

Soon, three cameras were set up and started shooting from multiple angles, including close-ups and long shots.

Under the gaze of these cameras, diners speculated in their hearts:

My goodness, what's the origin of this stall?
With so many cameras, this might end up on TV.

While people were surprised, they also began to pay attention to their own image.

Some people even took out their cell phones.

Post it on Moments, haha.

Xiao Song, assistant to Yu Hong, the person in charge of the night market, led the way for these staff members.

The reason why he led the way personally was that he had his own little calculations in mind.

Xiao Song watched the staff working hard and picked a suitable time to say to Li Rui:
"Boss, you see these guys are working really hard on the shoot, can you give us some skewers first?"

The skewers he had queued up for yesterday were all eaten up by Mr. Yu and Mr. Wang. Today, he took this opportunity to get to the front of the crowd and make up for yesterday's regret.

However, although diners will pay attention to their image in front of the camera, they will never be gentle, polite, frugal or courteous when it comes to skewers.

"What are you doing? Why are you cutting in line?"

(End of this chapter)

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