Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 64 There are too many people queuing

Chapter 64 There are too many people queuing

Student Wei Ting arrived at the cafeteria at around eight o'clock.

There are not many students eating breakfast at this time, so the total number of people in the Eighth Canteen is not large, and many tables in the canteen are empty.

But there was a long queue at window number 3.

She had no choice but to stand at the back of the line.
Soon he was pushed to the middle by the students coming from behind.

The gap between people in the team has seriously approached the social safety distance.

It's as if by reducing the density of the queue and getting closer to the window, you can buy the pancakes earlier.

These people are crazy.

Wei Ting thought.

Unlike myself, I just queued quietly.

It turns out that if you like someone, you will be unrestrained, but love requires restraint.

In fact, Wei Ting didn't control herself too much, mainly because it was too difficult for her to get up early continuously.

Soon, it was nine o'clock.

Wei Ting has already moved to the front position.

She probably understood why everyone lined up so tightly.

At window No. 3, the young chef who had been busy making pancakes stopped after finishing the two sets of pancakes on hand.

He raised a small trumpet and shouted to the back of the team:

"Hey, hello"

"It's nine o'clock, students. Breakfast is over. New students please don't line up."

(Photo provided by Wei Ting)

"Students wearing black at the door, please don't line up inside. We still have to sell lunch later. Okay, you'll be one of them. Those behind you don't have to line up."

Li Rui took a quick glance.

At this time, there were still thirty or forty people in the team.

We will still be busy for a while, but we will have to speed up the process.

It was nearly ten o'clock.

Li Rui finally finished making pancakes for the last customer.

The lady who took over the lunch selling at window No. 3 was already waiting in the back.

She has worked in the cafeteria of Jianghai University for more than ten years.

But this was the first time she had seen such a situation.

The aunt couldn't help but say:
"Little brother, your pancakes are too hot."

Li Rui straightened his back:

"I didn't expect so many people to line up to buy it."

The number of breakfast portions sold today is 218/100, which has exceeded the mark.

Zhou Binglun, a student next to him, praised:

"Boss, you have great stamina."

This part-time job should have ended at nine o'clock, but Zhou Binglun has been helping Li Rui until now and is very responsible.

Moreover, he has two years of part-time experience in the cafeteria and is very skilled in the work there.

After Li Rui finished making the pancakes, Zhou would directly put the pancakes into the packaging bag with a clip so that Li Rui could concentrate on his work.

In the middle, I also helped Li Rui mix the batter once.

It helped a lot.

Li Rui smiled and said to Zhou Binglun:

"It's already this late, let me treat you to a meal, you've worked so hard today."

"Thank you, boss," Zhou Binglun said politely, "Just give me another set of pancakes."

It seems that Zhou really loves pancakes.

Li Rui turned to the lady in the cafeteria and said:
"Sorry, big sister, I have to keep you for another two minutes."

The auntie was very kind, and she said cheerfully, "Hey, it's okay."

Soon, Li Rui started working on the pan again.

The aunt watched his skillful technique and was a little curious about the taste of the pancakes. She added:

"Young man, why don't you give me a set to try."


A pancake was not a precious thing, and they were all at the same window, so Li Rui naturally did not refuse the aunt's request. After making pancakes for the two of them, the aunt said that she would clean the window for Li Rui, and then let Li Rui leave.

Li Rui changed his clothes and left the cafeteria.

Only when he walked out of the back door of the cafeteria did he feel truly relieved.

This morning, the feeling of oppression was too strong.

Every time I finished making a pancake, I would look up and see a large group of hungry students waiting in line, which never stopped.

He walked around the campus for a while to relax his tense nerves.

Only then did I leave the school.

Just as Li Rui was driving past the gate of Jianghai University,
He also witnessed a student making a deal with an outsider.

The boy passed a paper bag through the fence:

"This pancake is really hard to buy. I waited in line for a long time before I could buy it."

"Thank you, classmate. I'll give you another chicken drumstick."

Half past five in the afternoon.

The counselors at Jianghai University began to forward the following message in the class groups they were responsible for:
“All colleges and departments:

To help students adapt to school life as soon as possible and develop good work and rest habits.

After research and decision, our school will provide half-price breakfast from 6:30 to 7:00 starting tomorrow.

The deadline is 21 days.

Note: Breakfast opening hours remain unchanged from 6:30 to 9:00. ”

After this message, naturally, the instructors echoed it——

"In 21 days, develop good living habits, go to bed early and get up early, come on classmates~"

"Students, Principal Jiang attaches great importance to the issues raised in the principal's mailbox. Half-price breakfast is here! Give Principal Jiang a thumbs up [thumbs up]"

The principal cares about students and offers half-price breakfast.

This should have been good news.

However, the response in each class group was mediocre.

Only a few students like Qiao Wenshuai, who really got up early, liked and echoed the comments.

Another group of people said it didn't matter, they couldn't even get up for the free breakfast.

And more people,
In particular, the students who participated in the "joint letter" campaign said that they were already torn.

"I just want to keep the cafeteria's breakfast business going for a little longer so I can have a delicious pancake."

"In this way, won't there be more people in the morning?"

"The good news is that the principal really takes our opinions seriously. The bad news is that the principal does not accept our opinions at all."

The students originally wanted to extend the canteen’s breakfast business hours through the principal’s mailbox, so that even if they got up a little late, they could still get pancakes.

Unexpectedly, the result turned out to be like this. If everyone is attracted by the half-price breakfast, the line at the pancake window will be even longer!

"The principal is really serious. I am crying my eyes out."

"Let me say this, whose stupid idea was this? Writing a joint letter to the principal's mailbox, it takes a genius."

At the same time, in the kitchen of the eighth canteen.

Li Rui is kneading dough for tomorrow's fried dough sticks.

The dish he unlocked this morning was fried dough sticks.

The dough used for frying dough sticks needs to be proofed in advance, so he made a special trip over in the afternoon.

Also braise some tea eggs.

Originally, the fried dough sticks and crispy dough that he used to make pancakes were provided by the canteen. Now if he fries them himself, it will take more effort, but the taste should be better.

Li Rui put the kneaded dough into the refrigerator for use the next morning.

Then I boiled another pot of eggs.

He prepared only a few eggs yesterday, about twenty, and they were all sold out.

But tomorrow morning you can sell fried dough sticks, soy milk, and eggs together, and add a small dish of cold dishes.

This would be a good breakfast too.

But the only problem is that if I want to fry the dough sticks myself tomorrow, I have to come to the cafeteria at least 30 minutes earlier.

Li Rui took out his cell phone.

I silently set the alarm to 4:30.

(End of this chapter)

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