Chapter 237 Confused F35
Previously, because the People's Army was underground and had no territory, it naturally did not have such heavy equipment.

But now, in the next period of time, the People's Army will engage in large-scale battles with the Lusong Army and the Imperial Army on the defense line south of Baguio.

To protect the infantry, armored vehicles are essential.

As for the tanks used for attacking the enemy, they will be equipped to the People's Army during the subsequent strategic counterattack.

Of course, Li Tang would not forget the drones that are now shining brightly on the battlefield in Eastern Europe, and he has already prepared for them.

"Commander Duan, Paul Santos, commander of the 2rd Brigade of the 203nd Division of the Lusong People's Army, has been ordered to come and receive the goods!"

Looking at the People's Army Brigade Commander who saluted him and spoke standard Mandarin, Duan Yang quickly completed the handover procedures on the tablet handed to him by the other party.

Only then did he understand that the People's Army soldiers in the port factory were there to unload and transport goods.

Obviously, there are no [Baigong] and [Seiko] robots deployed here yet, but fortunately, there are various lifting equipment, transport vehicles, etc.

The People's Army soldiers are obviously versatile and are quite skilled at doing this kind of dock workers' work. This is obviously not the first time.

"Brigadier Santos, your soldiers look pretty good. It turns out that only those who have experienced war can become good soldiers."

Paulo Santos said shyly: "In the battle last night, the enemy was too weak and we didn't really perform well."

Although he conducted the entire battle command with the assistance of the instructor deputy brigade commander, he had not yet fully demonstrated his ability. The two brigades of Lu Song's troops stationed in the area were defeated one after another by his troops and surrendered on a large scale.

It made him feel like he had been gathering up his strength for a long time and finally punched a pile of cotton.

Upon hearing this, Duan Yang looked Paul Santos up and down. His expression did not seem to be Versailles, but seemed to be telling the truth.

He couldn't help but put his arm around the other's shoulders and said, "Tell me, how bad is Lu Songjun?"

"Dish?" Paul Santos was stunned for two seconds before he reacted.

Although he quickly learned Dragon Mandarin through the virtual Red Star World, he rarely came across special expressions like "菜".

"It turns out that 'vegetable' can also mean 'weak'. Your Dragon language is very rich. Commander Duan, when you put it like that, it feels like the Lu Song army is really the dish of our People's Army."

Paulo Santos said this and laughed himself.

Duan Yang couldn't help but laugh when he heard that, and their laughter grew louder and louder.

During the unloading period alone, Paulo Santos and Duan Yang hit it off and had a lively conversation.

In the port factory, there is strength in numbers, and the cargo was unloaded quickly and transported away quickly.

Paul Santos shook Duan Yang's hand and said in standard Mandarin:

"Commander Duan, thank you very much for sending the valuable spare parts at this critical moment. Our People's Army will definitely make good use of them to defend our base."

This time the armed freighter fleet was led by Captain Duan Yang.

Although there is no title of naval fleet commander on the Red Star Security side, the headquarters had previously issued an order granting the temporary commander the power to make arbitrary decisions on the spot, and now Paulo Santos calls him "commander" left and right.

The thought of smoke rising from his ancestors' graves once again arose in Duan Yang's mind.

He patted Santos on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Commander Santos, you are so polite. If I didn't have another mission, I would definitely have a good drink with you."

Paulo Santos also said: “Well, remember this dinner, and when we liberate all of Lusong, I will definitely treat you!
The Imperial military will launch an airstrike tonight. For safety reasons, you need to evacuate here as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I'll remember that you owe me a drink. See you after we win!"

"Okay, see you after the victory!"

"Beep! The ship is leaving the port. Please get out of the way!"

As the broadcast sounded, the two waved goodbye.



It was late at night, the first day after Operation Thunder.

Time: 23:56
Location: Camilo Naval Base
In the port of the bay here, the old-fashioned ships that were previously parked have disappeared, and instead, many inflatable ships are floating.

There are even some large ship models made of spliced ​​wood, but they are painted black, so the material cannot be seen at all in the dark.

However, whether the photos were taken from satellites or secretly filmed from a distance outside the cordon, the photos looked no different from real ships.

Some camouflaged ships are even equipped with infrared devices to ensure that their power parts can display infrared characteristics.

On a stretch of coastline ten kilometers away from the base, a tall factory building was quickly built within one day.

Apart from the four walls and the roof, the entire factory building only has a simple harbor and dock, without any machinery or equipment.

At this moment, the old ships that originally belonged to the North Luson Squadron, as well as a captured imperial littoral combat ship, two supply ships, and a Coast Guard law enforcement ship, were all transferred here.

In the future, this will become a shipyard jointly owned by Lusong Shipbuilding, a subsidiary of Datang Shipbuilding, and the People's Military Government.

At this moment, an Imperial Coast Guard law enforcement ship entered the bay of the base at night.

The number 711 was clearly painted on the side of the ship.

Apparently, this was the law enforcement ship that was captured by Red Star Security this evening.

As the law enforcement ship approached the shore, a team of People's Army soldiers quickly boarded the ship and took all the crew members down. Sophis looked at the soldiers around him who were fully equipped with imperial equipment with a confused look on his face. He almost thought that he was transferred to the Imperial Navy Base.

Unfortunately, he soon noticed that there was a military emblem of a hammer and sickle intertwined on the front of these soldiers' helmets.

This logo gives Sophie a sense of long history.

The Empire had been in a cold war with the alliance of this symbol for half a century. When did such an armed organization appear in Lusong?
Sophie had been in Luçon for a short time and was unaware of the existence of the People's Army.

In fact, this armed group and the Lusong government had been fighting and negotiating for more than half a century.

Now it has been reborn and made a comeback with a brand new look!
Amid Sophie's confusion, he soon noticed that law enforcement ship No. 711 left the port again after they all disembarked.

At this moment, his heart sank.

For a moment, he doubted that he had not been transferred to Lusong.

Fortunately, he soon heard the local Tagalog language of Luçon. Even though he didn't understand it, he finally knew where he was.

Sophie saw that the first mate Kent tried to argue with one of the men who looked like an officer, but was warned by the soldiers beside him. The sound of the gun bolt being loaded frightened the crew members.

Kent immediately raised his hands and said repeatedly: "Sorry, I just want to know where we are."

The armed soldiers gathered all the crew members and made them stand in line.

At this time, the officer came over with his hands behind his back and said in English: "You are pirates, Red Star Security has given us the video of your confession.

This is the Camilo Naval Base in Luson, which was originally handed over to your empire by the puppet government as a base.

But now it has returned to the hands of the people of Luzon.

Since you are pirates, after being tried by the People's Court, you will serve your sentence here and undergo labor reform.

You will be released only after your sentence is completed.”

"We are not pirates, we are being framed!"

"Why did Red Star Security hand us over to you resistance fighters?"

"We protest, you cannot detain us in violation of humanitarian law!"


The officer's words immediately caused a commotion among all the crew members, and also triggered the sound of gun bolts being pulled.

The officer looked at the noisy crew with a stern face, suddenly pulled out the pistol from his waist, and fired two shots into the sky.

The crisp sound of gunfire shocked everyone.

"You pirates from the empire, you'd better behave yourself!
If you hadn't colonized our Lusong and plundered our wealth, how could we have so many poor and helpless people?

Allowing you to receive a fair trial is the greatest humanitarianism! "

At this moment, the air raid sirens rang out shrilly.

Everyone was startled and the crew members scattered and looked for cover everywhere.

The officer immediately shouted, "Quick, the Imperial air raid is coming, take them over there!"

Sophie rushed to the officer and asked anxiously, "Are you going to put us in a building that was attacked by airstrikes?"

The officer glanced at him coldly and said unhappily: "There is an air-raid shelter over there!"

At this moment, four F35 fighter jets are flying at an altitude of 30 meters, 8000 kilometers away from here.

In accordance with the combat plan, they released the AGM-158A JASSM anti-ship missiles on the weapon racks.

This anti-ship missile is the Imperial Military's latest long-range anti-ship missile with a range of 400 kilometers.

Using it here seems to be an overkill.

In particular, each F35 released two anti-ship missiles, a total of eight anti-ship missiles, which dived towards the target warship in the harbor of Camilo Naval Base at an astonishing speed.

A minute later, Campos, the lead pilot, noticed that the target had disappeared from the radar screen.

However, when four fighter planes later flew over the harbor to confirm the victory, Campos was a little confused.

In the harbor below, there was no fire as imagined, nor was there a sight of a large burning warship sinking.

Even at an altitude of 8000 meters, the images fed back by the camera would not be misleading to him.

After repeated confirmation, Campos, who had recovered from the shock, immediately reported to the base.

"Fox Cave, I'm Fox One, please answer if you hear me."

"Fox One, this is the fox den. Mission accomplished?"

"It has been confirmed that the target is not within the Camillo base, and there are no large ships nearby. The one just destroyed was a false target set up by the enemy. Report completed."

"Shit! Drop all the bombs on Camilo base and then return!" Obviously the commander of Fox Cave was a hot-tempered guy.

"Yes, Fox One received."

(End of this chapter)

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