Chapter 209: Consciousness Crossing Dimensions
Shui Xiuminzi must know that Li Tang has all kinds of high-tech means to hunt her down.

She would create all kinds of confusion, obviously just to escape from high-tech surveillance.

Because she thought she had obtained some key technical information.

So, where did Misu Xiu Minzi go?
Another point is that Shui Xiuminzi's way of dealing with Shen Danqing is quite puzzling. Does she think that she can keep Shen Danqing out of the matter in this way?

"Director Li, does the place where the lifeboat sank need to be salvaged?"

Li Tang nodded and said, "Of course, when the police arrive, you can talk to them and ask the marine police to coordinate with the personnel to salvage the body.

In addition, Mizuhiro Toshiko must still be on the cruise ship. You should talk to the captain and check all the staff to see who is missing.

Also, find out who helped the escapees lower the lifeboat and take them all under control. Take this Yamaguchi Masae away as well. Remember to have the captain arrange places for them to be detained separately."


Looking at these armed men wrapped in iron armor, Yamaguchi Masae didn't dare to say much. After putting on her clothes, she was taken out of the room by the people arranged by Captain Xiao.

Li Tang glanced around the room. It was a suite. Obviously, this Yamaguchi Masae was a rich person. So how did Mizuhide Toshiko target her?

The two knew each other before. Was she here to pick up Shui Xiuminzi?
No, there's no reason to involve yourself in this.

If she didn't know her, how could Mizuhide Toshiko get in here in such a short time, knock Yamaguchi Masae unconscious, and quickly change her appearance and makeup?
Wait, there's another person. Could it be that the person who got on the lifeboat gave Shui Xiu Minzi convenience and helped her complete it?

However, the maze set up by Shui Xiuminzi still has a fatal flaw. Isn't she afraid that the cruise ship will be stopped by the police and taken back to the port for investigation?
Even if there are thousands of people on the entire ship, it will only take a few hours to check them.

She wanted to hide in a corner of the ship?

If it were me, and I wanted to hide on the boat, where would I hide?
While thinking, he had already walked from the bedroom to the living room.

At this moment, Lao Lin arrived with the captain.

"Li Zhi, this is the captain."

"Chief, if you need anything, I will fully cooperate. I hope we can catch the KB elements as soon as possible."

The captain was shocked by the coolly dressed soldiers in the military, but he was also extremely worried. How powerful must the KB elements be for the authorities to send out such a force?
God help me, please don't let there be a firefight on this ship!

"Well, how many people are there on your staff?"

"There are 389 people in total, including 1046 tourists and 1435 people on board." The captain answered very quickly and was even the first to answer.

Li Tang glanced at the captain and asked, "Can you make sure the number of people is correct?"

The captain felt that Li Tang's look made him inexplicably want to pour out his heart, and he quickly raised his hand to swear:
"Commander, I swear I am absolutely correct. Tourists board the ship by scanning the QR code on their tickets, and the staff are checked by me before boarding.

This process is recorded by surveillance cameras and you can view it at any time."

Li Tang nodded and said, "Thank you for your help. Lao Lin, go and make a copy with the captain. Remember, it should be all the surveillance videos of the entire ship."

There was at least a dozen minutes' gap between the time Mizuhito Toshiko boarded the ship from the dock and the time the two Predators were in the air. Perhaps the surveillance videos on the ship could make up for that.

As for whether there is a possibility that Mizuki Toshiko jumped into the water and escaped when the boat was moving, perhaps it is possible.

But judging from Yamaguchi Masae's performance, Mizuhide Toshiko was probably on the boat when she was hypnotized, so that Yamaguchi Masae completely forgot what happened.

Suddenly, Li Tang seemed to have thought of something, and asked the team member guarding the door: "Where did the guests in the left and right rooms go?"

The team member replied: "Report, they were taken to the restaurant on the third deck. They should be back soon."

Li Tang nodded and said, "Okay, go and urge them. I need to talk to the guests in the rooms on both sides."


Li Tang walked into room 306 on the left, which was also a suite. Obviously, the rooms nearby should be high-end rooms.

He used the scanning function of his helmet to scan the entire room, but found nothing.

He turned around and went to room 308 to the right of room 310 and checked it again.

Just as I was about to leave, the scanner suddenly made a beep.

Li Tang suddenly stopped, turned around and aimed the scanning port at the corner.

The helmet display instantly showed that there was an inconspicuous door there, and behind the door, against the wall, there was a large box with a curled-up human figure inside.

It turns out there is a small room connected to this place.

The outline of the large box scanned instantly reminded Li Tang that when Zero first reported that Shui Xiu Minzi had escaped, he mentioned that she was carrying a large box.

He didn't care at all at the time, after all, it was normal to carry a suitcase when going out.

The built-in scanner on the helmet not only has thermal imaging function, but is also connected to a life detector. It can detect any living thing, with a scanning detection distance of 20 meters.

When Li Tang designed this function, he thought that when fighting indoors, this function could help find the position of the enemy behind the wall.

It can be regarded as a supplement to the thermal imaging function, ensuring the team's dominant position in indoor combat.

Unexpectedly, a discovery was made.

Although he was the only one here at this moment, he was not afraid at all. Not to mention the armor, even if he faced Shui Xiu Minzi without any equipment, he could still deal with it.

After all, Mizuhito Toshiko's most powerful hypnosis should have no effect on him.

When he unzipped the suitcase, a face with wide eyes appeared before him.

Under the spotlight of his helmet, his big eyes did not close because of the sudden strong light, but opened wide instead.

A pair of black eyes, like gems in the dark night, appear extremely deep.

Even if it's through the helmet, looking into these eyes through the eyepiece.

Li Tang also fell into that dark depth in an instant.

Li Tang's consciousness seemed to be traveling at high speed in the darkness, just like a dream he had before. However, it was completely different from the silence of any previous dream. His consciousness seemed to be able to hear some kind of cosmic sound.

Rumbling, like a galloping train.

Li Tang's consciousness seemed to be rushing towards the source of the sound.

There seemed to be a lot of darkness ahead, and Li Tang's consciousness seemed to be about to tear open that darkness.

But just at the point, his consciousness began to fade, as if he was about to fall back into some kind of darkness.

At this moment, a voice from nowhere appeared directly in Li Tang's consciousness.

"...You saw the future, where civilizations rise and fall..."

It was like a nightmare suddenly reappearing in my mind!

The earth is as black as ink, with ruins everywhere.

It was snowing heavily, but the snow was black.

The underground fire shot up into the sky and lava raged across the earth.

There is a thousand miles of barren land and no one lives there.

The sea seemed to have lost its former rough waves, and it seemed like a puddle that was about to dry up, and the water was all black.

On the cracked earth, there were countless whale frames and all kinds of corpses, including countless skulls and human heads.

Suddenly, the earth shook, and countless robots of various shapes ran across the wilderness.

In the sky that was within reach, above the continent with the brilliant starry sky, countless [predators] suddenly flew out, densely packed and covering the sky.

The war broke out in an instant, with lasers flying and bullets raining down.

In the sky, [Predator] were shot and fell like raindrops.

On the ground, robots exploded with fireworks.


This doomsday-like world seemed to appear in Li Tang's bird's-eye view in an instant, allowing him to look at all this tragedy as if from a God's perspective.

Li Tang originally thought that this was a dream he had once had.

However, what he saw next made his heart tremble.

It was as if an invisible wave swept across the earth in an instant, and the countless army of robots was instantly burned into ruins.

In the sky, a huge round ship slowly descended like a black curtain.

An enlarged version of the [Predator] suddenly rushed up from the ground, its speed surpassing the remaining [Predators] in the sky.

When this [Predator] passed through the defense line formed by those [Predators], Li Tang could see a red five-pointed star painted on its bottom and side.

Before those [Predators] could intercept it, the red five-star [Predator] rushed towards the giant sky ship like lightning.

The light burst out blindingly, and the dazzling particle cannon beam hit the giant ship like lightning.

There was a violent explosion, and the giant ship seemed to be injured, but at the same time, a ray of light pierced the red five-star [Predator].

Amid the explosion, a humanoid object flew out from the flames and rushed towards the giant ship again.

He actually rushed into the giant ship!
No, it was the giant ship that opened its huge mouth and swallowed him inside.


This scene was just like the one when Li Tang asked Zero to record the final chapter of the Tianlong space-time story, but it was never as real as it was now.

In an instant, Li Tang's consciousness seemed to surge in strength, and the dark curtain in front of him was suddenly torn apart.

At that moment, Li Tang's consciousness saw a strange scene.

In a void of space, there is a huge object that looks like a star cluster, stretching for countless light years.

It was as if a giant beast was rushing towards where his consciousness was.

Among them, there are strands of matter like starlight, extending like tentacles to where his consciousness is.

This made Li Tang look down subconsciously.

The place where it is located is actually a huge monster like a star cluster.

The two tentacles touched, as if they were about to collide.

Li Tang's consciousness instinctively wanted to stop it. At that moment, a number flashed in his consciousness.


A flash of enlightenment instantly awakened Li Tang's consciousness.

"There is an alien consciousness invading!"

In the darkness, Li Tang's consciousness saw the light, and he jumped towards the light without hesitation!
"...Forget about this place and leave..."

A soft voice echoed.

Li Tang saw those dark eyes again, and a smile suddenly appeared on his expressionless face.

"Shui Xiu Minzi, you are under arrest!"

(End of this chapter)

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