Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 225: Sometimes You Can Learn Something from Your Customers

Chapter 225: Sometimes You Can Learn Something from Your Customers

When eating kebabs, people also want to eat some staple food.

instant noodles?
Maybe too simple.

"Boss, do you have turkey noodles in the store?"

Turkey noodles, a very spicy instant noodle, the store does have a big bag of it, but it's also instant noodles.

The instructions on the package are to toss the cooked noodles with the hot sauce.

"Yes, can I make you a bowl?"

The customer shook his head, and was already a little drunk when he spoke.

"I want to eat cheese turkey noodles."

Li Rui ran his finger across the side panel of the refrigerator and actually found the cheese left over from making wontons. It had a shelf life of 12 months and was now pressed deep inside the frozen yogurt.

But Li Rui didn't know what specific method the customer wanted.

“Can I just cook the cheese in the noodles?”

The customer stood up and gestured, seemingly tearing open the package, putting it in the pot, pouring water, and adding cheese.

"Just like this, like this, well, and then like this."

An older man next to him held the staggering customer steady.

"Boss, he's drunk, do whatever you want."

"Nonsense, I didn't."

But Li Rui still roughly understood it.

Turkey noodles don’t need too much soup.
The best time to add cheese is when the noodles are almost cooked and after draining out the water.

While the steam is rising, cover the noodles with cheese slices.

The heat will melt the cheese.

The cheese covering the air holes will produce larger, creamy yellow bubbles.

The next step is to tear open the seasoning package and mix the sauce with the noodles and cheese.

After cooking,
Sprinkle another bag of seaweed crumbs on the surface of the turkey.

"The cheese turkey noodles are ready. Take a look. Is this the effect?"

The customer who ordered the turkey and cheese noodles was not drunk.

"Boss, I feel like I'm still missing a soft-boiled egg. Can you help me fry one?"

"Hold on."

The egg hit the stove, and was put into the oil pan with a "sizzling" sound. It slid out of the pan into the air and then landed steadily.

The grease must penetrate the surface of the egg liquid and the heat must be controlled accurately to make the egg yolk stay successfully.

Li Rui was very close to the customer and slid the fried egg directly into his bowl.

"With fried eggs."

"Thank you, little boss."

"You're welcome. Please enjoy your meal."

The cheese fried egg turkey noodles were cooked with the original seasoning.

It should taste increasingly spicier, but the addition of cheese gives the turkey noodles a milky aftertaste.

The gooey cheese coats the surface of the noodles and is put into your mouth along with the spicy sauce.

The taste is warm and lingering.

However, dairy products can only provide relief, but cannot offset the strong spiciness.

The customer's forehead was sweating as he ate.

“It’s quite enjoyable, that’s the feeling.”

He pierced the soft-boiled egg and stirred it into the noodles.

Watching him eat, I felt very satisfied.

Li Rui has always been a boss who is responsible to his customers.

Although his menu was enriched by diners' suggestions, he could not easily serve the food to other guests without tasting it himself.

Cheese turkey noodles, right?
In a small shop, everyone is a foodie.

So Li Rui made one for himself before leaving get off work.


"Boss, it smells so good, I want to try it too."

"Ahem, me too."

Eating the spicy and rich cheese turkey noodles, Li Rui felt that the orders from customers today were very sticky.

Soon, it was time to harvest the sausages.

The electronic schedule on Xiaodong's side panel was clearer than Li Rui's memory.

It also thoughtfully provides a variety of sausage-related recipes.

So this morning, Li Rui drove to Xiaoqingshan to bring a truckload of sausages back to the store. He also took the cat for a walk.

The air-drying process has been completed.

Let it dry again.

The pork inside will become drier and drier, affecting the taste.

The current situation is good.
Cats like it too.

Fat Orange took the lead and brought the family of three together, surrounding Li Rui and meowing non-stop.

When Li Rui put the sausages on the car, he held them high in the air.

He gave kind words of advice to the two adults and one child:

"You can't eat this, it's too salty."


If you don’t finish eating the sausages you get back, you can keep them in the refrigerator.

Li Rui remembers telling netizens at the time,

When we smoke sausages indoors, a tutorial will be released.

So when he returned to the shop to smoke the meat, he called Xiaodong and pointed the camera at himself.
In the previous video, I told you how to make sausage.

I don't know how your sausages are doing.

Anyway, the sausages in the shop have been dried.

Today I will show you how to smoke sausages at home.

Smoking can bring a unique flavor to the sausage, and during the smoking process, it can also effectively kill some mold on the surface of the sausage.

In some areas, the smoking of sausages will last for half a month.

They also use the smoking process to dry the sausages and complete the basic fermentation process.

But the winter climate in Jianghai makes us dry the
The desired effect has been achieved.

Moreover, it is not realistic for us to smoke continuously when we make it at home.

Therefore, only smoked ingredients are used to provide flavor to the sausages.

Half an hour is enough.

Without further ado, let's start smoking~
First, prepare a pot, an iron pot or a steamer will do.

Put a layer of tin foil on the bottom and put in the smoking material——

Leftover oranges, tangerine peels, or grapefruit peels are also OK, depending on what kind of fruit you like to eat
Cypress branches and leaves picked up in the yard

Brown sugar, white sugar

Tea leaves
Turn on the fire, burn the smoked material until it starts to smoke, then put a grate on it, put the sausages on it, and start smoking with the lid on.

Use the lowest heat for half an hour.

The smoked sausage is more ruddy in color.

At this time, you can clearly smell that the aroma of the smoked material has attached to the surface of the sausage.

This time I made two flavors: original and spicy.

Everyone can come and try it.

I made it myself in the kitchen of the shop, using the iron pan that I usually use at home.

I feel that smoking at home is not complicated.

It's just a bit troublesome.

It gives the sausage a smoky flavor and is well worth the effort.

However, if you are not very good at cooking, there is no need to try it yourself. You must pay attention to safety when cooking at home.

Here is a reminder to everyone,

If a fire breaks out in a frying pan at home, the way to put it out is:
1. Turn off the range hood and gas stove
2. Close the lid along the edge of the pot and the fire will go out quickly. Wait for five minutes before removing the lid.

Finally, I would like to add one more thing.
After the sausages are dried in the sun, they taste very good when cooked and eaten directly.

Let me show you the finished product:——
Netizens usually don’t miss Boss Li’s videos:

"Okay, got it, Boss Li. I'll go over to try it tonight. Please arrange for the Chinese sausage rice."

“Looks delicious, coming hungry”

"I just remember the one about Kaixun, it's so magical."

"Can I eat the sausage made by Boss Li? Haha, start smoking~"

Of course, everyone also learned the little safety common sense in the kitchen very seriously.

"Not bad, I've learned something, give a thumbs up to the boss."

"My son's Douyin for kids is also talking about putting out fires in the kitchen [covering face], is this some kind of fire safety week?"

"Wait a minute, not good at hands-on work? Let me guess who it is."

(End of this chapter)

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