Chapter 162 Earth-shattering
Across the ocean, Americon, Space Agency.

When Li Tang and Dahar reached an agreement through the virtual Red Star World, a great process began in Baruch.

At the Satellite Information Processing Center of the Space Agency, an intelligence analyst on duty was boredly studying a large amount of satellite photo data.

Dual orders from the Blue Particle Organization and the Ministry of National Defense required satellite monitoring of Shangdu across the sea and corresponding image data analysis.

The order from the Ministry of Defense was easy to complete because they only needed the image data changes of the shipyard.

Even though photo analyst Phyllis was ignorant, he knew the ship in the shipyard.

However, the Blue Particle Organization's orders were more general, requiring that monthly changes in urban image data be analyzed and reported.

This is a bit much.

Although the whole world knows that the country is obsessed with infrastructure, it is impossible for the image data of a metropolis to change significantly in just one or two months, right?

Phyllis muttered to herself.

On the computer screen, one photo after another was flipped through.

To be honest, Phyllis felt that the development of that country was really too fast. Perhaps it would completely surpass his own country in a short time.

On his computer screen, the photos were placed side by side in two columns.

The one on the left is from last month, and the one on the right was taken just this month.

To ensure that no changes anywhere in this metropolis are missed, each photo covers a limited area.

After the entire city was divided in this way, a total of 1239 photos were generated.

In other words, based on the quantity, Phyllis needs to compare 1239 times to complete today's work.

Phyllis didn't flip through the pages very quickly. She just spent her time flipping through the photos one by one, which was a tedious task.

Suddenly, Phyllis' eyes widened.

The contrast between the two photos in front of him was so great that he kept rubbing his eyes.

After rubbing his eyes, he looked at the photo on the left that showed a nearly wasteland with few buildings, and then looked at the photo on the right that showed tall buildings.

Are these two photos really of the same place?

Can such a group of high-rise buildings be completed in just one month?

If Longguo has such a construction speed, it would be more than just a infrastructure maniac, it would be a infrastructure magician!

However, no matter how Phyllis compared them, the two photos were of the same place.

To this end, he continued to look through several photos of the area surrounding the area, and there were some obvious differences.

Obviously, the emergence of that group of high-rise buildings has caused changes in the surrounding area.

My God!

The Dragon people are truly architectural magicians!

He immediately printed out several photos, marked them up, and wrote a concise report, which he immediately sent to his boss.

A few hours later, the report submitted by Phyllis was placed on the table in the White House.

An emergency meeting was officially convened.

Paimon Slater's face was full of excitement.
"Mr. Boss, everyone, please take a look at the information in your hands. The high-rise buildings that suddenly appeared in this satellite photo are the headquarters of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

It is a company owned by Professor Li Tang, a mathematics and materials scholar at Fudu University, and has just been included in our list.

According to the latest report from Heiyu, an official we at Lanli sent to Shangdu to restore the intelligence network, Li Tang has a deep military background.

The entire Future Science and Technology Research Institute headquarters has been designated as a military restricted area.

At the same time, Li Tang’s sister Li Qin was the person in charge of the operation that previously destroyed our Shangdu intelligence network.

We failed to implement the "Hunting Tang Plan" against him before, and it is very likely that his sister told him that it was our people who did it, so that he openly declared war. Therefore, we have reason to suspect that he hired assassins to carry out revenge assassination on General Douglas and Chief Davis who were responsible for formulating the "Hunting Tang Plan".

According to Heiyu's latest report, Li Tang has achieved major scientific research results in three major areas and has received official recognition from Dragon Country.

These three major areas are carbon-based chips, new lithium batteries, and artificial intelligence.

What is most worrying is that the Future Science and Technology Institute under his name has developed carbon-based chips, which have shaken our high-end chip industry.

The materials include carbon-based chip testing reports from chip companies such as Innovent, Innovent, and AMD, as well as reports on the impact of carbon-based chips on our high-end chip industry.

The new lithium battery he led the development of has greatly enhanced the opponent's underwater force and has enabled us to have longer-lasting mobility in space than we do.

The information includes a new lithium battery test report provided by a certain company.

We have even more reason to suspect that the artificial intelligence they have developed has surpassed us.

Looking at this satellite photo again, can you believe that such a group of high-rise buildings was built in more than a month?
The reason why it is so efficient is that the Future Science and Technology Research Institute is also making amazing progress in the field of robotics.

I bet their robots, combined with AI, will surpass our Boston Dynamics robots.

There are several giant photos in the information, which are their giant building-building robots.

Gentlemen, we are facing the most dangerous enemy we have ever faced.

Li Tang and his Future Technology Research Institute are trampling all our leading technologies under their feet!"

Paimon Slater finished speaking in one breath, his face flushed, his chest heaving, and his hands even shaking a little.

From that day on, he suspected that Li Tang was the scientist mentioned in the mysterious object, so he asked Hei Yu to conduct an investigation around Li Tang and his Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

It just happened to coincide with Longguo's comprehensive propaganda coverage of Li Tang. Although a lot of information was blocked in the report, after research by the intelligence analysis department, some definite conclusions were still reached.

In fact, when Paimon saw the photos of the giant building-building robots in the report sent back by Black Rain, he was shocked beyond words.

Because of these photos, he became more certain that Li Tang was the scientist.

However, Paimon refrained from reporting to the White House immediately, because the information from just one channel on Black Rain's side was far from convincing enough.

He immediately found those chip companies, found Tesla, found NASA, and found the military.

With the launch of Li Tang's carbon-based chips and new lithium batteries, we will conduct comprehensive testing after obtaining these samples.

When the test report shocked these industry experts, Paimon became even more certain that the murders of Douglas and Davis were related to Li Tang.

Because experts helped him confirm that with such new batteries, ultra-micro mechanical mosquitoes are fully capable of flying very far.

Combined with the location of the missing courier, there is reason to believe that the courier is the operator of the mechanical mosquito.

When all these reports are ready, NASA's satellite photo analysis report also arrives, and this is the best time to report to Big Boss in the White House.

Everyone present listened to Paimeng's explanation while carefully reading the report materials.

Everyone's heart was filled with shock.

It was a shocking feeling of disbelief, as if the sky was falling.

In recent years, they have pursued a policy of blockade and containment against that country in all high-tech fields, and the other side has also made every effort to develop its own independent technology industry through self-reliance.

It is true that there are many areas where the other side has made breakthroughs and made up for the shortcomings.

However, we still have absolute advantages in high-end chips, robots, new energy storage technology, artificial intelligence, supercomputers, biomedicine, advanced materials, etc.

But after reading the report, these advantageous areas are suddenly reduced to biomedicine and advanced materials.

No, no, someone found in Black Rain's report that Daqin Medical, a subsidiary of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute, has made breakthrough progress in the fields of artificial nerves, artificial blood, artificial prostheses, and even has an MRI machine on the market.

It is obvious that the other party must have made a major breakthrough in the field of advanced materials. Come to think of it, Li Tang is a materials scientist!
This time, Director Duke, who was determined to serve his country, did not contradict Paimon. He said solemnly, "We must seek justice for General Douglas!

If Li Tang dares to assassinate our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff today, he will dare to assassinate any one of you here tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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