Chapter 208 Chasing Miyun
As night falls, Shanghai is a city where people are accustomed to going to bed early.

Exactly 22: p.m.

At the Dong'an Huashu community, a large number of police officers suddenly arrived and blocked all the roads around the community. The gate of the community was also taken over by the police.

The property management and security of this community were dumbfounded. After asking, they only got one answer.

"Military exercise, stay where you are and wait quietly!"

The property manager on duty who rushed to the door was sweating profusely. What kind of military exercise had to be conducted in a villa complex?
But the police officer in charge completely ignored his questions and just warned them not to move around and to wait where they were.

He knew something was bound to happen. The people living here were either rich or noble, and holding a military exercise here was probably for ulterior motives.

I wanted to call my boss, but found that the signal had been blocked.

Just when he was feeling anxious, he heard a low buzzing sound and a rustling sound of wind passing over his head.

Looking up, I saw a black helicopter that I had never seen before flying towards the southern area of ​​the villa in the night.

The helicopter is loaded with weapons under the short wings on both sides.

Oh my god, this really looks like a military exercise!

Time: 22:05
The helicopter was hovering not far from Villa No. 16, only 6 meters above the ground, and a team of fully armored soldiers landed one after another.

They quickly deployed their troops and surrounded Villa No. 16.

The helicopter took off again and hovered directly over the top of Villa No. 16. Then, two more soldiers rappelled down from the cabin.

The actions took place almost simultaneously at the front door, the back window, and the rooftop.

Yue Guoqiang led the team personally and entered through the main gate.

The entire situation in the villa has been displayed on everyone's tactical helmet screen, and there are no people who can move in any room.

When entering the room, Yue Guoqiang wondered if it was an empty house.

But soon, the screen clearly showed signs of life in the room on the east side of the second floor.

When the team members dispersed to search other houses, Yue Guoqiang and two team members appeared at the location where there were signs of life.

In front of the wardrobe in the room.

On the helmet screen, the thermal imaging and life detector were showing the situation inside the closet, and it seemed that a person was curled up and hiding inside.

"Come out, stop hiding."

As Yue Guoqiang spoke, he signaled a team member to carefully open the cabinet door.

No dangerous situation occurred.

With a sigh, Yue Guoqiang knew that the task assigned to him by Li Tang was not challenging at all.

Inside the closet, a girl had her hands and feet tied up with tape and her mouth sealed. She seemed to be still in a coma.

According to the mission description, the person to be arrested is Shen Danqing!

He made a gesture to let the team members untie Shen Danqing, but handcuffed him again, took him out of the villa, and boarded a helicopter that had landed in a nearby open space.

Several police officers set up a cordon outside Villa No. 16, while others were guarding the doors of nearby neighbors to prevent them from going out out of curiosity.

"Thank you for your hard work. Our mission has been completed. Please seal this villa for the time being."

Yue Guoqiang said after saluting the leading police officer.

The leading police officer was Deng Yimin, director of the East District Branch. He was a close confidant of Xu Dongping and personally led the team upon receiving the notice.

Seeing the fully armed Super Blue Special Team at this time, he was shocked.

When did our soldiers’ equipment become so sci-fi?
There is a golden national emblem faintly in the middle of the helmet, the entire helmet is bordered by a blue circle, and the armband on the right arm also has a blue border.

The person who was talking to me had a military rank insignia on his right chest, which cost twenty-four cents.

Wow, this team is so high level?

He raised his hand in return and said, "Eastern District Police Chief Deng Yimin has been ordered to lead police officers to assist your department in carrying out the exercise mission. You can leave without worry, and leave the rest to us."

Chang Guoqiang nodded slightly and said, "Thank you Director Deng for your support."

In less than a minute, the unmanned helicopter took off and disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

A police officer next to Deng Yimin asked, "Chief, are these our soldiers? I've never seen any of their equipment before. They look like something out of a science fiction movie."

Deng Yimin glared and said, "Stop gossiping. Inform everyone not to discuss what happened tonight. Ask the Internet Police to pay attention to the information sent by the IP addresses in this area. If there are any photos, delete them immediately.

And you, quickly get someone to put up the seal!"

Watching his men busying themselves, Deng Yimin raised his wrist and let the smart bracelet dial Xu Dongping's audio number.

"Leader, the exercise is over. My goodness, these are the soldiers with the coolest equipment I have ever seen. It's so sci-fi!"

Xu Dongping's voice sounded, "Don't you want to think about how sci-fi the Future Science and Technology Research Institute headquarters is? With President Li here, any sci-fi is not surprising. Go back and rest when you are done."

"Yes, leader."



On the other side, the Yangtze River Estuary.

The "Ocean Oasis" is a cruise ship departing from Shangdu to Nagasaki in eastern Japan. The itinerary is five days and four nights, with a maximum passenger capacity of 1052 people and a total of 390 rooms.

Because it is the peak summer season, the Ocean Oasis carried 1046 passengers on this trip and the rooms were almost full.

At this time, the 2.5-ton ship was heading east at a speed of 20 knots.

No one noticed that a [Predator] and an unmanned armed transport helicopter were circling 200 meters above the giant ship. Li Tang, who had just arrived, was listening to Zero's latest report with a frown on his face.

"…Two [Predators] arrived over the cruise ship at 21:52, and a group of [Hidden Shadows] were released onto the cruise ship at 21:53.

21:55 All rooms on each floor of the cruise ship were equipped with [Anonymous] devices, and a woman suspected to be Mizu Soo Toshiko was found in room 308.

Eight minutes ago, at 21:53, a lifeboat was just launched from the cruise ship and sailed away. Predator 10885 has been dispatched to monitor it and is currently heading northeast.

Because the Predator had just arrived when the lifeboat entered the sea, it did not capture the complete movement characteristics of the people sitting in the lifeboat.

Therefore, it is impossible to clearly identify the person who drove the lifeboat away as Mizuki Toshiko.

The woman suspected to be Mizu Soo Min-ko in Room 308 was already fast asleep in bed when she was recorded by [Anonymous Video], with only her side face exposed. Her body shape partially matches Mizu Soo Min-ko's.

The cruise ship ticket purchasing system shows that room 308 should be occupied by a 32-year-old Eastern Japanese woman named Yamaguchi Masae.

After listening to Zero's report, Li Tang thought for a moment and said, "Let's first launch an arrest operation against the woman suspected to be Shui Xiu Minzi in 308.

Lao Lin, after you bring someone to airdrop, go to the cockpit at the bow and ask the captain to bring people to help you block the third deck and do not allow anyone to enter the third deck.

The remaining members of Team Xiao were divided into two teams, which entered along the third-deck passage, controlled the rooms on the left and right sides of Room 308 respectively, and quietly evacuated the guests.

I will enter from porthole 308 at any time to carry out the arrest.

As for the speedboat that escaped, there are [Predators] following it, we will chase it after we finish this.”

"Yes, Li Zhi."

The soldiers of the Super Blue Army have witnessed Li Tang's incredible strength because they trained with him.

The Blue Army soldiers all called Li Tang Li Zhi.

"Attention, the action will begin in one minute!"

Time: 22:03
The unmanned armed transport helicopter quickly lowered its altitude, and when it approached the bow, Lao Lin, along with a soldier, was the first to descend by rope.

Afterwards, the helicopter approached the entrance to the third deck, and Captain Xiao led his men down by rope.

The helicopter flew over the cruise ship again, slowly approaching the sky outside the porthole of room 308, and a rope dropped.

Li Tang climbed down the rope and floated in the air outside the porthole of Room 308.

At this time, Captain Xiao had already led his men to knock on the doors of rooms around 308 and quickly evacuated the guests inside.

The rest of the soldiers stood guard at the door of 308, ready to break in at any time.

During this process, Li Tang kept staring at the image on the helmet screen, which was exactly the situation in Room 308 transmitted back by [Invisible Shadow].

At this moment, Miu Xiu Minzi in the room seemed to still be sleeping.

Li Tang noticed that Captain Xiao had already led his men to evacuate the passengers next door, and he immediately swung down. A sharp blade instantly popped out from under his left arm, shattering the porthole with one strike.

The body wrapped in armor crashed into room 308.

The next second, the person on the bed sat up in shock.

The towel was dropped, revealing an alluring figure and a sharp cry.

"Who are you?!" (Eastern Japanese)

When Li Tang heard this Eastern Japanese language, it instantly reminded him of the puppet language of the puppet people in his memory of time and space.

Almost 90% of it was the same, Li Tang heard it clearly.

Even he can tell.

The electromagnetic rifle in his right hand was pointed at the woman in front of him and he shouted, "Mizu Hideko, you are under arrest!" (Eastern Japanese)

At the same time, the door was knocked open and Captain Xiao and his men rushed in simultaneously.

"What did you say...ah——" The woman had just said half of her sentence when she saw Captain Xiao and others rushing in and started screaming again.

Li Tang immediately felt something was wrong and pointed to the mirror beside him, saying, "Look at yourself!"

The woman looked at the metal monsters that suddenly broke into the cabin, and she moved tremblingly from the bed to the mirror.

When the woman saw herself in the mirror, she screamed again and reached out her hands to touch and pull her face.

"Nani, why did my face change?"

At this time, Zero's voice sounded in Li Tang's communicator.

"Dean, this person's current behavior characteristics do not match those of Mizuhide Toshiko. She should be the resident of Room 308, Yamaguchi Masae."

Li Tang naturally understood, and turned to Captain Xiao and said, "Take one person and stay behind. Wait for the police to assist the personnel to come on board and ask this Yamaguchi Masae."


At this time, Zero had already synchronized the information from Yue Guoqiang. When Li Tang heard that Shen Danqing was knocked unconscious and tied in the closet, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

Zero suddenly said, "Dean, the lifeboat suddenly exploded and sank, and the people on the lifeboat died!"

"What?! The lifeboat exploded and sank, and everyone died?"

Li Tang was shocked when he heard this.

Just after listening to Shen Danqing's situation, I felt something was wrong. The speedboat here exploded and sank, and the people who escaped died and sank into the sea.

The dead person is definitely not Shui Xiuminzi!

It was obvious that Shui Xiu Minzi had been setting up a maze tonight, and her various actions were all intended to confuse her pursuers.

Want to hide its true purpose in the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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