Chapter 163 Global Wanted
Director Duke's words instantly made everyone present shudder.

Yes, if it was really Li Tang who assassinated General Douglas out of revenge, then he and his companies would have been included in the list.

Especially now that everyone is sitting here in a meeting, they are targeting him again.

Will this young scholar kill again in revenge?
After all, who could have thought that he actually knew that General Douglas was involved in the formulation of the "Tang Hunting Plan", which was top secret.

Security Assistant Firwin said, "I think it is necessary to file a lawsuit against Li Tang. If he does not come to Amirikan to appear in court, we can issue a global wanted notice for him."

Bristow, the No. 2 figure who had not attended the previous meeting because he was on a business trip, frowned and asked, “There is no evidence in these reports that General Douglas was assassinated by the so-called mechanical mosquito.

In particular, if it is really a mechanical mosquito, then what toxin is used by the other party?
Why didn't the doctor detect it at all?
Without a complete chain of evidence, it would be difficult for us to convict him.

If there is no evidence to accuse him in this regard, is there any evidence that he has infringed our AmiRichn patent in his research field?

This way, we can accuse Chen Zhen of stealing secrets or infringing patents, just like we did with Jinhua Semiconductor. If he doesn’t appear in court, we can issue a global wanted notice.”

When he finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to Paimon Slater.

Obviously, both methods require so-called evidence, which is where Paimeng's Blue Particle Organization comes in.

Paimon took out a box and opened it in front of everyone.

Inside was a mechanical mosquito, which was about three times the size of a natural mosquito, and there was a controller next to it.

Paimeng said: "We arranged for someone to order a new type of the smallest lithium battery from Daqin Battery. We used this battery to make this smallest mechanical mosquito."

As he spoke, he picked up the controller and pressed a button.

The wings of the mechanical mosquito vibrated instantly, and then it flew up. After flying around everyone present, it fell back into the box.

“I have reason to believe that Li Tang’s mechanical mosquito is even smaller than this, because they must be able to produce smaller batteries.

The most important thing is that at that time, whether it was the operating room where General Douglas was, or the ward where Chief Davis was, there were people guarding them. "

"What about toxins? What toxins are completely undetectable?" Bristow asked.

Paimon said: “I have consulted the doctors at Finar Hospital, as well as some brain experts, General Douglas and Chief Davis, and they all died of cerebral infarction.

Li Tang must have a kind of toxin that caused people to die of cerebral infarction.

Unfortunately, we couldn't detect it on Davis' body no matter what.

However, one of our fortresses also has a toxin that can cause a person to die from a cerebral infarction."

"Does our toxin have anything to do with this?"

The new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Michelle Brick, did not seem to understand what Paimon meant, and the last meeting was attended by Acting General Fernandez.

Michelle Brick is an African American, and Big Boss asked him to succeed Douglas, most likely for next year's election.

Paimeng was helpless and explained: "We can use this toxin as key evidence to accuse Li Tang. My people in Shangdu will find a way to send this toxin to the biological research laboratory under the Future Science and Technology Research Institute."

Michelle is a serious person. "Even if such a toxin is discovered, it is highly likely that no one will announce it."

Paimon shook his head and said, “No, they will announce it. Because this toxin has another use. It can treat severe leukemia, but the dosage must be controlled.

It is like the traditional Chinese medicine arsenic in Longguo. It is highly poisonous, but it is indeed a medicine.

If they don’t disclose it, we will use other methods to help them disclose it.”

Director Duke couldn't help but applaud and said, "Director Slater, I am proud of your careful preparation. This toxin can indeed serve as key evidence.

By the way, can this mechanical mosquito assassination method you came up with be implemented?"

Paimon looked at Duke with some caution, "This mechanical mosquito is too big. You heard it just now. The sound it makes when it flies is very loud.

I think it is impossible for anyone to be stung by such a mosquito.

Unless they were already in a coma, like General Douglas and Chief Davis.

Besides, there can’t be anyone guarding nearby.”

Firwin waved his hand and said, "This is not important. We can say that Douglas was in a coma after the operation and the people around him just walked away.

In short, this mechanical mosquito is a product of the Future Technology Research Institute! "Bristol suddenly said: "Director Slater, do you think there is any way to use a carbon-based chip in this mechanical mosquito?"

Paimon immediately understood what Boss No. 2 meant and said quickly, "I will immediately ask the relevant company to find a carbon-based chip that can be replaced."

Bristow nodded and said, "Okay, please leave this matter to Chief Slater."

Paimeng decisively accepted the task and promised: "Yes, I will make sure Li Tang is wanted!"

Bristol looked around at everyone and said, "Now, gentlemen, let's discuss how to deal with the impact of carbon-based chips on our country's high-end chip industry?"

Firwin said: "If Li Tang is convicted and wanted, we will impose more stringent prohibition measures on all companies and industries under his name.

Should Yingmoer and Yingmoda be able to hold on? After all, carbon-based chips have just been launched, and it will take time to capture the market. "

Bristol shook his head and said, “No, if you look carefully at the attached report of the chip industry company, I’m afraid they can’t hold on at all.

According to their test reports, the performance of the carbon-based chips currently on the market has surpassed their best and their prices are lower than theirs.

Silicon-based chips have really reached their limit, and it is difficult to improve their performance.

Although some of our scientific research institutions have been researching carbon-based chips for a long time, it is still a long way from industrialization.

If we cannot help them resist the dumping of carbon-based chips, they will no longer have the money to develop new carbon-based chips.

In other words, Americon will completely lose its chip hegemony."

Director Duke suddenly said, "Director Slater, it seems that we still need your Blue Particle to take action and obtain the industrial manufacturing technology of carbon-based chips as soon as possible."

This time, Paimon was not so resolute, but said hesitantly: "Everyone, you all know that the intelligence network in Shangdu City was previously subversively destroyed.

We sent General Heiyu over there, and within more than a month, we managed to restore some information channels.

But if you want to infiltrate the Future Technology Research Institute and obtain the industrial technology secrets of carbon-based chips, I'm afraid it's still not enough."

Firwin asked, "Do you have any alternative plan? We can't just watch them get ahead of us, right?"

Paimon said: "There is an alternative plan, but the cycle may not be short..."

Bristol interrupted: "How long will it take you to complete this task?"

Paimon showed an awkward expression on his face and said, "There are two alternative plans. The first is for us, Blue Particle, to infiltrate step by step and eventually obtain the relevant secrets. It is estimated that this will take at least a year.

The second option is to request intelligence assistance from allies, such as eastern Japan, the South Peninsula, and even the Taiwan Islands.

They used their own intelligence network to infiltrate and obtain the secret.

However, this requires you, Mr. Bristow, to play a certain role in coordinating these allies to follow our arrangements.

The advantage of this plan is that, because their intelligence network has not been damaged, it should take no more than half a year to obtain the relevant secrets. "

Upon hearing this, Bristol did not express his opinion immediately, but closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

He opened his eyes and saw everyone looking at him.

Bristow said: "We will take a two-pronged approach, with the second option as the main focus, but Director Slater will also need to send more people to solve the first option, and we will try to resolve it within a year.

We also need to discuss with several companies in the chip industry to accelerate the research and development of our own carbon-based chips within this year.

On the one hand, we need to establish corresponding policies to prevent the dumping of carbon-based chips from other countries.”

Firven said with some regret: "It's a pity that we have lost our best trump card, damn Li Tang."

For a time, everyone really thought that Li Tang was Amyricon's biggest enemy.

"Knock knock knock" there was a series of rapid knocks on the door.

"Please come in."

The door opened and the attendant brought in a document.
"General Brick, this is an urgent report from the turret."

(End of this chapter)

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