Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 237: The origin of the braised pork, the super Italian revival restaurant in Jicheng

Chapter 237: The origin of the braised pork, the super Italian revival restaurant in Jicheng
Dinner is followed by a midnight snack, and it usually ends at midnight.

If there is no special situation,
Then the boss is also good,

The store clerk is also good.

After I went home and rested, when I woke up and opened my eyes, it was always nine or ten o'clock in the morning.

The routine has become very regular.

Therefore, Li Rui felt that there was no need to arrange the study schedule so tightly.

He also booked a train ticket that would arrive in Jicheng in the afternoon.

The drive is two hours in total.

Li Rui also bought seats ABC in a three-row building.

But although he was sitting by the window,

But after getting on the bus, he was quickly squeezed in the middle by two employees.

"I rarely have the opportunity to travel since I was a child. Boss, I want to see the scenery. Can I trade with you?"

"I need to pee."

There is no way, both employees have very good reasons.

Being your own boss, of course you have to be more tolerant.

Apart from chatting with them occasionally,

On the way, Li Rui could often hear the sound of cooing.

One on each side,
It forms a two-channel stereo.

The closer we got to Jicheng, the louder the "cooing" sound became.

Li Rui couldn't help asking them:

"Didn't you two have lunch?"

"No, I plan to eat more tonight." Xiao Ma said calmly.

Xiao Han agreed casually: "That's right."

Li Rui smiled and shook his head:

"Don't starve yourself. Once you get out of the station, find a place to eat first."

"I think what the boss said makes sense. Sister Ma, you are a bit extreme, cooco~"

My brother's words,

This made Li Rui think that the honest Xiao Dong was most likely led astray by other shop assistants.

There is a Chinese fast food restaurant near Jicheng West Station. It is not open until the end of the business hours.
Li Rui brought them here.

Looking at the familiar sign,
Comrade Majingo suddenly became somewhat sentimental:
"I haven't eaten Chao Yi Xing for a long time. I still miss it a little bit."

"Have you been here before?"

"I was playing in a competition in Hedong Province at that time, and I ate there a few times. There are Fuxing restaurants all over Jicheng, but I've never eaten at this one."

It turned out that the little girl was reminiscing about the past.

Li Rui felt it necessary to boost her morale.

"Say the full name, Pony."

Majingo took a deep breath and read out the name of the restaurant:
“Excellent Italian revival restaurant!”

(Some people also like to call it super interest.)
The name is grand and catchy, and it really makes people feel refreshed after reading it.

"now it's right."

The three of them arrived at Fuxing Restaurant for dinner at around two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, you still need to queue up to pick up your meal.

Because it was the weekend, there were customers of all ages, both men and women, in the restaurant.

Hearing the word "teacher" from time to time makes people feel that Hedong Province is worthy of being the hometown of Confucius and Mencius.

Overall, the food

Just ordinary home cooking.

The quantity is not small and the price is not expensive.

As a Chinese fast food restaurant, it can provide hot meals to so many people nearby, and it is full of the flavor of home.

Ma Jinge had eaten at Fuxing Restaurant before, and while waiting in line, he was recommending dishes to Li Rui and the others.

After Xiao Han saw the word "free" in the store,

Immediately left the queue.

The young man has always been a man who knows how to live. He took his plate and lined up behind a few elderly ladies.

I also learned from several aunts that -

Free refills, they have already drunk two bowls in a row.

Finally, Xiao Han brought out three bowls of free French-style corn soup.
That is corn paste.

In some places it is also called cornmeal porridge.

When the corn porridge is just made, it is still steaming. In this winter, being able to sip it along the edge of the bowl will make people feel particularly warm.

The enthusiastic people of Jicheng are never stingy.

Let's double the warmth.

the other side,
Li Rui and Xiao Ma quickly bought two large plates full of food.

Li Rui said to them:
"Stop chirping like a bird and start using your chopsticks."

The signature dish of Fuxing Restaurant is braised pork belly, which is priced at seven yuan per piece and is of high quality and low price.

Li Rui bought one for each person.

The long strips of meat, slightly narrower than the width of a mobile phone, are fragrant and have a beautiful rosy color.

Three layers of meat strips,

When I clamped it, it was still trembling slightly.

The thin rope tied around the meat was also soaked in a rosy red sauce, and it was probably used to fix the shape of the meat.

Before eating, you need to untie it with chopsticks.

After Xiao Ma untied his piece of meat, he gave it to Xiao Han.
"You are so stupid that you can't even solve this. Boss, do you want help?"

"No, I can do it myself."

Li Rui took a firm bite along the lines of the meat.

The taste of pork belly,

The long cooking time makes the meat taste very mushy.

Lean but not dry, fat but not greasy.

For seven bucks it's such a big deal, I really can't fault it.

After eating the pork,
It's hard not to immediately stuff your mouth with a mouthful of rice.

The rice at Fuxing Restaurant is also topped with stewed meat broth.

It is very fragrant and soft when eaten with meat.

It can be clearly seen from the soup of the braised meat that the meat is braised, not braised.

There is more soup and it doesn't taste salty.

The advantage of ordering small portions for three people is that you can try more dishes.

The dishes, including fried pork with peppers, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, grilled eggplant, and mapo tofu, tasted pretty good.

The soup is rich and suitable for dry rice.

Worthy of a special mention is the fish-flavored shredded pork at Fuxing Restaurant.

The fish flavor created by the bean paste and pickled peppers is very authentic.

Sweet, sour, spicy and salty.

It’s just that the ingredients used in Fuxing Restaurant are slightly different from those in Jianghai City.

Only three kinds of ingredients were used: bamboo shoots, black fungus and pork.

In Jianghai, many homely recipes use shredded carrots instead of shredded bamboo shoots, and also add shredded green peppers, which make the fish-flavored pork shreds more sweet.

Where the fireworks rise,
It is often where local products gather.

In the traditional Sichuan dish, shredded pork with fish flavor, green bamboo shoots are one of the main ingredients because they are easy to obtain.

The improved methods of cooking carrots and green peppers, or winter bamboo shoots, are largely due to the fact that these ingredients are more abundant in the north.

"Hey, I brought you out here to learn. Today I'm going to tell you about this fish-flavored shredded pork."

In the afternoon, Li Rui and two employees took a brief stroll around Jicheng.

I felt the winter in Jicheng as described by Lao Shu.

The feeling of a small county town as portrayed in that era no longer exists.

The CBD is near Jicheng West.

There are tall buildings everywhere.

What impresses people most is the coldness in winter.

Fortunately, the sky in Jicheng is still clear as the ecological environment governance work has achieved results.

at dinner,
Li Rui and his two companions came to a very famous local restaurant.

The chef of the restaurant has many titles and his skills are impeccable. The three of them enjoyed authentic Shandong cuisine here.

The taste is certainly much better than that of Chinese fast food restaurants like Fuxing Restaurant.

However, the price is also on the expensive side.

In the eyes of Li Rui, a colleague in the same industry, this restaurant preserves the authentic flavor of Shandong cuisine.

But it gives people the feeling,
It is obviously not as intimate as Fuxing Restaurant.

Full, affordable,
You can give up the deliciousness a little.

(End of this chapter)

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