Chapter 190 Extreme Pressure
"Missing? What do you mean? Did the person run away?"

Li Tang never expected that Hei Yu, whom he had been pursuing, would actually disappear.

Zero said: "Your sister said that this was the key factor for the intelligence officer to surrender. He thought Black Rain had been captured.

Since my boss has disappeared, every guest who comes to the hotel every day will be questioned in various ways after leaving. The wind is so tight, and I am obviously being targeted, so I just turned myself in. "

Li Tang couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard this.

Ding Shaofeng's team, a bunch of rookies, was eventually noticed.

"Zero, did my sister tell me if what this intelligence officer said is true, that Black Rain hasn't issued any orders in three weeks? Not even silent orders?"

Zero said, "Yes, she confirmed that the man was not lying."

Li Tang couldn't help but think.

It can be confirmed that in the series of spy networks of various forces that Li Qin led his men to crack, all the personnel information provided by Li Tang had corresponding evidence pointing to them.

Even if there are corresponding chains of evidence for the people who were subsequently confessed by these people, Li Qin will share this information with Zero Analysis.

Therefore, there is absolutely no possibility that Black Rain would be captured without anyone's knowledge when raiding the spy network of other forces.

So where did the black rain go during these three weeks?

Wait, there is a solution.

I can verify from another angle whether Hei Yu has really been missing for three weeks.

"Zero, pull up the video footage of the meeting in the White House that we just received today."

"Yes, Dean."

After a while, a light screen was projected down, and everything in the conference room was replayed vividly in front of Li Tang.

"…But we definitely need more patience. Black Rain is currently implementing its infiltration plan. We need to give him more time…"


Li Tang stopped when he saw this.

The meeting was held three days ago in the White House because the conference room did not have an internet access.

It took the [Hidden Shadows] three days to transmit the video in full after relaying it and avoiding the surveillance of the White House security personnel.

Ever since Paimon deduced that Douglas was assassinated by Li Tang using a micro-mechanical mosquito, the top leaders of the Eagle Sauce have stepped up their precautions in their residences and offices.

Specific instruments are used and security personnel conduct regular monitoring to ensure that no mechanical mosquitoes can fly in.

Fortunately, Zero responded effectively and none of the [Hidden Shadow] or [Aedes Mosquito] were discovered by the other side.

That is to say, three days ago, William, the director of the Blue Particle Organization, received a report from Black Rain and learned about the major changes that occurred on the hidden front in Shangdu.

This is enough to prove that Black Rain is not missing, but is implementing a new infiltration plan towards his own company.

So, was it intentional that he did not issue any instructions to his subordinate intelligence network for three weeks, or was it because he had already entered the company and was unable to send instructions to the outside world?
No, he was able to send the report to the other side of the ocean three days ago, which shows that he can send information freely.

In other words, he did it on purpose.

If he hadn't obtained the relevant information from the White House with [Invisible Shadow], he would definitely believe that the reason Black Rain hadn't issued any orders for three weeks was because he had infiltrated and was unable to send any orders.

That is, he wanted to mislead people into believing that he had successfully completed the infiltration mission three weeks ago.

In other words, he should not have infiltrated yet.

Let’s look at the situation in your own company. Is it possible that after entering the company, you are unable to send information out?

Obviously not.

Although the company's headquarters is heavily guarded, it implements a zoning management and loose-outside-tight-inside model.

Although the entire area is surrounded by a five-meter-high wall and the sea, it is not a prison and does not restrict employees from entering and leaving the company.

That is to say, once Black Rain infiltrates the company, it will still be easy for him to pass information to the outside.

As long as he doesn't use electronic information, Zero will have no way of intercepting it.

Wait a minute, according to the "Cyclamen" intelligence officer, Black Rain can have different people send command information, and these people seem to be unaware.

This means that Hei Yu should be able to come into contact with many people. From this point of view, perhaps he is also in a service industry.

So what kind of service industry can make the guests he comes into contact with willing to travel so far to the "Xiankelai" restaurant to have a meal and help deliver messages?

"Zero, has my sister asked if those who come to deliver messages get free meals? Or are there big discounts?"

Zero said, "The confession information they provided has been sent to us in full. The person's answer to your question is that Black Rain did ask for free meals for those who delivered the information."

Li Tang nodded, and the logic was closed.

But he always felt that something was wrong. Li Tang looked up and saw a huge electronic map hanging on one of the walls of the office.

This electronic map is generated by StarNet satellite scanning, which ensures that it is updated once a day. Even if there is maintenance on a small road, it will be responded to immediately.

Li Tang saw at a glance that his headquarters was at the easternmost part of Shangdu, very far away from the city center of Shangdu.

He immediately understood why he felt a little strange.

Xiankelai is not a famous restaurant, and it is located in such a remote place. Who are the guests who are willing to travel so far to eat this free meal? "Zero, help me get through to Ding Shaofeng."

"Hold on."

In just a dozen seconds, a curtain of light fell and Ding Shaofeng appeared in front of Li Tang.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"I remember that your investigation of 'Xiankeju' was focused on the guests. Did you find anything specific?"

Ding Shaofeng replied: "Well, I just found out a little bit, but it's useless now."

"Who said it's useless? Tell me, what did you find?"

Ding Shaofeng said quickly: "In the past week, 63% of the guests who were willing to answer our questions came from Yanta Road or passed through there and then came to 'Xiankelai'.

And these guests are willing to fill out our questionnaire for our small gifts.”

"Yanta Road?" Li Tang's eyes fell on the corresponding location on the electronic map.

"Well, this is the city center, and there are many subway lines passing by. Maybe that's why they passed by here."

"Yes, I originally wanted to look for further characteristics, but unfortunately the Cyclamen has been destroyed and the clues are completely gone."

Li Tang said: "Your idea is correct. Some of these guests were attracted by Black Rain's free meal.

Does your survey include a question about whether they come for a free meal? "

Ding Shaofeng said: "That's not the question. We are asking about the purpose of coming here. Please wait a moment..."

Ding Shaofeng seemed to be looking for something with his head down. After half a minute, he looked up and said, "40% of the guests come here for free meals and to explore the surrounding areas."

"40%? Is that so much? Wouldn't Cyclamen be totally devastated?"

"I don't know."

Li Tang thought for a moment and said, "This aspect is worth further investigation. I will get the confessions of 'Xiangkelai' and others, as well as all the surveillance videos in the hotel, from my sister and transfer them to you.

You guys should take the trouble to screen out these free guests and hand them over to the national police for summons to assist in the investigation. It should be fruitful.”

"Okay, boss."



The next day, a hot search suddenly set the Internet on fire.

"The Imperial Ministry of Justice has issued a global arrest warrant for the genius scientist Li Tang!"

It is not only the most searched topic in China, but also ranks first on Twitter and YouTube internationally.

The matter of Li Tang being sued by University of California professor Rosen suddenly came into people's attention again after being silent for a while.

Whether at home or abroad, Longwei's smart consumer electronics products have swept the world with unprecedented strength in recent times.

The smart assistants, carbon-based chips and lithium-crystal batteries that play a key role in this are all produced by companies under the Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

In addition, Li Tang set the record for the largest low-Earth orbit payload in the field of space rocket launches.

Li Tang, who has become the second Mark, is only 25 years old, single, and already a super rich man. He is undoubtedly the best man in the world and has instantly captured the hearts of countless women.

At this time, someone on YouTube dug up the video of Li Tang's mathematics paper presentation at Fudu University in March, which surprised Western people to realize that Li Tang is actually one of the world's top mathematicians.

In a short time, countless fans were born.

At this moment, the controversial theft case once again became a hot topic as Li Tang ignored it and the Imperial Ministry of Justice directly launched a global arrest warrant.

This tide of public opinion immediately became hundreds or thousands of times more powerful than before.

As opinions from all sides grew louder, the Empire's tactics of exerting extreme pressure did not stop.

Although Li Tang did not appear in court, the empire seemed to have unilaterally convicted Li Tang.

Soon after the global wanted order was launched, various departments of the Empire took further measures.

The Imperial Ministry of Finance announced that Li Tang’s personal bank accounts and all his corporate bank accounts would be boycotted by the Imperial Banking Industry, and would no longer be provided with any financial services.

The Imperial Customs announced that all products from Li Tang’s companies would be confiscated upon entry.

The Imperial Coast Guard announced that it would seize products belonging to Li Tang's companies worldwide.

The Imperial Space Agency announced that from now on, all customers who use Datang Aerospace rockets to launch satellites will no longer be included in the Imperial Space Agency's customer list.

The Imperial Ministry of Commerce announced that it would ban the sale of carbon-based chips and lithium crystal battery products of Li Tang's companies within the territory of the empire.

The Imperial Tax Bureau announced that in response to the large amount of carbon-based chips and lithium-crystal battery products smuggled into the empire, a 200% punitive tariff fine will be imposed on the corresponding companies under Li Tang. As of August 2023, 8, the total amount will be 31 billion.

The Imperial Securities Regulatory Commission announced that Li Tang’s companies or shareholding companies were prohibited from being listed on the empire’s two major exchanges.

The Imperial Ministry of Defense announced that it will ensure the effective enforcement of the arrest warrant for Li Tang on a global scale!
Three aircraft carrier strike groups are scheduled to launch the "Defend Rights" military exercise in the Western Pacific in September.


(End of this chapter)

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