Chapter 321 Battle of the Andaman Sea

Mark certainly knew that Longguo might make a huge demand.

Firwin has conveyed to him the latest instructions from the top leaders that the empire will implement a global contraction strategy.

All resources will be centered around supporting his plan to colonize Mars.

He was asked to ensure the success of the landing on Mars at all costs.

No matter what, we must find the alien probe and get the alien technology before Li Tang!

For this, the Empire will be willing to pay any price.

With this instruction, Mark felt that as long as Datang Aerospace was willing to help transport the damaged lunar module back, it would mean that the success rate of landing on Mars could be greatly improved.

Ham Nick had no idea that the wind direction at the top was about to change dramatically.

He reminded again: "If I negotiate and the other party's request exceeds your authority, will the higher-ups agree to it?"

Mark smiled and said, "Nick, don't worry about the negotiation, as long as you can convince them to ship the lunar module back to us.

You have made great contributions to the Empire's plan to colonize Mars!

Don't worry, since I have the authorization from the White House, I can make this decision."

Ham Nick was extremely shocked, but he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go now."

He didn't expect that the White House would give Mark such great authority.

Has the plan to colonize Mars reached such an advanced stage?
Has it gone beyond the historical Manhattan Project?
The empire is now in the midst of an economic crisis. Many chronic problems that have been buried for many years have erupted, and zero-dollar shopping is everywhere.

The most worrying thing is that the Lone Star State held a referendum on Christmas Day and passed a bill.

It's called the Lone Star First Act.

What does that mean?

That is to say, no matter in the economic, military, or cultural aspects, if any federal laws or regulations conflict with the relevant laws of the Lone Star State, the Lone Star State shall take precedence.

The whole content actually means separation, but people just played a word game.

Obviously, this is to get the federal side to take action to break some kind of deadlock.

If the federal government turns a blind eye, the Lone Star State will be able to rely on this bill to de facto disengage and boldly do many things.

At least one thing is that the Lone Star State can refuse to enforce the trade terms of the Western Alliance.

Just this relaxation alone would bring huge benefits to the Lone Star State.

But can the Federation allow this to happen?

Once the federation launches a counterattack, will there be unrest there?
With so many problems, the imperial top leaders seem to want to invest all resources into the plan to colonize Mars.

Do you want to move the empire to Mars?
However, the current research on Ecosphere 2 is not progressing smoothly, and it is not possible to completely break away from the material support from Blue Planet for the time being.

However, given the distance from Blue Planet to Mars, large-scale material transportation is required to support the operation of the Martian colony city.

The empire’s current technology is still unable to do it!
The more Ham Nick thought about it, the more he felt that the plan to colonize Mars was unreliable.

But he didn't say anything more to Mark, turned around and walked out of the command hall.



When Ham Nick was not struggling, the commander of the East Japanese Task Force, Nobuzawa Kuroda, was struggling to the core.

What he held in his hand was the instruction that had just come from Tokaier.

He was asked to find an opportunity to launch an attack on the Pagan Navy as soon as possible, to wipe out the Pagan Navy in one battle and to completely control the Pagan waters.

This would allow them to launch a sea-to-land attack to help the White Elephant Army defeat the Allied Forces.

This is the request of the ally White Elephant.

Previously, the two sides reached an alliance to jointly attack Pagan. Bai Xiang dispatched the army and Dong Wa dispatched the navy. The two armies cooperated to capture the southern part of Pagan.

The empire has already prepared for them to jointly support a new regime in Pagan.

When the coalition forces captured Naidu, some members of the Pagan People's Alliance had already fled Pagan and went to neighboring Siam.

This group of people maintains close ties with the Imperial Blue Particle Organization.

As long as Bai Xiang and Dong Wa defeat the coalition forces and drive them back to the northern part of Pagan, the entire southern part of Pagan will be enough to rebuild the regime.

After all, the area that the Pagan military government actually controlled was only the central and southern parts of Pagan.

In other words, this joint operation between White Elephant and East Wo can actually be regarded as initiated by the 2+2 Indo-Pacific Alliance led by the Empire.

The Indo-Pacific Alliance is another small circle created by the Empire, including the Empire, East Japan, Australia, and White Elephant.

Previously, the white elephant was somewhat on the edge of this small circle and did not really want to enter it.

But this time, with the instigation and assistance of the Empire and East Japan, the tempting fat meat of Pagan finally attracted the White Elephant into the circle.

And all of a sudden, I was trapped in it and couldn't extricate myself.

In desperation, the old immortal Mo Weng repeatedly sent Foreign Minister Su Sheng to Toukaier to urge the Eastern Wo.

The 80 troops on our side were all deployed with all their strength.

Your East Japanese task force has clearly reached the Andaman Sea, but it's just lingering at Pagan's doorstep.

This is clearly like sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight!

Foreign Minister Su Sheng has already made a harsh statement. "If the East Japanese task force does not start a war, then the White Elephant's own aircraft carrier strike group will be dispatched, and then the White Elephant will refuse East Japanese intervention in Pagan."

This kind of threat is still very effective against the Eastern Japanese.

Nobuda Takehisa's order to start war was finally sent to the commander of the task force, Kuroda Nobuzawa.

"Kuroda-kun, the fate of the empire depends on this battle, so all of you colleagues should work hard!"

Looking at the words of Togo Heihachiro, a famous naval admiral in Eastern Japanese history, in the order to start war, Kuron Nobuzawa sighed.

He ordered his adjutant, "Raise the Z-shaped flag and spread Togo-senpai's words to the entire fleet!"

"Hi." The adjutant took the order and left.

Nobuzawa Kuroda looked at the situation map in the war room and saw eight frigates of the Pagan Navy cruising within their own territorial waters.

But the missing ship is the Feiyu-class "Anawrahta"!

This situation started to occur yesterday. Kuroda Nobuzawa mobilized all the detection methods of the entire fleet, but failed to find the warship in the waters around the fleet.

To this end, he contacted the Imperial Navy directly and obtained satellite intelligence from the Imperial military.

There is still no trace of this warship in the satellite images.

It was as if the Anawrahta had never appeared.

It was precisely because of this that Kuroda Nobuzawa was hesitant and found it difficult to issue the order to start war.

Although the Pagan Navy had previously sunk its own Aegis battleship "Torikai", that could be regarded as a one-time conflict between the two countries.

The two sides have neither established diplomatic relations nor declared war on each other, and are not in a state of war.

In order to paralyze Pagan, the Eastern Japanese even sent a diplomatic team to negotiate with the Pagan joint military regime.

To discuss the bombardment of the Yanggao Bagan Naval Headquarters by the "Chokai" and related matters regarding the sinking of the "Chokai".

Because of this, the East Japanese combined fleet's arrival in the Andaman Sea can be seen as East Japanese pressure on Pagan.

But since the war had not started, Pagan would naturally not take the initiative to provoke a war.

This is also the reason why the Pagan Navy deliberately cruised within its own territorial waters. If the East Japanese Task Force attacks the Pagan Navy ships again this time, it really means that the two countries have officially gone to war.

Moreover, Eastern Japan will once again bear the infamy of sneak attack!
At this moment, when Kuroda Nobuzawa finally gave the order to start war, he felt relieved.

In any case, the East Japanese Fleet must go all out to destroy all ships of the Pagan Navy while making preparations for air defense.

With the arrival of the East Japanese Task Force, Pagan not only dispatched naval ships to patrol the territorial waters, but also dispatched air force fighters carrying air-to-ship missiles.

At first, the JF-17 fighter jets were dispatched directly.

However, they were driven away by the F35Bs that took off from the task force's two light aircraft carriers and could not get close to the task force at all.

The Eastern Japanese Task Force has two Izumo-class light aircraft carriers, which were originally helicopter carriers.

But after being transformed by Eastern Japan, it has become a light aircraft carrier capable of taking off and landing F35B fighter jets.

As a result, Eastern Japan purchased 20 F35Bs from the Empire and equipped the two aircraft carriers with 10 each.

It was precisely because of these 20 F35Bs that the East Japanese Task Force dared to travel thousands of miles to Pagan to conduct long-distance operations.

Even so, the Pagan Air Force has 60 Raptor C fighters.

Because the White Elephant has now deployed 60 Su-30MKI fighters in the east, which will tie down most of Bagan's Raptor C fighters.

The number of fighter planes that can be deployed to the south to deal with the Eastern Japanese fleet will not exceed 12.

This can be seen from the fact that the Pagan Air Force has only dispatched JF-17 fighter jets in the past few days.

The Eastern Japanese military also believes that the 20 F35Bs of the task force are enough to deal with the Raptor C fighters that may be transferred from the Pagan Air Force.

Kuroda Nobuzawa would certainly not take it lightly, as he had already fully understood the combat capability of the Raptor C fighter in the East China Sea.

On the sea, as the flagship aircraft carrier Izumo raised the Z-flag, the fleet began to launch all carrier-based aircraft.

As a supplement to the Imperial Navy, the East Japanese Fleet has always focused on anti-submarine warfare.

Its anti-ship capability is relatively far weaker than its anti-submarine capability.

But in the view of Nobuzawa Kuroda, this anti-ship capability should be enough for the Pagan Navy.

Since we can't find the Feiyu-class frigate, let's sink the other eight frigates first.

If the Feiyu-class ship is really hidden, it should appear once the war starts.

At the same time, Kuroda Nobuzawa released all 20 F35Bs. Except for leaving 8 as a means of fleet air defense, the remaining 12 were sent out by him.

I believe that these 12 F35Bs can also help us find the hidden Feiyu-class frigate.

At this time, the entire task force formed a circular defensive formation, and the Aegis destroyers were guarding the two aircraft carriers in the core circle.

The middle circle is composed of four top-class destroyers, and the outer circle is composed of the "Hatsuyuki-class" destroyers and two minesweepers.

At this moment, 11 "Hatsuyuki-class" destroyers are locking onto targets and launching anti-ship missiles.

The "Hatsuyuki-class" destroyers are equipped with two quad-mounted Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and each ship launched four Harpoon anti-ship missiles in the first wave.

Not only the "Hatsuyuki-class", but also the Kongo-class, Atago-class, and Mogami-class air defense ships participated in the first wave of anti-ship attacks.

Each warship launched four Harpoon anti-ship missiles, reaching 4 in the first wave.

The Eastern Japanese Task Force once again launched a surprise attack and launched the Battle of the Andaman Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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