Chapter 189 Black Rain Disappears
To this end, Li Tang took immediate action and first established an ecological agriculture research institute and recruited ecological agriculture experts, scholars and technicians from around the world.

It then established the Daqin Agriculture subsidiary, acquired a number of agricultural companies and daily necessities companies, and established an independent food and daily necessities supply chain.

We also conduct comprehensive procurement and establish a dynamic material storage system to ensure the materials needed for three years.

With this foundation, Li Tang began to guide researchers at the Institute of Ecological Agriculture to conduct building-style ecological agriculture research.

In this regard, Li Tang’s integrated space-time memory actually also has relevant technology. This part of the memory existed in the memory of the Tianlong Warriors at that time.

At that time, ecological agriculture was the core lifeline of the Dragon Clan’s underground base, because there was no suitable place to grow food on the entire surface of the Blue Star.

Without food, humans cannot survive, and no matter how advanced the technology is, humans will not be able to apply and develop it.

Even the Tianlong Warriors have participated in the construction and maintenance of ecological agricultural equipment.

Li Tang sorted out the ecological agriculture technologies in his space-time memory, combined them with existing technologies to form a new system, and taught it to researchers at the Institute of Ecological Agriculture through a virtual helmet.

An ecological agriculture building has 100 million square meters of each floor, equivalent to 1500 acres. After the relevant automated equipment is installed, the practical planting area will be more than 1000 acres.

The entire building is based on the standard of 100 floors, and the actual planting area is 10 acres.

Taking rice as an example, if the yield is 1 ton per mu, 10 tons of rice can be produced in one season. If three seasons of production can be carried out a year, the annual output of rice will be 30 tons, which can meet the annual staple food needs of 30 people.

Taking pig farming as an example, 50000 pigs can be raised on one floor, with two production seasons a year, which can produce 100 million tons of pork annually. Of course, not that much is needed, so the breeding building is divided into layers to raise different types of chickens, ducks, pigs, cows, etc.

Such a hundred-story ecological agricultural building can be built in just one week at the headquarters base using Yunding, Baigong and Seiko robots and put into agricultural planting production.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has completely transformed agriculture, an industry that depends on the weather, into a large-scale industrialized industry.

When 10 such ecological agriculture buildings were completed at the same time within a week, Li Yinong, director of the Institute of Ecological Agriculture, even laughed and cried.

"It would be great if Mr. Yuan could see all this."

Immediately, all the people in the Ecological Agriculture Research Institute threw themselves into the work, vowing to comfort their predecessors with an astonishingly big harvest in the first season of production of each variety.

Although agricultural production takes time and the results of the first season cannot be seen for the time being, Li Tang is basically certain that there will be no failure.

After all, the entire production process has been simulated countless times in Zero's full-environment system, and Zero is still the one controlling the entire process. If there is any problem, it will only be possible if someone sabotages it.

As night falls, the entire headquarters is brightly lit.

The wind speed is extremely fast on top of a thousand-meter-high building, but the window design of the Huarui building is very unique, and the material used is exactly the same as the portholes on the spacecraft.

In addition, due to the special thickness of the [Snow Mud] exterior wall, the strong wind from high altitudes cannot be felt at all indoors.

"Zero, are the results of our internal personnel information investigation out?"

During the company's several recruitments, Li Tang screened each one one by one and indeed caught some spies.

However, in the recent rounds of large-scale expansion, Li Tang no longer personally supervised the review. Instead, he used a certain function of the virtual helmet and combined it with Zero to implement corresponding technical review and audit.

However, the development of consciousness technology is a new thing. This technology does not even exist in the memory of time and space. It was only by accident that I created it together with Su Yafei.

It is still in the early stages, and Li Tang has not yet actually verified the effectiveness of this function in the virtual helmet.

We might as well use this employee-wide information check to test it out.

“Director, the screening has been completed. Including family members, there are 122366 people in total, and 283 people have abnormal conditions.

After a second round of targeted verification, it was found that 283 of the 228 people had abnormalities caused by technical failures of the virtual helmets.

Among the 55 people who had non-helmet malfunction issues, 23 may have mental abnormalities.

The remaining 32 people are all secret spies from outside, but they are divided into three categories.

There are 9 people in the first category, all of whom were sent by extraterritorial forces. Their information has been reviewed by Assistant Ding from the security team and has been formally submitted to your sister Li Qin.

The second category consists of 21 people, all of whom were inserted by various internal business forces.

The third category consists of two people, one from the military and the other from the Security Committee.

I need your advice on how to deal with the latter two types of people."

After listening to Zero's report, Li Tang couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The second category actually has the largest number of people, but that’s not surprising. This is not the first time that domestic technology companies have played Infernal Affairs with each other.

They are all friendly competitors. If you occupy more market share, their profits will be reduced. The business world is like a battlefield, and I am not kidding you.

The fact that these people were screened out in advance meant that there was no evidence of any crime and they could not be handed over to the police.

But Li Tang felt unhappy because he was fired so directly without any punishment.

“No. 0, those in the second category who have criminal records can be handed over to the police for processing after obtaining relevant evidence of their criminal records.

For those who have no criminal record, let Assistant Ding arrange a security interview one by one. Of course, before the interview, you can use the virtual helmet to temporarily brainwash them and let them cooperate with Assistant Ding's conversation.

The entire video recording of the conversation is posted on our Future Technology Research Institute's corporate website, with a 'Safety Alert' column opened.

By the way, among the first category of people, select a few with lighter crimes, record similar videos for them, and put them together.

Then, the link address of this webpage should be sent to the employers of these people, as well as some industry bigwigs and mainstream media around the world.

I want everyone to know that the Future Science and Technology Research Institute is a place where no one can get in. No one should take the risk of committing crimes for the sake of money. "

Zero said, "Yes, Dean."

"By the way, Ding Shaofeng, after you finish the first conversation video, let me review it and confirm that it is correct before continuing to complete the rest."

"Yes, Dean."

"The two people in the third category, show me the information."

"Okay, Dean."

A curtain of light poured down, and the first piece of information was the personnel information from the military.

Lin Fanming, 31 years old, deputy chief engineer of Datang Precision, a first-tier subsidiary, is a doctor of mechanical and electronic engineering. His code name is "Yuchang" and he comes from a certain department.

After joining the company, he has been in a dormant period and has never passed any information to the outside world.

Currently, he is in a state of fanatical worship of Li Tang, and his heart is often caught in indescribable contradictions and pain.

Li Tang looked at the message, thought for a moment, and said, "Arrange for him to meet me in the virtual world. I will let him choose for himself."

Another person's information was refreshed on the light screen.

Li Tang looked at the information above and his expression instantly turned ugly.

Xiao Lan, 32 years old, HR Director of Future Science and Technology Research Institute, holds a master’s degree in management. She has worked as HR for a joint venture between a state-owned enterprise and a foreign enterprise, code-named “Dongfeng”.

Who would have thought that such a veteran who participated in the company's founding would actually be...

If she had been one for a long time, how could she have come to me so early?

However, as he continued to look down, his expression gradually improved.

It turned out that at that time the Security Committee had received the task of protecting itself, but due to infiltration, the personnel sent out were not effective.

For example, there are people like Xiao Lan, and there is the security guard in the community where you live.

When Li Tang saw this, he still broke out in a cold sweat.

If it weren't for some physical change that was blessed by the dream, I might have died that time.

Who could have thought that he would be targeted by the Blue Particle Organization when his reputation was not well-known and his company's products had not been sold?

This only shows the Blue Particle Organization's keenness and powerful intelligence capabilities, and it is worthy of being the world's number one intelligence giant.

Li Tang continued reading and discovered that Xiao Lan had transmitted intelligence once, which was about the bone-scraping operation.

Afterwards, perhaps due to his close cooperation with Han Tianqin, Xiao Lan entered a dormant period as a hidden player.

However, Xiao Lan now occupies a core position in the company. She is responsible for matters such as recruitment, training, and some of the company's logistical affairs.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Xiao Lan is the internal manager of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute. If there are always outsiders in such a position, there may be problems.

Li Tang stroked his chin, pondered for a moment, and said, "Zero, I will find time to talk to Xiao Lan in person and see what she thinks."

Li Tang's idea was very simple. If Xiao Lan was willing to give up his identity as a national police officer, he could talk to Han Tianqin and get the matter done before he left Shangdu for promotion.

If he can accept so many retired military officers, then a retired national police officer will naturally not be a problem.

As for whether he was worried that she would still be a hidden player, Li Tang was still very confident in his brainwashing ability.

"Yes, Dean."

Li Tang continued to ask: "By the way, those 23 people may have mental disorders, what's going on?"

Zero said: "That is to say, the virtual helmet can find and detect people who appear to be normal but actually have mental illnesses, such as common intermittent psychosis and depression."

"I see. I never thought a virtual helmet could be used in this way. By the way, did my sister send you the code book related to Black Rain?"

Zero said, "Yes, I received it. In addition, she sent a message at the same time.

The intelligence officer who surrendered said that Black Rain had not issued any orders for three weeks and was suspected to be missing. "

(End of this chapter)

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