Chapter 323 Fleet Elegy
After the "Toriumi" was sunk, no detailed information about its sinking was obtained.

However, after repeated research and analysis, the Eastern Japanese Navy determined that the "Toriumi" was too close to the coast and the enemy ship took advantage of the harbor to approach secretly.

As the distance was too close, the air defense network constructed by Standard 3 had no time to react and was attacked by the enemy.

Therefore, this time Kuroda Nobuzawa placed the entire fleet in the open ocean instead of near the coast.

Although this has resulted in the failure to promptly discover the true main force of the Pagan Navy hidden in the Mergui Archipelago.

But fortunately, we have created this distance, which gives us time to react in time.


After Kurosawa Nobuda issued the air defense combat order, five Aegis warships immediately began to launch Standard Missile 3 air defense missiles at the locked incoming missiles.

With the setting of two missiles to hit one, the first batch of 2 Standard 312 air defense missiles were launched into the air in just two minutes.

At the same time, the four most advanced ships were ready to fire at any time to catch any fish that had escaped the net.

Because the incoming missile is a supersonic anti-ship missile and its attack route is different from the traditional sea-skimming attack mode.

The incoming missile uses a ballistic attack mode similar to that of a ballistic missile, so the interception time is no more than 5 minutes.

In other words, the second wave of air defense missiles should be launched at this time.

Otherwise there will be no chance to launch again.

As expected, Kuroda Nobuzawa issued two orders at this time.

One required the four most advanced ships to immediately launch 4 Standard Missile 64s, with the targets directly assigned by the radar systems of the five Aegis warships via data links.

One requires 11 Hatsuyuki-class destroyers to launch all the remaining four Harpoon anti-ship missiles in two sets of quadruple mounts.

The target is also distributed via data link by the Aegis fighter's radar system.

Because at the moment when those missiles attacked, the Aegis radar captured three enemy ship targets.

There was a hint of determination in Kuroda Nobuzawa's eyes. If he couldn't defend against the incoming missiles, then he had to at least give the enemy ships the same blow.

All of a sudden, the four most advanced vertical launch units were operating frantically, with Standard Missile 4s launched vertically one after another, heading for the incoming missiles that had already begun to fall.

Almost at the same time, 11 Hatsuyuki-class destroyers fired all the remaining missiles in their anti-ship missile launchers.

44 Harpoon anti-ship missiles flew towards three targets in the Mergui Archipelago at a speed of 0.83 Mach.

In the era of sailing warships, naval guns fired at each other at a distance of only five or six hundred meters, followed by boarding battles.

By the time of ironclad ships and even dreadnoughts, naval guns could fire cross-fire at each other.

When the aircraft carrier appeared, a group of torpedo attack planes and dive bombers became the death knell of all ships.

From this time on, the biggest enemy of naval ships came from the air.

The air defense capability of a ship has become an extremely important performance indicator.

With the emergence of anti-ship missiles, air defense operations began to shift to anti-missile operations, and the difficulty increased to a higher level.

The emergence of the Aegis radar system and vertical launch unit combination has basically solved the problem of ship anti-missile.

Longguo's 055 goes a step further, upgrading the vertical launch unit technology to cold and hot co-launching.

In particular, by incorporating anti-ship missiles into the vertical launch unit, there is no need to arrange additional inclined-angle anti-ship missile launchers on the deck.

This makes the 055 destroyer superior to similar ships of other countries in terms of stealth performance.

Therefore, when the East Japanese intelligence department obtained the performance parameters of the Eagle Strike 23 anti-ship missile, they discovered that the anti-ship missile actually followed the trajectory mode of a ballistic missile.

The Eastern Japanese Navy Department concluded that the Hiyu-class frigate should be the export version of the 054C.

Because the 054C frigate is the same as the 055 destroyer, there are no inclined anti-ship missile launch boxes on the deck.

Obviously, the 054C frigates also all use vertical launch units, which enables the launch of various missiles from the same platform.

Only in this way can we launch the Eagle Strike 1000 anti-ship ballistic missile with a range of 21 kilometers.

Who would have thought that they would launch an anti-ship missile that simulates a ballistic missile.

Or an anti-ship missile similar to the Standard 6 air defense missile?

The speed of the incoming missile was calculated to reach Mach 2.8 at this time, and it took less than 7 minutes from the time it was discovered to the time it hit our fleet.

The East Japanese Task Force launched the first round of Harpoon anti-ship missiles in a surprise attack, attacking eight Pagan frigates 200 kilometers away.

At the 0.83 Mach speed of the Harpoon anti-ship missile, it takes 14 minutes.

As a result, just 3 minutes after the launch, the real main force of the Pagan Navy launched anti-ship missiles to attack the East Japanese fleet.

At the speed of the enemy's incoming missiles, that is, before the missiles launched by our side reach the eight second-rate frigates of Pagan, the East Japanese Task Force will first bear the attack of 156 missiles from the enemy.

At this moment, Kuroda Nobuzawa's eyes were fixed on the ever-changing situation map.

Those red missile markings represent incoming missiles.

At this time, it has begun to turn downward from an altitude of 3 meters!

There is also a group of green missile marks on the situation map, representing the first wave of Standard 3 air defense missiles launched by our side.

They are approaching those red marks.

Kuroda Nobuzawa looked at the missile marks of both sides getting closer and closer, and his hands unconsciously clenched into fists. He began to shout silently in his heart, "May Amaterasu bless us, we must succeed in intercepting!"

Kuroda Nobuzawa didn't dare to blink, and then he felt his eyes seemed to be blurry.

The incoming red missile mark seemed to jump on the situation map, and then the green missile mark of our side quickly disappeared!
What? Where are our own Standard Missile 3?
Why did it disappear? After the detonation, shouldn't the kinetic energy body generated hit the enemy missile?
Why are there 156 incoming missiles, not one less?

A total of 312 Standard 2 missiles, in a two-on-one mode, but not a single missile was intercepted?
How is this possible?
How is it possible that not a single missile was intercepted successfully?
The incoming missile just bounced a little and was able to completely avoid interception by the Standard Missile 3?
Countless questions instantly flooded into Kuroda Nobuzawa's brain, almost causing his blood vessels to burst.

At this moment, Kuroda Nobuzawa only felt his hands and feet were cold.

At this moment, the 156 incoming missiles were accelerating during their descent, and their speed had reached Mach 4.

He saw the second batch of 64 Standard 2 missiles rushing up!

The maximum firing altitude of the Standard 2 missile is only 24000 meters, so this batch of missiles was intercepted at an altitude of 2 meters.

Unlike the Standard Missile 2 and Standard Missile 3, the Standard Missile uses the traditional fragmentation type.

That is, it explodes on its own at a position close to the target missile, generating a large number of fragments to kill the incoming missile.

When the 64 green missile icons of our side disappeared on the situation map.

Kuroda Nobuzawa suddenly noticed that the number of incoming red missile markings had changed from 156 to 124!
Successfully intercepted 32 incoming missiles!
Kuroda Nobuzawa was so angry that he felt suffocated for a moment.

On the one hand, he ordered the entire fleet's close-in defense missiles and close-in defense artillery to open fire in an attempt to intercept the remaining missiles.

On the one hand, he instructed the intelligence officer to immediately send the situation to the rear headquarters.

At any rate, we must not allow the losses suffered by the fleet this time to be lost and not be transmitted back when the fleet’s warships sink.

If we had known that the Standard 2 warhead is more useful than the Standard 3 warhead, we should not have upgraded all the Standard 2 missiles on the Aegis air defense ships to Standard 3.

Just for the so-called regional anti-missile capability of Standard 3, the task force is now likely to suffer a great loss!
Obviously, if the warheads of the 312 Standard 3 missiles just now were also of the explosive fragmentation type, rather than the so-called kinetic energy bomb mode.

Maybe all 156 incoming missiles can be intercepted successfully!
Kuroda Nobuzawa couldn't help but close his eyes.

There was no time left, but fortunately he had made preparations in advance and sent the situation of today's battle back to headquarters as soon as possible.

Kuroda Nobuzawa heard the fierce firing of close-in defense guns outside, as well as the sound of short-range anti-aircraft missiles taking off.

Amidst the noise, he vaguely heard several huge explosions.

This should be a short-range air defense firepower network, which successfully intercepted several incoming missiles.

Kuroda Nobuzawa did not open his eyes to confirm.

Because it's really too late.

The next second, the "Izumo" light aircraft carrier under his feet produced a violent impact with a violent explosion.

Kuroda Nobuzawa was thrown up by the shock, and then fell heavily down.

A mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and Kuroda Nobuzawa felt as if all his internal organs were shaken and displaced.

Crawling on the ground, he felt four more violent tremors.

Something heavy hit his left leg, and the severe pain almost made him faint.

Kuroda Nobuzawa understood that his warship had been hit by missiles at least five times!

He knew that the battleship was finished!

In the era of missile naval warfare, two anti-ship missiles can basically ensure the sinking of a large ship.

The Izumo light aircraft carrier has a smaller displacement than similar-type aircraft carriers, so not enough materials are used in many places.

Five anti-ship missiles hit the Izumo at the same time, and the ship could no longer escape the fate of sinking.

Some subordinate officers tried to help him up, but at this moment the battleship had begun to tilt sharply.

Some people didn't have time to grab anything and instantly fell from mid-air, dying on the spot.

Kuroda Nobuzawa also couldn't grab anything to stabilize his body.

But because he was crawling on the ground, he slid all the way to the other wall of the war room as the ship tilted.

The intelligence officer happened to be next to him. "Commander, are we going to sink?"

Kuroda Nobuzawa wanted to laugh, but the pain in his body prevented him from laughing. He just twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Ahem... Yes, we are going to sink! I failed to lead you to victory..."

At this moment, another violent explosion occurred!

If you look down from the sky at this moment, you can see the tilting hull of the Izumo suddenly jumping on the sea.

Then it broke into two pieces, sank quickly, and disappeared on the sea!

At this moment on the sea, not only did the "Izumo" disappear quickly, but there were only 6 burning warships left.

About 10 kilometers away, four supply ships were speeding over, ready to rescue their own officers and soldiers who had fallen into the water.

Such a bleak situation shocked the hearts of the survivors of the East Japanese fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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