Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 253 A good place that is well-known among the chickens

Chapter 253 A good place that is well-known among the chickens

Xiao Han’s home cooking teaching certainly cannot be done entirely at Aunt Cai’s house.

After returning to the shop,

Li Rui decided to teach the young man some dishes in advance.

“Fish-flavored Shredded Pork, have you ever made it?”

"I have cut it."

Xiao Han's answer was crisp and clear.

Comrade Ma Jinge helped to take out some ingredients. He said to Li Rui, "Boss, you see, he has a very good foundation."

The main ingredients of fish-flavored shredded pork are winter bamboo shoots, black fungus, and pork tenderloin.

They all need to be cut into shreds to make the dishes look neater and more beautiful.

The auxiliary ingredients are chopped green onion, ginger and garlic.

The young man got the ingredients and started preparing.

Li Rui noticed that when the young man cut the onion, he first held the whole onion, selected the required part and cut it into shreds, then cut the shreds from the whole onion, and finally changed it into chopped onion.

This cutting method is more convenient and quicker.

The young man's basic skills are indeed solid.

After the meat is shredded, add onion, ginger water and rice wine to remove the fishy smell, and marinate with a small amount of salt for later use.

In addition, sizing and sealing oil are required.

Starching can make the meat more tender, and the thin starch paste can lock in moisture.

Seal the oil so that the shredded meat will not stick together when frying.

Then comes the seasoning of the sauce.

In terms of quantity, it is sugar, salt, MSG, and pepper.

And vinegar is indispensable for sour, spicy and sweet flavors.

Li Rui picked up the vinegar bottle in the store:

"The vinegar provided by the competition may have a different acidity than the vinegar in the store. You can feel the taste now and try it out as you go. The same goes for other condiments like soy sauce."

Li Rui helped him prepare the sauce and let the young man taste it.

Once the dishes and ingredients are prepared, the next step is to stir-fry them.

Li Rui demonstrated it.

First, shred the pork. Then add the pickled pepper bean paste, chopped ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the shredded wood ear and bamboo shoots, cook the sauce, and sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.

"The process of making shredded pork with fish flavor is just like this. The dish you put on the plate at the end must not have too much oil in it."

"It's your turn."

Li Rui asked the boy to fry a few dishes for practice, and he walked out of the shop.

The hidden achievement he unlocked yesterday rewarded him with another chicken.

As the saying goes, once or twice, but not three times.

With the system giving out rewards in this way, Li Rui even felt that its creativity might be a bit exhausted.

But you can’t refuse something that is given for free.

After all, the ingredients provided by the system have always been very special.

Li Rui got into the car and closed the door.

Prepare to release free-range chicken No. 3, and hand it over to Lao Jin when he comes.

The process after claiming the reward is familiar.

A chicken inexplicably flew out and started jumping up and down in the car.

But the car door is locked.

It's only a matter of time before you catch it.

But when Li Rui leaned out, his cell phone suddenly rang.

With the harassment blocking provided by Xiaodong, many advertising and promotional messages cannot get through.

The numbers that can call in are usually those that have something to do or are acquaintances.

Li Rui was not used to keeping customers waiting for a long time, including answering the phone.

So he stopped catching the chicken and took out his cell phone.

But he didn't expect that

The incoming call display for this phone actually showed a cartoon rooster.

Li Rui answered the call puzzled.

A quick and magnetic voice came from the phone immediately:
"Human, I won't run away. Can you please not catch me first? We can discuss something."

Prank? Even Xiaodong's harassment and interception were useless.

Li Rui wanted to hang up the phone immediately. But the voice sounded again: "No, no, listen to me, I am the chicken in front of you."

Do you know I'm going to hang up?

Could it be that the chicken really can talk?

Li Rui looked at the chicken brother just now, and sure enough, it also stood still.

"Can you talk?"

"No, Xiaodong helped translate it."

"Then can you please get into the cage by yourself? It will be very troublesome to catch you."

"Okay, before that, can you answer two questions for me?"

"go ahead."

"Have you ever met Elizabeth and Alfred?"

"A foreigner? I don't know him."

Brother Chicken explained: "They are the two chickens that came here before. They are my friends."

"Oh, I know, I'll eat it."

After Li Rui answered,

A sad rooster crowed, echoing throughout GL8.

On the other end of the phone, there was the sound of a human sighing.

Brother Ji said slowly: "You humans, really, what can I say about you?"

Li Rui took over the conversation.

"You can say, we made the chicken delicious, what is your other problem."

Brother Ji smiled.

Then it walked into the cat's nest very honestly.

It seems that both questions have been answered.

Just as Li Rui was about to hang up the phone, its voice rang again:

"If you don't want to eat me, I can recommend you a good place where you can eat the best chicken. Maybe it will help improve your cooking skills."

Talking chickens are rare.

Li Rui didn't really plan to give it to Lao Jin, but seeing that it looked like it had found a home, he didn't interrupt it.

At this time, Brother Ji took the initiative to say that he knew a great place to eat chicken, which might also help improve his cooking skills.

Li Rui didn't want to make things difficult for it.

"Tell me, Brother Chicken, I might consider letting you go back to the mountains."

"I have a name. My name is Santiago."

"Why are you three pretending to be foreign chickens!"

"The name is just a code name, or the order in which we will appear."

After explaining my name,

Brother Ji started bargaining.

"You said you wanted to release me back to the mountains. Can you wait until spring? The weather in the mountains is a bit cold now."

The request was not excessive, so Li Rui agreed:
"Okay, tell me where that place is."

After getting the reply, Brother Ji sat down on the mat and told Li Rui the location he knew.

There was a small village called Luobutun, which has always kept the custom of eating chicken on the winter solstice.

According to this big rooster named Santiago,
This is the most dignified way to die.

Switching to the human perspective, that is probably the most delicious way to cook it.

However, Li Rui was somewhat dissatisfied with its behavior:
"Santiago, does this count as betraying your own people?"

Brother Ji blinked and said, "No, whether it's humans or chickens, life is just the irregular movement of quantum."

“Eating is an organism’s natural response to extract order from its environment and avoid decay into chaos”

Li Rui hung up the phone.

It’s ok that chickens can talk, but they actually know quantum mechanics?
This is certainly not true.

But Santiago called again.
"Boss, is there anything to eat?"

The familiar question immediately put Boss Li into character: "What do you want to eat? I can make it for you if I know how."

"I want four fifteen-day-old beetles and one hundred heads of winter wheat."

"Do you want to braise it or deep-fry it?"

"Ahem, just anything to eat will do. Cat food is fine too."

(End of this chapter)

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