Chapter 322 No martial ethics
Kuroda Nobuzawa believed that firepower is supreme, and that even a lion would use all its strength to fight a rabbit. His idea was to never give the Pagan Navy a chance to fire a second shot.

Attack Pagan 8 frigates, each assigned 10 anti-ship missiles.

This number of attacks has completely reached the level of saturation attack.

As the missile group flew over the sea towards its target, 12 F35Bs also flew towards the Bagan coastline.

Kuroda Nobuzawa believes that the reason why the Hiyu-class ship could not be found.

Most likely it is hiding in a harbor. After all, there are too many such harbors to hide in along the southern coastline of Bagan.

As long as it is hidden there, it would not be easy for the East Japanese fleet to find it among the large amount of coastal clutter with its radar search capability in the open sea.

Even satellites can be camouflaged.

After all, if you are on the shore, there are many ways to camouflage and avoid satellite detection.

However, once the F35B flies close to the coastline, this Feiyu-class frigate will be discovered again.

With the radar search capability of the F35B, a large ship like the Feiyu class would definitely not be able to hide.

Although the Eastern Japanese were never able to obtain any intelligence about the sinking of the Aegis battleship "Toriumi", Kuroda Nobuzawa still roughly calculated the situation at the time.

Judging from the position where the "Toriumi" was cruising at the time, the Hiyu-class ship was most likely hiding in a harbor and suddenly launched an anti-ship missile.

This is why the "Toriumi" failed to detect the enemy in advance, and by the time the missile was about to hit it, it was too late.

This time, the task force distanced itself and the fleet was in the open sea outside Mottama Bay.

Not only are there five Aegis warships, but there are also two light aircraft carriers with powerful air defense radars, which are enough to ensure that there will be no more sneak attacks by Feiyu-class frigates.

After the first wave of attacks was launched, Kuroda Nobuzawa looked at the situation map quietly.

Listening to the busy sounds of the crew members doing their duties in the war room.

At this moment, his heart was extremely calm.

After more than 70 years, the East Japanese Combined Fleet finally showed its fangs again.

When 80 anti-ship missiles were divided into eight groups and flew towards the locked targets.

The eight frigates of the Pagan Navy are currently patrolling along the edge of the territorial waters in the Mottama Bay.

The Pagan Navy is divided into groups of two frigates, with a distance of only 5 kilometers between the two ships, and a distance of 60 kilometers between each group.

The two ships' Phalanx and close-in air defense missiles can support each other and form a defensive fire network.

Faced with the overwhelming numerical advantage of the East Japanese Navy.

After sinking the "Chou Hai", the reorganized Pagan Navy did not make any preparations.

Taking advantage of the strong manufacturing capabilities of Yanggao Shipyard, the eight existing second-rate frigates were simply and quickly modified.

The designers of Datang Precision did not make any fuss about these four models of eight frigates.

Only all close-in defense weapons except the main gun and two quad-mounted C2 anti-ship missiles were removed.

The eight frigates have been equipped with the latest electromagnetic close-in defense gun system, greatly enhancing their close-in defense and anti-missile capabilities.

The energy provided by these electromagnetic close-in defense gun systems is the energy storage system constructed with ultra-high-quality lithium-crystal batteries.

The three electromagnetic close-in defense guns can ensure that the warship has powerful point and area firing capabilities in a 360-degree range within a 5-kilometer range.

For anti-ship missiles with a speed below 5 times the speed of sound, it can basically achieve full protection.

Otherwise, they would face the powerful anti-ship missile capabilities of the East Japanese Task Force consisting of up to 20 destroyers and frigates.

How dare the new navy of Pagan send out these eight less advanced frigates to deliver food?

In fact, this was the bait placed before the East Japanese Task Force.

The real killer weapon of the new Pagan Navy is the Feiyu-class frigate with powerful stealth capability.

This time, three Feiyu-class frigates were dispatched.

There are a total of 324 vertical launch units, which can launch 324 [Baihong] all-purpose missiles at one time.

Of course, for the sake of self-protection, such extreme situations will not happen.

The East Japanese Task Force consists of 2 light aircraft carriers, 20 destroyers and frigates, 2 minesweepers, and 4 supply ships.

Excluding the supply ships, there are a total of 24 large warships. With the combat effectiveness of the [Baihong] all-purpose bomb, four missiles are enough to successfully break through.

In other words, the new navy of Pagan only needs to launch 96 "White Rainbow" missiles to send the East Japanese task force into the seabed and then capture four supply ships.

Of course, the two Izumo-class light aircraft carriers may need to add four more missiles, so a total of 2 missiles will be enough.

Because of this, Admiral Zong Aung, the new naval commander of Pagan, is standing in the war room of the "Anawrahta" with full confidence.

Looking at the holographic projection of the battlefield situation map, Admiral Zong Ang gave a decisive order.

"The enemy launched a blatant sneak attack on me, and my troops will resolutely fight back.

I order an immediate saturation missile attack on the enemy fleet!

Except for its supply ships, there are 24 targets, 2 aircraft carriers are allocated 12 [Baihong] missiles each, and the remaining 22 warships are allocated 6 [Baihong] missiles each.

We must hit the target with one strike and completely wipe out the East Japanese task force!"

Captain Xu Chongming next to him had a gleam of surprise in his eyes, and he immediately asked the war room to issue this order.

In the pre-war plan, the light aircraft carrier was attacked with 6 missiles each, and the remaining 4 warships were attacked with 22 missiles each. Unexpectedly, when the battle was about to begin, Admiral Zong Ang actually increased the number of missile attacks. This number of [White Rainbow] missile attacks was probably considered a super saturation attack.

It has a bit of an unsportsmanlike meaning.

Of course, the Eastern Japanese were not aware of the power of [Baihong], and perhaps they did not think that this number of missile attacks was a saturation attack.

When Xu Chongming sank the "Toriumi" himself, he also used 6 "Baihong" missiles.

At this time, he certainly would not question Admiral Zong Ang's decision.

However, after that battle, a review of the results was conducted and it was determined that 6 [White Rainbows] were indeed too many.

That is to say, even if the "Toriumi" deployed the maximum 12 Standard 3 air defense missiles at that time, it could still accurately hit and sink the ship with 4 "Baihong" missiles.

At this time, three Feiyu-class frigates were sailing in the waters of the Mergui Archipelago south of Bagan in a V-shaped formation.

With the help of the numerous small islands in the Mergui Archipelago, the East Japanese Task Force was unable to detect the small fleet hidden here from so much radar clutter.

When the East Japanese Task Force came through the Malacca Strait, it had dispatched F35B carrier-based aircraft to search around this area.

However, they did not discover that the real trump card of the Pagan Navy was hidden here.

On the one hand, it is because of the powerful stealth performance of the Feiyu-class frigate.

On the other hand, in order to avoid a surprise attack by Pagan's shore-to-ship missiles, the East Japanese Task Force sailed northward along the open sea after leaving the Mali Strait.

This is the fatal oversight caused by intelligence differences.

In the eyes of the Eastern Japanese, the main force of the Pagan Navy must be guarding the Mottama Bay line.

The eight frigates originally owned by the Pagan Navy were indeed stationed there.

This created a fixed mindset for Kuroda Nobuzawa, even when he requested intelligence support from the Imperial military and used satellites to search for the Hiyu-class frigate.

The search scope is basically limited to this area.

They never imagined that Pagan's trump card was hidden more than 300 kilometers behind the East Japanese Task Force.

At this time, Kuroda Nobuzawa could clearly see from the situation map that the Harpoon anti-ship missiles launched by his side were flying towards eight targets.

Although the eight frigates of Pagan were arranged in groups of two, the distance between each group was relatively far.

However, the East Japanese Combined Fleet had already adjusted to the corresponding position, so that the fleet was about 200 kilometers away from the eight frigates.

That is to say, at the cruising speed of 0.83 Mach of the Harpoon anti-ship missile, it takes 14 minutes of flight time to hit the target.

Just three minutes after the missile was launched, the fleet's alarms suddenly sounded.

Kuroda Nobuzawa suddenly saw on the situation map that a large number of high-speed targets took off in the direction of the Mergui Islands behind the fleet.

This is the response of the fleet-level command system assigned to the Izumo-class aircraft carrier.

It deployed five Aegis radar systems to conduct all-round monitoring of the fleet's perimeter.

This is the power of the Aegis battleship.

However, its maximum detection distance is 350 kilometers in maximum power mode, while it can only detect 80 kilometers in low power mode.

The task force is now in wartime, so it will activate the maximum power mode regardless of the electricity consumed.

Otherwise, the task force would not have been able to detect the large number of high-speed objects flying towards the fleet from the direction of the Mergui Archipelago.

“Commander, we have determined that the high-speed objects coming from the Mergui Archipelago are 156 anti-ship missiles.

The model is suspected to be the Eagle Strike 23 hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missile mentioned in the intelligence, with a flight altitude of 3 meters and a speed of 2.8 Mach.

It is expected to reach the airspace above the fleet in 5 minutes and hit our fleet in 6 minutes."

Kuroda Nobuzawa felt dizzy.

The country's own intelligence system had indeed long confirmed that the anti-ship missile that sank the "Toriumi" was a new type of anti-ship ballistic missile.

Otherwise, the task force would not have deployed five Aegis air defense destroyers, and replaced the four Hatsuyuki-class destroyers with four Mogami-class destroyers with stronger air defense capabilities.

However, hasn’t the intelligence always confirmed that the Pagan Navy only has one Feiyu-class frigate?

And the performance of this Feiyu-class frigate should be similar to that of 054A.

That means there are only 32 vertical launch units at most. Even if all of them launch anti-ship missiles, there are only 32 missiles!

To launch 156 anti-ship missiles this time, at least 5 warships are needed.

Excluding the vertical launch units that cannot launch anti-ship missiles, at least 10 warships would be needed, right?
When did the Pagan Navy purchase so many warships?
Is our intelligence department crap?

He can’t even find so many warships, he is such a traitor!
After the thought flashed through his mind, Kuroda Nobuzawa immediately issued the air defense and anti-missile combat order.

The Aegis radar system quickly locked onto the incoming high-speed target, began to allocate, and immediately launched the Standard Missile 3.

In an instant, the sea where the fleet was located was like an octopus suddenly emerging, and one Standard 3 after another soared into the sky and flew towards the rear of the fleet.

Now that he has the Aegis air defense warships, Kuroda Nobuzawa must not allow danger to get too close to the fleet.

The Standard-3 air defense missile has an astonishing range of 500 kilometers and a firing altitude of 160 kilometers and was originally designed for regional missile defense.

There should be no problem in using it to provide an air defense umbrella for the fleet at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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