Chapter 236 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang
The sudden sound of Zero made Su Yafei's face turn red instantly. She broke free from Li Tang's arms and ran out of the office in a hurry.

Li Tang licked his lips and sighed slightly, "Zero, from now on, when Yafei and I are alone together, it's best not to disturb us unless something urgent happens."

"Yes, Dean. But what kind of things are urgent?"

"Uh... it's the kind that if I don't deal with it, a lot of people will die."

Zero said: "Dean, what I just reported is a matter of this level. The Empire's "Freedom's Fury" operation will definitely cause casualties in Beilusong."

Li Tang was stunned and said, “Okay, you are right… um… no, the matter is indeed at this level, but I don’t need to deal with it immediately.

This is already in the plan, and we have a response plan. No one involved in the plan has sent an emergency request, right?"

Zero said, "Okay, I understand."

Li Tang thought for a moment and said, "Forget it. Since you have already reported it, let's take a look at the current situation. I remember that a dedicated satellite has been arranged for monitoring. Is there any footage I can watch?"

Zero said: "According to the plan, six StarNet II satellites have been assigned to accurately monitor the USS Ronald Carrier Strike Group, the USS Theodore Carrier Strike Group, the USS Jordi Hill Aegis Destroyer, the Canadian Air Force Base, the Base Air Force Base, and the Guam Base.

Don't know which picture you want to see?
Just a reminder, there are still ten minutes left before midnight.

Satellite images are mainly infrared images, and even if I complete the processing, it will not have a good visual effect. "

Li Tang said: "Uh... forget it, I won't watch it. Wait until the first wave of the Empire's attack is completed, then inform me of the situation."

"Yes, Dean."

Li Tang suddenly remembered something and asked, "Where is our armed freighter fleet now? They should have unloaded all the cargo they needed, right?"

"The armed freighter fleet has just left Kabugao Port and is currently on an international route heading south. It is expected to pass through the waters near Yandao around 5 a.m. tomorrow."

"So, they should be within the combat radius of the Ronald aircraft carrier strike group now?"

Zero said, “Yes, the radars of both sides can see each other even though they are separated by Lusong Island.

However, they were unable to quickly identify the fleet from the large number of cargo ship radar signals on international routes.

However, the USS Ronald Carrier Strike Group will not temporarily consider this to be our armed cargo ship fleet.

Because our fleet's AIS signal is being carried by the Hunter and is near the Camillo Naval Base."

Li Tang said: "Tell Duan Yang to maintain wartime status, but there is no need to sail in silence.

If the USS Ronald Carrier Strike Group dares to cause trouble and send carrier-based aircraft to harass us, we must resolutely fight back.

I give him the authority to command the fleet admiral!"

Zero said, "Yes, Dean, the order has been conveyed."

"Well, I'm going to continue the first wall material experiment. You ask the [Seiko] assistants to get ready."

"Yes, Dean, we'll be ready in ten minutes."



Let’s go back 40 minutes to Kabugao Port in northern Luson.

Paulo Santos paced back and forth on the dock anxiously.

This is actually not the original Kabugao Fishing Port. The original fishing port is 15 kilometers away to the east. You have to turn around the small cape that extends into the sea in the east to see it.

If you look at the latest map of Lusong, this is just a seaside slope planted with corn.

Paulo Santos, commander of the 2rd Brigade of the 203nd Division of the People's Army and the highest commander stationed in the Kabugao area.

More than three months ago, he was just a technician at the local shipyard here.

Who could have thought that the world is so unpredictable and everything here would undergo earth-shaking changes?
When Paulo Santos looked up, what he saw was not the sky, but the roof of a factory building that was 100 meters high.

Strictly speaking, the dock under his feet was just a section of a harbor in a shipyard.

The length of this section alone is more than a kilometer.

At this time, the entire harbor was filled with seawater, and a huge alloy concrete door had already been opened in the direction of the factory building facing the sea.

This makes it look like a roofed pier.

There are ten such factory harbors in this bay.

Each giant harbor can accommodate the construction and maintenance of two giant ships of more than 100,000 tons at the same time!

It's a pity that Paulo Santos has never worked for a day in his old job: shipbuilding or ship repairing, since he was recruited as a shipyard technician.

But if he were given the choice again, he would still choose to join the People's Army.

Paulo Santos never thought that just over three months would give him faith and transform him from an ordinary ship repair technician into a senior officer of the People's Army.

If it weren't so magical, how could he establish his faith?
All this is just as the mentor said, this is a great change brought about by science and technology. The people of Lusong have suffered too much, it is time for change.

In the past, people always said that people in Lusong were content to lag behind, unwilling to work hard, and pursuing slow-paced, easy jobs, which was why the lower class people were so poor.

Look at those dragon descendants who came to Lusong to work hard. They work hard, so they control most of the wealth of this country.

Paulo Santos, a mechanic at a small shipyard, once believed this statement and looked at the Dragon tourists with disgust.

However, Paulo Santos, who fought his way out of the virtual Red Star world in the People's Army and eventually became one of only ten army brigade commanders, has scoffed at such claims!

This was simply a fabrication by Iberian colonists, and was further promoted during the imperial colonial period.

In fact, this was all done by the colonial ruling class in order to better enslave the local people of Lusong, PUA them, and make them believe that Lusong’s wealth was taken away by the Long people.

Even though Lu Song later founded the country, the powerful political elites controlled by more than 400 families still used this ruling logic to fool the people and shift the blame.

Is it true that every low-level Lusong person living in the slums is unwilling to work hard for a better life?

of course not!

Because no matter how hard they try, they can't see any hope for a better life, so they just give up.

The mentor is right, this old world must be broken and a world must be established where everyone has the right to pursue a better life.

Paulo Santos turned back and what he saw was a miracle created by technology.

Various tall tower cranes and shipbuilding/ship repairing equipment are everywhere.

Paulo Santos firmly believes that this is definitely the most advanced shipyard in Luçon.

However, three months ago, this section of the bay was still a large slope extending to the sea, without even a beach, and the western part was even a cliff dozens of meters high facing the sea.

Such a barren land was purchased by a company claiming to be from the empire to build an industrial plant.

Amid the locals' puzzled speculation, this large factory recruited a lot of local young and strong people and offered them enviable salaries, making many people proud to work for the factory.

Paulo Santos also joined the factory at that time. He still remembers that he started closed initial training not long after joining the factory.

Those who failed the initial training were eliminated and tasked with construction work on infrastructure projects such as peripheral road and house construction.

Those who passed the initial training like him became members of the People's Army.

Now, it is this method of pretending to build a plank road but secretly attacking Chencang that has allowed them to really change the situation in Northern Luzon overnight!

"Beep, a ship is about to arrive!"

A broadcast sounded throughout the port factory, awakening Paulo Santos from his memories.

He looked up with some excitement. On the dark sea, a huge ship was like a small mountain. Towed and supported by an unmanned tugboat, it passed through the huge harbor entrance and approached him.

A huge sense of oppression came over me.

This was the largest ship Paul Santos had ever seen in his life.

He knew that the ship was carrying a large number of spare parts that could be turned into heavy equipment for the People's Army here.

He also knew that an Imperial air strike against the People's Army was imminent.

Although it was unclear whether this place would become a target of air raids by the Imperial military, his task was to unload the items as quickly as possible and transport them to the mountain-shaped factory building at the back.

Duan Yang on the boat was also looking at this place with curiosity at this time, and found that it seemed similar to the harbor-style factory building of the Shangdu Headquarters Base Shipyard.

It's just that it's much quieter here, without the busy scene of the headquarters where robots are busy everywhere.

It seems that this place is really just treated as an indoor dock.

Oh, he also saw quite a few soldiers armed with live ammunition in the harbor factory, and many soldiers lined up in neat rows with their hands free, while a few were scattered at various key locations for guard.

From a distance, these soldiers looked like fully armed imperial soldiers.

At first glance, one would think this was some kind of Imperial naval base.

Duan Yang knew that all members of the People's Army were equipped with imperial weapons. Except for a small part that came from the spoils of the previous attack on the Cruz camp, all of them were actually counterfeit manufactured by their own factories.

The main feature is that it is more durable and cheaper!

At the same time, it can also make the Empire completely unclear about the source of the People’s Army’s weapons.

The armed freighter fleet docked at North Luson under the guise of escorting pirate law enforcement ships, but in fact it was delivering a large number of vehicle parts, various special armored products, a batch of production line equipment, etc.

At this time, the Hunter drone carrying the AIS transponder of the armed freighter fleet was accompanying the law enforcement ship to the Camilo Naval Base.

Even though Duan Yang didn't understand much, he knew that once those parts were assembled in the factory here, they would become Imperial-made Stryker wheeled armored vehicles.

Of course, since it is a copycat in appearance, there must be some changes inside, and they are definitely magical changes, and it is guaranteed that various derivative models will be available.

Especially it must be cheaper than the Empire's Stryker armored vehicle!
(End of this chapter)

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